Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 April 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1698 1 ■i Intended Sailings. shippingshipping. P. 0. Steam Naviga- BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeulscher Lloyd, Bremen. tion, Company. t EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. I kj MAIL SERVICE. Madras, Poii'dteimrry'cuddalore and 15th April at 2 p.m. Thongwa ffwk\\ Imperial German Mail Line. 'V I/ Oniwoni,. Karrical.Sat. 29th April at
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  • 84 2 Friday. April I4ih. Town Band, Esplanade, (> to 7 p. ni Saturday, April Isth. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p. m. Sunday, April I6«h Palm Sunday. Monday, 17:h April. General Meeting, Turf Club, Chamber of Commerce, 4-15 p. m. Town Baud, Esplanade. 6 to 7 p.
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  • 1183 2 A suggestive communication on the subject of the position of the British trader from an engineering correspondent of the Times appeared recently in the Financial and Commercial supplement of that journal. The gist of the writer’s contention f I is that, while the foreign exporter seldom
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  • 27 2 Water Polo. J •> The return match Scotland r. The World,” will be played on Sunday, the 16th inst., play to start at 10.45 a.m.
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  • 1050 2 Yesterday afternoon the Penang Impressionist Club was At Home to friends in the Town Hall, on the occasion of the Annual Exhibition of Paintings, and it is I think a regrettable fact that so pleasing a reunion takes place only once in the year.
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  • 275 2 FUNERAL YESI’ERDAY. The remains of the late Mrs. Tan Gaik Im, widow of Captain Ah Quee, were re moved from her residence in Church Street yesterday’and buried, in the private cenie ~tery of the Chungs, at Mount Erskine The funeral procession, which was on
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    • 195 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette. Sir. The necessity for a Penang Association to promote in first line the cheapest working of the Port has only recently become pressing. It arises the Bill for expropriation of the TjKjong Pagar Dock Co. passed last week. jEBv
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  • 125 2 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Thursrlay’s results Mrs. Freer Mrs. Murray, w.o. Men’s Singles Handicap. A. F. G k Anderson beat F. Duxbury 6—2, 6—o. Men’s Doubles Handicap. E. 8. Haslam G. IT. Cater beat W. H. Rose it G. H. Stitt, 6—2, 6—l. The following. ties in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 334 2 for sale. New Beach Street OWNER GOING HOME. Auction RoOfllS. A 22 INCH Lady’s Saddle with safety atirrup. Excellent condition, till pOVtailt AUCtIOII Sale. 1 rice $7O. Apply “X. Y. Z.” Favoured with instructions the undersigned c/o Pinang Gazette. will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION St George’s Ball. On Wednesday, 19
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    • 117 2 ESTABLISHED IHW.. fiONTIU BUTIONX most U.a4./r«U to I'he Editor,” written on one, siile of thepaper only and accompanied by Cite writer» name and address not. necessarily for insert ion but as a guarantee of good tnilh. y® LL monies must he. paid at the' Piuatig am Gazette Office. Penang, to
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    • 5 2 GARDEN ROLLERS. McAlister Co„ LA
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    • 19 2 [dZZ communications intended for insertion in this journal must be authenticated. ThfdF not responsible for the dpyinions of w
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  • 189 3 HISTORY OF THE OUTBREAK. JAPANESE DECLARATIONS. [IIr.UTBRS Skiivics.l Amur from its source to its rtiou h.—& China Morning Post. k London, 14th April. Correspondence published at Washington shown that,Japan informed Mr.Griscon, American Minister at Tolcio, on February 6th. 1904, that, although diplomatic relations had been broken oIF with
    [IIr.UTBRS Skiivics.l; Amur from its source to its rtiou h.—& China Morning Post.  -  189 words
  • 130 3 THE QUESTION OF THE RAILWAY [Reuter's Service.] London, 14th April. The Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia has summoned representatives of the Powers to his Palace and has notified that unless thev come to an agreement regarding the extension of the railway to Addis Abeba, such agreement to
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  130 words
  • 37 3 YELLOW LABOUR TO BE EMPLOYED [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th April. It has been decided to commence the construction of the Panama Canal immediately. Two thousand Japanese and two thousand Chinese coolies will be employed.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  37 words
  • 66 3 THE UNIONIST PARTY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th April. The remarks of Mr. Chamberlain at the Lilieral Union Club and the passing of Lord Lansdowne’s exposition of the Government’s Fiscal Policy m the House of Lords, repudiating any protective taxation of food-stuffs, are regarded as like t y
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  66 words
  • 84 3 RESULT OF THE CRAVEN STAKES. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th April. The Newmarket Craven meeting °P on Tuesday *he following >s the result of the Craven Stakes run l >«’l®™"’. 0() BOV9 THE CRAVEN SPAKE» of 000 sovs added to a of 10 sows, «oh for starters for
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  84 words
  • 39 3 [Rbutbb’B Sbuvicb.] London, Hth April. In oonnection with the French O®® city o f London will Corporation Guil( entertain.the I» Arra „gen.ents are X^ng 0 -reh ofthesadors ‘'“tZ Britlsi? Atlantic squadron will visit Brest Jarly in July- <
