Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1881 1 S hipping. nn c intended Sailings. **»>>**• p. 0. Steam Naviga- Z tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. RSST IXPECTEO ARRIMLS AND DEPARTURES. Fob Istbkkbd to Sail. Stbambk. I l\\ n ii MAIL SERVICE. LAV i/ Outwards. Negapatain, -y —[Tr-> n T 1P u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1643 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. Dr. W. MANSON. Allan IRVING The China Traders- Insurance Engineers and General .Contractors. vo Ma. Penang*. Dental Surgeon, 'T' HE above Dock, situated in Province 17, PENANG RO AD TfUC EcOflOlHy. 3l BEACH Amount Paid-up 000 1 M ellesley, at the entrance of the A f
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  • 414 3 ’.—Exchange. Won I comes from Dawson that Kimr Edward has lost “a whole bunch of monev” he wouldL not take the trouble to to the Klondike or send-anybody to wo rk a claim for him. 7 just before the late Q ueen died Klondiker, who
    ’.—Exchange.  -  414 words
  • 158 3 The following use of a postage stamp it would be hard to beat. It occured in Yeh Province, Burmah. A sergeant of Excise had seized a lot of opium he found concealed under the flooring of a Chinaman’s house, access to it being had through a
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  • 252 3 The Last of the “Novi Kral The’tiin-i Tim's states that the Ao>'> of P° rt A, til "J t C ”t r 'igg“e<r bravely, pX, and continued out Odd numbers between bombardn.enta, though the office "'as often I by shells; but at Inst the Japanese, Wew the
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  • 920 3 Daily r„„ devotes an will I S fading article to a subject in K v ory often comes up for discussion •n rar Eastern communities. The refer- •> China therein have much similarity o hfe in the Straits and the Far East generally A comparison
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  • 668 3 FRENCH AUTHOR’S CAUSTIC REMARKS. In the course of a speech delivered in Paris, M. Anatole France, the well-known author and member of the French Acidemy, made some pointed remarks concerning the Yellow Peril and the White Peril.” When order was disturbed in the great
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  • 169 3 Alarming revelations as to the consumption of alcoholic beverages among the young in Germany were made at a meeting of the Teachers’ Total Abstinence Society held at Bremen recently. One of the speakers stated that it was a common thing for infants to be given beetin their bottles,
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  • 708 3 HOW A BRAVE RUSSIAN MET DEATH. One of the most interesting articles on the war in the East appears in Leslie’s Weekly.” It tells how a brave Russian spy met his death. He was discovered in the Japanese lines, confessed that he was a spy of Kuropatkin,
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  • 187 3 Instead of suing him for breach of promise, this is the method a Japanese girl adopts for getting even with a faithless lover. She rises in the middle of the night, puts on her prettiest dress, hangs a mirror round her neck, and makes head
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  • 344 3 MORE STARTLING REMARKS. In ’the course of a long letter in the Standard A General of Forty Years’ Service makes a startling indictment of our present Army system, after the accomplishment of the Esher reforms. He says:—“ Never for fifty years has England been in such a
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  • 508 3 T. e 8 ientific Co ~unission which under took to I a’ litei of the horse- it; work, and and of the experiments, extending ovei several months, is given in a report signed by Dr. Carl Stumpf, Professor of Psychology in the Berlin University.
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  • 599 3 PREPARATIONS FOR A SIEGE. The Daily News, in its issue of the 7th instant, has the following article on the defences of Vladivostock The feverish night and day activity which, for the last year, has marked the construction of fortifications at Vladivostock, is about to end,
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  • 279 3 PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. O. steamer Marmora connecting with the steamer Nuhia a< Colombo, from London Jan 20:—To Singapore: Mr. A. B. Ward, Mi L Conway Belfield, Mr. D. Jack, Mr. H. M. Savill, Miss N. Evans, The Misses Wilding (2), Rev. I*. Rees, Cipt. and Mrs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 vffar the Remark How Often You g later It’s only a cold,” a b j g bac fc with learn that the man is on common ocpnsumonia. This is o «1 ifflit, should currence that a cold, l‘ oW prla in’s Cough not be disregarded. Cha den cy toward Remedy
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    • 24 3 Chambbklain’b I’A!N Balm is one of the best and most effective hnimente on the d“t"ofln who have tried it For sale by all dealers.
