Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 August 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1774 1 lixteiYded 'Sailings. Shipping. I Shipping. p. &0. Steam Naviga BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. rWy-Tb tion, Company. A tXPfCTFB M««U BEPARTBRES. BIX W W "K SERVICE. Nega|»it»m, |Sat. st|, Aug. at 2 p.m.! Thongwa i Xll Madras, 1 ondicherry, Cuddalore and Sat 19th Aug. at 2
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1365 2 DENTISTRY. YARROW HILL NURSERIES FRUIT FARM. g I O Clothes last longer when washed with 1 Hottenbach Bros Co., Electrical Engineers Contractors. I)AVI I> brown |c<>, Charges Moderate. Consultation Free. g.a s. tS£_> V? «3 Residing at 21 A Penang Road. loc*h-s «muomos. It will not burn f-.e nap off
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  • 830 3 WESTERN RIVAL. |r G. Barclay, Secretary tu the Lega- |t T'»ki<>, ilis report on the trade of ll bites that the imports for the year 'X" a:n e'lit.xl to 37,902,567*., being an o f 5,528,31« L a>i compared with Vaild the exports were 32,591,216/.,
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  • 643 3 •■ijluii Observer. “How long will ‘Rubber’ investors have to wait for returns?”—is a question which comes before us in a practical shape to-day. We notice that the Klang Produce Company. Limited, is a promising Straits Planting Company with a large acreage of coconuts, rubber and coffee,
    ( •■ijluii Observer.  -  643 words
  • 227 3 The impression prevails am mg New York engineers that the great Assouan dam in Egypt is in danger of destruction. Instead of raising the dam to increasits irrigating capacity, as was conteme plated. the British engineers are now devoting their energies to tilling the bed of
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  • 1768 3 muiners of the time. —F. V. C. in the Weshnins(er (iazetJc. When Khrishna Mulvaney returned to private life after that little episode among the gods in the Temple of Prithi-Devi, w here he brought such joy to the little dark Indian Princesses and Queens, lie com plained bitterly
    muiners of the time. —F. V. C. in the Weshnins(er (iazetJc.  -  1,768 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 I»EME:>Y FOR DIARRHOEA. Bail. Manager, N. W. Ry. Co-op. I Lahore. India, says: u Chamber- 11 olio. holera and Diarrhoea Remedy j,, H .'l n, s t i” 1 'he best medicine made t def an I cure of diarrhoea, dysentdiwel complaints. This asser--1 1,1 "hi from actud experience in
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    • 81 3 No Need of a Docroi:. Pains in the stomach and attacks of coolie come on suddenly and are so extremely painful that immediate relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of sending for a doctor in such cases if a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
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    • 93 3 PnoMixENT West India Mkkciiant Cckes His Daughter of a Threitened Attack of Pneumonia. Some time ag > my daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chert and hid a bad cough. I give her Cinmbei lain's Cough Remedy according to directions and in two d lys
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    • 114 3 Nothing Th it Wile Takk Its Place. We h i'e u<e I Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera an 1 Diarrh >e i Remedy in our family f,r vears for all bow l troubles, and it always gives the best of satisfaction. We neve could li i I anything to take its place.
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    • 605 3 JOHN LITTLE g Co., LtZ3 1 f CORDIALLY INVITE INSPECTION OF THEIR I EXHIBITS I At the forthcoming AGRICULTURAL SHOW Among other items the following will be shown 1 Geo. Wright Co.’s Mansfield f Full Size Billiard Table. Complete with all accessories, $B5O. MASSIVE CARVED TEAK SIDEBOARDS AND CABINETS. J
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  • 167 4 Thurs.l»v. 3rd August Football. Y.M.C.A., ex. St. Xavier’s Instiioth -ii. Dalias Oj era Town Hall, 9.30 }>.•»•. The Great z\ nerira:i Bioscope Co. KiiA r Street. 9 p. in. High water 2.30 p.m. Low water 8.44 n.m Friday. 4 h August The Great American Bioscope Co. King Street.
