Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1949 1 S' bi Ding. ■wmmmwb on c? InteiYded Sailings. s» P pi ng sapping. P. 0. Steam Naviga- m tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. tXPECTJD ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Pou Intbni>bi> to Sail. Stkamkk. I l\\ MAIL SERVICE. gj r s Miviras, 4th at 2 p.m.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1745 2 Accelerated penang volunteers. tn Rrincrnnn orders by captain a. b. adams, H. It doesn’t pay oerviuu LU ndllgUUll. COMMANDANT. A PERFECT BEVERAGE. i fo allow your linen to be rubbed BEGINNING on Friday, 10th, wnR FFRKTTARV 1 < )O P gZ 1905, there will be a fortnightly rvK IEBKLAKI,
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  • 961 3 world undisturbed, coi _Morning heart in unapproacha J e Leader. THE tragedy of a diamond. •‘And you still marriaeeabU ■.pl-»' I *'7 ndel Ur >“ Stevenson', stoty <i a nd had you a diamond bigger than foal head, I would counsel my maid a j n union so
    world undisturbed, “ coi _Morning heart ” in unapproacha J e Leader.  -  961 words
  • 1324 3 —Daily Mail. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT’S NEW TASK. BY SYDNEY BROOKS. Will there ever lie an end to Mr. Roosevelt s pugnacious activities? He has fought nearly everybody and everything there is to fight in the United btates. He has plunged full-tilt against the South, against Wallstreet, against
    —Daily Mail.  -  1,324 words
  • 325 3 Mr. H. W. Lucy in an interesting article in the Cornliill Magazine on The Lungs of the House of Commons tells an amusing story. Under the Octagon Hall of the Palace of Westminster,” he writes, lurks a vault whence the supply of air for the
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  • 784 3 A Correspondent writes from Warsaw:— Although there has been much sanguinary street fighting here in the capital of Russian Poland, and although the population, with the exception of the few Russian officials, is almost exclusively hostile to Russia, still I do not
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  • 1297 3 BY MARK TIME. London, Feb. 3rd 1905. A Scots parson has an original suggestion on the subject of juvenile smoking. He professes to be quite in sympathy with the movement, which has at last taken the form of a bill to put an end to the
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  • 406 3 —San Francisco Chronicle. The Mexican Government has of late years shown a disposition to encourage Chinese immigration to the republic, making a concession, among other things to a Chinese steamship line to engage in the transportation of Mongolian labourers to its western ports. Jlow the Chinese Minister,
    —San Francisco Chronicle.  -  406 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 Economy is the surest road to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a COU gh or cold. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and cure it before pneumonia develops. It will be economy in the end. For sale by all dealers. ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antisef
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    • 78 3 How Often You Hear the Remark It’s only a cold,” and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always
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    • 138 3 Neglect Always Dangerous. —To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him, little or no attention is given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake,
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    • 43 3 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is one of the best and most e ffective linunents on the market for the cui *e of sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains. This is the universal verdict of all who hav e tried it. For sale by all dealers.
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  • 105 4 Tuesday, February 28;h. Penang Hunt Club, Annual General Meet ing,' Chamber of Commerce, 4-45 p. n High Water'6-1 a. in. «t 6-36 p. m Low Water' f 2-13 a. in. A"l2 48 p in Wednesday, March Ist. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p. in. Thursday, March 2nd.
