Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 September 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2339 1 Shipping. ‘7 r 1,1 1 ====a===e==^— Shipping, f 1 —p—p A 0 Steam Naviaa. i 1 sapping, tion Company. Sailing». NWMeitSCler Lltjl, BltMtl. fKMu expected arrivals and departures. BRITISH INDIA MX Imperial German Mail Line. I MAIL SERVICE. CTCAM Al Aifin ATI AM A ITR irr /LLu I/ Outward. w
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1091 2 TAIK CHEE Co.,“Tantalum” Lamps! The New Metallic Filament Lamp E Cerman Steamships “HABSBURG,” “HOHENSTAUFEN,” “RHENANIA,” (ESTABLISHED 1890) that gIVCS twice the liffht Of ail Ordinary gl ()w I L a™ SCANDIA,”a regular monthly service is maintained between Lisbon and the s J SILESIA, and thi r:_ c are o f
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  • 1737 3 T HE COCONUT INDUSTRY. EXAMPLE FROM MALAYA. The production of copia in the Terriof Hawaii has never amounted to an •°his'rv in fact, 11,8 never Lad considlU tb.n from the small farmers. CocoC L <rrow wild on these islands from one ,lU to the other and are utilized, prin- v,
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  • 891 3 Every now and again, says a Home paper, somebody raises the question—When are we going to have some great literature from the Colonies And there is never a satisfying answer. We have a v igue reference to Lindsay Gordon and perhaps Marcus Clarke and a few others, and
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  • 249 3 It has been frequently suggested to us of late, says the Financier, that it might be well to advocate the holding of an Exhibition in London for the purpose of showing the average stay at-home man what is redly being done iu connection with the rubber
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  • 192 3 English Syndicate’s Offer. Madras, August 28. Mr. Osb >rue applied yesterday, on behalf of the Official Assignee, for permission to sell the coffee estates belonging to the insolvent firm to Me srs Stanes Jc Co., of Coimbato-e, on behalf of an English syndicate, for £40,000, plus working
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  • 382 3 Per P. O. ss. Mooltan, from London, Aug. 30, connecting with ss. Delhi at Colombo, due Sept. 25 at Penang —To Penang Messis. C. Drummond and K. Whitlock. To Singapore Mrs. Sanderson and child, Mrs B. Godfrey, Mrs. M. C. Graham, Messrs. E. C. Ward, R.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 Infant Mortality. Lie attention of the Town Council at Tiansvaal, was la’t year 'thected to the fact tint out of eighty-four who died in Dec nnb ?r, f >rty-four 0 them had died ofdy-entm y. An investiwith a view of tracing the source of I lp disease was authorized. Under
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    • 61 3 Pneumonia. This disease always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy quickly cures the ailments and’counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It is made especially for those and similar ailments and can always lie depended upon. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George
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    • 71 3 A Good Family Finiment. Every family should be supplie 1 with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Bain. For cuts, biuiseSjburn- 4 scalds, or similar injuries, which are of frequent occurrence in every household, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief,
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    • 78 3 Not if as Rich as Rothschilds. If you had all the wealth of Rothschilds, you could not buy a bitter medicine for bow«-l complaints than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician cannot prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and adults. The
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    • 477 3 F I WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Warrwt to Th. Ki. v for ifoh. P UROPEAN ENGINEER as Shop H I I' Foreman. Good appointment for w B'W B ■■i energetic man. tme food and contains Albumen and Fibrine which H. E. L.,” go to form Blood, Bone, Brain n x and Muscle.
