Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 February 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1899 1 SHi>i>hi«. 1 ===ia=^ n ei ~L Intended Sailings. P. 0. Steam Naviga* tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. (SjT nncm armvau a» mhutniu. f 0« t KT snBI to Sail. I Stkamkk. Ll\\ 1 MAIL SERVICE. 7 PA S/ S I .OulwarJ,. Neg»p«t«in, I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1718 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK.*Dr, W. MANSON,' ‘”“k ALLAN ±A RVING- "j™* china T raders Penang*. Dental Surgeon, ;l Engineers and General Contractors. Co.. Ltd. *T*HE above Dock, situated in Province Z 7, 2?O4ZL EXQUISITE IN FLAVOR- S W6rks--:-40 WELD QUAY. Capital Subscribed ...s2nonnn 1 Wellesley, at the entrance of the
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  • 407 3 Balfour On The Defence of the Empire. ialqmu Mr. at the Scottish T’nionists’ banquet in Glasgow, claimed t the GovtfffAlfeut was entitled to the Latitude of the nation. In strengthening F hc defence oft lEmpire they had done meh towards executing completely the v rt hcr Commissiun’s'scbeme. The
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  • 215 3 In the Sooloo islands (Southern Philippines) the inhabitants (Moros) feel restive under regular government, and the Americans are hard put to it to keen order Now and then some headman breaks out and defies the Government Troops then sally out to bring him to book. The rebels
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  • 193 3 Mi Walter Sichel, ,e °/j. ibu tes recent biographers of Jhsi *ie 8> 1 to the Monthly Review an ar i. changes which have come over England and the English during the last Appropriately enough he F ene h purvey in the light of who <jU writers have P
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  • 360 3 Japan I 'Would Be TNDEPENfiE'kt of Europe. lhe Sydney Daily Telegraph says that apa.n.,sc woollen manufacturers are now urnmg attention to Australia, as a source M° in vhlch to draw the raw material. Mr. C. and Mr. K. Masuda, representing a firm of Eastern manufacturers, are
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  • 118 3 According to the correspondent of the Telegraph.' British tradit’ons and customs are gradually taking root in Paris. The plum-pudding is offered for sale in many a shop, and the fact that mincepies are to be procured is proudly announced on cards placed in prominent positions.
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  • 136 3 A dispute has, says the Bangkok Tinies of the 26th January, arisen between the agents of the North German Lloyd at Singapore and the Chinese rice importers. The trouble was caused by damage; to the extent it is said of some $B,OOO, sustained by cargoes of rice
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  • 189 3 Russia’s Central Asian Railway Scheme. Many Britishers are apt to consider that the natural defences of Northern India and the passes beyond render invasion improbable. A study of the Russian position as indicated below is of value, and if a good map be studied it will be
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  • 423 3 THE LARGEST STEAMER BUILT AT HONGKONG. The Glasgow Herald Shipbuilding and Engineering Annual for the past year gives some very interesting information regarding the progress of Colonial shipbuilding in various parts of the British Empire. Speaking of Canada that journal says progressive as that country
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  • 358 3 THE EVOLUTION OF THE GREAT PEACE MOVEMENT. At the London Institution Dr. W. Evans Darby, Secretary of the Peace Society, sketched the history of the arbitration movement from the earliest times. In the middle ages the Popes were great arbitrators, and cases of arbitration were very frequent,
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  • 299 3 Curious Announcement of a Printer’s Devil. Devils no doubt regard bishoprics in an interesting light According to the Bombay Gazette the Madras Mail has the following apology :—An ominous announcement was made in our telegraphed Home News Summary on Tuesday, to the effect The Leeds Clergy Union has
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  • 233 3 Date of the General EliectioX? The Birmingham Mait, which is usually in close touch with Mr. Chamberlain, had a remarkable article on the subject of a General Election, in which a strong belief is expressed that it will take place very early in the Session. The writer
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  • 286 3 In the Monthly Messenger the Rev. J. A. B. Cook gives an obituary notice of the late Dato James Meldrum of Johore. It is illustrated with portraits of the deceased and of his father-in-law, the late Rev. P. B. Keasberry. In the same number the
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  • 1571 3  -  BY MARK TIME. London, January 2, 1905. Dane mg, even of the “promiscuous” sort, seems to be looking up. No doubt there are still some people who regard waltzing as unlovingly as Byron, who grieved to think that round all the confines of the yielded waist
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 J 7" id but begin Don’t wait until you eateni c. doses How with Stearns' Wine m to build up and strengthen the
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    • 43 3 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is one of the b( s t and most effective liniments on the nrirket for the cure of sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains. Thia is the universal verdiet of all wl |o I>aT tned lk For S 6 all dealers.