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  • 871 4 The speech of Mr. A. G. Stephen, the retiring President of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, which was delivered at the annual meeting of the Chamber and ported by us last" week, was interesting from many’ points of view. Tn eftect it amounted to a review
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  • 392 4 To-day’s tin quotation is $76. Business done. M.-. W. M. L. Bower, has been gizetted a Justice of the Peace, for the Settlement of Singapore. Six Chinese, whose names appear in the last Government Gazette, have been banished from the Colony. It is reported
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  • 327 4 EUROPEAN LADY ATTACKED WITH A TORCH/ What is described as a most dastardly attack on a European young lady took place on the Mount Erskine road yesterday evening. Shortly after seven o’clock, while the lady and a gentleman who was escorting her were returning from Tanjong Bungah
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  • 260 4 {Prom Our Correspondent:}' Taiping, Feb. 27th. Col. Walker and the Resident returned to Taiping yesterday evening. Dr. Dowden from Gopcng has taken over from Dr. Brown. It has been unusually dull this week, several people having’gone to Kinta for the Races. Mr. H. Barnard has gone tip
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  • 145 4 Lawn Tknnis Tournament. The ties played yesterday afternoon resulted as follows Double Handicap. G. H. Cater E. S. Haslam beat Dr. Jamieson C, Bradberv 6—2 7—9.; 6—3. Single Handicap. Class A. J. E. Nathan beat H. A. Neubronner 6—4 6—2. Single Handicap. Class B. A. Reid beat
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  • 900 4 Perak,.2sth February The main subject of conversation Perak this week has been horse be alertly versed in the mysteries oUh tances;..weights, pedigrees, previous J!" formances and probable prices has ostracise meself, to -become a sort of of ignorance upon whom all men looked askance. Mining shirts, sun,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 399 4 NOTICE New Advertisements, A PPLICATIONS will be received by o“ P "“e l W 27th NOTICE TO MARINERS. TtasaTan “pX’enoe NORTH CHANNEL, PENANG, will be given to applicants with some ex- TT T perience of storework who must forward A A’-L red mark Buoy bearing from copies of recent testimonials.
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    • 5 4 SPORTING RIFLES McAlister Co, Ltd,
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  • 367 5 great battle proceeding. JAPANESE ATTACKS SUCCESSFUL important POSITION captured HOT® R< BRIAN FLANKS TURNED [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Feb. According to news from Tokio, the Rus ii» n attempt to blow up the bridge at Haitheng.w*« foiled by the arrival of Japanese reinforcements. 1 The Russian cavalry is
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  367 words
  • 23 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Feb. Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia has started for the Far East via Genoa.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  23 words
  • 35 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Feb. General Stoessel has arrived at Moscow Where he was cordially received by the authorities. He proceeds to St. Petersburg hut will return to Moscow for a prolonged stay.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  35 words
  • 89 5 [Reuter’s Service.] j London, 27th Feb, The betrothal of Princess Margaret of Connaught to Prince Gustave Adolphus, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Sweden, is announced. [Princess Margaret Victoria is the eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and was born on am 1882.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  89 words
  • 147 5 Vice-Admiral Mi-, the First Squadron, has 0111 l coiquiander of the Secont q Rear-Admiral Naslnhn, the Squadron, is transfeue n ear -Admiral Port Arthur Squadron. f guff Shimamura, hitherto attached of the Combined b( l ua^ o nd rep laced by to the Second Squadron, 1 j
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  • 241 5 THE COMMISSIONERS’ FINDING. FURTHER DETAILS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Feb. The text 6f the North Sea Enquiry Commissioners’ report bears evident signs of compromises having taken place. Some passages are almost contradictory, thus accounting for the misleading character of previous anticipations. The Report says t lat
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  241 words
  • 69 5 INTERN AT lON AL M ATCHES. [Reuter's Seervice.] London, 27th Feb. Ireland lias beaten Scotland at Rugby football by 11 points to 5. At Association Football England and Ire--1 H>d drew, with a score of one goal each. At the Queen’s Club the Army beat the Navy
    [Reuter's Seervice.]  -  69 words
  • 46 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, 28th Feb. A large Chinese Kongsi has been destroyed by fire. Damages arc estimated at over a thousand dollars. The absence of a fire engine or other fire extinguishing apparatus in Ipoh is characterised as most disgraceful.
