Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 September 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2194 1 Intended Sailings. st™** seww S eam Naviga BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD <ll NordJoitschtr Lloyd, Bremen. tion, Company. iIK IWSW |L\ Imperial German Mail Line. I EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. For Imtkndkd to Sail. Stbakkr. MAIL SERVICE. Negapatam. q OQ a 7 'T'HE fast and well-known mail steamers o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 681 2 m W'S™ CURE Woods’ Wf* WFSigHB ,nt E «"na‘l Hr* Hi Hii EIEH B H complaints® Brest ffl IfawM KmiH lItBII W a 80 cents. I THEANCHEE 6Co.,Hottenbachßros.&Co” 14, Bishop street. Electrical Engineers Contractors. gold medal AT THE ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK IN Dynamos, Motors, Electric
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  • 864 3 A HONGKONG COMPLAINT. $183,000 is a nice little sum. That is roughly the amount of the total decrease in expenditure set forth in the 1907 estimates by reason of the higher exchange on civil servants’ salaries. It means that the civil servants as a body are theoretically—but
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  • 1726 3 SOME OBVIOUS AND OVERLOOKED CONSIDERATIONS. By at least five Parliamentary Committees which have taken evidence about the employment of discharged soldiers and sailors, and even by the last and best of these Committees, whose Report is fresh, one inquiry has been shirked. They have never ascertained
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  • 179 3 An interesting contribution to contemporary history by Herr von Holstein is published in the Zukunft. Herr von Holstein controverts Herr Maximilian Harden's recent description of him as the man who fifteen years shaped the course of Germany’s international policy.” Specially, he denies that he had any share
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  • 139 3 An interesting case of caste law is now being heard in the Town Magistrate’s Court at Calicut. In old days inferior castes had to give the su)»erior caste people notice of their approach on the high ways by calling out and getting out of polluting distance.
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  • 460 3 Per P. and O. steamer Britannia from London, August 31st. due at Penang, September 27 :—To Penang, Mr. L. 11. Clayton, Mr. W.D.Swinney Mr. J. W. Hodge. To Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chaney, Mr. G. D. Murat, Mr. E. Earbe, Mr. W. Harrison, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 Not if as Rich as Rothschilds. if you had all the wealth of Rothschilds, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem. dy. The jnost eminent physician cannot prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children ami adults.
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    • 110 3 Infant Mortality. The attention of the Town Council at Johannesburg, Transvaal, was last year directed to the fact that out of eighty-four infants, who died in December, forty-four of them had died of dysentery. An investigation with a view of tracing the source of the disease was authorized. Under the
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    • 64 3 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scidds or similar injuries, which are of frequent occurrence in every household, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief but
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    • 55 3 Pneumonia. This disease always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza. Chainlierlain's Cough Remedy quickly cures these ailments and counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. It is made especially for th se ami similar ailments and can always be depended upon. For sale all Dispensaries and Dealers. Mackay's
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    • 841 3 NOTIOB/. LET. THE interest and responsibility of the A COMFORTABLE European House undersigned in and for the firm of Arratoon Road. A. C. Harper Co. has ceased and the Immediate Entry. Rent $6O per month said business will henceforth be carried on Apply to by Ml B K I L
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  • 116 4 We4»«.«l.r. 26th September. Outward .P. O. Mail. Town Band, 6 to 7 p.m. High water 6.25 a.m. Low water 12.23 p.m Tharadajr. 27th League Football: P. (A.. C. v. C. R. C. High water 7.12 a.m. Lz»w water 1 IQ p.m. Friday, 28th September. High water B.o| a
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  • 1128 4 The correspondence which ba* appeared in thene columns on the. aubject of tlie Licensing Court lias attracted some attention. With the questwvi'-'ot the prices charged at the stfcond-clals hfitb’s, ‘which lias agitated some of our correspondent*, we hare notbiag to do: the. old principle of caveat
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  • 1174 4 Tlie Cevlon Rubber Exhibition at Peradeniya opened by Sir H. Blake the Governor of the Colony, on the 13th instant in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering. The Governor, in dedaring the Exhibition open, said they expected that the result of the Exhibition would be
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  • 257 4 On Sunday morning in the Cat/ the Good Shepherd, Singapore. Rivet celebrated a special high thanksgiving on the occasion < f i„. attained his jubilee of priesthood close of the mass, which was ver: attended, the Rev. Father and the members went to the churc.i-dv :i Mr.
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  • 125 4 A crop statement for the half-r 30th June last has been i-sued Bosanqnet A Co., agents and seen-’ loiiibo. 15 h inst. I 33,713 lbs. of wet rubber were 8,557 lbs. of rubber were sold.* average of ss. 2 .M. the estate ex on rubber it.
