Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2185 1 s6 ,p ne P. &0. Steam Naviga- ]/>sx BRITISH INDIA It Nor|deutscher Lloyd, Irenes. tion Company. STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. «K m.h u n IESI EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. IIPX *T*HE fast and well-known mail steamers of MAIL btKVICt. a.-.-.» "iLKk A this Company sail fortnightly from Bre- V Outward.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 1949 3 Pall Mall Gazette. I jve stock,” s iid the Chief Boa train, Hiinff which ain’t carried aboard shin a IIHUg r -nine as what it used to be. Nowadays, these ere big ships they as cold storage lD |iat’d freeze the horns and the tail off
    Pall Mall Gazette.  -  1,949 words
  • 535 3 Many surprising developments occur in occasional decades in the matter of colonization but few greater surprises have taken place in the Far East on tills subject than the remai kable progression of Germany in I Kiaochow. It is still fresh in the memory of all
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  • 182 3 The reappointment of Sir James Lyle Mackay, G.C.M G, as member of the Council of India for a future period of five yea’s, is the more interesting that these extensions have be°n very rare since the Crown assumed direct control of India after the Mutiny. Gen. Sir
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  • 148 3 The Japanese Government has just completely revolutionised the clot4iin< of the army, and from the detuls published in a German military review has reduced everything to a uniform simplicity, probably equalled nowhere else. Khaki is to be the only wearcloth for winter and calico for summer. There
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  • 512 3 A TEST CASE. Planters will be interested in legal proceedings instituted at Hatton, Ceylon, on the LOth ultimo, for on that occasion exemplary punishment was meted out to persons for having harboured coolies who had” 4 bolted from an estate. From the of Ceylon rep rt of
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  • 309 3 Per P. »fc O. s.s. Marmora, from London, April 20, connecting with ss. Malta at Colombo, due May 23 at Penang To Penang Miss Frost, Dr. A. T. Stanton, and Mr. G. A. Millington To Singapore Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Wood and children, Mr. and
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  • 267 3 CURED BY DOAN’S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS, r Arthur St. George’s Road Regents Park, London, England, writes: Dear Sirs:Before I began with Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills I was positively unable to stoop, or lift any thing, without having dreadful pains in the back. At times I have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 An American Remedy. There is probably no medicine manufactured that can l>e found in more homes in he Lnited States than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been in general use for over thirty years and ®ach successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dysentery during this time has tested
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    • 94 3 A Good Suggestion. j Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon CityFl a U S.A., has written the manufac. lurers that much better results are obtained from the use of Chaml>erlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic, and cholera morbus by taking it in
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    • 43 3 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chaml>erlaiu’3 Pain Balm is especially valuable If promptly applied it will save vou time, money, and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by all Dealers.
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    • 70 3 Lame Back. This ailment is usudly caused by rheumatism of the muscles ami may be cured by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing in the parts vigorously at each application. If this does afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with
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    • 209 3 f POWELL’S\ [Balsam-Aniseedi I /COUGHS I Vor'COWS X j ASTHMA BRONCHITIS/ sa/< for Children, I "Sr I \>, ANlS»®'® 1 azr <C Store». Be tert </ t Povelfi w,tk above Trad, Mart, TO LET. A HOUSE in Ayer Rajah Road, suitable for a me*.* or family, close to the Race
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    • 399 3 WANTED. [N a good central position, near tlie f Northern end of Beach Street, office premises with shop frontage on ground floor. Replies, stating rent and situation, to H. P. 0 c c/o Pinang Gazelle Office. WANTED. A FURNISHED BUNGALOW on the Hill, suitable for a family of two ladies
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  • 154 4 Wednesday. Isth May. Outward German Mail. Golf Club Tennis Tournament. Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Harmaton’s Circus, 9.15 pm. High water 2 24 Low water 8.24 a.m Thursday. I6lh May. Outward B. I. Mail. Golf Club Tennis Tournament. League Football: Butterflies v. Mahommedans. Esplanade. League Football:
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  • 898 4 Some of the most valuable agricultural products exported from Penang and Province Wellesley are those derived from the coconut tree. The three principal articles are coconuts, copra, and the oil, while oil cake, soap, and numerous other commodities, amounting in value t» many thousands of dollars,
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  • 95 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The results Of tire ties played yesterday Were t ~z Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs. Dunn A. R. Adams beat Mrs. Wei ham <fc C. Matthew M 7—5 j 6 1. Miss-Tozer D. Duncan vv.o. from 2 Mrs. Dennys <fc C. C. Rogers. Men’s Singles
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  • 1404 4 ORDINARY HALF-YEARLY MEETING. The ordinary half-yearly general meeting of the members of the Penang Turf Club was held in the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. A. R. Adams (Chairman), Mr. D. A. M. Brown (Secretary), Messrs. Jules Martin, H. Starr, A. K. Buttery,
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  • 371 4 Govt. Service v. Anglo-Chinese. A League match was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between the Government Service and the Anglo-Chinese School. From the outset it was apparent that the former were the stronger team, but the Anglo-Chinese, who weie shorthanded, played well and were only defeated by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 247 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tientsin, Singapore, AND PENANG. (Price List on Application). DAHL’S MILK. As a guarantee of the purity and quality of this well-known Brand of Milk, attention is called to the following analysis by the Government Analyst: The Sample contains in
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    • 117 4 mutt be to The Editor, written on one side'Of the paper only and accompanied by the writer’s name and address, not necessarily fort insert ion but as a guarantee of good faith. ALL monies must be paid at (he Finany Gazette Office, Penang, to the General. Manager, Mr. D. A.