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  • 172 4 Moaday. I6th September. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. High water 6.40 p.m Low water 12.43 am Taosday, I7th September. St. Laml)ert. Homew’ard German Mail. Outward German Mail. League Football: Y.M.C.A. v. Crescent, Esplanade. Lodge Scotia Masonic Hall, 9 pm. High water 7.34 pin. Low water 1.38
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  • 982 4 Truly this Government of all the talents is not happy in its relations with the Colonies. First it was Newfoundland, then it was Natal, and now it is Newfoundland once again. Sir Robert Bond has declared the modus vivendi concluded by Great Britain and the United
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  • 421 4 AN INSURANCE CASE. In the Supreme Court on Saturday, before Mr. Justice Thornton, the hearing was concluded of an action brought by Koli Eng Hin against the Aachen and Munich Fire Insurance Company and the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. Mr. G. E. Wright-Motion appeared for the
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  • 418 4 Mr. Keir Hardie, the well known Labour M. P., arrive 1 in Penang by the Kicm Sang this morning. He came ashore and called at the Resident Councillor’s office, and a*ter wards spent an hour at the Chinese Protectorate inquiring into the system under which
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  • 889 4 C R.C. V. G.C.A. z On their own ground in P ail(/ u on Saturday afternoon the Chin ation Club concluded their seriesTf matches, when they ran a narrow p losing a point to the G over men t Ti* ,f Association. The enclosure was w ed when
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 HUNTLEY PALMERS, Ltd., riwrroT biscuit manufacturers, GRAND EVENING CONCERT LONDON, will bb GIVEN I ENGLAND. AT THE MASONIC HALL, WARNING. Vfturfday, 1916 Septtmber, A sentence of two months' rig-inus imprisonment was recently parsed upon an unscrupulous dea er for i eliding, with jjy biscuits of inferior make, biscuit tins hearing
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    • 123 4 /CONTRIBUTION S fre addretted to The Editor y written on oh< »We of the paper only and accompanied by tho wfiter’e name and addreee, not neceetarily for ineertion but as a guarantee of good faith. .<■ >: rc: LL monies must be paid at the *Eiuang m Gazette OJEee, Tenang,
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  • 146 5 MR. HALDANE'S SCHEIE. iM MENSE military resources. [Reuter’s Service London, 16th Sept. 51 r R. B. Haldane, Secretary of State f or War, speaking an Blair-A thole (a village in Perthshire), detailed his new grm v scheme. He stated that six divisions of Regulars would be supplemented
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  146 words
  • 85 5 HINDU COOLIES AT VANCOUVER. [Reuter’s Service London, 14th Sept. Nineteen rioters who were implicated in the recent disturbances in Vancouver have been committed for trial. The Dominion Labour Congress at Win nipeg will consider the Oriental labour question. Some of the delegates advocate n general strik j
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  85 words
  • 63 5 CHALLENGE FOR AMERICA CUP. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14t’i Sept. The Royal Irish Yacht Club has challenged for the America Cup on behalf of Sir Thomas Lipton for September, 1908. London, 16th Sept. The American designer Herreshoff has completed the preliminary designs for a ninety footer to defend the America
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  63 words
  • 62 5 THE IMPERIAL YACHT ACCIDENT. [Reuter’s Service,] London, 14th Sept. The press in St. Petersburg attacks the Naval Administration in connection with the stranding of the Imperial ya flit Standnrt, the Xlovo declaring that the incident is worse than the annihilation of the Baltic fleet by the Japanese fleet in
    [Reuter’s Service,]  -  62 words
  • 171 5 MOROCCO. Berlin, 15th Sept. General Drude has been empowered to take the offensive st Casablanca. The Temps announces that", after the termination of General Drude’s operations, Imablauca wilt be .handed over to the Spaniards. t FRANCE AND GERMANY. The rumours that have been put in circulation with
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  • 85 5 THE RIYAL SULTAIS. AN ARMISTICE AT CASABLANCA. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 16th Sept. The Sultan has left Fez for Rabat, where he is expected to arrive on Saturday next, 21st inst. It is reported that his brother Muley Hafid, who was proclaimed rival Sultan recently at Marakesh, is also going
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  85 words
  • 133 5 COLLAPSE OF A PROSECUTION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 16th Sept. It is reported from Great Wyrley that the butcher’s assistant named Morgan, who was charged with maiming a horse, has been discharged, the protection having collapsed. [A London te’egram of the 6th inst. stated ;—The prisoner in connection with
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  133 words
  • 540 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th Sept Admiral Ijuiu gave a brilliant reception on board the Tsukuba at Trieste. There are unclaimed deposits amounting to over $9,000 in the Magistrate’s C »urt, Kuala Lumpur. A notice in the Government Gazette dated the 13th in it., states that, ‘‘unless legal
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  540 words
    • 867 5 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette."] Dear Sir, It was with interest, but with a little surprise, that I read Mr. D. A. M. Brown’s letter in your issue of the 14th inst. for two reasons. Firstly, because I think there are better means of getting supposed
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  • 1715 5 INTERVIEWED IN COLOMBO. We take the following interesting article from the Ceylon Observer of the sth inst.:— .We had the pleasure of welcoming on a briefe visit to Colombo to-day the Hon. Mr. Juiwi Turner, manager of the very large Penang Sugar Estates Company and Straits
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  • 34 5 London, 7th September. In the by-election in West Down Lord Arthur Hill, Unionist, secured 3,702 votes, and Mr. Beattie, Liberal, obtained 2,918. The former replaces Mr. H. Liddell, who has retired.
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  • 125 5 Hone- Ex- Positively To WARD. r.CTKD. I>U. S*IL. P. A U. Malta 28/9 B I.S.N. Tara 20/9 N. D.L. P. E. Friedrich 17/9 Outward. P. A O. Delhi 25/9 8.1.5. N. Thongwa 19/9 7a m. 5 pm. N.D.L. Kleist 17/9 4 p.m. 9 pm. The Norddeutscher Lloyd mail
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  • 504 5 REASONS FOR DEPORTATIONS. Calcutta, 9th September. The Englishman's Punjab correspondent writes -It is about time now that the true facts as to the deportation of Lajpat Rai were given out. Last year the Native Officers of several of the Native Regiments in the Punjab confidentially reported
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 772 6 The Nary, the official orgui of the American Naval League- raises a doubt whether the United States can be considered to rank as the second naVal Power in view of the -faulty construction of several of its heaviest battleships. Dealing specific ally and technically with the Ktartarge and
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  • 107 6 Avagyee, Brit, 247, Buchanan, September 15, Didi. gen.. Koe Guan Co. Ban Whatt Sqon, Brit., 169. Milne, September 15, Singapore, gen., Reng Kee. Habsburg, Ger., 4"76, Filler, September 14, Clund, gen Behn, Meyer Co. Hong Wan I. Brit., 2050, Kinghom, Septem ber 15, China, gen.; Koe Guan Co.
