Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1925 1 Shipping. > ™i P. O. Steam Naviga- Sailings. 7 tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, '«’X j m i- Wr-Ji EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Foe Ix. TO s A H\\ li MAIL SERVICE. «I\\ B/ Outwards. Negapatam, TI t //r?\ Mar 2 Nubia connecting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1833 2 THE PRYE. RIVER DOCK. Dr. W. MANSON. ri r "'ll allan&jrvjnp. The china lnsurance 1111, rnii/. mii/n Engineers and General Contractors. Co.. Ltd. Penang’. Dental Surgeon, 7 IT DVMAMr ontn Works 40 WELD QUAY. Capital Subscribed $2 000nnn 'TH IE above Dock, situated in In .Vince I 17, PENANG ROAD.
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  • Our Weekly Magazine.
    • 2666 3 .•I know I nr ver dipt. v4y pen in slime or gall. Or wrote a gehteaet the purest lipt. Might scruple to recall. nd Ballade A PAGE ()F PACTSj FANCIES, FASHION AND FICTION. Front grave to B*y, from lively to severe.” To speak no evil, nay, nor
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    • 2008 3  -  Clifford Cordley, in Shooting Times. You should put salt on their tails,” said the Girl, with a serious look upon her normally laughing face, as she passed the salt and the walnuts to her neighbour at table, the Half-back. “Ye-e-s,” replied the Half-back, murmuring something
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    • 454 3 Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills make Sluggish Livers Active and Weak Digestions Strong. Proof from Kuala Lumpur. It is because they make good, strong blood at every dose, and healthy blood -gives renewed vigour and strength to the whole digestive apparatus, that Dr. Williams’ Pink
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH prefect antisejGic dentifrice, ®J ean serves the teeth.—rery ref res n JB l,^*-BB— **^^^**™of t/b© Chamberlain’s Pain Balm o n the best and most effective h» 1 ~u ^c3 «nd market for the cure of spra ins a rerrheumatic pains. XT sale by diet of all who have
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    • 64 3 AliXS' WINE represents both Cod T iver Oil and Iron, and can lie taken with especial benefit in Anwmia. It cures. FroNOMY is the surest road to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a cough or cold. Buy a bottle of ChamberS Cough Remedy and cure it before
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    • 61 3 How Often You Hear the Remark It’s only a cold,” and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It always
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    • 35 3 Tn America Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the mothers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Suld by all dealers.
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    • 25 3 Two splendid tonics, Iron and Cod Livor Oil are combined in Stearns' Wine, a most acceptable preparation to the invalid and the delicate. Immediately beneficial.
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  • 200 4 Saturday, February IBth. High Water 10-34 a. m. 11-1 p. m Low Water 4-15 a. m. A 4-46 p m Sunday, February I9th. Septuagesima. High Water 11-25 a. im A 11-48 p. m Low Water 5-13 a. m. A 5-37 p. Monday, Februa-y 2O'h. Full Moon. Meeting of
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  • 548 4 There can be no doubt that the Imjeria’ Government has got itself into a nice imbroglio with the Tib?t expedition After entrusting the mission to a most distinguished servant of the Empire and congratulating him on the manner in which he accomplished his task the Government
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  • 519 4 Lieut.-General Sir William Nichol ion, until lately British Attache with the Japanese army, and recently appointed Governor of Gibraltar, was a passenger by the P. and O. mail steamer Simla, which left Penang homeward bound this morning. Lieut.-General Slade, R.A., and Capt. Hall were
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  • 222 4 II ho Have Made The Rmpire ly George Griffith, (Bells Indian and Colonial Library, N 581). A series of twelve character-sketches ~of .‘great Englishmen ranging from William tJie Conqueror to jCeeil Rhodes. Mr. Griffith. 1 las plenty of I enthusiasm for his subject and has managed to produce
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  • 338 4 FUNERAL AT CULMSTOCK. From home paper we take the following account of the funeral of the late Mr. Aylesbury The funeral of Mi*; Aylesbury, of Leigh Court, Uffculme. who Was killed as the result of an accident while driving from Leigh Court to Tiverton Junction* took
