Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2029 1 I— Intended Sailings. Shipping. Shipping', I* 0. Steam Naviga- BR T SH NDiA S TEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD 1 Nordieutschtf Lloyd. Bremen. I tion, Company. 2 /jk ■xPFCTFD ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Kor Imtrndicd to Sail. Stbawbr. I'/lA I MAIL SERVICE. Segapatam i Jmperlal German Mail Line. 1/ Outward». Madras, Pondicherry,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 681 2 I BUWILLĔ’& WTOH CIGARS, Prices Greatly Reduced. JflKk w™,. ISLE OF SKYE WHISKY, Jf |G H SLOT Co. K W A Trial jfimll E£l Massey-Harris Ladies’ Bicycles. after which Novelties in Jewellery fhWJB A by every Mail. t?* of Irisl- f JSL H I»S(M Mg Y\ rx. jk k■ti 5
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  • 616 3 —V. <7. A CHINESE DIFFICULTY IN THE NAVY. There has just been a Chinese difficulty at Devon port, all arising from the unfortunate death of one Me Chang in the Royal Naval Hospital. Me Chang was borne on the hooks of a British cruiser, the
    —V. <7.  -  616 words
  • 219 3 Tiii mining in Malaya, is, in the opinion of the Yoi kshire Daily Observer advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is not. a failure as vet amongst the Englioh-control-led companies operating in that country. I’he Tronoh has paid successive annual dividends of 2s ss. Gd., and
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  • 232 3 A FAMOUS REGIMENT. In round figures, 50,000 troops took part m the military review held in Tokio on the 30th ult., by his Majesty the Emperor. Over a hundred regimental colours were seen at the review, and among them the colours of the Seventh Infantry Regiment is
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  • 213 3 Mr. Geo. Newman, who left Cevlon on the 2nd inst.. for the Malay States, after three months' stay in the M. M. Salazie, took with him some Lun Iles of Mauritius grass with a view to cultivating it in Kuala Lumpur. This grass
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  • 357 3 We do not think that uadue importiuc should be given to the subjoined, but it will probably be of interest to our readerto note the fact of its appearance. The the article we refer t &gt; is by Herr Adolf Stein, the edit »r of the Pan-German
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  • 1346 3 Doi Iy, T-leyraph. RELIGION IN JAPAN. There is no country in the world at the present time whose attitude towards the unknown is so interesting t) the student of religions as that of Japan. For manv centuries down to the time, within living memory, when Japan threw
    Doi Iy, T-leyraph.  -  1,346 words
  • 166 3 Secretary of State William JI. Taft de livere«l a speech on the Ist in’t I*efore the student bo&lt;iy of Yale University, in which he «leno’.inced the action of the Senate Commitlee on Finance in refusing to report the Philippine Tariff Bill. He said that its failure was a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 Chamberlain’s Coug'li Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. I have been selling Chamberlains Lough Remedy in my retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Abrahamson of Durbanville, Cape Colony. I 6*id it to give satisfaction with the people who ~se it and it the best seller of any cough
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    • 84 3 A Safe Speculation. If you have an attack of rheumatism and Chamberlain s Pain Balm gets you back to work in a few days, will it not pay for ifce’.f several Limes over? There is no need of suffering from rheumatism for a month or six weeks, incurring the expense
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    • 83 3 Children When Teething. This is the most dangerous age in the life of a child. At this time they have more or less diarrhoea, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible fo disease. Any unusual loosene&lt;s of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can be done
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    • 281 3 Passengers for the Straits. Per P. A' O. steamer Monyulia. from London, Apiil 27. connecting with ’be steamer Arcct'Da at Colombo;-—To Penang. Mrs. Baxendnle and child, Miss E F Salisbury, Mr. W. P. Smith. Mrs. J lee Mr. K. J P. Darby. Mr. D. Maccoll T'« Singapore, Miss Aitken. Mis
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    • 289 3 You will enjoy your cocoa if you use 1 I van I It is a pure soluble cocoa with g a delicious natural flavour, and B is as delightful to the taste as it B is beneficial to health. N Best Goes Farthest. B The French Confectionery, /7a Jfortljam 7{octcL
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  • 110 4 Moaday, I4th May. Town Band, Esplanade G to 7 p in. High water 5.00 p.m. Low water 11.01 a.m. Tuesday. IStk May. Assizes Oj»en. Homeward German Mail. League Football F. S. v. A.-C. 8. High water 5 45 a.rn lx&gt;w water 11.50 p.m Wcdacxday, I6ih May. Outward German
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  • 1051 4 Monday, 14 th May, 1906. T. he editor of the Australian Trailing World, having inferred from the legislation foreshadowed in the King’s Speech for improving the law regarding certain Colonial ma: riages that the new Government intends to recognise Colonial marriages with a deceased wife’s sister, has received a letter
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  • 289 4 SATURDAYS MEET. The membeis of the Penang Hunt Club had a very enjoyable ride on Saturday afternoon, when the place of meeting was the sepoy Lines. At about five o’clock Starr took the lead from the Parade ground, out on York Road into Scotland Road, which was
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    • 125 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Dear Sir, From the recent correspondence in your paper, it appear* that in Penang there are still manv willing to subscribe to the Bind Fund It also, however, seems that in the past these have been given no fair chance of
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  • 70 4 The f blowing is the list of cases set down for hening at the Assizes to be held in the Supreme C-»”it to-morrow Pang Sin Returning from banishment after having *x-en lawfully banished from the State of Pernk. Mat K assim Inn Mat Hashim Robbery, with causing greivous
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  • 13 4 Lawn Tknnis Tournament. Ties postponed to-day will be played to-morrow.