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  • 54 6 Arratoon Apcar for Singapore, China, and Japan. Ban Whatt Hin forTongkah Canton for Teluk Anson. Flying Fish for Port Weld. Hong Moh for Singapore, Hongkung, Swatow, and Amoy. Kum Sang for Calcutta. Leong Ho for Perlis and Setul. Mary Austin for Langkat Rotorua for Tongkali. Tong Ciiay Un for
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  • 246 6 per Pktiiel for Paugkalan Brandan, at noon, tomorrow. Avagyke for Deli, at 1 pm. to-morrow. Resident Halewyn for Asahan an<i Batu Bahra, at 1 p m. to-morrow. Ban Whatt Soon for Port Swettenham and Singapore, at 3 p m. to-merrow. Pkkak (S.S. Co) for Port Swettenham and Singapore,
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  • 212 6 of Steamer, where fa om, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Agamemnon f 0111 Singapore, October 18, for Marseilles, Havre, and Liverpool, W. Mansfield Co. Antenor from Singapore, October 19, for London, Amsterdam, and Antwerp, W. Mansfield Co. Arratoon Apcarfrom Calcutta, September 16, for Singapore. China,
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  • 123 6 By Lady Weld from Ttluk Anson, Mr. R. S. Stewart. By Tara from Rangoon, Mrs. and Misses (2) Bentyren, Mr and Mrs. Olig Hock, Messrs. Ede, N. C. Dutt, and C. Simeon to Singapore, Mrs. Ward and child, Messrs. Cheah Tat Toe, F. King, and Tully. By Van
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  • 1262 6 7 O fl I"' 1 *.2 < Issue Capital. Subscribed. shares. PaW ”P- Reserve. Dividends. Name. Quotation a•■ MINING. Gold. I«<Q *9OO onn £-191 250 f 50,0°° £l £l £4,873 I/-paid January, 1901 R»ub Aust. G<>ld Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Paidl 8 1812 £200,000 £1 1,250 1150,000 1 18/10
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  • 128 6 Penang, 16th September, 1907. (liy Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2i 4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/8 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2 4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’sight Private 175| Bombay Demand Bank 174 1 3 days’sight Private 175| Madras,
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  • 197 6 Pknano, 16th September, 1907. Gold leaf $65.10 Pepper (W. Const 3 lbs. soz 16.75 no stock White Pepper 21.87 J sellers. Trang t 17.25 sellers. Mace 7<; sellers. Mace Pickings 08 sellers. Cloves (picked) out of season. Nutmegs 110 23| sales. fNo 1 5.4 > sales. Sugar. 2 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 46 6 Chamberlain’» Pain Balm. Ibis liniment, should occupy a prominent place in every home. It has no equal for Rs prompt cures of cuts, burin, bruises and «prams. For sale by all Chemists and Store-keepers. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. SPIRITS AND WINES. McAlister Co.. Ltd.
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    • 45 6 The Australian Horse Repository 7/, Scotland Sioad. (W. I. HAWLEY). TeitH—e M. 4. Breaker and Dealer. Livery and Training Stable*. HORSES CAREFULLY SHOD. Fodder of the Best Quality Only Supplied. Rubber Tyred Turnouts on Hire, Harness of every description repaired and made on the premises.
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    • 5 6 rfALNESS ACCESSORIES. 4» Co., Ltd;
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    • 57 6 Underwood Typewriter. ;o: Highest Awards at all Recent Exhibitions VISIBLE WRITINC. STRONGLY MADE. Will outlast at least three Cheaper-Machines a» l not cost quarter as much in repairs. Used in all the Principal Government Deparlinei' 18 in the F. M. S. t,e Underwood Duplicator. I housandß of copies can be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1215 7 CH 2Lt?. DIA HO N KONG AND SHANGHAI NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL NEDERLANDSCHE INDISCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INTERNATinNAI BANKING AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESCOMPTO-MAATSCHAPPU. !NDIA LIMITED i j. ’i'-. j- c(Netherlands-Indian Discount Bank.) Incorporated by Roy.l Charter. P«.d- n p-C.pital t 0,000,000 E«abu,hw at Batav.a, 1857. Cap,ui 500 000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2628 8 FOR SALE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Pusing Lama Tin Mines, Ld. C u VFhcn Mosquitoes t RUBBER SEED from 10 year mjgjH THE Municipd Commissioners of George a DIVIDEND of 2/- (two shillings) 1 I fr‘p<A° Iter thousand. |ES3 Town, Penang, heieby invite separate A per share h s been declared, payable
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