Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 September 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2034 1 lntended Sailings. hw* P. 0. Steam Naviga- BR T SH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. dl Norideirtsder Lloyd. Bremen. tion, Company. ’4R mpeplal G^-n Ma( line iCq> KXPF.CTF.D ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Fo Imtukdbd to Sail. Stia.Or. MAIL SERVICE. Negapataim I Ok W T HE fast and well-known mail steamers o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 934 2 n I 4 u The Standard Lilt Office. Uptons teas Wrouidit iron Tubes Fittings, THE lx 1 VUS ILL 11 vll 1 UVVU KA X lUvlllQMj stoomvaart Maatschappij wui pay £i,ooo sterling at the age t WERE AWARUEsU v 4l Nederland 55 or previous death to an individual 21 GOLD
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  • 955 3 A HALF-CENTURY’S RECORD. One of the most promising inducements for young colonies of to-day is sugar planting in ’Natal. The cane was introduced into the Garden Colony more than fifty years ago from the Isle of Bourbon. There are now many thousand acres under cultivation, with
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  • 915 3 A NEW THEORY. A writer in the New York Tribune says one of the theories entertained extensively by American manufacturers and exporters interested in trade with China is that, in order to be successful, a knowledge of the Chinese language is necessary, or, at least, helpful.
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  • 319 3 Reuter’s Agency learns that the British Assistant Resident at Kano has started on an adventurous journey which has for its object the crossing of the great Arab caravan route through the Tripolitan Hinterland to Kano. As thia project has given rise to some comment abroad, and has
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  • 198 3 Unpopular Official Removed. The Viceroy Shuin of Canton has been removed from his office and is succeeded by Choufou. The Imperial Decree dealing with official appointments transfers Viceroy Shum to the Vicerovaltv of Yunnan and Kweichow Chowfuh has been appointed to Canton and Ting Chen Toll to Fokhieu
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  • 215 3 The cane crop seems to lx* making rapid improvement and is gradually retrieving the ground lost during the drought of the earlv portion of.t lie growing season. Every day seems to increase the prospect for a fiir average yield and in some portion- <*f the sugar
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  • 534 3 THE REVENUE SUFFERS HEAVY LOSS. There is only one tender this’•term for the Opium Monopoly, that of Mr. Lok Yeu at $121,000 per month, $64,000 less than th? previous successful tenner, or a diminution in the Colony's revenue of $768,000 a year for the period of
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  • 344 3 Per I’. and O. ste tnier Britannia from London, August 31st, due at Penang, September 27T0 Penang. Mr. L. H. (’|;«yt«»n, Mr. \V. D. Swinney. To Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chanev, Mr. G D. Marat. Mr. E. Earbe, Mr. W. Harrison, Mr. H. A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 Infant Mortality. The attention of the Town Council at Johannesburg, Transvaal, was last year directed to the fact that out of eighty-four infants, who died in December, forty-four of them had died of dysentery. An investigation with a view of tracing the source of the disease was authorized. Under the
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    • 39 3 Chafiiberlain’s Pain Balm. This lin’ment should occupy a prominent place in every home. It has no equal for its pro:ii[* cures of cuts, burns, bruises and sprains. George Town Dispensary, General Agents, and for sale by all Dispensaries Dealers,
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    • 1265 3 TO LET. NOTICE. NO. 1 WESTLANDS BUNGALOWS. '"THE Members of the Moslim Society Apply to JL will hold a General Meeting on FriM essrs. WREFORD <fc THORNTON, day, the 28th instant, at 1 precisely. ay n i c, 1 Business: 27 Beach Slreet To make a request to H.
