Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1981 1 Shipping. T l.j. i J n Intended Sellings. p 0. Steam Naviga- s tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IteST HfICIFB AEKIVAU AND DEPARTURES. For Ihtbxi.kii. to Sail. H\\ I I MAIL SERVICE. J r 71V I/ II Oubcards. Negapatam, 7 JUX m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1964 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK.IDr. W. MANSON, feMI HI hi—■BamMi' r t-he, .SL lr a I Proved by experience. 110 W f® X Bwf-1 1 'Wellesley, at the of the f<ny < <)ors from the Eastern «1 VtA-FnrA 111 I B BB B B WBi M B Prye River, has lately
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  • 599 3 SOME LUCKY FINDS.” The rom Mice of collecting extend, re tty nearly the «hole range of llu poKewon., and probably i„ 110 t (>f 'J wM ld .s mote collecLng ,l„ ne in F »r East. Mr. Chee Holland has an article in CVio.n/,,/, „|,icl. lie gives some assurances
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  • 105 3 Engineering reviews official charts and tables relating to food, and finds that the consumption of tea has increased largeIv since 1851—from 2.24 Ib. per head to over 6 lb. during the last four years sugar from 33.23 lb. to 79.60 lb. per head cocoa from
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  • 210 3 received a knighthood and „—Straits rewards for his memorable vi 7'i»ias. It is one hundred years ago to-day_ that one of the most remarkab.e sea the annals of British warfare f OIII Sir Nathaniel Dance, oh ns way ho.e from Canton with a Heet
    received a knighthood and ° „—Straits rewards for his memorable vi 7'i»ias.  -  210 words
  • 1233 3 The Times. Trepoff, the lately apburi of SL eter burg and late Chief of Police of Moscow, c Je i en a fa,ni,iar figure in the old a r eit tlie lar;s?e white building n the Tverskol Boulevard, where his office ssi uited, or dashing about the town
    The Times.  -  1,233 words
  • 1383 3 Daily Mail. THE SUPREME MOMENT IN GREAT CRISES. In the dark days before the German Empire, before Bismarck had become a name in the world, King ’William and Bismarck sat together in a dark railway carriage, travelling to Berlin. The country was ringing with the iron and
    Daily Mail.  -  1,383 words
  • 1351 3 BY MARK TIME. I London, Jan., 27th. i These vegetarians do give one pause Their arguments in favour of a diet of peas and beans and lentils seem so conclusive in print. But when you put them to test in your own person—ah then it’s a
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  • 343 3 Can Russia Win At Sea A Naval Expert Is Not Despondent. Mr. Jane, the naval expert, writing in the Daily Chronicle, is not despondent as to Admiral Rojestvensky’s chances. True he hedges his favourable estimate around with a good many hypotheses. It is, of course, undeniable that were the Baltic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antisej- fie dentifrice, cleanses and preserves the teeth.— refreshing. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is one of the best and most effective liniments on the market for the cure of sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains. This is the universal verdict of all who have tried it. For
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    • 60 3 Economy is the surest road to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a cough or cold. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and cure it before pneumonia develops. It will be economy in the end. For sale by all dealers. STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from
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    • 123 3 Neglect Always Dangerous. —To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him, little or no attention is given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake,
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    • 35 3 In Amekica Ciiamdeiilain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the mothers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 86 3 How Often You Hear the Remark It’s only a cold,” and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always
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  • 195 4 Tuesday, February 21st. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p. m. High Water 0-33 a. ni. 0-55 p. m Low Water 6-45 a. m. 7-7 p. m Wednesday, February 22nd. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p. m. High Water 1-17 a. m. <Sr 1-39 p. m.