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  • 221 4 Anothrk DividkxdIt is officially announced that Mines Co., Ltd., lifts declared < dividend of two shillings a'/ payable in London ou October ii r This is an excellent dividend. j so much as was expected by me A peculiarly sad accident from Taiping. Mr. E 1 1 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 WHERE TO STAY: E. &.-O. Hotel Penang. The Crag Penang Hills. Raffles Singapore. Strand Rangoon. SARKIES BROTHERS, J Proprietors. Snip©" Season. McAlister Co., Ltd., tw .I >C. i HAVE A NEW STOCK OF Schultze’s Sporting Cartridges Voa'ded with Smokeless Powder. 12, 16 and 20 Bore. 'Nobel's Ballistite Sporting Cartridges 12
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    • 115 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must bi addressed to The Editor, written on one tide of the paper only and accompanied by the writer’s name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. A LL monies must be paid at the Finang xl Gazette Office, Penang, to the Secretary,
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  • 124 5 A DISLOYAL CORPORATION THE GOVERNMENT AND THE NATIONALISTS. [Bruter’s Service.] London, 25th Sept. At the ceremony of the opening of the Dublin main drainage system one of the Aidermen cut off the Union Jack which was flying on a steamer, chartered for the occasion. Several members of the Corporation
    [Bruter’s Service.]  -  124 words
  • 109 5 TROOPS CALLED OUT. [Reutkr’s Service.] London, 25th Sept. The rioting of whites against negroes in Atlanta (Georgia) has been resumed, and the troops have been called out. Twelve negroes and two whites have been killed and many wounded. London, 26th Sept. Details of the massacre of
    [Reutkr’s Service.]  -  109 words
  • 72 5 BOMB FACTORY DISCOVERED. [Rkutek’s Skrvick] London, 26th Sept. A bomb factory has been discovered at Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The chief of the Finnish R?d Guard and two other members of the baud have been arrested. The nobility of Kursk have ostracis'd Prince Dolgorukoff, Vice-President of the Duma,
    [Rkutek’s Skrvick]  -  72 words
  • 64 5 SOME NEW ARTICLES. [Rkutek’s Service.] London, 26 h Sept. The Institute of International Law at Gheut has discussed regulations for the control of lerouautics and wireless telegraphy. Articles were adopted declaring that the air is free but th it each State is to have the faculty, in view
    [Rkutek’s Service.]  -  64 words
  • 53 5 A HOUSE ATTACKED. [Rkutek’s Skrvicb.] London, 26th Sept. A telegram from Johannesburg states that fourteen Chinese attacked the house of the Mine Captain” of the New Heriot Mine. The “Captain” killed one of them and wounded two others with a revolver. Seven of the Chinese
    [Rkutek’s Skrvicb.]  -  53 words
  • 45 5 [Rkutek’s Service London, 26th S**pt. The Diet of the Grand Duchy of Brunswick has deferred taking measures for the election of a Regent in the hope that an arrangement may be effected between the Kaiser and the Duke of Cumberland.
    [Rkutek’s Service ]  -  45 words
  • 39 5 THE LATE BISHOP HOARE. [Reuter’s Service 1 London, 26th Sept. The body of the late Bishop Hoare of Victoria, who was drowned while on a yacht during the recent typhoon at Hongkong, has been recovered.
    [Reuter’s Service 1  -  39 words
  • 28 5 AUTUMN ENGAGEMENTS CANCELLED. [Rkutkr’s Skrvick.] London, 26th Sept. Acting on the advice of his doctor, Mr Joieph Chamberlain has cancelled all his engagements for the Autumn.
    [Rkutkr’s Skrvick.]  -  28 words
  • 1702 5 THE ADMINISTRATION REPORT. J Continued.) The following is the continuation of the excerpts taken from the Administration Report for Penang during the year 1905 District Office, Dindings. The revenue amounted to $70,678 88, of which only $22,678.88 was collected locally, the remainder representing the District’s share in
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  • 1493 5 CHINESE BANKRUPTCY CASE. At the Assizes yesterday afternoon, be£re Mr. ’JiKtie? Thornton and a special jury, the case against Lim Kong Thuan, of the defunct firm of Hin Lee <fc Co., was commenced. Mr. A. R. Adams appeared for the Crown on behalf of the Acting Solicitor-General, and
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    • 56 5 AMERICAN INTERVENTION. [Rkutek’s Service.] London, 26th Sept. Owing to the receipt of an unfavourable report from Mr. W. H. Taft, U. S. Secretary for War, and the Cuban Government’s attitude rejecting terms of peace, the American Government has ordered more warships and marines to Cuba. Altogether 7,000 troops are
      [Rkutek’s Service.]  -  56 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 STEEL /TRUNKS, McAlitter V 00., Ltd.