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  • 158 4 Tuesday, IBth September. League Football: Y.M.'C.A. v. P.R.C. Outward German Mail. High water 12 01 a.m. Low water 6.01 pro Wedaesda), 19th September. Homeward German Mail. Hockey Esplanade, 5 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. High water 12.48a.m. Ix>w water 6.47 p.m Thursday, 20th September. Outward
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  • 1062 4 When the next Annual General Meeting of the Penang Turf Club takes place, the memliers of the Club must be prepared t|. see radical changes introduced in the programme if Penang is to retain the position it has hitherto occupied as the premier racing-centre east of
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  • 482 4 THE P. O. S.S.“NILE.” A N«W INTERMEDIATE. The P. 0. Co.’» new twin-screw steamer the Nile arrived in Penang yesterday morning and a representative of this paper was given an opportunity of inspecting her as she lay at anchor in the harbour. 'The Nile, which is the first of the
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  • 234 4 Exhibits from Malaya. The Time» of Ceylon of the Bth inst. says:— The German steamer from the Far East today brought Mr. Zicharias, the Hon. Secretary of the United Planters’ Association of the F. M.S. the first of the representatives of Malaya to arrive to take
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  • 169 4 The report on the Siam State Railways for the year 124 of the Siamese year (1905-6) has just published. The leading feature of the year 1905-6 was the opening of the Lopuri-Pak-nampoh extension on November Ist 1905, which was watched with great interest both by the public
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  • 447 4 The fourtli Assizes of the current year were opened in the Supreme Court at eleven o’clock this morning before M r Justice Thornton. Mr. Balfour E. Ross intimated to His Lordship that,.qwing to the W. G. Maxwell, Acting Solicitor-Generai, he had been authorized to conduct certain cases on
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  • 439 4 P. C. C. y. Anglo-Chinese. The football match played on the Esplan-| ade yesterday evening l>etwe”n the Penang Cricket Club and the Anglo-Chinese Schoo! was contested in a most friendly manner. I and resulted in the former winning by! just the o’d 1 goal The Club were witirl out
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 WHERE TO STAY: E. O. Hotel Penang. The Crag Penang Hills. Raffles Singapore. Strand Rangoon. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. Four children lost—one saved A aiuitlier lost four children (all under the age of twelve months) through bowel troubles, and was recommended to try Virol for her daughter four months old. the
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    • 116 4 must r to VZ The Editor, written on,one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writer 1 name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. LL monies must be paid at the Pinang «4 Gazette Office, Penang, to the Secretary, whose receipts
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  • 95 5 TERRORIST OUTRAGES AT ODESSA. GENERAL TREPOFF'S SUCCESSOR. ILLNESS OF COUNT WITTE. [Rrutbr’s Srrvicr.] London, 17th Sept. Gangs of roughs are terrorising the inhabitants of Odessa and assaulting and robbing students and Jews in the streets in the presence of thĕ police. General Dildinlin, Commander of the Gendarmerie, has been
    [Rrutbr’s Srrvicr.]  -  95 words
  • 65 5 HUGE COINING CONFEDERACY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18th Sept. A sensation has been caused in Paris by the arrest of fifty-five of a gang of coiners. The correspondence found in their possession shows that they had confederates in Germany, Great Britain, and Spain, and that preparations were made to operate
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  65 words
  • 64 5 Mr. KEIR-HARDIE ON THE FUTURE. [Brutrr’s Skrvicr] London, 17th Sept. Speaking at a Labour demonstration at Saltcoats, Mr. Keir Hardie, M.P., leader of the .Labour party in the House of Commons, declared that the struggle bet ween Labour which, l*e said, is naturally Socialist—and both Conservatism and
    [Brutrr’s Skrvicr]  -  64 words
  • 58 5 NINE PERSONS KILLED. [Reuter's Service] London, 18th Sept. A tremendous explosion has occurred in a fort near Besancon, in France, owing, it is believed, to the powde- magazine bjing struck by lightning. Nine soldiers and civilians were killed The road near the fort was destroyed
    [Reuter's Service]  -  58 words
  • 51 5 PRINCE GEORGE’4 SUCCESSOR. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th Sept. The Consuls of the protecting Powers interested in the Cretan question have announced that whenever the High Commissionership becomes vacant, the King of Greece is to select a candidate for the post subject to the approval of the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  51 words
  • 103 5 MUTINY ON A TROOPSHIP. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18th Sept. A mutiny has occurred on board the Turkish troopship .-l«x»/r at Port Said, several persons being killed. All is now quiet on board. The Punjab Government has a hard nut to crack. It is rumoured that the captain of the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  103 words
  • 333 5 [All communications intended for insertion in this journal must be authenticated. The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of correspondents.] THE LICENSING COURT. < > [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Dear Sir, With reference to the letter in your issue of the 10th inst. under the
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  • 283 5 The following description of the commercial aspect of Singapore, written in 1838 by Captain Sherard Osl»orn, R. N.. C. 8., in a little book entitled Quedah, or Stray from a Journal in Malayan Waters,” will be read with interest both here and in the Southern Settlement: The
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  • 234 5 This is how legalised gambling is permitted in Siam with a new tariff for permits which came into force on the Ist inst. Gambling houses in the Montl.on of Bangkok have been abolished with the exception of those in the Capital itself. A permit for cock-fighting, buff
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  • 1126 5 THE DEFECTS OF THE SCHEME. Contributed.) The Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Fund of the Straits Settlements has been descril>ed as merely a system of exaction, legalized by the law of the Colony* under the guise of instituting a provident fund for the benefit of
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  • 384 5 SOME RESULTS. We take the following results at the Deli Races from the Deli Courant FIRST’ DAY. Selling Race of $4OO. Distance, 1 mile. Diplomatic 1 Carlton 2 Evening Star 3 Time 1 min. 51 secs. Tote: winner, $5O; places, $l2 and $9. Gentlemen Riders* Race. Value, a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • 26 5 OBITUARY. REAK-ADMIRAL CHICHESTER. 1. [Rrutkr’s Skrvicr.] London, 18th Sept. The death is announced of Rear- Admiral Sir Edward Chichester, Bt., c. 8., Superintendent of Gibraltar Dockyard.
