Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 April 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2218 1 Intended Sailings. Shipping. I Shipping* F.IW). Steam Naviga- BRmsH IND)A STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. "I Noddeoticlwr Lloyd. Bromen. ■on, Company. 1 sWgta ~35®% ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. I<OR Inrrnmn» to Sail. Stkamkr. \1 \l[ SI,K\KJ.. M a( i ra p *J e^ a l ,ata, i^ at Hth April at 2
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 international hotel, Wrnnght Iron Tubes Fillings I SE °2 Y T s 1 PENANG. Large Stocks Always on Hand. INQ X Af w Xt from Ist Amil ADAMSON, GILPLLLAN COMPANY, LIMITED. LUXUR)OUB p ERFUME Far Superior S* Under Entirely New Management ftom Ist Apiil. |n Health GermatT Kinds. An European
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  • 785 3 SOME OF ITS PROMINENT MEMBERS. Paris, March 13th. Subject to certain slight changes, the composition of the Cabinet is now known. \fter considerable difficulty, M. Sarrien Ins succeeded in getting together a someivhat heterogeneous body. That body ,judos M. Clemenceau, of the Advanced and men of
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  • 398 3 DETAILS OF THE DISASTER. A message from the Government of Formosa states that the earthquake on the ITgli uit. affected the whole island, the district under the jurisdiction of the Kagi prefecture suffering most. In the Takow district a considerable number of houses totally collapsed, and none
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  • 189 3 Because rubber culture may become an important industry in our tropical possessions, says tlie Manila Titn-s. tlie Government has sent Dr. Plirr H. Olsen-Seffer to lhe Philippines to examine and report on the advantages which are offered for rubber production. To prepare himself for doing his
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  • 136 3 The French quinquennial census, as is well known, fell on the Sunday during which the King was in Paris. The census paper was delivered at the British Embas«y in the Faubourg St. Houore not by the Prefect of the Seine, who is t lie usual authority,
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  • 96 3 From a statement issued by the Local Go -ernment Board it a pears that the avrage amount spent on each peison rec iving poor relief in England and Wales ha more than trebled since 1849. The fig 'res are as follows 1849 5 6 5 1860
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  • 400 3 ACCORDING TO A SOLICITOR. At the Perth City Court recently Mr. Walter, Acting P. M. heard a case in which Daniel O’Leary, who described himself as a compositor and journalist, proceeded against J. M. Drew, of the Geraldton Express Newspaper Co., uud- r the Masters
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  • 369 3 An Alleged League with Criminals. Bucharest, Feb. 27. Galatz, the principal port of Roumanii, and a city of 70,000 inhabitants, is now without anv police. The whole of the police force, with the chief at the head, have been arrested upon charges of being in
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  • 262 3 AN EXTRAORDINARY STORY. i Lemberg, March 16th. The Slowo Polskie publishes a sensational story, purporting to come from reliable sources in Paris, that negotations are now pending- between the Russian and Prussian Governments for the sale of a portion of Congress Poland to Prussia. The territory proposed
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  • 335 3 Per P. it O steamer India from London, March IG, connecting with lhe steamer Delhi at Colombo:—To Penang. Mr. Bateson, Mr. A. Moritz, Mr. J. J. Tate To Singapore. Mr. A. E. Webster, Mr. IL O. Maas, Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Proctor. Mr. J. G.
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  • 1252 3 Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Friday, the 23rd March, 1906. Present :—J. W. Hallifax, Esq (President), A. R. Adams, Esq., Lira Eu Toh, Esq., L. H. Clayton, Esq and Lo Beng QuaYig, Esq. Absent :—Dr. P. V. Locke. 1. 'The Minutes of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do. For the alleviation of pain Chamberlain s Pa’n Balm has no equal. Soreness of the muscles, mvellings and lamene 7 are quickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or chest and nothing will compare with it
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    • 87 3 You Run No Risk. You need not hesitate to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. If you arc not satisfied with the result.’after using two-thirds of the bottle according to directions v<m may return it to your dealer and your money will be refunded. Here is what the Greer Drug Co., Granite,
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    • 217 3 Highly Esteemed. No liniment stands higher in the estimation of those who know its real value than Chamberlain’s Pain Bahn. There are thousands who feel that they cannot get along without it and always keep it in their homes. The pain from cuts, burns, bruises ami like injuiics is promptly
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    • 142 3 B. I. 8. N. Co., Ltd. a. a. Kistna. AS THE above steamer is laying up in Singapore for her periodical boiler cleaning, «fcc she will not leave here on Saturday. 14th instant, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore, but will resume her usual run on Saturday, 21st instant. HUTTENBAH, LIE
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  • 155 4 W«4o««4av, 11th April. Football: P. C. C. v. N. L. Band. Esplanade, <» to 7 p.m. High water 1 40 p.m. Low water 7 40 a.m. Thursday, I2th April. Maundy Thursday. Football Y.M.C.A. v Guides, Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. High water 8.25 p m. Low water 8 30 a.m.
