Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 January 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 MAf KAY’S the proprietor of THE STKAITS TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE. G. RAHIM KHAN, the IHAvna THE AUSTRALASIAN BAKERY AND m the 5.,»,» Bank t*4 and 14», Penang Road, London Direetorv Notice to Holders of Bearer- YV arrant*. I I 1 '©uvivo in roe savings dsiu auvaikavaa mu vV Wl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1540 2 Shipping. r7~~lr~iir~~-r-■Hjijgg 1 ]l| |y I I□£ ■SrzjW“ Tb<- pby f >oi>n’ 3 BURNS PHILP LINE.” 11 JU MMI j&MXfel ‘BS? SINGAPORE TO *J AVA PORTS, PORT ■Qi JIU B DARWIN THURSDAY ISLAND, Soar Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Apcneni Min rmn ■ll o 1.1 nPa I •QUEENSLAND PORTS, <k SY
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  • 1886 3  -  DY H. N. RIDLEY. This too abundant grass has on more than one occasion been suggested as of value as a paper-making material and many years ago a patent was taken out for its use in tins business. Experiments, on the grass and other possible
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  • 1302 3 —P.M.G. At the present time, when it seems probable that Dinizulu, the last important member of Tchaka’s family still at liberty, will be sent hack to exile, it is interesting to recall the fate of the other branches of the Zulu Royal line. Most people are
    —P.M.G.  -  1,302 words
  • 266 3 Exchange. Japan’s tapi ly growing competition in the snipping, shipbuilding, and coarse cotton export trades is causing uneasiness in Bi itish minds. '1 he manager of an important City firm having Eastern connections said that Japan within the past two or three years hail completely outstripped her rivals
    Exchange.  -  266 words
  • 203 3 The award to Mr. Rudyard Kipling of the Nobel literary priz®, which the testator decrees “to the best idealistic literary work.” has caused a good deal of surprise in Fiance, and M. de Vogue, in the Figaro, attempts to explain the honouring of le glorificat ur du
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colas. Th’s remedy acts no nature’s plan, allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, ami aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 62 3 From a Nova Scotia Publisher. Mr. H. G. Harns, publisher of the Advertiser, Kentvile, N. S makes the foil wing statement “I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for myself and family and find it to be one of the best medicines for coughs and colds that I ever tried.” For
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    • 61 3 Croup is Imminent. No matter how well your children may appear to be, you are never safe with ut a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the house. It never fails to relieve and is perfectly safe to give the little ones. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The
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    • 7 3 PRIZE MEDAL SAFES. McAlister Al Co., Ltd.
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    • 426 3 FOR SALE. w«rr..t t.Tfc. Kia.. /~?OOD SERVICEABLE. TURNOUT, VJ a very oomfort able 3 seated Victoria Wlth Rubber Tyres and a strong BOVRIL reliab,e Horse 4 is a true food and contains K DERRY, Albumen and Fibrine which uc Scotland Road, go to form Blood, Bone, Brain and Muscle. Beef-teas
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  • 165 4 Thursday, 9th January. Football: Final Cup Tie, P.C.C. r. Crescent, Esplanade. High water 4 30 p in. Low water 10 30 p.m Friday, 10th January. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Homeward B. I. Mail. High water 5 2 p.m. Low w»ter 11.20 p. in Saturday. Ilth January.
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  • 1048 4 I When a serious and semi-ufficisl journal I like the IN peeks Colonials finds it necesI sary to speak of the unrest among the I natives of ludo-Chiua in such strong terms I as those cabled by Reuter yesterday, we nlav I take it for granted
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  • 382 4 TWO PLANTERS FINED. For the first time in the history of Johore, a Judge from the Supreme Court in Singapore tried a case at Johore Bahru in which two Europeans were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a Kling coolie. A coolie who had been thrashed on
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  • 551 4 There will be a ride on Sunday next, the 19 h inst. meet at the Parade Ground at 6-45 a.m., and finish at the Swimming Club. The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., has for sale a few copies of the pamphlet on the early history of Perak which
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  • 639 4 A glorious morning, and the racing track in first-class order, helped to make those who had risen early this mornim? pleased that they had done so. That the forthcoming Meeting is to be a success from a racing point of view there can be no doubt. Plenty of
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  • 279 4 Thk Cvp Final. On the Esplanade, this evening at 5-15 p.m., the Penang Cricket Club and the Crescent F.C meet to play off the final tie in the Cup competition, which resulted in a draw on New ear’s Day. From the list of the teams below, it will been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 236 4 P RACE* WEEK* i SPECIALD INNER. Tuesday 14th January. 0 Thursday 16th M Saturday 18th BAND IN ATTENDANCE. SARKIES BROTHERS, J Proprietors. BOOKS FOR SALE, I SWETTEN HAM’S BRITISH MALAYA.” (Good, Clean, Second-hand Copies.) PRICE, $4-50. PAPERS ON MALAY SUBJECTS. “Malay BeKefs.” 1 by R- J. WILKINSON. Malay Literature, Parts
      236 words
    • 119 4 ftONTRI BUTION S mutt be addretted to The Editor, written onowspiile of the puper only and accompanied by the writer’* HMM and addrett, not necessarily f<it ihsirliou but a« a guarantee of good faith. 4LL monte* mutt be paid at the Pynang Gazette" Office, Penang, to the General Manager, Mr.