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    • 53 3 In America Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the mothers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmful gulistance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers. STEARNS’ WINE, preeminently th* ideal reconstructive tonic when the whole system is left in a
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    • 58 3 Economy is the surest roiyl to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a cough or cold. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and cure it before pneumonia develops. It will be economy in the end. For sale by all dealers. ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antisep
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    • 19 3 Do not play with lung trouble. Gain the first point— Strength. STEARNS’ WINE is an invigorating and strengthening tonic.
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  • 196 4 Thursday, 1 February I6th. Town Band, Goff Club,. 6to7p, m. •> High Water 8-8 a. m. 8-50 p. m Low Water 1-37 a. in. 2-20 p. in. fjlJ-'/.'i WtO* Hl Friday, February I7ih. n i, Town Band, Esplanade, G to 7 p, ut High Water 9-28 a.
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  • 532 4 The King’s speech at the opening of Parliament on Tuesday, of which Reuter sent through a lengthy if not particularly lucid report yesterday, effectually disposes of the rumours of an imminent General Election. The programme of legislation brought, forward by the Government is an unusually comprehensive
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  • 695 4 To-day’s tin quotation is $76.62|. Business doge. The Hon. the Resident-Councillor is staying on Penang Hill, during the repairs to the Residency, now in progress. Mr. L. M. Woodward, Barrister-at-Lawj has assumed charge of the duties of Deputy Public Prosecutor Singapore, vice Mr. «Farrer; transferred
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  • 360 4 A SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment repeated last night by St. George’s Girls’ School, by special request, consisted of two parts, a Concert and a Fairy Extravaganza. In the former Mbs Marion Manook opened with a pianoforte solo, Boehm’s Attaque des Uhlans, which was very creditably
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  • 41 4 THE SUBSTITUTION STAKES. The following are the entries for the Substitution Stakes, which takes the place of the Maide i Plate (which did not fill) at the forthcoming Kinta Meeting. The Substitution Stakes. Fusee Ruby Polariscope Millicent Livia Flora
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  • 62 4 Members of the Penang Volunteers are reminded that the following Shooting Competitions will be shot on the fallowing dates “The Spring Grove,” on Saturd iy, 25th February at 3 p.m. “The Chaplain’s Prize,” Saturday, 4th March at 3 p.m. “The Kedah Plate,” ami “Running Man,” Sunday, sth March
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  • 196 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties were played yesterday G. H. Cater vs. F. O. Hallifax (unfinished). Mixed Doubles. Mrs. Park A G. Mugliston Miss Anthony A G. Teeling 6—3; 6—o. Profession Pairs. A. S. Anthony A A. F. G. Anderson (Brokers) beat R. P. Phillips A
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  • 899 4 AN INTERESTING POINT. A point of great interest to members of the Local Bar came up for decision before the Hon. A. -F. G. Law at the Supreme Court this morning, when’ Mr A c Rudra applied to be admitted to practice as an Advocate and Solicitor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 TOWN CLUB, M Hew Advertisements. HOLDERS of the Town Club De ben- tn tures are informed that interest to 3lst December, 1904, will now be paid by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporatiori Penang, on presentation of the RAWANA MANA MAYX A. scrip. (By Order) D. C. MACINTYRE, is hereby
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    • 6 4 k. BATHROOM MATS. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • 465 5 DEBATE IM THE COMMONS. SPEECH BY MR. BALFOUR the treaty with Tibet. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th Feb. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Secretary of State for Affairs, replying in tbe House of Lords to Earl S pei cer 8 speech m which he said that he trusted that
    [Reuters Service.]  -  465 words
  • 22 5 [Reuters Services.] London, 16th Feb. Another diamond weighing 334 carats has been discovered at the Premier Mine at Pretoria.