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  • 1652 4 Qne of xlie most important subject* dealt with in the R-’p'»i t on the Penang •Chamber, of Commerce for 1905 is the matter of thsecurity of trade Itetwecn merchants in Penang and those residing in Idie Siamese Malay State* and island* lying to the north of
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  • 47 4 According to an official telegram sent from Nibong Tebal yesterday, the total number of cases of cholera which had come under observation since tlie outbreak up to the previous evening was thirty, twentyfive of which had j»rpvfid._fatal. Three fresh cases were reported yesterday.
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  • 710 4 folUl‘4 ere tlle da, tk ’Tis nought but an acciHon, 1 could we have controlled our’ft, h This set me tliinkiixr. T| birth has much to answer for “t/ ICnt "f business men, the great preadl/ Bn,arl cians, scientists, and men of bo but for thia have tics,
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  • 168 4 A fire broke out between two and Jo’clock this morning in a bloc o houses in Armenian Street Ghaut, fire is said to have originated at NoThis house and the two adjoining i° B were used for storing tapioca, tl >ui e > and three other buihlings
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. The’Only Sanatorium in the Straits. EVERY HOME COMFORT. SARKIES BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS McAlister Co., Ltd., VACCA MILK. In Glass Bottles with Patent Stoppers Pure Rich Cows Milk. .■> Cleansed from all Bacteria and Disease Germs Free from any kind of Preservatives and not Adulterated. $ll PER
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    • 110 4 mmt be addressed to The Editor,” written on one tide of the paper only and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion bnt as a guarantee of good faith. ALL monies must be paid at the Pinang am Gazette. Office, Penang, to the Secretary, whose receipts
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  • 226 5 the EIWCITIOM bill masterpiece of ingenuity. tholic indignation and liberal THREATS THE WORKMEN S COMI’ENSATI 'N BILL. [Rkvteii’s Skrvick.] London, 10th April. fiv E ducatibn Bill, which has been just I produced in the House of Commons \fr Augustine Birreli, President o f tho Bnrd of E
    [Rkvteii’s Skrvick.]  -  226 words
  • 123 5 STATEMENT IN THE COMMONS. OBDIXANCB NOT YET SANCTIONED. Rkuter's Service] London, 10th April. Replying to a question in th House of Commons Mr. Winston Churchill, Undersecretary of State for the Co-lo ties, st ited that the lease *>t-llm,Gevbm peirl tidieries iia I not been advertised. He
    Rkuter's Service]  -  123 words
  • 49 5 BAMBAATAS CROPS DESTROYED. Rkdteus Service.] London, 10th April. Hie crop? and kraals of the rebel chief l"iiubaata,iii Natal, have been destroyed and 16 Militia are now returning to their wines. Hie rebel chief Bunbaata has reached dense forest, where pursuit is almost tope I ess.
    Rkdteus Service.]  -  49 words
  • 53 5 the NEW LOAN. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 10th April. lrp rran gcinents for the new Russian loan aching completion. It is believed lt "Hl amount tj -eighty -or-ninety ling, at five per cent. France oft) lu *llions sterling and the rest EiJ Mh w ‘ll bo divided between Russia,
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  53 words
  • 29 5 HIE DUMA ELECTIONS. I ll ku.trr’s Service.] London, 10th April, 'hen'.''", Assembly the city of Inin,, p tui lie I 160 electors, all of them s ' Democrats.