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  • 1244 4 We in Ist confess that it with a feeling <>f astonishment amounting almost to stupefaction, that we received Rputm s telegiam this mornin' aim cm Ing that 'he I’sai ha < expressed his approval of a res ilutiou in fav >ur »f continu ig the
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  • 190 4 MESSRS FIGGIS CO’S REPORT. London, 14th July, 1905. INDIA RUBBER. The Market has declined nearly l|d. per lb. for Fine Para since ours of last week, and a considerable buisness has been done principally in Bolivian. The Market closes steady and rather above the lowest quotations. Sales have been
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  • 187 4 Among the officials who attended the ceremony held on Saturday, the 29th ult imo, in Kedah, introducing practically a new constitution into that State, was Mr. A. 1). Neubronner, the Consul-General for Siam in Penang, who. we are informed, was specially invited by the Kedah authorities
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  • 155 4 Vhe Xarat an<l Military Het-ord of 6th July says The command of the tro ms in the Straits Settlements will be >:n vac mt about the middle of July, when Col. Sir A R. F. Dorward, K. C. B. D S 0., attain-, the age of
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  • 306 4 The eighth aniiud meeting of the N >rth B>i nea Trading Company, Limited, was held on 7th inst., Mr. A. J. S.-rutto.i presiding. In moving the adoption of the R'port, he said the Company was making progress, although it might appear somewhat slow. They had to exercise
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  • 507 4 A cont i ibutor to Ihe „z culture gives the following interestin on the, cuhurc of mangosteens in with climates which do not genial t the fruit and trees: Having been applied to for instructions by several persons u j,. 3 pen to possess small plants of th./
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  • 261 4 Lawn Tennis Tocksameni'. The following are the results of ties played this week. Mowluy, -ilxt duly Single Handicap—Class B. G. beat 11. Waugh 6 —4 6—l. Professional Pairs. A. S. Anthonv it A. F. G. Anderson beat M. IL Graham it C. Bradberv. 6—3 6—2. Tuextlay,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 New Advertisements., New Advertisements. BOARD and RESIDENCE.” FOR SALE. VACANCY for two or three boarders N KX(JI Is j| SHORTHORN Bl IX V Healthy Locality. 'Perms moderate Go<>(l p e(Jigree> 4 Tears oh| in rX d 528 11-8 360 ANS X ROAD. lent condition. —Apply to The Great American 1
      303 words
    • 128 4 fWTHI I'l Tl»> VS >mo.t he alJirwl to Die Ktlilor." written on side. of the fiiipei only omi Ini //>» writer» 'name ion! <<< not nefexxofi lIJI IJ lot insertion Init ax ifionnnln. ill </«>'>•/ tin th. y® 1.1. I, <<»,»»»« miist. I.e /i.llil tin I’llillUfl Gazette" tlif-.e. to
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    • 8 4 PRIZE MEDAL SAFES. McAlister B 9 Co,, Ltd
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    • 3 4 SADDLES. McAlister 00,
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  • 210 5 the TSAR’S ATTITUDE. NO INDEMNITY. N 0 CESSION OF TERRITORY Reuters Service] London, 2nd August. ...1 I inievitch concluded his messh(l S;IV yesterday by saying that a Lite of his troops inspires Complete ,l "‘"i" that the Russian armies are X -u.v tLk ini he field. '"'l Living
    Reuters Service]  -  210 words
  • 97 5 STRINGEN t qu \rantine REGULATIONS. IN I'ER-STATE TROUBLE. Reuter’s Service. 1 London, 3rd August. Owing to the outbreak- of yellow fever in New Orleans, some state patrols on the Mississippi River have seized eighte» <»u Louisiana fishing boats, in connection with <piaiantine regulations The Louisiana authorities
    Reuter’s Service. 1  -  97 words
  • 76 5 THE GOODWOOD PLATE. llr.ui eu's Service.] London, 3rd August. (hit.ilwo id meeting was continued yesterday. ]he following is the result of ItiE Goonwoon Plate, a handicap for yr. olds and upwards. Distance, two miles. Lord Derby s ch e His Majesty bv .Velton-Sdcer Sea 4 yrs. I
    llr.uieu's Service.]  -  76 words
  • 75 5 [Reuter's Service.] London, 3rd August. ri| f following are the results of ciicket matches played this week has beaten Essex bv six wickets. Lancashire has beaten Notts bv 207 runs. lk k lp l' s beaten Gloucester Gv an ll 1!l s s ;md 118 runs. 11
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  75 words
  • 47 5 IHE CONSTITUTION SCHEME. [Reiters Service.] London, 2nd August. Hu of the scheme for a of \t' l, ll: d Assembly by the Council l”‘ e,i ided over by the Tsar is Mm; ceu py several sittings. The c ”"'pleZd." 111 reBi<le Ht Pefcerhof tiU il is
    [Reiters Service.]  -  47 words
  • 58 5 i ress Agency Service. Y| Singapore, 3rd August, ■dmrgpd’ 7vi»| a iU St Dl Kirke< wl waB suicide i 1 co,,t 'e<'diDcnt of the alleged Mrs \l U J"’‘ son and a razored wrist of 'li».„i„’i "'<• 10lb July, lias been Itovo.l i c:l se °f the
    i ' ! ress Agency Service. |  -  58 words
  • 97 5 THE COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY. A REASSURING REPORT. Reuter's Service.] London, 3rd August. Ihe Commission of Enquiry into the state of food supplies during time of war has completed its report, which is of a reassuring character. The report states that no enemy is capable blockading
    | Reuter's Service.]  -  97 words
  • 62 5 i Reuter’s Service. London, 3rd August. Die members of the Nippon Club in New York have given a dinner in honour of the Japanese peace plenipotentiaries. Baron Komura. in a speech at the dinner, said he hoped that an even better understanding would be arrived at between
    i Reuter’s Service. [  -  62 words
  • 30 5 Reuter's Service.] London, 2nd August. Mr. Taft. United .States Secretary for ar, and Miss Alice Roosevelt have left Nagasaki for Manila. They were given an enthusiastic farewell.