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  • 656 4 It is not surprising that what R?uter describes as ‘peace rumours which cannot be traced to any direct sources should have been cropping up during the past few days. Unfortunately this is not the first time that such rumours have croppe 1 up and we can
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  • 605 4 '■'b' To-day’s tin quotation is $76.40. Business done. Mr. J. Bromhead Matthews has been elected to represent the Penang Chamber of Commerce in the Legislative Council, in place of the Hon. E. W. Presgrave, who goes Home shortly. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop
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  • 833 4 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The nineteenth annual report of the Committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was submitted to the Members at the annual general meeting held yesterday afternoon. From the report we gather the following facts The number of members at the close of the
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  • 640 4 ORDER BY. THE GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL. N The following is the text of an n. i made by Hi, Excellency tl» Governor Council under Section 8 of Th* «17 Settlements Fugitive Oflfenders oT’ 1904”: Drder Whereas it appears to the Governor t the Straits Settlements in Council tl
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  • 150 4 Success of an English Player. On the Tollynuge Links, at Calcutta, the annual competition for the Golf Championship of India and the East has just been won by Mr. B. Abdy Collins, a prominent member of the Aldeburgh Club (Suffolk). Mr. Collins only went out to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 250 5 IlftßlAl FAMILY DEMORALISED. WORKMEN’S GRIEVANCES. [Rbutxh’s Servics.] I London, 20th Feb. I r h e T«« r 1,:IS u d manifesto in which Lian* l1 tbC fea U T the Wickod hand I h f IS sa<sins of l»is uncle and friend the I Lrl o« ke Ser lUB
    [Rbutxh’s Servics.]  -  250 words
  • 254 5 .-—Malay Mail. On Friday, 10th February, Loh Tam was irraigned before the Judicial Commissioner in<l two assessors, Messrs. Bagnall and Wickwar, on the allegation of having on the 27tli December last, committed murder hr causing the death of Oh Choon Hi at fiti. in Jelebu district* Mr.
    .-—Malay Mail.  -  254 words
  • 209 5 match, thus igniting matin'» < tl a its wood. The ship was not insurea. Tizzies. A fire occurre 1 on board the s. s. Shah za'la, at Kowloon Docks, a f ew a V a At three o’clock the second officer was awakened by a noise.
    match, thus igniting matin'» < • tl.aits wood. The ship was not insurea. Tizzies.  -  209 words
  • 241 5 PEACE prospects. ihe tsar and general gripenberg. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 20th F&lt; b confuB^ 1 despatch from General Kurod«v rma the news received yester~O t urroun ‘l‘»g of a Russian &lt; clunent by an overwhelming force of Japanese, but does not record the loss of any g ns.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  241 words
  • 92 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 20th Feb. Great Britain, Franco, Italy and Russia have presented an identical note to Germany and Austria on the subject of Crete, practically replying to Prince George’s memorandum to the Powers of November last. The note says that the protecting Powers cannot tolerate
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  92 words
  • 46 5 The Norddeutscher Lloyd Mail Steamer Zieteu, having left Singapore at 11a.m. yesterday, is expected to arrive here today at 3 p.m. and will leave for Colombo, A len, Suez, Port Said, Naples, Genoa, Gibraltar, Southampton, Antwerp and Bremen probably at 7 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 106 5 Yesterday shortly after 3.30 p.m. H. M. S. Thetis arrived in harbour from Singapore and anchored off the Esplanade. The Thetis belongs to the China station and stays here till Saturday, when she goes on to Port Swettenham. She is a second class cruiser of 3.400
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  • 213 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 20th Feb. The Resident, Mr. Birch and Mrs. Aiken left for Ipoh this morning. Mr. Belfield ea route to Kuala Lumpur passed through Taiping staying a night with Col. Walker. His many friends in Taiping welcomed him back. Mr. Eric Maxwell also
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  • 252 5 THE IRISH DEVOLUTION SCHEME. SIR ANTONY MAC DONNELL’S POSITION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 21st Feb. In the House of Lords the Earl of Dunraven stated that the scheme of Irish ‘devolution’ published on Sept. 26 did not originate from Sir Antony Macdounell, Uiid*r-Secretary for Ireland. He only assisted
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  252 words
  • 46 5 There will be a paper chase on Thursday, the 23rd inst. The start will be from Dato K ram at at 5 p.m., finish at Marble Hall, where the Marble Hall Mess will be “At Home to the Hunt Club and their friends.
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  • 55 5 A General Meeting for the election of Directors and for the transaction of other important business will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday next, the 23rd inst., at 6-15 p.m. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all
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  • 75 5 Annual Meeting. The Annual General Mating of the Singapore Nursing Association was held on Friday, in the Municipal Council Chamber. Mrs. Waddell presided. There was small attendance of members. The report and accounts, as they have appeared in the Straiti Times, were unanimously adopted. The following Committee
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  • 191 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties were played yesterday The Championship. G. H. Cater beat F. O. Hallifax 6—l B—6 6—2. Profession Pairs. J. E. Nathan W. Peacock {Civil Service) beat H. A. Neubronner «V E. S. Haslam {Engineers) 6—2; 6—2. Double Handicap. A. F. Goodrich A.