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  • 435 5 THE SPRIHG MEETING. FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. [From Our Own Correspond lent.] Singapore, 14tli May. The Spring Race Meeting under the auspices of the Singapore Sporting Club opened this afternoon, but the conditions were most unfavourable. Rain fell since daybreak, and, in consequence, the Course was heavy. The
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  • 90 5 A CORPORAL STABBED TO DEATH. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 15th May. An extraordinary crime was committed at Tauglin Barracks last night. A drummer in the Royal West Kent Regiment entered the private room of two corporals, holding two bayonets. He wounded one and then chased the
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  • 84 5 FURTHER ARRESTS. [Rbotbr’s Sbkvicb.] London, 15th May. Th*»re have been 45 arrests in connection with the recent 1 ioting in Rawalpindi The British Committee of the Indian National Congress met yesterday and protested against the procedure in the case of Laj Putrai who was deported. lhey
    [Rbotbr’s Sbkvicb.]  -  84 words
  • 48 5 BRITISH TRADE ROUTES. [Reuter’s Service.] Loudon, 14th May. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. J. Morley, Secretary of State for India, in reply to a question, said there is no intention of opening a trade route to biechwau, in China, rid Rima, in Tibet.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 95 5 OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. [Rbutrr’s Service London, 14th May. King Alfonso of Spain, accompanied bv the members of the Royal family, yesterday opened the Cortes (the Senate and Cong-ess) with the usual State ceremonies. In the course of a speech from the Throne, His Majesty congratulated
    [Rbutrr’s Service ]  -  95 words
  • 62 5 AN ALL-BRITISH ROUTE. [Rrutrr’s Service.] London, 15th May. The Colonial C inference has adopted the motion of Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Premier of Canada, in favour of an allBritish route between Great Britain, Australia, and the Far East. It is expected to shorten the transit to Australia
    [Rrutrr’s Service.]  -  62 words
  • 45 5 THE CHINESE MINISTER. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 15th May. His Ex. Wang Tah-sieh, the Chinese Minister-Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James, has left London for Peking. [He wdl be succeeded by Li-Ching-Faug, an adopted son of the late Viceroy Li Hung Chang.]
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  45 words
  • 53 5 EXCITEMENT IN AMERICA. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th May. The widest excitement prevailed yesterday in the New York and Chicago wheat markets as the September to December wheat supplies reached the price of a dollar per bushel. This is due to the state of the crops both in
    [Reuters Service.]  -  53 words
  • 50 5 AN ECHO OF THE WAR. [Reuter’s Service London, 14th May. The Russian Minister of Finance (M. Kotovtsoff) has submitted a Bill to the Duma sanctioning a credit vote of forty-six million roubles >n account of the iniemnity to Japan for the kĕep of Russian prisoners of war.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  50 words
  • 39 5 A CAMBRIDGE HONOUR. [Reuter’s Service London, 15th May. Prince Fushimi of J«p in yesterday received the degree of Doct >r of Laws at Cirnbridge University, and w-n accorded a great ovation. He afterward lunched at the Senate-house.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  39 words
  • 41 5 THE COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. [Reuter’s Service London, 15th May. The following cricket matches were concluded yesterday Kent beat Northamptonshire, at Catford, by an innings and 100 luns. Surrey beat Hampshire by an innings and 20 runs, at the Oval.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  41 words
  • 19 5 [Rbuters Service] London, 14th May. General Kuroki of Japan has left Washington to attend the Jamestown Exhibition.