    I llku.trr’s Service.]  -  29 words
  • 33 5 ißkutrh'b Skrvick. Ti, London, 10th April. a .f. i r i'j I” 1 Greece hqve resulted in Mm *!ri <l arge Hl :l j ol ‘ty of the follow-
    ißkutrh'b Skrvick. ]  -  33 words
  • 322 5 A CHURCH DESTROYED. TWO HUNDRED PERSONS KILLED. VISIT OF THE KING AND QUEEN OF ITALY. KING EDWARD S SYMPATHY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 10th April. Their Majesties the King and Queen of Italy have visited Mount Vesuvius. Thev had an extremely perilous journey whirling cinders and sand darkened
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  322 words
  • 106 5 OPENED AT ROME. ABYSSINIA AND T«K POSTAL UNION. [Rkuter’s Service.] London, 11 th April. The International Postal Congress has lieen opened at Rome. An official of the Italian Foreign Ministry represented Abyssinia, ami announced that it was the dis’re of the Em| er »r Menelik o’ Abyssinia to
    [Rkuter’s Service.]  -  106 words
  • 72 5 STRANDING OF THE “DONEGAL.” OFFICERS COURT-MARTIALLKD. [Reuter’s Service London, 11th April. A court-martial bus been held in connection with the accident to H. M.S. Donegal, which stranded in the Gulf of Suez on the 3rd ult. Commander W. J. Grogan and Sub-Lieu-tenant Best have been severely reprimanded
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  72 words
  • 40 5 CASES ON A BOMBAY SHIP. [Reuter’s Service] London, llth April. Four laScar sejimen of the steamer Bunvfield from Bombay, which has arrived at Philadelphia, have been found to be suffering from plague. Two.;of them have been buried at sea..
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  40 words
  • 33 5 TWENTY EUROPEANS KILLED. [Rkuter’s Service London, 1 Lth April. Serious disturbances are reported to have occurred at Meshed, in Persia, and it is stated that twenty Europeans have beett killed.
    [Rkuter’s Service ]  -  33 words
  • 1750 5 AGRICULTURAL PUBLICATIONS.. The Tropical Agriculturalist.— The March number of this journal is to hand from the publishers, Messrs. A. M. and J. Ferguson, Colombo. The high standard usually associated with the Tropical Agriculturist has been well maintained, and agriculturists and commercialists alike cannot but find it most useful
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  • 108 5 The Cause List. The, following is the list of causes fixed for hearingto morrow before Mr. Justice Law:—' Chan Gee Bong and others v. Lim Yin Kiow and. others. Makan Drum r. Vuemppan and others. Aroonashellum C.hetty r. Tangnchi Nachiar and others. ArnasTienA.!!-CUfetty’CiiLint Sireo Lim. Malaperunial v., Sabapatliy.
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  • 609 5 FREE SCHOOL vs. P. and T. The League football matpbJbetweeii fJje Free Scho >l and the Post and Telegraph football team, played on the E-planade yesterday afternoon, Atas* iqUite hii entertaining and interesting game. Both sides were in good fettle, though the boys were far quicker on their
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  • 148 5 A Juror Heavily- Fined. At the Assizes, in the Supreme Coirt, this morning, when the adjourned case against two Klings, Pakiri and Govendeu who are charged with the mirtdir of a woman and two infen af Penang Road, was called, it was found that Lim Cheng Teik, one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 715 6 It is officially reported that some 40 fishing boats, with 160 fishermen, were lost off Fukushima Prefecture, having been scattered by a gale at 5 o’clock on Thursday, 15th March. Thirteen boats, with $1 fishermen, returned safely the next day. Owing.lo signs of creating a disturbance on
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  • 93 6 Fen ay Lodge, Brit, 2075, Hog, April 10, Salif, Salt. Rotorua, Brik, 555, Lingard, April 10, Tongkah, gen., Koe Guan Co. Dardanvs, Brit, 2992, Nicholas, April 10, Port Said, gen., W. M. Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 291, Scott, Apr. 10, Acheen, gen., Ban Ho Hin. Mary Austin, Brit.,
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  • 36 6 Mary Austin for Port Swettenham. Pa dang for Batu Bahra. Taw Tong for Asahan. Langkat for Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Setul. Resident Halewyn for Pangkor. Flying Dragon for Port Welti. Fitzpatrick for Rangoon.