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  • 171 4 AVe t*ke the following from the Y.M.C.A. Magazine for May One of our Singapore members recently transferred to Penang writes that he was not only received at once into membership there on arrival but was given a place in the Y. M. C. A. League
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  • 553 4 CORONER’S INQUEST. As briefly reported in our column Saturday, Mr. G A. Hereford held an inquiry at the Second Police ou that day to inquire into the attending the death of Chow Keng 'l™ aged eight, who was killed as the result an electric tramway accident at
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  • 386 4 Ad the previous cases of cholera »&gt;d the c mtacc* in Province M ellesley li--been discharged. Part of the medical start that was sent to the infected area has relui ned to Penang. In the infected area in Perak i cases of cholera and four deaths occutred
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 EASTERN ORIENTAL fiWI VICTORIA DINNER, fairs day, May. c Selected Music During and After Dinner. SARKIES BROTHERS, Froprietgrs. i i i PLATE STAND CAMERA, With &lt; &lt; 1 FT --.'i Busch Rapid Symmet-sE-SFWmii 11 i-J h ,l: rical Lcns Thornton ItehdH Ji- Pickard Shatter. 2 l&gt;."k Slide». 4 I ASH
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    • 116 4 ESTABLISHED HOT CONTRIBUTIONS must be address-d to The Editor, written .onom side of the paper only and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. 4LL monies must be paid at the Pinang Gazette n Office, Penang, to the Secretary,
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    • 22 4 I AU commmtscations intewled ftr insertion in this journal must be authenticated. The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of correspondents.
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  • 241 4 DEATH. Higgins. —Accidentally drowned, at Pi ve River Dock, on the night of the 1 Ith in*t S. Higgins, third officer of the B. 1 steamship Ellora Calcutta pa[»cr&gt; please copy. OBITUARY. LORD CURRIE. [Ruutkr’s Skrvick] London, 14th May. The de ath is announced of Lord Currie, at the age
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  • 132 5 THE BOUNDARY DISPUTE. SUBMISSION BY THE PORTE. EVACUATION OF EGYPTIAN TERRITORY [Reuter’s Service London, 12th May. Rear-Admiral Lambton, with the British cruiscrt Thetis f Perseus,\ and£J/inerr*i, is at Port Said awaiting orders. The British ultimatum to Turkey in regard to the boundary question expires at midnight on
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  132 words
  • 190 5 THE CUSTOMS DECREE. EXPLANATIONS WANTED. [Reuter’s Service London, 12th May. In the House of Commons yestcrdav Sil Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, said I cannot suppose that the Chinese Imperial Customs decree (appointing Tieh Liang to be Superintendent of Customs and Tong Sha to l»e ViceMinister
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  190 words
  • 109 5 THE NATIVE RISING. [Bkutkr’s Service.] London, 12th May. Additional irregular forces, to the number of eiglit hundred, are being raised at Durban to relieve the reserves in the fiel 1. A punitive column has left Nkandhla. where numerous kraals have been burned. London, 14th May. The situation in
    [Bkutkr’s Service.]  -  109 words
  • 55 5 RECEPTION IN MELBOURNE. [Reuter’s Service London, 12th May. The Ministers of the Australian Commonwealth have entertained the officers and men of the Japanese training squadron at a banquet in Melbourne. The Prime Minister Hon. Alfred Deakin) «id that he hoped that the Australian training squadron w &gt;ul
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  55 words
  • 37 5 FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE LORDS [Rkuter’s Skrvicr.] London, 12th May. His Royal Higl mess the Prince of Wales made his first appearance in the House of Lords yesterday and took the statutory oath.