    [Rbuters Service]  -  19 words
  • 70 5 MOROCCO. Berlin, 14th May The situation in Marrakesh (Morocco) has not improve 1, and the German subjects have decided to leave. THE CAMEROONS. Herr Seitz, a Privy Councillor, Ins been appointed Governor of the Cameroons in the place of Herr von Puttkamer, who resigned as the outcome
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  • 1747 5 MEETING IN PENANG. THE NEW U.P.A. An extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Malay Peninsula Agricul- tural Association was held on Monday in the Penang Chamber of Commerce. Ther%] were present:The Hon. J. Turner fin 4b® Chair), Messrs. Ritchie, Lamb, Boyd, Stothard, Crawford, Darby, Prior, Paul,
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  • 77 5 There was again a good house at Harmston’s Circus hist night. There will be only three more evening performances after to-night. On Friday a compliment try benefit performance will be given to the Frantz Troupe of Acrobats. The second high jumping competition will also take place on the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 875 6 The Mindanao Herald. The China Mail says Now that motordriven craft are becoming so common in Hongkong harbour, it is time for ouf legislators to consider amendments or additions to the law. It seems absurd that coxswains who are to run motor-boats should be examine! as if they
    The Mindanao Herald.  -  875 words
  • 64 6 P. Eitkl Friedrich, Ger., Malchow, May 14, Yokohama, gen., Behn, Meyer A Co. Miikr Maku, Jap., 2085, Horton, May 14, Japan, gen., Boustead Co. Van Hojendorf, Dut., 545, Hut, May 14, Langsa, gen., Huttenbach, Liebert A Co. Canton, Brit., 105, Mari can, May 15, Teluk Anson, gen., Koe
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  • 43 6 Miikf. Maru for Madras. Taw Tong for Trang. Langkat for Teluk Anson. Pegc for Langsa, T. Semawe, Seguli, Olehleh, and Sabang. Scharnhobst for Singapore, China, and Japan. Un Peng for Perlis and Set»»l. Sree Banka for Pangkor. Flying Fish for Port Weld.
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  • 356 6 per Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat, at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Van Hojendorf for Deli and Langsa, at 3 p m. to-morrow. Teesta for Port Swettenham and Singapore, at 4 p m. to-morrow. Gregory Apcar for Calcutta, at 11 a.m. on Friday. Cornelia for Port Swettenham and Malacca, at
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  • 245 6 Hame of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Benavon from London, May 20, for Singapore, China, and Japan, Sandilands, Buttery Co. Catherine Apcar from Hongkong, May 27, for Calcu t«, A. A. Anthony Co. Delhi from Singapore, May 24, for Colombo and Bomba}’,
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  • 1242 6 p jssue o-g Capital, Subscribed. Shares, Value. Paid up. Reserve. Dividends. ame. Quotations, 8 S MINING. .7' Gold. rrd non £1 £1 £4,873 1/-paid January, 1901 Raub Aust. Gold Mining Co., Ltd. Fully Paid 6} Ba i es 1892 £200,000 £191,250 J j 18/l0 1/. (Contrib) 6} 1898 f.
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  • 120 6 Penang, 15th May, 1907. (2/y Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2,'4 7/16 3 Credit 2/4 9/16 3 Documentary 24| Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 173| 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 189 6 Pknang, 15th May, 1907. Gold leaf $64.60 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. soz 16.75 no stock White Pepper 24 sellers. Trang Pepper 18.50 sales. Mace 81.50 sales. Mace Pickings 72 sales. Cloves (picked) 51 buyers Nytmegs 110 27 sales. CNo 1 5 sal«s. Sugar. < 2 x no stock,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 Economy in the End. A doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cure your cold and perhaps F save a doctor’s bill later on. It always cures and ernes quickly. For sale by all Dealers.
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    • 43 6 The Australian Boise Repository. Scotland Sload. (W. L HAWLEY). M. 4. Breaker and Dealer. Livery and Training Stables. HORSES CAREFULLY SHOD. Fodder of the Best Quality Only Supplied. Rubber Tyred Turnouts on Hire. Harness of every description repaired and pxade on the premises.
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    • 2 6 STEEL TRUNKS.
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    • 47 6 FUSSELL'S BUTTERFLY" BRANDS. Pure Milk and Cream. Obtainable at the following Stores in Penang Messrs. Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Thean Chee Co., AND Taik Ho Co., TAIPING. McAlister 00,, General Representatives for the Proprietors. WroughtlronTubes&Fittings, Large Stocks Always on Hand. ADAMSON GILFILLAN V Co., LIMITED-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1480 7 CH i; T S AL.r AND CHINA. o'* 0 H %Mj K <^ORPORAno C N HA A EL ndische [THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. «AATSCHAPPU. Escompto-Kaatecte.ppiJ IBD|ft LUWTEO CORPORATION. Incorporated by Royal Charter. n 0,000,000 NeUiarland* Trading Society. (Netherlands-Indian Discount Bank.' /-«nd. Emaum.™ 1824. Kwabubbid a Batavia 1857.
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  • 1137 8 PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR AUTUMN MEETING, 1907. Tuesday, 23rd July, 1907, 25t& July, 1907, Saturday, 27tfi July, 1907. To be passed at a General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 14th May, 1907. Notice. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1059 8 KELTU RU BEROID I notice? WILKInONS roofing z Essence or F.n!d Extract of RED JAMAICA x. on Bromide paper. 3ft. SARSAPARILLA waterproof Verminproof W r- lOUIlCnil tT f HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY PURIFIER r c p etter > s p Z -"■HUMAN BLOOD. and Durable vllCr S 1 filCHt 'torpid* LIVER
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