    [Rbutbb’B Sbuvicb.]  -  39 words
  • 81 3 STILL GOING NORTH. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 13th April. The British cruiser Sntbj f on her wav from Hongkong to Singapore, passed the Baltic fleet 550 miles north east of Singapore. JOn this account the Dutch report of fighting near the Anambas Islands is discredited. London, 14th April.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  81 words
  • 32 3 VISIT TO ALGIERS. [Reuters Service.] London, 14th April. It is announced that King Edward and Queen Alexandra will spend two days in Algiers after visiting the Balearic Islands.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  32 words
  • 500 3 THE SEA BELLE-GLENFARG AFFAIR. An enquiry into the collision which recently took place in Keppel Harbour between the steamers Sea Belle and Glenfarg was held on Tuesday at Singapore, Mr. E. C. Howard presiding, whilst Lieut. Gregory and Capts. Fyfe and Kinghorn sat as assessors. Amat bin
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  • 130 3 India Rubber. K 24th March, 1905. There has l>eeii a sharp decline in the Para Market, probably owing to the large receipts in Para. Sales have been made of Hard Fine forward delivery down to 5/7 Spot to 5 GL Hard Entrefine at 5/5-j 5 5. Scrappy Negroheads
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  • 353 3 INTERESTING LECTURE. At a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute at the Whitehall Rooms, Hotel Metropole, last month. Sir Charles Bruce read a paper on The Crown Colonies and Places.” In the course of it he traced the lines of our Colonial policy from the earlier stages/through
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  • 499 3 Rear-Admiral William des Vieux Hamilton, the new second in command of the China Squadron in succession to RearAdmiral the Hon. Assheton G. Curzon Howe, c.v.0., C. 8., c.M.G., who flies his flag on the battleship Albion till June 13, is a distinguished officer of long and varied
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  • 761 3 X L 11 *XX3DOy Ullin wo grey with a toque of green tissue.— L. C. Express. A Significant Article. It is a highly significant symptom of the growing concern with which the French people —and for obvious reasons —regard the continuation of the war that tq
    X L 11 *XX3DOy Ullin *■ wo grey with a toque of green tissue.— L. C. Express.  -  761 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 791 4 9 Eriday, 14th April, 1905. Japan expects to have a complete new destroyer fleet within a year. All the vessels will be of 38J tons, will steam 29 knots and will be provided with two tulies each, and the usual armament. Ten tor-pedo-boats have recently be< n
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  • 1022 4 ARRIVALS. Diomeii, Brit.. ***** Young, Apr 14. Jeddah, gen.. W. Mansfield Co. Gregory Apgar, Brit., 2961, Olifent, Ajrl4, Singapore, gen., A. A. Anthon}’ Co. Lightning, Brit., 2122. Spence, Apr 14, Calcutta gen.. A. A. Anthony Co. Kistna, Brit., 524. Leannont, Apr 14. Singapore, gen H. Liebert
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 What Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Will Do. For the alleviation of pain Chambei lain’s Pain Balm has no equal. Soreness of the muscles, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by applying it. One application will promptly quiet a pain in the side or chest and nothing will compare with it as
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    • 81 4 Carbide OF Calcium IN LUMP. Packed in Two Tins in One Case. Weighing 112 lbs. Each Tin. Apply to C. S. Seng Co., JJc Beach Street, Penang. «•END ON ttFP’Om guarantee safe alivery t grade Cycles fully warninted. £2.!0t0£5.5.Q p Tyres, West wood Steel Kims. Wheels, Mud Guards. Brakes. AMGE
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    • 384 4 Dr. NOBLE Co JRUBEROID ROOFING! Applications for Appointments 1 i RUBEROID 'ROOFING t/. e. AQ. hotcl. RooFjfjs r UBERO |J u X°T L wMiTr RUBEROiD ROOFING 8 Mr W. A Will lE,i r i t a i vr ROOFING 1 RUBEROID s, ,apm RUBEROio roofing Manufacturers Life Insurance Co: >
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1419 5 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES Small Advertisements for’Cash HOTEL des INDES. 1 I- FAMILY PROVISION. 2 S’ 3, Stamford Road. Skin PROVISION FOR Ol n APT insertion in the issue of the following day, Singapore. p FWR LJI_U AUL, at the rate 12 words 50 cents. (5 cents each atones for faults
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  • 1080 6 PROGRAMME FOR THE Spring Race Meeting, 1905. May 30tfj, June Ist and 3rd. FIRST DAY. Tuesday 30th May. The Maiden Plate. Value $6OO. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9 st. 3 lb. An allowance of 7 lb. to ex-Griffins imported into Straits Settlements or Federated Malay
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 HORACE S. MARTIN, Mining and Consulting Engineer. All Description of Mining properties Reported on. Concentrating and ore Dressing Hants designed and erected. IPOH-PERAK. 25-5-04. CRUSHED FOOD. NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. Try it and You AV ill be Satisfied. REDUCED PRICES. W R. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that since
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    • 1516 6 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. CHARTERED SA!;K OF india. nederlandsche handel international bankT" AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. MAATSCHAPPIJ. CORPORATION ORDERS BY CAPTAIN A. R. ADAMS, COMMANDANT.* Incorporated by Royal Charter. Netherlands Trading Society. Fiscal Agents for the United S tat A of Capital Paid up £BOO,OOO Established 1824. FOR APRIL, 1905. Reserve Fund £BOO,OOO
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