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  • 183 4 Opposition to Government Action. Notice is given in the Singapore papers that an Extraordinary General Meeting of The Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, will lie held at the Singapore Exchange on Tuesday, the 28th February, 1905, at 2.30 p.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit,
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  • 155 4 Half-Yearly Report and Accounts. We have received a copy of the Report and Accounts of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation for the halfyear ended 31st December 1904, which is to be laid before the Shareholders at a meeting in Hongkong, to-day. From these Accounts,
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  • 73 4 St. George’s Church. Septuagesima Sunday. Visitation of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. I9ih February, 1905. 8 a.m. Matins.— (No Choir.) 8-30 a.m. Choral Celebration of the Holy Communion. 5 pm. Sunday School. 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Presbyterian Church. 9 a.m., Church Northern Road. 6 p.m., Church
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  • 353 4 .—Streets Times. CankeriOhe mpst Ceylon rubier planters just now but are ever on the watch for it Mr’ C» u a Government agricultural expert* S’’ has just lieen. engaged for the F M q Service thus instructs the planters how deal with this particular pest: When the place
    .—Streets Times.  -  353 words
  • 352 4 Lawn Tennis Toubnament. Ti;e following ties were played yesterdity Mixed Double Handicap. 4 Miss E. Jones at E. A.-Swan beat. Miss Brown E. S. Haslam 4—6 B—6 7—5. Airs. Jamieson it C. Bradbery Aliss Tozer it R. 11. Gibson 3—6 6—l 6—l. Championship. J. E. Nathan it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 227 5 BOMB OUTRAGE AT MOSCOW. TSAR’S UNCLE ASSASSINATED. [Reuter’s Service. 1 Loudon, 17th Feb. -"AsThe Grand Duke Sergius was driving to t Me‘Kremlin the Imperial palace in J4d«b o a bomb was thrown under his «Arflage. The Grand Duke was killed. [The Grand Duke Sergius Was an uncle ftH d
    [Reuter’s Service. 1  -  227 words
  • 34 5 MORE DEATHS. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18th Feb. The Admiralty announces that two of (he men injured in an explosion on board a submarine in Queenstown Harbour have since died.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  34 words
  • 63 5 THE WATERLOO CUP. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18th Feb. Th following is the result of the Waterloo Cup 77<* Cw./> (with Cap value £lOO given by the Earl of Sefton) for 64 subscribers of £25 ea-'h, winner £5OO. second £2OO. Pistol IT be<t Prince Plausible. Both them d
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  63 words
  • 118 5 A Ceylon Paper says One of the jurors summoned to attend an inquest at Salford’was a Manchester journalist, who found it Impossible to put in an appeal ance. The coroner sai<l he willingly excused tae absentee, milling, the Daily PosL, that .journalists were very hardworking members of
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  • 216 5 George Gapon, the leader of th. Putiloffi .trike, end the ,tl tors in directing the men, was bom at Pol tava in 1869. his He is the son of a peasant. Dun o Vovhood he herded geese and pigs Friends of the family, struck by u phenomenal me.ital
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  • 198 5 RUSSIA!! DISSEISIORS. KUROPATKIN AND GRIPENBERG [Reuter’s Service.] [Reuter’s .Service.] London, 18th Feb. General Gripenberg has arrived at St. Veterburg. [lt will l>e remembered that General Gripenberg, who commanded one of the Russian Army Corps in Marichuria, left the seat of war a few days ago after the battle
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  198 words
  • 441 5 The Asahi publishes the following list of steamers captured by the Japanese warships since the outbreak of war Name. Flag. Captvbbd., Russia Russian Feb. 7 Mukden 6, Argun w ,7 Nicolai 10 Michael Id Alexander 10 Manchuria 17 Ronik 10 Ekaterinoslay 6 Juridia 17 Manchuria (2)
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  • 166 5 THE FISCAL QUESTION. OPPOSITION AMENDMENT REJECTED. SPEECHES BY BALFOUR AND CHAMBERLAIN. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 18th Feb. The debate on the Address in reply to the speech from the Throne was continued in the House of Commons. Mr. Asquith’s amendment (to the. effect that the time had now