    [Reuters Services.]  -  22 words
  • 45 5 J APANES E INTE NTION S. [Reuters Service.] London, loth Feb. The Naval Staff at Tokio announces that the Japanese commanders have io ceived orders to sink all collieis» oun accompanying the Baltic Meet regar ess of their nationality.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  45 words
  • 50 5 THE HOUSE PAX. 1 Reuters Service Loudon, 16th l*t Final replies on the f^ei gnJapanese House Tax, to liave ers resident in Japan are •> o been unfairly dealt with, v,erc CXC s u oa yesterday at the Hague, where the q is being submitted to arbiti
    1 Reuters Service ]  -  50 words
  • 92 5 I Reuter’s Service.] London, 16 th I eb. Sir J. A. Willox, the ber for Everton has resigned his the House of Commons. Mr. [Sir John A. Willox, son ConserJ. Willox of Edinburgh, has he 1892. vative Member for Eveitoii, ver He was educated private y
    I Reuter’s Service.]  -  92 words
  • 95 5 RENEWED ACTIVITY. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 16 th Feb, Despatches from Russian correspondents t iat the 1 Japanese forces on the •'i.lo are energetically pursuing sapping opeiations, breaking up the ground, with Uy il l,n, te and thawing it by, means of Reuter’s correspondent at Tokio reports that a
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  95 words
  • 1712 5 ,—The Engineer. The notification issued on December 4th by. India-rubber manufacturers of another” 10 per cent, rise in meebani i'a‘l" goods' 'has" doubtless come as unwelcome' intelligeficb to those primarily affected by it. Yet there will 1 >e few, we imagine, who will dispute its justification
    ,—The Engineer.  -  1,712 words
  • 478 5 The following is published in the Yoniiuri as a statement niadifi Ijy General Smirnoff, who is now detained at Nagoyama as a j prisoner of war “iFpjßi the outset I was in comma nd of -th®., whole of Port Arthur fortifications and during that
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  • 343 5 It would seem that there is at last some chance of the unification of postal and revenue stamps in India. In the annual report of the Calcutta Trades Association it is stated that the question has been reconsidered by the Director-General of the Post Office, who had come to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 909 6 Thursday, 16th Feb., 1905. The committee of the Kiel Yacht Club has fixed May 15 next for the Transatlantic yacht race for the Kaiser’s Cup. The regulations allow the entry of vessels of any nation, provided they are of at least 200 tons Thames measurement. The only German
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  • 966 6 ARRIVALS. Malaya, Ger., 901, Block, Feb 16, Deli, gen., Eehn Meyer Co. Perak, Brit., 297, Buchanan, Feb 15, Port Swettenham, gen., Koe Guan Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 294, Scott, Feb 15, Acheen, gen., Ban Ho Hin. Avagyee, Brit., 247, Morier, Feb 16, Singapore, gen., Koe Guan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 STEARNS’ WINE places at the Command of the Physician the most advanced preparation of a Cod Liver Oil. Far superior to the stomach disturbing emulsions.
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    • 17 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine.
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    • 78 6 THE UNRIVALLED KILLER. KEATING’S POWDER. FATAL TO INSECT LIFE. Harmless to Everything Else. Sold in Tins and Bottles only. Be quite sure you get KEATING’S. IT KILLS FLEAS, BEETLES, BUGS, FLIES. Benger’s Food is mixed with fresh new milk when used is dainty and delicious, highly nutritive, and most easily
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    • 933 6 Service to Rangoon. Adamson. BEGINNING on Friday, February 10th, 5 1905, there will ,be a fortnightly steamer from Penang to Rangoon, taking mb A M Mails for Europe. This steamer intended to leave J g M M M Jj Singapore, Thursday, 4-30 p.m., arrive ■TP 111 111 I I B
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1202 7 HANMAN’S REGISTERED! nte^X l t nk c LIPTONS TEAS HAUQr mz>r, V CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, LlFlvllJ ILfl O ilUUbt FOOD!! AUSTRALIA AND china. < were AWARDED THE iNVIGORA TING, FATTENING Incorporated by Royal Charter. GOLD MEDAL Not acl P at a good price but a pood fnnd China an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1409 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, Small Advertisements lor Cash ROSENEATH HOUSE.” the best natural a I are received at the offices of the Pinang O am fflg-W CTBH K& IH1I» l 1 xa». I. FAMILY PROVISION. Gazette between the hours of 10 and 1 for □llO6llOl ad I 2DDS*wiei/*>kl Al Ar* C
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