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    • 43 3 Economy is the surest road to wealth but there is nothing gained by neglecting a cough or cold. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and cure it before pneumonia develops. It will be economy in the end. For sale by all dealers.
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    • 35 3 In America Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a great favorite with the mothers of small children for colds, croup and wooping cough. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 82 3 How Often You Hear the Remark It’s only a cold,” and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward prtfeumonia. It always
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    • 136 3 Neglect Always Dangerous.—To the average man it seems childish to doctor a cold, and unless it becomes particularly annoying to him, little or no attention is given it. Often a cold contracted in the winter is allowed to run until the opening of spring. This is a grave mistake, as
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  • 201 4 Monday, February Is’h Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. High Water 4-53 a. in. A- 5-17 p. m. Low Water 11-5 a. in. A. 11-29 p. m Tuesday. February I4th. Town Band, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p. m. High Water 5-43 a. in. A 6-12 p.
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  • 1214 4 It is not the Englishman who stops at Home and plods the beaten track who contributes most to his country’s greatness. By the men who crossed the seas and hewed out a path for themselves the British Empire was built up and it is their descendants
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  • 1100 4 Ali Baba or the Forty Thieves. The captious critic, witnessing a performance like that given by the scholars of St. George’s School in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, is disarmed on all sides. Never was a brighter little extravaganza, never such sprightly elves,
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  • 33 4 lhe number present in Camp on Inspection Day was 79. Besides 22 absent with leave, 9 members were absent without iTo 6 ,naki g in all a total strcn gth of
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  • 134 4 Last night shortly after 11 o'clock a fire occurred at Sunnyside in MaealisteY Road. The origin of the fire is not known, but Sergt. King who was on the scene, shortly afterwards and gave the alarm, found every door and widow locked up, so when the
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  • 138 4 I n l t I’he M ild Animals and Birds Pmte ’tio i ()-■<! iia ice 1904 the fidlowing o -ders have been made by the Governor in Conn *1 (1). t;iat the months of February, March, April and May in every year shall be a
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  • 105 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties have been arranged for to-morrow, Tuesday, 14th instant:— Double Handicap. J. Davidson Jk C. C. Roger» vs. G. H. Lees <fc E. Lees. Single Handicap. Claas B. G. Teeling vs. A. Reid. J. H. Schuurmann t?«. L. A. C. Biggs. Ties
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  • 44 4 The P. and O. R. M. steamer Mali having left Colombo at 8 a.m. on Sand 12th inst, is expected to arrive her 5 a.m. on Friday, 17th inst, aU( i leave for Singapore and China at 8 the same day. ,r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 Notice to Mariners. vertisementS Penang Harbour. i. WANTED. ON THURSDAY nights, every second week, starting on 10th February, STOREKEEPER. 1905, and when any vessel is coming along- Annlv to side or going away from the Government pqTATF’S OFFICF Pier, a red light will be placed on the SLGAR KSIAILSOI 1C
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    • 75 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writers name and address not neccessarily for insertion hut as a guarantee of good faith. jg LL monies must be paid to* the General •sL Manager at the "Pinang Gazette” Office,
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    • 8 4 GAR. EN RAKES. McAlister d 9 Co., Ltd.