    Reuter's Service.]  -  30 words
  • 556 5 SAGHALIEN AS A CONVICT SETTLEMENT. From a Special Correspondent. Saghaiien. the island which Japan is now taking—or, rather, re-taking—from Russia, is the place to which Russia sends her violent convicts. The convict in Siberia has some lilierty to console him for his detention, but, the convict in
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  • 281 5 The Slovo finally disposes of the legend that Japan precipitated the war by intercepting a telegram from Admiral Alexeieff to Baron Rosen, whereby Russia gave way on the vital question of a Buffer-State between Manchuria and Korea. The whole contention about the delay of the
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  • 261 5 Queen Margherita's Eastern Tour. Rome, July 14th. The Romans always caustic —begin to sav that Queen Margherita is the living exponent of perpetual motion, and it is a fact that she is now never long in one place. From Rome she Hies to North Italy, from
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  • 288 5 The Committee on Foreign ami Colonial Affairs met on the 10th July, under the presidency of M. Deschanel, and heard a statement by M. Clementel, Minister of the Colonies, on the defence of Indo-China. M. Clementel informed the Committee of I he measures projected by the
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  • 269 5 The Chinese boycott of American goods has attracted great, interest on the China Coast. Newspapers of every nationality have taken it up and their columns are teeming with news and editorial comment anent this latest piece of Celestial foolishness. China is apparently paying a poor
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  • 187 5 Tired of the might of the pen in battle, two Manila editors have adopted more tangible weapons, as the following from the Cableneio* demonstrates:—Outside of Florida’s restaurant Monday night. Peter F. AVall. Manager of the Surulay Sun and Chauncey McGovern, the Managing Editor of the Goesip, came
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  • 114 5 It is reported that the net half-yearly profits of the Imperial Chinese Railways for the six months ending Match 1, 1 91>5, amount to a little over £325,000. and that if this rate of progress is maintained, as is confidently expcctcl. the year's profits will, even after
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  • 286 5 It is definitely arranged that the Prine* and Princess of Wales leave London on October 18th. accompanied bv an Equerrv ami Secretary, and will join the Henotrn at Genoa on the 20th. Thev will witness the evolutions of the Mediterranean fleet under Lord Charles Beresford,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 680 6 The completed list of awards for the month by the Royal Humane Society contains the following: Medal to Henry de F. Walden, Second Engineer of th» 1 British I ndia steamer Seen tutrtt for saving the Fourth hingineei' when the vessel was lost near Guile, eylon, on
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  • 951 6 ARRIVALS. Bengal. Brit., 2751, Cooke. Yugust 3, Colombo, g«*n.. Adamson Giltillau Co. Califso. Brit.. 339, Lowry. August 3, Singapore. gen., W. Mansfield A Co. Perak, Brit.. 297, Buchanan, August 2, Port Swettenham, gen., Koo fiiinn. Malaya, Ger.. 901, Block, August 3, Deli, coffee, Bohn Mover A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 148 6 Messrs. David Brown Co. Have received instructions to sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. ON Saturday, stfj t 7lugust, 1905. AT NOON, At 4 Logan's Buildings, Penang. ONE HALF SHARE Jn the following Premises, viz 1. All that piece of land with the selfcontained Dwelling House thereon
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    • 77 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly hy post). Never be without the Genuine. NOTICE. llfE beg to call the attention of our numerous Customers to our NEW PROVISION PRICE LIST which is now being issued. All stores are guaranteed to be perfectly fresh and of the
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    • 332 6 Let It Be Known. I’lie widest possible publicity should lie given to the fact that summer diat i h >ea in children -ami cholera infantum can al wavs b<* cured by the judicious use of Chamberlains Colic, Cholma and Diarrhoea Re nedv. It never fails. All dealers sell it. WANTED.
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    • 976 6 Tea and Alcoholic Drinks ;RUBERO!D ROOFING and inflaming the delicate tissues, ami star I- j h ing such complaints as Burning Pain or Ache in the Baek, Cloudy or Scalding j O|| S 3 1f) )f. WeaJliPrpi’Dof, DnAPl»i Urioe, Excess of Urine, Sediment, Gravel nUDtHUiIU ir( nsisti pr nUuHNfi ROOFING
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1095 7 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, TOLET FOR i 1 THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. I. family provision, h °\',Tmo.oUEnTy Ni:KO,:i HI A 11 WimTOSMlli VsnAC 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE, Apply to A Choice Consignment. J iWI SldliUO Easily and. Economically met by a Policy in 11 c -c MANASSMI ,fc Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2504 8 PENANG VOLUNTEERS f r~ 1 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY HONCKONC and shanghai nederlahdsche handel international banki Nc mANb naunifiMd. MMMWI banking corporation. «aatschappu. corporation. ORDKILS BY CAPTAIN A. R. ADAMS, f KeATING S TRADE MARK *lO 000 000 S* I A l 11 CW/.1/JA/LLV7’. 5 I J Paid-up-Capital $10,000.000 Netherlands
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