Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2181 1 Intended Sailings. P.& 0. Steam Naviga British INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION C 0.,» LTD. Norddeutschff Lloyd, Bremen. tion, Company. M iVaw I I? HFFCTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. FoR Tmtrniucd to Sail. Stbamrk. I 3 ’«SSfe MAII. SEkV C». Madras P<,nJir S |lrrv R 'c’ ill i «"J ril Bt 2 P"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 893 2 woods’ nCDPIF S Ml MT Greats 11 I SaaEllTllrl i c0 ,,s -..1-—=- I CRUSHED FOOD. PENANG BAND?" THE LONDON DIRECTORY, 9 a I 6 I NKW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. OTICE is hereby given that f roin ljt C°rV N Ot J« POAHI (X UOll LIU' Tkv rr and you
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  • 882 3 an appreciation. Cipriano Castro, President of Venezuela, ul s an unrivalled experience of international complications. He contracts them a |l the year round, as a Londoner contracts t-olds in the bead during the winter months. \t best they follow one another with brief intervals of
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  • 947 3 PENANG AND BANGKOK COMPARED. The following letter, signed by Suo Scrofa appears in a recent issue of the Sifim Free Press, and will be read with interest here I am glad, and I feel sure many other people are the same, to see you raising again
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  • 1348 3 An important and valuable memorandum, drawn up by Mr. R. S. Gundry, C. 8., on the above subjects was sent in to the Foreign Office on Feb. 2 last by the China Association. In this document, after a recitation of the facts of the
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  • 282 3 Per P. O. steamer Palawnu, from London, Match 17:—I Singapore, Mr. P. IL Laidlaw. Mr. W. Makepeace, Dr. R W. Keith. Mr. aiul Mrs. Ridgway. Lieut Schneider, Mr. Cumming, Miss Montcfioie. Miss Maclelland To Penang- M>*C. Arnohl, Mr S. Anderson, Mr. E. D. Alexander. P»»r P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 88 3 You Run No Risk. You need not hesitate to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. If you are not satisfied with the results after using two-thirds of the bottle according to directions you may return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug Co.,
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    • 77 3 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do. For the alleviation of pain Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has no equal. Soreness of the muscles, swellings and lamene-s are quickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or chest and nothing will compare with it as nn
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    • 543 3 I USE OHLY and USE ALWAYS ■yWPWWfgfMBWPB MOST refreshing. Far Superior A Luxurious Perfume In Health. German Kinds. RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. B > HOUSE TO JLET. Nippon Yusen Kaish.i. NO. 2b CANTONMENT ROAD. s.n. Pingo Maruis due at this port on From Ist May, 1906. O’’ about the 24th April,
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  • 190 4 W«dneU»y, 18th April. Outward German Mail due, 7 p.m.- 1 Baud, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. WayaDg Kassim. High water7.2s p.m. Lore renter 1.30 a.n>. ThvrxlA». 19 h April. League Football St. X. v. C. It. C. Outward B.J. Mail due, 7 a.m. Wayang Karaim. High water 8.20
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  • 1003 4 Ever since M. Delcasae succeeded M. Hanotaux at the Quai <l’ Orsay the f>onds which hold together the Triple Alliance i have been gradually weakening. Vp to the conclusion of the Franco-Russian Alliance France was in an unenviable position of isolation now it is her lival
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  • 883 4 P. R. C. v. N. The climatic conditions yesterday afternoon were fjrr from favourable for the first League football match between the Penang Recreation Club and the Northern League. The latter Club started as favourites after their drawn game iyith the Penang Cricket* Club and their victory by
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  • 388 4 VISIT TO A FACTORY In view of any misapprehend may exist concerning the qualify water used by the TanjoJ Pi,’ n tl,e Company, Limited, in the manufact» ice, a representative of the Pi nnn n p° f visited the factory at the Df loh Ayer Etam 'Road,
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  • 37 4 J. M. P. Smith v. The Sultan of Kedah. Judgment in the alrove case, which has been engaging the attention of the Court for some considerable period, lias been given in favour of the Sultan.