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  • 55 6 PER:— Avagyee for Deli, at 1 p.m. to-morrow. Cornelia for Pangkalan Brandan, at 1 pm. to-morrow. Rotorua for Tongkah, at 1 ELHI for Singapore, China and Japan, at to-morrow. Pkisak for Port’Swettonhnm and Malacca, at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Omapeke for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, V icpoint, Point.Tavoy and
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  • 64 6 of Steamer, inhere from, approximate date ofvrirnl, ro/ixr* /•«>»«»»</, Arcadia, from Hamburg, April 10, for Singapore. China and Japan. Belin Moyer Co. Persia, from Sing.qw>re. Apr. 12. for Trieste via Rangoon, S. K ustermaun Co.. Benlf.di, from Singapore, April 15, for London, S. Buttery A Co. Den of
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  • 15 6 Per a. s. Rotoura from Tongkah, Messrs. Duncan. Heal, Reinidiois an 1 Jjßmere’.
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  • 130 6 Pknaxg, 11th April, 1906. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2 4 7/16 3 Credit 2,41 3 Documentary 2/4 14/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 175| 3 days’ sight Private 178 Bombay, Demand Bank 175 J 3 days’ sight Private 178
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  • 178 6 Pknakg, 11th April, 1906. Gohl leaf 81 Pepper (\V. Const 3 |l>s. 5 0r..) "lock. White Pe|»|»er 24—ftwyerx. Trang Pep|»er 21.50 *#ll» rr. Mace 81. Mace Pickings 70 setter*. B. Nutmegs I |O *5 sates. I ?No. 1 590 sates. „2 < Basket 2.85 sates. Tapioca Flour 195 ><nwu’,m/.
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  • 523 6 Year of Number j p a id For- Capital. of v ß i ue up. Stocks. Quotations, mation. Shares. MINING. 1903 $300,000 $30,000 $lO $lO 'lelat Tin Mining. Co. Ltd. s2} tellers. 1900 175,000 1 3.500 1 0 10 Bersawah Gold Min’s Co. Ld. 13 sates. 1901 600,000 60,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 A Favourite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste ami prompt, cures have made Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. George Town Dispensary, General Agents, and for sale by
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    • 201 6 Every Bottle Warranted. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will nnt cost you one cent if it does you no good. Give it a trial if you are troubled with rheumatism. One application will relieve the pain. Pains in the side of chest, soreness of the muscles or stiffness of the joints are
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    • 124 6 ippon Yiisen K:iisl:;i. 8.8. Bingo Harn is due at this port on or nlxiut the 24th April, aid will l>e followed thereafter bv the usual fortnightly service for Kurope. For freight and passage Apply to BOUSTEAD A Co., u c Agents. Dr. C. Henry Hertz, DENTIST, AT “SEA VIEW,” 16
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    • 29 6 ESTABLISHED 1742. TRY MACKIE’S. A s WHISKY The best Genuine SCOTCH IN THE MARKET. Refuse Subtitutes, Insist On Getting “WHITEHORSE.” SOLE AGENTS: GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., Penang fe 9 Singapore.
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    • 606 6 p OR Owner leaving f op B 0 N P L T CK Fast Trapper, with Dogcart ami Harness, in (XJ er g d cor ‘diti un 15-4 cZ 3 SCHii| .E, 1 U. LOST’ 41 F. I). Receipt 55 of t h e Ho| Shanghai Banking Corporal inn 1'
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1439 7 woods’ C E I Great B II I co w f^ms NTS I MUNICIPAL NOTICE The China Traders- Insurance DR-OAVN Co.. p p p pp g DAVID BROWN CO.. Mackay’s <TOTICE is hereby given that from and C MoOWDtal §CUlptor« 4, Logan'» Buildings. TI7L4/vlttT Liqueur Whisky, W“ 40 tons of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2165 8 CHARTERED BANK OF India! HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI REDERLANDSCHE HANDEL INTERNATIONAL BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF Nederlandsch I d AUSTRALIA AND CHINA BANKING CORPORATION. «AATSCHAPPIJ. CORPORATION. I_|MITED. Escomptc"-Maat' Incorporated by Royal Charter. »10,000,000 fiscal Aunts far the United States Paid Reserve Fund. Issubd Capital fl. 45,000,000 America Authorised Capital £1,500,000. Paid-up
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