    [Rkuter’s Skrvicr.]  -  37 words
  • 24 5 DEPARTURE FROM CANADA. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 12th May. His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Connaught has left Canada for Home.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  24 words
  • 169 5 EIPLOIIENT OF TROOPS. SOCIALIST DEPUTIES RESIGN. THE TROUBLES IN ROME. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th May. Collisions between the strikers and the troops have occurred at Bologna and Rome. The strike is coming to an end at Milan, but is spreading at Genoa and Naples. Baron Sonnino,
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  169 words
  • 176 5 AMNESTY OF PRISONER*. REPLY TO THE THRONE. [Reuter’s Service London, 14th May. The new Russian Assembly held a sitting on Saturday. After vigorous speeches had been made expatiating on the sufferings of the people, the Assembly instructed the committee, in drafting a reply to the speech from
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  176 words
  • 40 5 SUCCESSOR APPOINTED. •Reuter’s Service London. 14th May. It is officially stated that M. Izwolsky, the Russian Minister at Copenhagen, will succeeded Court Lamsdorff as Minister for Foreign Affairs, and that the latter lias been relieved of his functions.
    •Reuter’s Service ]  -  40 words
  • 134 5 lEIPTOI PARK GREAT JUBILEE BAIDICAP. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14t.h May. The race for the Kempton Park Great Jubilee Handicap was run off on Saturday, with the following result Twentieth Year of the Kempton Park Great Jubilee Handicap. —Of 3,000 (2,800 so vs. in specie and 200 In
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  134 words
  • 41 5 DEMONSTRATION IN ALBERT HALL [Reuter’s Service London, 14th May. A huge demonstration under the auspices of the Church of England has been held in the Albert Hall to protest against the Education Bills. The Bishop of London presided.
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  41 words
  • 39 5 EDUCATION OF OFFICERS. [Reuters Service.] London, 14th May. Lord Tweedmouth, First Lord of the Admiralty, has announced that he does not intend to interfere with the established policy of education in the training of naval officers.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  39 words
  • 1651 5 —Straits Times. FRIDAY, MAY 11th, 1906. Present. His Excellency the Acting Governor, Sir William T. Taylor, k.c.m.g.' Hon. E. L. Brockman (Acting Colonial Secretary). J. R. Innes (Act. Attorney-General). J. O. Authonisz (Act. Col. Treasurer). A T. Bryant (Acting Auditor-Ge leral). John Anderson. H. Fort. W. H. Shelford.
    —Straits Times.  -  1,651 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 PRIZE MEDAL SAFES. McAlister Co., Ltd,
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    • 226 5 EXSHAW BRANDY. SOLE AGENTS, Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., (ESTABLISHED 1864). Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beer and Stout Importers. Price List on Application to Office, at the Corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. NOTICE. TENDERS are invited for the lease of the fruit trees on the Mosque land in
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    • 307 5 New Advertisements. NOTICE. Mr. J. A. W. COENEN has ceased to be a partner in our firm. G. H. SLOT Co. Penang, 12th May, 1906. 19-5 Wanted for Kedah. A GOVERNESS to teach two Girls and a Boy aged 16, 12 and 8. Must know Music. Free Board and Washing.
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  • 641 6 I lie Cunard liner Campania, which sailed from Liverpool for New York on 14th ult., had on board for American consignees gold to the value of over 14 millions sterling, and weighing about 12 tons. This is believed to be the largest value in bullion which has
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  • 181 6 Segovia, Ger., 3795, Hĕy 14, Singapore, gfijL, Behn Meyer 06 Avagyke, Brit.,* 247, Crichtow-. May, 13, Owi gen., Koe Guan Co. Lady Weld, Brit., 245, Quine, May 13, Teluk Anson, Kwong-Gn. Pbtrel, Brit, 124, Edwards, May 13, P. Braudan, gen., Koe Guan Co. Cantox, Brit, 105, Marican, May,
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  • 42 6 Mary Avstin for Port Swettenliam. Tong Ch ay Un for Batu Bahra and Asahan. Canton for Pangkor am! Teluk Ans«»u. Hebe for Deli. Produce for Rangoon. Pa lam cotta for Rangoon ami Calcutta. Flying Dragon for Port Weld an&lt;! Taiping.
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  • 100 6 I'Kli Avagyre for Deli, at 1 p.m to-morrow. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandau, at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Taw Tonu for Trang, at 1 pm. to-morrow. Pin Seng for Port «Swettenham, ami Singaj»ore, at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Cheang Chew for Singapore, Hvngdoug, Swatow ami Amoy, at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Sachsen,
    100 words
  • 116 6 A»»».., of ''lfnrn't, irhere. /»&lt;»«•, &lt;• pfa la .r.D, rtyeiti». Sachsen, from Singapore, May 15. for lir»' men. via j»orts, Behn Meyer A I’rki'•sen. from Colombo. May 16. for pore China and Japan. Behn Meyer A &lt; Filiipo from S’pore, May I*. f»»r Trieste via Rangoon. S.