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  • 424 5 FURTHER DISTURBANCES. SERIOUS SITUATION IN POLANDTHE TSAR AND REFORMS. [Reuters Service.] London, 13th Feb. There was a fresh collision at Sosnowice yesterday. I'roops fired on a mob of itrikers who were extinguishing a smelting furnace, killing or wounding over a hundred persons. Five thousand strikers paraded St Petersburg yesterday
    [Reuters Service.]  -  424 words
  • 44 5 SHIPS AND GUNS ORDERED IN ENGLAND. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 11th Feb. The Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Tokio states that orders for four Japanese battleships have been placed n:i Eng Jan, and also contracts for half a million sterling worth of guns.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  44 words
  • 32 5 [Reuter’s Service, i London, 13th Feb. H M S Fylades is aground on Peel Reef, off Thursday Island, but not seriously damaged. London, later. H. M. S. been refloated.
    [Reuter’s Service, i  -  32 words
  • 112 5 [Reuter’s Service. 1 z-aV 1 I'll 1 I STILL AT MADAGASCAR SA,L A Loudon, 11th i’eb. Reuter wires fro» Port Lou» arrivals from Nossi- >e CO nlliot Baltic squadron W s i Rozhdiestvenhas arisen between Adn applying sky and the Germ- t|)e him i with coal. they
    [Reuter’s Service. ] 1 z-aV 1 I'll 1 . I  -  112 words
  • 72 5 JAPANESE PLANS. [Reuter's Service.] London, 13th Feb. It is believed that when the seveAty of the winter terminates General Kamimura, whose army is lightly equipped and provided with innumerable field guns, will endeavour to cut the Russian communications to the north of Vladivostock. London, taler. Ine Japanese captured
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  72 words
  • 111 5 liberal manifesto. [Reuter’s Service] London, 11th Feb. Lord Spencer has issued a manifesto in the name of the Liberal leaders. He dviellsupon the fiscal and licensing questions, and education. He does not mention the Japanese alliance, but approves of arbitration treaties, and advocates the fullest representative and
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  111 words
  • 65 5 A KBITRATION TREATY SIGNED. [Reuter's Service.] London, 11th Feb. It is reported from Washington that owing to Congress terminating on 4th Match, it is probable that various other International arbitration treaties will expire without any action being taken by the Senate. London, 13th Feb. An arbitration treaty
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  65 words
  • 60 5 GREAT RUSH OF sUBSURTBERS. Renter's Service. London, 13th Feb. Tiiere was a great rush of subscribers to the new Chinese five per cent loan issued at 97. through the Hongkong ami Shanghai Bank. The crowds bad to be controlled bv the police ami the issue, which
    [ Renter's Service. |  -  60 words
  • 37 5 i R euter’s Service, j London, 13th Feb. Lord Curzon lias resigned the Wardenship of the Cinque Ports. The Prince of Wales succeeds him. Walmer Castle is no longer the official residence of the Warden.
    i R euter’s Service, j  -  37 words
  • 44 5 INTERN ATION A L AND VARS ITY MATC H ES. I Reuter s Service. London, 13th Feb. Oxford lias beaten Cambridge at Association football by two goals to one. Ireland has beaten England at Rugby football by seventeen points to three.