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  • 727 5 The present height of raw rubber prices is, says the Gummi Zeitung, a very important question f©r the whole india-rub-ber trade, both manufacturers and dealers. That Journal published lately some remarks on the subject which it followed up with a statement from a Brussels expert in reply
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  • 655 5 —Express. Mr. ATKINS AS A COINER OF PHRASES. If Jack Tar leads the way as a coiner of words and phrases, Mr. Thomas Atkins is at least an excellent second in the picturesqueness and range of his vocabulary. From the moment 1 dons his uniform and graduates as
    —Express.  -  655 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 The horse-shoe s coine from a legend of »t. j a y •tint was a skilled farr.ei, One while at work in his foige Dunstan •ntared in disguise and re( l“® s phe sa int, to shoe his “single hoot. malign although he recognised gQ mttch •Hstomer, acceded, but cause
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    • 6 5 garden rakes. McAlister V Co., Ltd.
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    • 5 5 SPORTING RIFLES McAlister Co, Ltd.
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    • 73 5 Penang Library. Annual General Meeting of Mem--1 bers will be held at the Library, Town Hall, on Friday, the 24th February, 1905, at 5 p.m., for the transaction of the following business {a) To receive the Committee’s Report and Honorary Treasurer’s Balance Sheet for 1904. (b) To elect Members of
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    • 76 5 NOTiCE. I BEG TO ANNOUNCE to my Customers that I am removing my business from 43 Beach Street to No. bo Chulia Street, and my private residence will be at 203 c Hutton Lane. Penang, 10 Feb., 1905. A. M. LANYAHDO. 98 28-2 THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY IFOR SLEEPLESSNESS, CHLOROBROM. FOR
      76 words
    • 305 5 TO LBT. U W ELBECK No 1 Pangkorßoad, Y V Furnished. For twelve months from Ist April. Apply to 84 u c E. W. PRESGRAVE. WANTED. ’TWO good Engrossing Clerks. TestiL menials (if any) to accompany applications. Apply to PRESGRAVE &lt;fe MATTHEWS, 121 24-2 13 Beach Strset. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE
      305 words

  • 964 6 Tuesday, 21st Feb. 1905. A new war terror has been designed, and is shortly to be built. By sacrificing power to go long distances, wrote Captain Mahan, the coast defence ship gains proportionate weight of armour and guns that is, defensive and offensive strength. The vessel is, according
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  • 974 6 ARRIVALS. H. M. S. Thetis, 3400, Wilkinson, Feb 20, Singapore. Pundua, Brit., 2126. Thomson, Feb 21, Rangoon, gen., H. Liebert Co. Maha Vajiirunhis, Dut., 1182, Steenberg, Feb 21, Sabang, gen., H. Liebert Co. Malaya, Ger., 901, Block, Feb 21, Deli, tobacco, Pehn Meyer &lt;fc Co. Sabine
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 As an ideal iron Tonic STEARNS’ WINE is tolerated with great satisfaction.
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    • 284 6 Accelerated Service to Rangoon. BEGINNING on Friday, February 10th, 1905, there will be a fortnightly steamer from Penang to Rangoon, taking Mails for Europe. This steamer is intended to leave Singapore, Thursday, 4-30 p.m., arrive at Penang, about 10 p.m., Friday, and intended to leave for Rangoon midnight the same
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    • 1168 6 PENANG SALES ROOM. &lt;, RUBEROID ROOFING one of the Administrators of -o: 1 B YAPTOW,rfm*wrf. PIJBEROID Water P roof &gt; Weatherproof, pfifirilUA to BE SOLD BY public auction and Fire Resisting On Saturday, 25t& February, 1905, J DnAFINQ Does not rot &gt; cr ack, blister DHnrr** H AT THE RISK
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 978 7 HANMAN’S REGISTERED LIPTONS TEAS HADCC a CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, l ■VIIU I LflJ ilVrlyoti FvOiJ f AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Fhcal the United States of WERE AWARDED THE qoL L A S S 2E 1 Paris exhibition. beating. c„„ tot „‘"‘i. "‘“"‘T»- ,s Head Office: I tjpatt op 5L052J00.59. Agents,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1385 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, Small Advertisaments lor Cash ROSENEATH HOUSE.” th. natural *pe ßl «it w* ter 1 ar e received at the offices of the Pinang VflflYTAill I. FAMILY PROVISION. Gazette the hours of 10 and 1 for UllO6llOl M 99 29 2. provision FOR OLD ACE. o XSOemX“?S
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