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  • 202 4 A Murder Cask. At the Assizes in t he Supreme Court th» morning before Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton» three Chinese, Ho A Seng, Lai A Chor, and Voo Kai Khow, were charged with the murder < f Eng Yi, a Chinese pork-sener; while Liong Chan alius Liong Tens
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  • 190 4 One fresh case of cholera ami nP occurred in Province Wellesley yes making the total number of cases of deaths 46. .«markel In this connection it ’«uy that the quarantine regulations n V^ rtoO enforced by the Perak aUt tH a^p ner nlir stringent in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 120 4 DEWAR'S WHISKY. SOLE AGENTS, Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., (ESTABLISHED 1364). Wine and Spirit Merchants, Ale, Beerand Stout ■*!..> Importers.; 'Price, List on Application to Office,, at-the Cteasr of Bead» Street and Church Street Ghaut. TiliiH !■>,' ,1, <l,l .i 11 H THE WORLD’S GREAT DISINFECTANT. TO/ h r v/. ZOFAIfI TJSED
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    • 113 4 ESTABLISHED 18» CONTRIBUTIONS must be addresfrd The Editor,” written on one tide of the paper only and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. ALL monies must be paid at the Pitintg Gazette O/fr>r, Penan?, to the Secretary, whose
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  • 188 5 the mew loan. FULLER PARTICULARS. an OPPOSITION movement. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th April. It is expected tint the new Russian five per cent, interest, will next week. The bulk of the Leeds will probably be allowed to re--1 in the various monetary centres con,ua"' s 0 that there
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  188 words
  • 71 5 KING ALFONSO AT COWES. PREPARATIONS IN MADRID. [Reuters Service] London, 18th April. King Alfonso of Spain has arrived at Cowesfin the Is’e of Wight, on a visit to the Battenberg family. His Majesty hits taken with him a number of most valuable presents, including a set of
    [Reuters Service]  -  71 words
  • 67 5 CONDEMNED BY BISHOP OF LONDON. MASS MEETING SUMMONED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 17th April. The Bishop of London (Dr A. F. Wnmington-1 ngnim), in a letter condemning the new Education Bill, announces that he is summoning a mass meeting to be held in the Albert Hall, on L'riday,
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  67 words
  • 59 5 I ISQUIET ING SITU AT lON. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18- h April. The Zululand Chiefs Siganandi and S’dubi, in the vicinity of the- Nkhandla orest, have refused to c >-<»perate with the 'fatal forces against the rebel chief Bamtaata. The Natal authorities are despatching reinforcements ami
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  59 words
  • 54 5 HE VISIT OF BRITISH ROYALTY. [Reuter’s Service London, 18th April. 1 heir M ijesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra and Their llovnl Highnesses the rince and Princess, of Wales have left orfu for Athens to be present at the pening of the Olympic Games on Sunday ex
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  54 words
  • 38 5 A TRANSFERENCE. [Reuter’s Service. I London, 18th April. The 3 orddeutsche Xeitmuj states that vnn Wedel, of t lieGermaii.Consutate I Cairn, has b mn appointed Second Secrecy to the German Legation at Rom' 1
    [Reuter’s Service. I  -  38 words
  • 36 5 the mutinovs oulbbeaks.. [Reuter’s Service.] London, l'Bth Apiil. ft r "mg to the mutinous outbreaks on a 1,111 er °f Portuguese warships, the PortuSquadron has been distributed at lrioUs harbours along the coast.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  36 words
  • 69 5 THE KAISER'S TELEGRAM. A WARNING TO ITALY. THE GERMANS TO LEAD. [Reuter's Service London, 18th Apiil. The Taeldalt, the well-known Berlin paper, commenting upon the outcry against the telegram sent by the Kaiser to Count Goluchowski, Foreign Minister for AustroHungary, warns Italy of her dependence on
    [Reuter's Service ]  -  69 words
  • 829 5 could not be allowed to stand still. L. A’ G. Express. The report of the China' Association for the year 1905-6 is a mwe than usually bulky document. It opens with a reference t<> the recent war, and notes th it the admirable conduct of the war-as
    could not be allowed to stand still. L. A’ G. Express.  -  829 words
  • 1420 5 THE PERIOD OF SERVICE. INTERESTING CASE IN COURT. In the Court of Requests yesterday, before Mr. G. A. Hereford, Lieutenant Alan Wilson, Adjutant, Penang Volunteer Corps, sued Mr. Owen Harold Wait, described as a private of the Corps, for the recovery of the sum of $25, which it
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    • 388 5 To lite Editor of the Pin-tug Sir. As one iirt,ereste 1 in cricket in Penang should like t i write a few lines t<> |>roteSt' agiiiist natives b-ing allowed to walk? over ill- carefully turfed patches of ground oi. the Esplanade. Some parts of ths ground arc
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 702 6 The Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society have awarded their silver medal and £3 to a diver named John 0. Rawlings. Rawlings was one of the divers engaged in the attempt to recover £1,000,000 worth of rubber from the steamer Cyril, which sank in the River Amazon. D
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  • 84 6 I Kennebec, Brit., 3301, Beynon, April 18, Manila, gen., A. Gilfillan Co. Prinz-Rec.knt Luitpoli», Ger., 3920, Kirchner, April 17, B’pore, gen B. M Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 110, Milne, April 17, Langkat, gen., Quah Beng Keo. Petrel, Brit, 124, Lyons, April 17, Port Swettenham, gen., Koe Guan Co.
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  • 40 6 Petrel for Port Swettenham. Rotorca for Tongkah. Taw Tong for Asahan Jason fo«- Singapore and China. Langkat for Teluk Anson. Solfond for Rangoon Resident Halhwyn for Pa igkor. Asah an for Asahan. Pr. Regent Luitpold, for Ceylon Eurojie.