    I Reuter s Service.  -  44 words
  • 77 5 Plantation Grown Para Rubber, January 20th, 1905. The following are the particulars of plantation grown Para Rubber offered at sale to-day Ceylon. per lb. Doranakande 1 case fine darkish biscuits 0/1 Ingoya 2 cases very fine pale biscuits o/l 1 bag good scrap Elston 1
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  • 1250 5 RACE MEETING. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, February 21st. 1.-— The Substitution Stakes.. Value out of which $5O goes ,to Second Horse.—-A handicap for “Galloways. 14.2 and under imported as S. R. A. Galloway Griffins. Distance, six Furlongs Entrance $l5. < 2. The First Griffin Cup. Value $4OO. —A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 213 6 A curious insight into the intellectual condition of Russia is afforded by the ways of the Russian censorship. According to a Russian newspaper, the provincial journals are not allowed to reproduce any articles or news from the Press of St. Petersburg. When the editor of a provincial paper ventured
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  • 137 6 A fire panic at Mensron Asylum, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, was happily averted through the prompt action of the medical stall and officials. The outbreak occurred in the female department —a semi-detached building in an institution where 1,300 inmates are kept. The staff brigade
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  • 246 6 In his capacity as Administrator of British New Guinea for the Federal Government of Australia, Captain hit upon a happy and expe- I dient. He is promoting P^ac- e between warlike tribes by a o f diplomatic dances, which usual course will be one may hope, by
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  • 162 6 PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. A O. steamer Marmora connecting with the steamer Nubia, a* Colombo from London Jan 20:—To Singapore Mr. A. B. Ward, Mi K Conway Belfield Mr. D. Jack, Mr. H. M. Savin', Miss N Evans, The M isses Wilding (2), Rev. P. Rees, Capt.
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  • 973 6 arrivals. Sithonia, Ger., 4239, Hildebrandt, Feb 13, Singapore, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Priam, Brit., 2905, Low, Feb 13, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. Van Outhoorn, Dut., 1543, <«o‘Grooth, Feb 13, Singapore gen., H Liebert Co. Unity, Nor.. 930, Hansen, Feb 12, Rangoon, gen., Chin Ho Sons.
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  • 329 6 ORDERS BY CAPTAIN A. R. ADAMS, COMMANDANT. FOR FEBRUARY, 1905. Stturday, 18th. Shooting Tournament; 'The Fernhill Plate and the Merchants’ Prize. >.i:iiiv, 19th. Shooting Tournament The Commandant's Cup and the Harwood Cup. Saturday, 25th. Shooting Tournament The Bankers' Handicap. Sund iv. 23th. Shooting Tournament The Championship and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 30 6 Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation, Established 1720. The undersigned having been appointed the Company’s Agents are authorized to insure against Fire upon the most favourable terms. BERN MEYER, Co.. -9-04 Agents.
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    • 168 6 STEARNS’ WINE strengthens the rei sistenoe to disease of the lungs and arpassages. It soothes and heads. Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,001 Total Invested Funds upwards of £4,500,000 Total Annual Income £759,001’ The undersigned have been appointed kgents <■) the above Company at Penang, md are
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    • 228 6 Accelerated Service to Rangoon. BEGINNING on Friday, February 10th, 1905, there will be a fortnightly steamer from Penang to Rangoon, taking Mails for Europe. This steamer is intended to leave Singapore, Thursday, 4-30 p.m., arrive at Penang, about 10 p.m., Friday, and intended to leave for Rangoon midnight the same
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    • 486 6 [ruberoid roofing? i :o: RUBEROID and Fire Resisting ROOFING ROOFING "RUBEROID I RUBEROID ROOFING ROOFING Acid proof and odourless. RUBEROID n§ iDCon 9 n ls ver .V elilsfcic durable and DHACINH nUDuKvIU does not deteriorate with age. KUUrlllU RUBEROID ROOFING IS 36 INCHES WIDE, {in i is manufactured in four
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1102 7 HANMAN’S REGISTERED! IN ~o^,r N HK G UPTONS TEAS HORSE FOOD!! "'SSM AWMBBa THC NOURISHING, INVIGORATING, FATTENING Incorporated by Royal Charter. AT TnE ~h?an food at a >™< *«<ninu. Chin» and the Philippine Islands. AT THK N JL.e.-e- P Ce but a S od foodat a cheap price. Capital Paid
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1093 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, Small Advertisements lor Cash ROSENEATH HOUSE.” are received at the offices of the Pinang QIIBOPIAT g I. FAMILY PROVISION. Gazette between hours of 10 and 1 for Dupvllvl 99 99 Wy 99 9 hH 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE, Z±it“ DAordind F.S 1 OtlllShmEll t. W «WMVS
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