Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1912 1 Stripping. m■""■■"■■ r Intended Sailings. shipping. shipping p. 0. Steam Naviga- tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. J.KPfCTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Koi< Ixi'ennui, to Sait. Stbamku. I\\ |l il MAIL SERVICE. S'. fcl I/ B (W.rr/,. Negapunuh. ®< AU'lnis, Pomlicberv, Cu.hl.,lore a».l C--glafe~W WAV Imperial
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1873 2 Accelerated muinsts. g "X MK Servicetoßangoon. I Proved by experience. o« ml V I WL and p0,,,he p «t« and BEGINNING on Friday, February 10th, FOR FEBRUARY, 1905. I Three-quarters of a century before I Pans Glac? and Chi 1905, there will be a fortnightly II sh e Public and
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  • 941 3 exciting chase AFTER. A PIG. An American correspondent with the Russian forces sends the following lend able account of a tour ah ng the R Ussian front, including the exciting incident of (lie razor-back The thermometer is 5 degrees bellow zero. There has. not'been much
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  • 391 3 —Exchange. Anuradhapura is now only seven hours’ journey from Colombo, the Clapham juncThe railway to the north n surveyed and begun under Sir est Ridgeway s rule, has rendered Anura- < lapura the city of ninety kings, with a nstory running back to remote
    —Exchange.  -  391 words
  • 196 3 One rea Is continually of the great vigour of Sir John Fisher, and the far-reaching reforms for the improvement of the Navy to which he is committed. We heard lately of the immense advantages of having young men at the head of public departments, because they can adapt
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  • 288 3 An elephant race sounds distinctly sensational, but the idea cannot sound more sensational than such a contest actually is. The Briton is nothing if not a sportsman, .and wherever John Bull goes there you may be sure to find him indulging in one form of sport or another.
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  • 621 3 Ueberall publishes a long article on the German Navy in 1904. It is stated in this semi-official publication that the battle fleet now consists of two squadrons of six battleships, the eight vessels of the Siegfried class having been withdrawn to form a reserve squadron.
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  • 195 3 A special Army Order, dated December 21, contains the “Honours” to be inscribed upon regiment d colours in commemoration of services rendered during the Boer war and although it is satisfactory to find that such distinctions arc being granted less lavishly than some had expected, it
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  • 832 3  -  SHIPWRECKED SAILORS’ STRANGE MISTAKES. By Louis Becke. —Morning Leader. The story of the harrowing sufferings of the crew of the schooner Vidor, which was lost off the island of Apatiki (Aititaki, in the Cook’s Group), is only one of many similar instances in which want of
    —Morning Leader.  -  832 words
  • 1212 3 Daily Mad. TWO THINGS LACKING. It is the misfortune of an autocracy which governs unwilling subjects that a disaster abroad always suggests the fear of a rising at home. Ever since Japan’s war with Russia began we have heard rumours that Poland was on the eve
    Daily Mad.  -  1,212 words
  • 125 3 Dr. Horace White, editor of the New York Evening Post, at the recent opening of a new library in Wisconsin, gave a summary of the libraries endowed by Mr. Carnegie. It appears that Mr. Carnegie has given, or has pledged to givĕ, 1,290 library buildings to the
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  • 428 3 The /i" K nstadtski publishes the Russian navy Estimates for 1905 side by side with those for 1904. In the reproduction of the latter there is one discrepancy the Estimates published a year ago for 1904 gave 7,960,380 roubles as the amount estimated for the improvement of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 Economy is the surest road to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a S,-or- col<l. Buy a bottle of ChamberI tin's Comdi Remedy and cure it before pneumonia develops. It will be economy i„ the end- sale by all dealers. ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perantiser ;ic dentifrice, cleanses
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    • 78 3 How Often You Hear the Remark It’s only a cold,” and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always
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    • 123 3 Neglect Always Dangerous.—To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him, little or no attention is given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake, as
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    • 36 3 In America Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the m thers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt telief. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 40 3 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is one of the best and most effective liniments on the market for the cure of sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains. This is the universal verdict of all who have tried it. For sale by all dealers.