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  • 323 5 In connection with the article from a contemporary, which we published yesterday on the subject of the Registration of Medical Practitioners,’ and the extraordinary regulations which enable a foreign medical man to practise in England and her colonies without an English diploma, a typical case
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  • 100 5 THE SITUATION AT WARSAW. THE GOVERNMENT AND THE RAILWAY EMPLOYES. [Reuter’s Service.] London* 27th Feb. c It is reported from Vienna that the employes in Warsaw are not satisfied with the concessions made to them and have again struck. In order to ensure the railway service in Russia the
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  • 48 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 28th Feb. Almost the whole yemen of South Sana is in a state of insurrection. Two towns are in the hands of the insurgents who are increasing in numbers. It is difficult to send reinforcements and moreover the troops are deserting.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 244 5 J IVU (11 V 111 Straits Tinies. Series Of Atrocities In A Tanglin Residence. During the last feiv days a series of mysterious atrocities has been perpetrated in a European residence at Tanglin which lead, to tjie belief that some revengeful native is at work. Some days ago
    J IVU (11 V 111 Straits Tinies.  -  244 words
  • 810 5 FROM NATIVE SOURCES. PLEJATO* CANCELLATION. I It is reported that the Chinese students in America have telegraphed to Viceroy Chapg Cbi,h Tung urging him to adopt legal measures for cancelling the Yuehhan Railway copcession. The telegram further advises that he must not allow himself to be misled
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  • 646 5 INTERESTING RUSSIAN VIEW. An article in the St. Petersburg Russ deals very fully and conclusively with the subject of the Dardanelles, the opening of which has been so much discussed by the Russian press of late. After expressing its conviction that no change will be made in the
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  • 238 5 CHANGES IN ENGLAND. The changes made in the Home Commands on February 15 are briefly —The United Kingdom—the Garrison of London being excluded—is divided into seven military districts, or commands the first and most important of theso is that at Aidershot, which bears the title of Army
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • 368 5 OBITUARY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Feb. The death is announced of Sir Martin Gosselin. [Sir Martin le Marchant Hadsley Gosselin, K. C. M. G., was born in 1847. He was British Minister at Lisbon since 1902, previous to which he was Assistant Under Secretary at the Foreign, Office. He had
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  • 909 6 A Mukden correspondent writes to the Pall Mall Gazette :—The condition on things here in Mukden reminds me of South Africa a few weeks before the war broke out there. Naturally there has been a good deal of campaign talk, and everybody is prophesying about
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  • 768 6 ARRIVALS. Nassovia, Ger., 2498, Ganteny, Feb 27, Hamburg gen., Behn Meyer Co. Palitan a, Brit., 1934, Alexander, Feb 28, Rangoon, gen., H. Liebert Co. Maha Vajirunhis, Dut., 1182, Steenberg, Feb 27, Singapore, gen., H. Liebert iCo. Pin Sen» Brit., 378, Davidson, Feb 27, Singapore, gen., Beng
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 In America Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the mothers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmk ful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 12 6 STEARNS’ WINE, for loss of appetite ami general weakness. It aids digestion.
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    • 359 6 STEARNS’WINE, for children, so palatable, they take it without calling it medicin MOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that I, G. H. Hanman, by terms of agreement dated 21st instant, have as from February Ist, 1905, severed my connection with the H. B. Grain Co. All Liabilities to February Ist, 1905.
      359 words
    • 313 6 f RUBEROIb ROOFING! A TOSH AHRIVAI OF RUBER()|[) French roofing I ruberoid Chocolates, ruberoid -roofing RnnhAn? ROOFING RUBEROID Bonoons, ruberoid roofing Fruit Glacees, RUBEROIb ROOFING IS 36 INCHES WIDE, 9nd Umi fftJ to !l1 is ,nil ufil(!tl11 011 Half, One, Two Three Ply dim nuugdib. j n Ro ]i s
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1011 7 ®TO he HAD AT every store in S«n«r. INTERNATIONAL BANKING inTAIIP vr the MARKET AND AT CORPORATION. LIP lONS IF A S Taiping. Taik Ho 4Co CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, > IVIIU 1 LflU Ipoh. Taik Chin 4Co AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Fis UnM States of WERE AWARDED THE Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1283 8 TWO fiQFAT NFCFSSITIFS Small Advertisements far Cash ROSENEATH HOUSE.” the best ka u a l FAMILY PROVISION «LUIbJ<MB|M «©S I 2. PROVISION FOR OLD ACE. at the ~a te 12 words 50 cents, (6 cents Teach n„„^ ln v Uni nhliohmOllt a S Easily and Economically met by a Policy
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