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  • 899 6 Lord Charles Beresford persists in his efforts to turn Garrison Artillerymen into sailors. “Charlie has taken fifty-five rank and file of the R. G. A. with him during the cruise he is now making. With-the Admiral are the Bulwark (Lord Charles’s flagship), the Venerable (flagship of RearAdmiral
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  • 126 6 Taw Tong, Brit., 105, Hassan, Sept. 18, Asahan, gen., Koe Guan Co. Ban WhattSook, Brit, 199, Milne, Sept. 18, Langkat, gen., Beng Kee. Mary Austin, Brit., 121, Campbell, Sept. 18, Teluk Anson, gen., K. G. Co. Pentakota, Brit., 2209, Thomson, Sept. 17, Singapore, gen., H. Liebert Co. Van
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  • 53 6 Prinz Ludwig for Singapore, China, and Japan. Langkat for Deli. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan. Pin Seng for Port Swettenham and S’pore. Perak for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Coen for Singapore. Ladv Weld for Teluk Anson. Hock Chuan Un for Setul. Flying Fish for Port Weld and Taiping. Padang
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  • 443 6 PER Teesta for Negapatam and Madras, at 1 pm. to-morrow. Registration upto 11 a.m. to-morrow. Mary Austin for Teluk Anson, at 2 p.m. to-morrow. Gregory Apcar for Singapore aud Hongkong, at 2 p.m. to-moriow. Pegu for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang, at 2 p.m. to-morrow. Resident
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  • 50 6 Fame of Steamer, where from, approximate date of arrival, where bound, and Agents. Diomed, from Singapore, Sept. 22, London, Amsterdam, and Antwerp, W. M. Co. Arratoon Apcar, from Singapore, Sept. 27, for Calcutta, A. A Anthony Co. Foxley, from Singapore, Sept. 28 for New York, H. Liebeit Co.
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  • 15 6 By G Apcar from Ca'cutta, Messrs. H. E. Olive aud S. J. Crete.
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  • 121 6 Pknano. 18rn Skitember, I9<>6. (By Courtesy of th* Cha-teved Bank.' London Demand Bank l/16 4 months’ sight Bank 3 Credit 2/4 J 3 Documentary */4 9/16 Calcutta, Demaml Bank II» 174 3 days’ eight Private 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 3 «lays’ sight Private 175 Madras, Demaml Bank li3|
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  • 175 6 Penang, 18th September, 1906. Gohl leaf 81.— Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz.) sl9} sales. White Pepper 27.20 siles. Trang Pepper 21.60 sales. Mace 76 sales. Mace Pickings 67 sales. B. Nutmegs 110 31 s<4lers. (No 1 5.50 Sugar. < 2 x. noistock. Basket 3 sales. Tapioca Flour
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  • 621 6 V r r Coital N “o7 ber P d Stock.. Quotation.. F«>r- vapital. 01 Value, up. mation. Shares. MINING. 1003 5300 000 $30.000 $lO $lO Belat Tin Mining. Co. Ltd. $14.20 «ale»900 SoOO 13.500 10 10 Beraawah Gohl Min’g Co. Ld 10 „Her«. 1901 600, '»00 60,000 10 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 Pneumonia, This disease always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy quickly cures these ailments and counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. It is Ina de especially for and similar ailments and can always be depended upon. George Town ry General Agents aud
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    • 245 6 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds or similar injuries. which are of frequent occurrence in every household, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief but
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    • 705 6 NOTICE OF SALE. BIRCH MEMORIAL FUND. t* rk 1 ct>.l 77 n »1• 4 To Architects and Others. By Order <f Puteh (f) the Adnnnistratrix of the Estate of Haji Abubaker Sedeck -p. ESIGNS are invited for a C ock fcower Mencan alias Pusi, deceased. to l)e erecte(J in Jp{)h
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    • 632 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE next Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will held at the Municipal Office, at 3 p.m,, on Friday, the 21st instant. L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary. municipal notice. Advertisements on Tram Tickets. TENDERS are invited for the right of advertising on the backs of the next edition
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1668 7 TIVAi I RFFRi sun L Jr™"" p™»»* t-w v BB gL H BLTJ The 77th Annua: Gene-al Meeting of the (ESTABLISHED 1876.) Selangor, and Sumatra. eiaajnfcg M t ww* w, Standard Life Assurance Company was Established 1720. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3ft» held at Edinburgh, on Tuesdav, the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2121 8 8 PINANG GAZETTE AMD 3TKAIIO p ofliiK nr [Nederlanasch-lndische CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI arDERLft’rosCHE HANDEL JN i E.RNATIONAL BAN KING Escompto-Maatschappjj AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPU. CORPORATION. INDIA, LIMITED. (Netherlands Indian Discount Bank.) Established at Batavia 1807. 4 1 u Paid-up-Capital $10.000,000 Neth.rlancU Trading Society. Fiscal
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