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  • 413 5 —S. China. Morniny Past. FROM NATIVE SOURCES. Paper Bonds. It is reported that the Imperial Commissioner of North China proposes to issue paper bonds in exchange for money borrowed from the people. These bonds can be used in the payment of taxes, and will be redeemable in
    —S. China. Morniny Past.  -  413 words
  • 163 5 The New Zealand Parliament is always in trouble over its refreshment room, which annually requires a vote to tide it over difficulties arising from failure of members to liquidate their bills. In the closing hours of the session a “relief” vote of £750 was secured.— 'Bulletin, Sydney. Complaints
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  • 491 5 •Lose finish is expected.— Malay Mail, Feb. 16. c Hamburg, 24th Jan. The efforts of the Prussian Government to mediate betlfeen mine owners and the workmen OTi strike have proved a failure. It was proposed that representatives of the owners and delegates sent by the miners’ trade
    •Lose finish is expected.—Malay Mail, Feb. 16.  -  491 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 202 5 NOTICE. BATU GAJAH RACES. 1 SINGERS soiling by the Lady Weld, A (,n Friday, the 2 4th instant, at 4 p.m., for Teluk Anson, will reach Batu Gajah at 10-45 a.m., on Saturday, returning by. Special Train to Teluk Anson after the arriving at Penang 10 a.m., Sunday, .£fh.h jnstant,
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    • 746 5 N -n I comprised in Government Grant No. 1,800, CW da ted the 2nd day of August, 1824, and ■■■l- acquired right to by the said Hajee Mydin nPBIAAIO Oil Deed Poll, dated the 21st November, EallANw wALEw ROOM. 1883, and estimated to contain an area of 1 square orlong,
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  • 556 6 London, Jan. 21, 190”). I have come to the conclusion that there ought to be a public literary censor to prevent writers making fools of themselves. The conviction has been driven home to me by a reading of Dr. A. H. Japp’s recent book on Robert Louis
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  • 845 6 ARRIVALS. Simla, Brit., 5884, Summers, Feb 18, Singapore, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Tara, Brit., 3651, Herrington, Feb 18, Singapore, gen., H. Liebert Co. Suevia, Ger., 2662, Knaesel, Feb 17, Hamburg, gen., Belin Meyer Co. Nam Sang, Brit., 2591, Payne, Feb 18, Calcutta, gen., Boustead Co. Ooi-ack,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 207 6 Neglect Always Dangerous. —To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him, little or no attention is given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake,
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    • 53 6 Guardian Assurance CO., Ltd. Established 1821 Subscribed Capital =£2,000,000 Total Invested Funds upwards of £4,500,000 Total Annual Income £759,000 The undersigned have been appointed Agents of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of insurance against loss by fire at the lowest current terms. KENNEDY <fc
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    • 172 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine. Mtuiicipa-1 Notice. Applications are invited for the appointment of Clerk. Sanitary Improvement Department, at a salary of $3OO per annum, rising by triennial increments of $6O to $4BO. Applications to be addressed to
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    • 1032 6 Accelerated t Servicetoßangoon. RJBEROID ROOFING BEGINNING on Friday, February 10th, B B 111 1905, there will be a fortnightly :O steamer from Penang to Rangoon, taking D| I Rt? PAIR W *terproof, Weatherproof, DHHFIMwn M This fo steamT' is intended to leave '■«'«DC V ,and Fire Resisting •'UUHN(J' ft“pZng, a“%’
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 942 7 HANMAN’S REGISTERED !l UPTONS TEAS Hhl)Cr V CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. llllVllU ILfl <J FOOD!! tUSTRALI. AND CHINA. WERE AWARDED THE Incorporated by Royal Charter. v GOLD MEDAL N° l a a 2°°d price but a good China afl d the Philippine Islands. at the A scientific mixture aat a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1414 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, smil MraUM»ate kr an roseneath house." —jr" V are recc i ye< l afc the offices of the Pinang QllBOpiAP BB M M 1 gfl I FAMILY PROVISION, Gazette between the hours of 10 and 1 for .UliPullvl W MM CT.IIIIw mn Ar* rr insertion in the
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