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  • 126 6 PKIC Jin Ho for Langkat. at 1 p.m. to-morrow. De Kock for Deli, Bajan, E lie T. SemaAVe, at I p in. to-morrow. Glenoglk for Singapore Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy, at 3 p.m. t «-morrow. Baron Ardrossan for Singapore, at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Ki m Sang for Singapore
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  • 60 6 A <»••«> nf Sianmer, tr/teve /»»>»»«, «>>-;>><>>/«■ •lai* <tf rr'iAiA /••>><•«■/, agent., Java, from Singapore \pril 2 h for Colombo, and Europe, A. Gilfillan A Co Unity, from Rangoon, April 21, for Rangoon, <’hin Ho and Son. Dongola, from Colombo, April 26. for Singapore China, A. Gilfillan
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  • 133 6 Penang, 18th April, 1906. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2 4 7/16 3 Credit 2 4 9/16 3 Documentary 2/4| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 17- r 3 days’ sight Private 178 Bombay, Demand Bank 175| 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 173 6 Pknanu, 18rii Al’iiif., 1901» Gohl leaf «1 Pep[»er (W. <’oa«t ll»a. 5 o».) "•‘•ok White Peppor 28 /miferc Trang Pepper 21 -»O .«.slb rr. Mace 81 Mace Pickings 70 seller B. Nutmegs I IO ’o »<de». JNo. I 59' tab <. „2 Basket 2 85 »«/<•« Tapioca Flour •95
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  • 521 6 Year of Number j p a id For- Capital. of up Stocks. Quotations, mation. Shares. MINING. 1903 $300,000 $30,000 $lO $lO Belat Tin Mining. Co. Ltd. s2} tellers. 1900 175,000 13,500 10 10 Bersawali Gold Min’g Co. Ld. 13 sales. 1901 60,000 10 10 ißniseh Hydraulic Tin Min- 11}
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 WAyANQ KASSIM. TO-NIGHT! COME ALL TO-NIGIIT The Indra Zanibar Royal 'iheatricii Coy oi Singapore. WILL STAGE AT THE Campbell Street Drury La?.e Theatre Hall, JFednesday, 18lh April, The Most Laughable and Comical Plat Entitled “Baktom and Baktim,” THE TWO FOOLS. You Know You All Like This Piece. It is Specially
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    • 243 6 Every Bottle Warranted. Chamberlains Pain Ihim will not cost you one cent if it does you no good. Give it a trial if you are troubled with rheumatism. One application will relieve the pain. Pains in the side of chest, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of the joint* are
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    • 256 6 A Favourite Kemedy for Babica. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures luive made Uh mdiei laiii s Uou.oi Hem iv a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their and lohls and prevents nnv dinger i»t pneumonia or other serious cor sequencer. George Town IHspensary, General Agents,
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    • 95 6 jff w FROM FLOWERS THEFUGRAMCE or CAMIA distinguishes the Parisian Smart Set i RIGALD S PERFUMES arc the strongest, most resisting and sweetest. White Violet, White Rose, Jasmin and Bocool are standard Extracts tor j the handkerchief. ENGLISH SOAPS, Manufactured Specially for GRAHAM Co., Limited. OATMEAL SOAP, An Ideal Complexion
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    • 413 6 Mackay’s I Liqueur Wbi S h Giesiers Champ aqnp Jl I I Consulate for the Neth er an j 5 I the Farm having the right, to fi r I pearl-shells, mother-.,f.pesri 8 eils I pang m the waters of the island > I kalis (Government territory) forthu I from
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  • 1225 7 PROPOSED PROGRAMME FOR AUTUMN MEETING, 1906. Tuesday 31st July, Thursday 2nd AND Saturday J*t!) To be Considered at a General Meeting to be held on Monday, 3Oth April, 19O(>. NOTICE. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 DAVID BROWN CO., 4, Logan's Buildings. estate agents auditors. Valuation» and Sales by Auction OR private Tender of Houses and Landed Property. Books, Accounts, &c., made up Adjusted and Audited BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors 42 BENTIKCK STREET, CALCUTTA. (Established A. I). 1852.) Toinl'stolios in Italian Marble, Aberdeen Granite, and Chunar
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    • 85 7 MASSEY-HABRIS BICYCLES. f i iE U L They Run Easy and Keep Running Easy. TIVOU JEER IN WHITE GLASS BOTTLES. r- -iW' MH (to jMM 1 8 4? a. wL 2 .if™ 2E ••St 3 fßfr wHI y -Are Sh cd St WkN W S a PATERSON SIMONS CO.. Agents
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1702 8 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA HONGKONG AND'SHANGHAI HEDERLAHDSCHE HANDEL INTERNATIONAL BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF Nederlandsch-lndisch? AUSTRALIA AND CHINA BANKING CORPORATION. MAATSCHAPPU. CORPORATION. INDIA LIMITED. Escompto-Maatschann' o-j n -a i tin non 000 Trading Society. (Netherlandß-Indian Discount Bank i **>* Ch "I™ s, 1 p rann 000 Sterling Reserve $10,000,0001 4
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