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  • 197 4 Thursday, February 23rd. Y. M, C. A. Mooting, Town. Hall, 6-J5 p.m. Chpral Sopiyty, Practice, Town H«ll x 9p.m. Town Band, Golf Chib, 6 to 7 p. ni. High Water 2-0 a. m. 2-22 p. m. Low Water 8-12 a. m. 8-34 p.' m, .Friday, February 24th. t..
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  • 771 4 The Government at Home goes- on «fr im blunder to blunder. After what may l e fitly as the Tibetan scaiidal we have an Irish scandal. According to ;the Tiinea, which is usually exceptionally wellinformo n Irish matters, the Viceroy, world ias -I'lered his resignation: .■’■nd
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  • 467 4 To-day's tin quotation is $76.80. Business done. A General Meeting of the Penaxg Branch of the Y. M. C. A. will be held at the Town Hall, at 6-15 p.m. to-day. To-morrow will be the Festival of St. Matthias A and M. Matins at
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  • 284 4 To-day before Mr. Steinmetz in the Third Court two Chinamen were charged with the fraudulent possession of 25 sacks in Prangin Road. They swore that a Chinaman gave the sacks to them and called him as their witness. He was severely cross-examined by Inspectar Joyce as to
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  • 22 4 The Mail from Home via Madras per B. I. steamer Zamania, is expected to arrive at 3 p.m. to-day. e
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  • 412 4 1 -S Tlte following are the Agenda for the Municipal Meeting to-morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any. special business the Presidentmay bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Tenders for drains Magazine R id. Noordin Street and Presgrave Street. 5. Contract to be
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  • 125 4 Lawn 1 bnnis. Tournament. Tl.e tie, played yesterday afternoon suited as follows Double Handicap. J. E. Nathan W. H. McArthur S > beat F. O. Hallifax A. 8. Anthony 6—l 7—5. Single Handicap. Class A. E. 8. Haslam beat K. F. G Anderson 3—6; 6—1,6-4. Single Handicap.
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  • 150 4 The “Japan Herald,” speculating on the condition of Japan after the war, predicts that there will be a boom in her commence and industries. The country lus been brought .prominently before the world in a way that it has never been before, in spite of the
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  • 458 4 A Range of Four Miles. A special London cable to an Australian paper says that the new British 184 pounders field gun, with a charg'e of 1 4 lb. of improved cordite, will drop 15 rounds of shrapnel a minute a distance of four miles. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 362 5 PEACE PROSPECTS. k e I'eiim STOESSEL tfN [RkUTKR’s SkIIVICE.] London. ■'2nd j,- e l> SI,,. Pytersburg that ]eq>ite f official -demals, fto information from, a source enjoying "hiVh patron^., dm question of the conditions ou v i.ich Russia is plicated io’makri peace Iris not only been formally discussed
    [RkUTKR’s SkIIVICE.]  -  362 words
  • 259 5 —Exch. THE PERSIAN GULF AND AFGHANISTAN. The Earl of Ronaldshay recently read 4-*p«k}»er entitled ‘Notes on a Journey «cross Asia,’»! before the members of the Central Asiatic Society. The paperwas mainIv concerned with-political problems which might arise in the Near East. Referring to the Baghdad Railway,
    —Exch.  -  259 words
  • 121 5 Roberts To Meet Stevensos. Mrwte# of a billiard match -Numerous attempt’’ f r Roberts frym time to time to aria g but toplay eitlier Da Y SOn did the terms imposed by I,is not meet with the appro < gtetec j rivals- Now, the terms that-
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  • 112 5 report of international commission. <1 Rozhdestvensky JUSTIFIED. [Kkuter’s Service. J London, 23rd Feb--Ihe Paris International- Commission of Inquiry into the No’rth Sea outrage has completednts report, which will probably be pubhs-he» l on Saturday. London, later. The report of’tlie North Spa Commission ,I< -l' l i
    [Kkuter’s Service.  -  112 words
  • 26 5 [Reuter’s Skrviuk.] London, 23i”d Feb. A .laconic telegram from Baku states that all the offices there are closed and the streets are full of corpses.