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    • 422 5 WHISKIES. V. 0. H. B. CLUB WHISKY, VERY OLD SCOTCH, Sir John Power’s Irish, etc., etc. Also Black and White, Dewar’s, Crawford’s, Haddow’s, and all Well-known Brands, Kept in Stock. Havana Cigars—Best Brands Only. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Notice to Mariners. THE revolving light at the entrance to Puket or Tongkah
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  • 708 6 The fact was recently disclosed that the British Admiralty had under-estimated the German naval programme f >r the years 1905-7 and it has now leaked out thatUhere is little or no likelihood of any action at The Hague leading to a reduction of armaments (says the London
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  • 59 6 Lai Sakg, Brit., 3460, Lake. Sept. 25. Calcutta, gon., Boustead Co. Kum Sana, Brit, 2097, Buller, Sept. 26, Hongkong, gen., Be ust cad Co. Rotorua, Brit., 555, Lingard, Sept. 25, Tongkah. gen., Koe Guan Co. Here, Brit., 346, Inkster, Sept. 26, Deli, gen., W. .Mansfield Co. Petrel,. Brit,
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  • 38 6 Kvm Sang for Calcutta. Langkat for Telnk Anson. Glenfalloch for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow, and Amoy. Hebe for Singapore. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. Lai Sang for Singapore and Hongkong, Fiizi'A t RicK for Rangoon.
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  • 432 6 PER Simla, for Singapore, China, and Japan, at 7 a in. to-morrow. Van d«k Parra for Deli, Bajan. Edie, and Telok Seniawe, at 11 am. to-morrow. Rotorca for Tongkali, at 1 p in. to-morrow. Omapere for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui, and Tavoy, at 1 to-morrow.
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  • 49 6 Aame of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and A gents. Ischin, from Singapore, Sept. 25, for Bombay, Behn, Meyer Co. Simla, from Colombo, Sept. 26, for Singapore and China, A. Gilfillan Co. Foxley, from Singapore, Sept. 28 for New York, H. Liebeit Co.
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  • 126 6 Penang, 26th September, 1906. (Hy Courtesy of th* Chartered Bank.} London Demand Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank 3 Credit 2/4 17 32 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta, Demand Bank R» 1 74 3 day»’sight Private 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private 175 Mad ras, Demand
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  • 180 6 Penang, 26tii September, 1906. Gold hat Pepper (VV. Coast 3 lbs. 5 <>/.) sl9} Bales. White Pepper 27.20 Bellers. Trang Pepper 21.60 sales. Mace 76 sales. Mace Pickings 67 sales. B. Nutmegs 110 31 sellers. fNo 1 5.35 Sugar. 2 x. no stock. t Basket 2.9'» sales. Tapioca Flour
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  • 630 6 Year of 1 Number Baid Stock» Quotations. For- Capital. of Value, npmation. «hares. MINING. lotvi <3OO 000 $30,000 $lO $lO Belat Tin Mining. Co. Ltd. $14.20 safe», m 3 5W 10 10 Ber B .w.hG«l<lMh.-gC..Ixl. 10 ..Her., 1001 COO/'OO «0,000 10 10 T.n M.n1003 £400,000 400,000 £1 £1 Duf
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 Chamberlain*» Pain Balm. 1 his liniment should occupy a prominent place in every home. It has no equal for its prompt cures of cuts, burns, bruises, and sprains. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation, Established 1720. The undersigned having been appointed the Company s Agents
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    • 70 6 The China Traders’ Insurance Co., Ltd. Capital Subscribed $2,000,000 Amount Paid-up 60C,000 Reserve Fund 1,000,006 Head Offwtk, Hongkong. Secretary, W. H. Ray, Esq. Hie undersigned, Agents for tlte alwve Company, are prepared to accept Marine risks at current rates. AH contributors of business, whether shareholders or not, receive a return
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    • 547 6 NOBEL’S EXPLOSIVES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. MAGAZINES AT PENANG AND INH. ”TUE Mohicip.lCommU.ionersof George A lown, Penang, hereby invite separ- ate tenders for supply of the following Stocks always on hand of j Brickg and Ijime for year 190 7. GELIGNITE. Firewood for the year 1907. 3. Various Materials for the year
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    • 550 6 PUBLIC NOTICE. THE members of the various commuiii. ties in the F. M. S. are invited to attend the ceremony of the unveiling, by H. E. the High Commissioner, of the portrait of Sir Frank Swettenham, K.C.M G. first Resident-General of the F. M. S. The ceremony will take place
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1551 7 TIV OI S RF F P T, (h p Bmp A M ,OSEPn w I LJ I Sel pE “i^T~r>o TO up to 3ft. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij General Enquiries and Total Fumds at 3 Ist Die. 1905, on Bromide paper.* Stoomvaart Maatsch W H Registry Office, r-AetnoJi'S «,000.000 IN WHITE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2236 8 _—rank nr Nedcrlandschlndlsche e o „^r ,A ho ."^ookpo:x“* liroul ._u. ira >. ,7~T ,r-n Paid-up-Capital ...»10.000,000 Trying Society. fi» a l *t«H for tb. Dmtd St.les et AuTHoitigiD CiplTit £1 ,500,000. w4l F 6,000,000 Incorporated by Royal Charter. K Established 1824. America rwur Reserve Fund. I Lmurd Capital fl.
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