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  • 64 6 Ladr W»*hi, front I'eluk An-on, \|r. Tobler. Avagv&lt;'»’. fr&lt;»'t, Delhi. M»?sAr&gt;. i»ra&gt;t. Palmer l’.»tta. VanGinz ami VaulLtU en Bharara. fr&lt;-m Rango 'it. Mi&lt;. P'-rter, Mr- Red.tioti'i, Mr. R**»ln»omi. Mrs. .Mes-rs. St'ik»'&gt;. John Fctsch, Ovacgn, Miami Mr- t\»H Chevig. Palamcotta. from Singapore, Mis* .Me Donald, Mr Eiwi 1
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  • 126 6 Pbnano, 14th May, 1906. (liy CourUty of the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 1 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/16 3 Cretlit 3 Documentary 2/4 11/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank R» 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Deman»! Bank 174 J 3 «lays’ sight Private 177 Madras. Demaml Rank
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  • 162 6 Pknan»;, 14m May, IIH»g Gohl leaf 81 Pepper (W. &lt;■.»:»•&lt;• 3 ll&gt;«* 5 oz.) ,o sl»»ck White Peppot 30.—buyers Trang Pepper 21.8« sales. Mace .«I Mmm Pickings 68|. s B. Nutmeg* I|o sales. r No. i 6 sales. Sugar. 2 x. no st«M.*k. (Basket 2.67| sales Tapiuca Flour I
    162 words
  • 568 6 I Y&lt;arof Number j Pai d For- Capital. of np Stocks. Quotation», mation. Shares. MINING. 1903 $300,000 $30,000 »$lO $lO Belat Tin Mining. Co. Ltd. $3 fettyer». 1900 175.000 13.500 10 JO Bersawah Gold Min’g Co. Ld. 12| sel'ers. 1901 600 &lt;OO 60.000 10 10 Brueeh Hydraulic Tin Min
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 Give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a Trial. No other linimeiU affirds such prompt relief from rh«*umatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with its remarkable qualities and von will never wish
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    • 141 6 TO LET. PREMISES Xo. 6 Bishop Street. Ist Floor, suitable for an Office. 2ml Floor for a Store. Either separately or whole. Applv t.o S. W." J lie..el, I'l IE Native Industries Committee of Port Dickson arc prepare»! to supply hats, fans, cushions, wtwtepaper baskets, etc., of local manufacture at
      141 words
    • 147 6 Federated Malay States Railways. o\\ I\&lt;i to an ontbreak of cliolem, pnssciiuers uil! not be booked to or from Xiboij* Tebnl Station until flirt Imu* notice, and fterishable traffic will not ixuicrepted for conveyance tlK’refroin. Passenj’t’i’s mid l&gt;erisliab!e traffic will not be booked from Bakap, Sinipang* Anipat, Alina, Bukit Mertajani,
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    • 40 6 MILNER’S SAFES FIRE STOCKS By* ALWAYS ON PROOF. HAND. I A Complete Illustrated Catalogue AND Prices on Application. j 4 Guthrie Co., Ltd. LIPTONS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. Agents, /‘enany, Paterson, simonb a co.
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    • 539 6 situation wanted B Y EUROPEAN. Either office A-» outdoor work. Quito aceu Bt managing labour. Good tottimonia” R°ply ft C c Pinang FOR SA LIL THE GOLDEN GROVE ESTATE 1 Province Wellesley, compri 8 i nr area of 2,100 acres, more or less an For further information, appl v Sugar
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  • 1186 7 programme for AUTUMN MEETING, (906. Tuesday 31st July, Isfjursday 2nd AND Saturday 4t6 FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 31st JULY, 1906. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $6OO A Rice for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 His. All animals imported into the Straits or F.M.S. as Subscription
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 367 7 DENTISTRY. p"- y R p yV\ Surgical and Mechanical American Dentist, iHte I&gt;r A,,en ;Co p,in U«».A.‘ A u No 32 NORTIIAM ROAD. Charge» Moderate. ('oMHltation Fret. tlouis 9 to 4 p.m. or by appointment. QAsidiner at 21A Penaft£ Road. r Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. A Few
      367 words
    • 317 7 hire Insurance. Queen Insurance Company. Royal Fire Insurance CompanyTHE iimlersigneil have been appointed Agents for the above Companies, and are open to accept Fire Risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS Ltd., Agents. Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. of Hamburg. Established 1854. 'Dio undersigned having been appiinted Agents of the above Company,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1821 8 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA I HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI nEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL INTERNATIONAL BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF Nederlandsch-lndische AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. BAATACHAPPM. CORPORATION. INDIA, LIMITED. DHceuat 0 P Paid nn Canihd SI O 000 000 Trading Society. loth far tkp Ikittd States of Established at Batavia 1857. Incorporated by
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