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  • 325 5 THE LONDON SHARE MARKET. A FIRM TONE. From Our Own Correspondent.] London, Bth Jan. The rubber share market shows a firm tone. Messrs. J. Russell Grant J: Co.’s rubber share market ieport, to hand by the mail, states London, 19th Dec. The market for Malay and Ceylon rubber companies
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  • 109 5 A BELATED ENQUIRY. 'Reuter’s Service Loudon, 9th Jau. The Irish Government has app >iuted a Commission of Enquiry to enquire into the Dublin jewels robbery. llt will be recalled that on 6th July an official connected with the Office of Anns, Dublin Castle, discovered that the
    'Reuter’s Service ]  -  109 words
  • 80 5 GUARDING NAVAL HARBOURS AN IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth Jan. The London Gazette publishes a notification to the effect that British naval harbours at Home ami abroad must be approached with the greatest caution whenever searchlights are seen in constant operation. Furthermore, it is announced in the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  80 words
  • 46 5 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION [Reuter’s Service] London, 9th Jan. A telegram from Washington states that Senator Albert J. Beveridge (Republican representative of Indian*) has introduced a Bill in the Senate authorising the appoiutiue it of a non congressional commission to revue the Federal tariff.
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  46 words
  • 52 5 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Berlin, Bth Jan. Wireless telegraphic communication has been established between Berlin and Tenerill»*, a distance of 3,700 kilometres. SPAIN AND FRANCE. The Madrid Press welcomes the announcement that M Pichon, French Foreign Minister, declines Spain’s further participation in military actions. COTTON. Cotton is quoted at
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  • 142 5 A ROYAL FUND. THE NATIONAL DUTY. [Reuter’s Service] London, Bth Jan. His Majesty the King has inaugurated a Crimea and Mutiny Veterans’ -Fund with a donation from the Privy Purse of one thousand guineas. The object of the Fund is to release the Veterans from the workhouses
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  142 words
  • 46 5 A GLOOMY OUTLOOK. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth Jan. In the event of the outside cotton firms joining the Federation, 200,000 operatives will be involved in the lock-out. The Press appeals for conciliation in order to avert an economic disaster of the first magnitude.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  46 words
  • 50 5 PROPOSED VISIT TO BRAZIL. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth Jan. King Carlos of Portugal is to visit Brazil on the occasion of the centenary of the opening of the Brazilian ports to the trade of the world. He will arrive at Rio de Janeiro on June 7th.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  50 words
  • 425 5 Home- Ex- Positively To ward. rBAMKR pkctrd. Due. Sail. P. Ji O Delhi 18/1 B I.S.N. Bharata 10/1 6 p.m. 8 p.m. N. D. L. Pr. E Friedrich 21/1 OU’.’WARD. P. Ji O. Peninsular 16/1 8.1. Thongwa 9/1 7 am. 5 p.m. N.D.L. Pr. Hein.ich 21/1 The Royal
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  • 878 5 THE ADVISER’S REPORT. <• (Continued The next part of Mr. Hart’s report on Kedah during 1906 contains the report submitted by Dr. A. L. Hoops on the Medical Department. During the months of Apiil and May, 1906, there was a sharp outbreak of cholera in South Province
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  • 589 5 In view of the impending changes in The Times, the following account of its history should be of interest In 1785 John Walter, a bookseller and publisher of Charing Cross, brought out the Universal Register, the title of which was in 1788 changed to The Times and Daily
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  • 343 5 —S.T. Calcutta, 26th Dec. Mr. Alien, magistrate of Dacca, who was shot on the platform of the terminus <*f the Bengal Railway at Goalundo, is slightly better. The bullet has been extracted. The police are showing great activity in the prosecution of their inquii ies, which are
    —S.T.  -  343 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 SCALES HARNESS ACCESSORIES. McAlhttr V Co.. Ltd. McAlMor V Co.. Ltd.