    [Reuter’s Skrviuk.]  -  26 words
  • 243 5 A lurid picture of the Russian troops in Manchuria is limined by Mr. Angus Hamilton, who writes as follows in the Fortnightly Review” in the course of an article entitled Sidelights on the Russian Army’ —“lf a complete chapter were written upon the. condition ..of affairs in .Manchuria,
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  • 390 5 The report of the. Royal Commission on Coal Supplies was issued recently. The Commissioners estimate the available quantity <>f the proved coalfields of the United Kingdom at 100,914,668,167 tons, or more than ten thousand, million tons in excess of that of the Commission of 1871. The
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  • 206 5 IRISH AFFAIRS. THE OPPOSITION AND HOME RULE. (Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd Feb. The Eftrl of Dudley denies that he is about to resign the Vice-royalty of Ireland. In the House of Commons Mr. Balfour said that it was evident that Home Rule was still a living and burning
    (Reuter’s Service.]  -  206 words
  • 585 5 INTERESTING RESEARCHES BY A GERMAN PROFESSOR. In the latest issue of The Hospital there is a highly interesting article on Insanity in the Malay and Egyptian Races,” based upon the researches of Professor Kraepelin of Heidelberg,, who recently availed himself of an opportunity to study insanity among
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  • 711 5 Princess's Love Story. Brussels, Jan. 26th. For some time there has been a rumour in Brussels, founded on what appears to be excellent authority, that, despite the objections of King Leopold, the Princess Clementine, his youngest child, intends to marry Prince Victor Napoleon, for whom she has conceived
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 GARDEN ROLLERS. McAlister S 9 Co., Ltd.
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    • 54 5 PENANG HUNT CLUB. THE Annual General Meeting of the Penang Hunt Club will be held on Tuesday, the 28th instant, at 4-45 p.m., in the Chamber of Commerce. Business, •1. To pass the Accounts for 1904. 2. To elect a President and Members of Committee. 3. General. 119 23-2 RACING
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    • 511 5 FOR SALE. NOTietr T BEG TO* ANNOUNCE to my Customers BROWN Australian Gelding Speedy, J that I am removing my business from 43 about 15.2 hands Perfect hack and Stre t to No 80 Chulia Street, and toy anlendid k 1 private residence will be at 203 c Hutton Lane,
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  • 882 6 Thursday, 23rd Feb. 1905. Messrs. Bibby Bros, and Co., Liverpool, have arranged with Messrs. Harland and Wolf!’, Belfast, for the construction of a twin-screw steamer for their Ceylon and Burmah trade, to be called the Herefordshire, and to be a duplicate of the JKorcrsfcrshire, which has just completed
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  • 1017 6 ARRIVALS. I*. Reg. Li itrold, Ger., 3119, Kirihner, Feb. 23, Bremen, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Gregory Apgar, Brit., 2961, Olifent, Feb 23, Singapore, gen., A. A. Anthony A Co. Manila, Brit., 2711, Nock, Feb 22, London, gen.. Adamson Giltillan Co. Janet Nicoll, Brit., 474, Crichton, Feb
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 17 6 FOR THE COUGH OF INFLUENZA, Stearns’ Wine is there liable prompt remedys at soothes the air passages.
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    • 216 6 STEARNS’ WINE, in addition to being an Iron Tonic, is the best Cod Liver Oil preparation known to the Medical world. I THE UNRIVALLED KILLER. j KEATING’S POWDER. FATAL TO INSECT LIFE. Harmless to Everything Else. Sold in Tins and Bottles only. Be quite sure you get KEATING’S. IT KILLS
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    • 1019 6 PENANG SALES ROOM. RUBEROID ROOFING.! one of the Administrators of :0 RUBEROID TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION i an(l File Kebl.stlllg VF||l(j On Saturday, 25t6 February, 1905, ROOFING Does uot ?lT k b,ister RUBEPmn AT THE RISK OF THE 01 DEFAULTING PURCHASER D 8 I Q C*Dfll R Is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1086 7 -W’ INTERNATIONAL BANKING TiTir» A i iA« or INDIA. LIPTONS TEAS AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Fural AjeMs for the United Stites of ivifwir tictDnrn America WERE AWARDED THE Ml has, by its Incorporated by Royal Charter. GOLD MEDAL ••tabllshed China and the Philippine Islands. AT the of its Ji Capital Paid
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1379 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, M M™ti>®.ts lor m ROSENEATH house." I I. FAMILY PROVISION. L.»,,.. .h. i.™« o io n d i Siptfitf dJ. 1 I n CHD ClI fl ACF insertion in the issue of the following day, w AJt2aa M Easily and E met by a Policy in word
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