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    • 618 5 PENANG GOLF CLUB. j FOR. SALE. I A AND a/’X k ‘> w, er Lig ,ter Sabano Bay Harbour Ji Coal Co., Ltd., TO LET. 15—7 14-1 Sabang. NT O 225 BURMAH ROAD, a comfort- T) a TT al i a vtm EDir?i,,h Race Holidays. Apply to w 16d BURMAH
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  • 793 6 So s'atisfied are the naval authorities with the uew method of submarine signalling that they have decided to fit it to several cruisers. The signals are made with a bell struck under the water-line, and it is believed that the system can be so perfected that by means
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  • 88 6 Canton, Brit., 105, Gillies, January 8, Teluk Anson, gen., Ah Hing. Calypso, Brit., 339, Bannatyne, January, 9, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. E. Franz Ferdinand, Austrian, 3,843, Matcovich, January 9, Singapore, gen., Schmidt, Kusterman Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 294, Scott, January 9, Acheen, gen., Ban Ho Hin Co. NiNochow,
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  • 34 6 Canton for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. I’alypso for Deli, E. F. Ferdinand for Rangoon. Ningchoyv for Singapore, China, and Japan. Thongwa for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Van der Lijn for Deli and Langsa.
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  • 392 6 To-morrow. Port Swettenham and Malacca Vidar Ham. Port Swettenham and Singapore Janet Nicoll 1 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul Un Peng 3 p.m. Rangoon and Calcutta, taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay Bharata 6 p m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Amoy Glenfalloch 3 pm. Teluk Anson
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  • 91 6 Name of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Arratoon Apcar from Singapore, January 18, for Calcutta! A. A. Anthony Co. Diomed from Singapore, January 18, for Marseilles, Havre, and Liverpool, W. Mansfield Co. Machaon, from Singapore, January 11, for Amsterdam, London, and Antwerp,
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  • 87 6 By Yorck (7th Jan.) from Hongkong, Messrs. Loke Ah Kit and Ngeo Jit Jhoo; from Singapore, Messrs. Emil Baur, Cheah Chen Eok, l ira See Cheng, W. Kaufmann, C. D. Saunders, and Dr. L. C. Buckley. By. Yorck (Bth Jan.) to Colombo, Miss A. E. Dupuis, and Mr. Frank
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  • 1218 6 S fl i 4 -2 Issue S S Capital. Subscribed. s®’ Value. Paid wp. Dividends. Name. S-2 2 S Shares. fl -3 l'~ MINING. Gold. A *< T h I«Q9 A-onnnnn 4?la 1 ofio-i 60,000 £1 £1 I/* paid January, 1901 !«»•>» Aust. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Paid
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  • 124 6 Penang, 9th January, 1908 (By Courtesy of dte Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2,3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1731 3 days’sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 173 j 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras, Demand
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  • 178 6 Pknano, 9th January, 1908. Gold leaf $65.50 Pepper (W. Conrv 3 lbs. 6 oz.) 16.75 no stock White Pepper 19 sellers. Trang Pepper out of season. Mac» 65 nominal. Mace Pickings 55 sales. Cloves (picked) 32 sales. Nutmegs 110 25 sellers. SNo 1 $5.30 sales 2 x. no stock.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 An Indian Nobleman Uses Chamber* lain’s Cough Remedy. You will see by the following that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a favourite in the palace as well as with the humbler people in India For the past four years I have been getting large supplies of Chamberlain’s Cdugh- Remedy, not only
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    • 3 6 SCALES. Co., Ltd.
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    • 70 6 MATSUO’S Japanese Cinematograph To-Night To-Night!! GREAT EXHIBITION. Change ol Programme Every Wednesday and Saturday. COME ONE! COME ALLI! COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF. Brli| imi cirrtafts t« pcmii rmi t« Maisirs funis snw. Doors Open at 8 p.m. Commencing at 9 p.m. Carriages at 1 1-5 p.m. PRICES. Reserved Seats $l-00.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2530 8 Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P. &0. Steam Navigation Company. Intended Sailings. 11 NtrMeitSCfetr Llo|4. Bremen. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. I BRITISH INDIA fflX Imperial German Mall Line. MAIL SERVICE. UVA r— OUTWARD. i STEAM NAVIGATION Co. LTO, H *T*HE fast and well-known mail steamers of Jan. 16 Peninsular connectg. with
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