Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 January 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 447 1 Sapping. Ip. 0. Steam NavigaI tion, Company. I expected arrivals and DEPARTURES. I MAIL SERVICE. I Outwards. I j a n. 5 connecting jrith Britannia I „19 Chusan do Mongolia I Feb. 2 Bengal do Oceana 16 3 übia do J/armora Homewards. Jan. Bengal connecting with Victoria 21 Malta do
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    • 1049 1 Intended Sailings. Shipping. I BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. *7J OR Intended to Sail. Steameil i Negapatam, 7 Madras, pondichery, Cuddalore and T y Imperial German Mail Line. Karrical. ’■’ri. Jan. 13 th 2-30 p.m. Zamania an o oon Calcutta, ouhnein and Burmese Ports.] Thu.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, I. FAMILY PROVISION, 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE, I Easily and Economically met by a Policy in p g»*j p* THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE. RISK OF nnX I Can easily and quickly be averted (ESTABLISHED 1847.) by a option of eleC triC lightCHAIRMAN. -The Right
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    • 308 2 ALLAN IRVING. VIENNA B.AKEIty I Engineers and Geneßl Contractor». JOSEPH BAKER, I 3 e o 3 to inform the Ladies and Works :—4O WELD of Penang and Out Stations tlr,f’i' Town Store :~31 BEA£H SlllELl. has opened a hc i 40 1-4-o'j CONFECTIONERY At 243 Penang Road, near the Chowrash
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  • 624 3 Thc p I rt which engineering ias p i ayed in the of one part of the Empire—]ll(lia —formed the subject of the presi lltl .d address by Sir Guilford Lindsey qJeswor’h, k. i. E., to the Institution „f Civil Engineers, ie -e.itly. Commenting
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  • 247 3 we believe, to present them to i A ■I/ aulmain Advertiser. 1 It will interest zoologies to h >arn that troops returning from Tibt broug r|<t down with them two living specimen- of the kyang or wild ass of Central Asi; i. These animals were met with in
    we believe, to present them to i A »• ■I/aulmain Advertiser. 1  -  247 words
  • 482 3 —Rangoon Times. Id ,c histoi ic site on the river Itchen at I- Ln War Offi by the there a P ur i >OBe of building P red ,illti I ry Apartment for time-ex’-<iXay o, or;‘ vist k !t fo -J 11 bmian legions on their nnd it
    —Rangoon Times.  -  482 words
  • 366 3 Secretive Method of Taking Photographs. The camera book, an invention of Air. Leon Block, of Paris, is designed to take snapshots of real life, as opposed to the reproduction of posed positions. Every outdoor photographer knows that when a person discerns he is about to be photo-o-r wlieJ.
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  • 314 3 It will interest all Scotsmen to hear that a proposal to hold a Scots National Exhibition in 1907 is already taking formal shape and is on the road to realization, says T/te 1' riend oj India. The project is in the hands of Mr. W. Lindsay, Vice-President
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  • 1151 3 Death of Miss Adeline Sehgeant. Miss Adeline Sergeant, one of the bestknown women novelists of our time, died on December Gth at Bournemouth, where she had lived for many years. Miss Sergeant, who was born at Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, was fifty-three. She had an enormous girl public,
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  • 243 3 IS KIDNEY DISEASE. Kidney disease comes on quietly—may have been in the system for years before patient suspected the real cause of his trouble. There may have been headaches, limb aches, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, a nervous, irritable feeling, or a generally weak, tired feeling, weak heart, swelling
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  • 796 3 Dr. Verbeck, the eminent missionary who died in 1898, possessed a keen sense of humour. On the. occasion, after he had lived in Japan for 30 years, he was waiting for a train, when a student, who had been eyeing him for sometime, concluded he would patronise this innocent
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  • 839 3 BY MARK TIME. A writer in one of the monthlies makes the staggering proposal that pawnbroking should be abolished. The pawnbroking system, he says, “is rotten in every respect, and largely responsible for much of the existing crime, misery, and wretchedness in our great towns.” No
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 In America Chamberlain I Remedy is a great favorite wi 1 mothers of small children for s > and wooping cough. It contain-? 1 r lO ful substance and always W P rom F relief. Sold by all dealers. “zymole tooth u d p« r feet antiseptic dentifrice, c^e l
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    • 63 3 ..inmvd results from a cold or P 'itt-'.ck N of' influenza. Chamberlain’s n 1 k-medv quickly cures these ailments Cough He f tendency towards pneu“‘‘!l T LI made especially for these and “mi ar ailments and can always be depend“d upon. AH dealers sell it. is pleasant of Stearns’ Wine
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    • 42 3 Doan’s dinner pills, which are sold by all chemists, immediately relieve a constipated state of the bowels, stimulating the flow of bile, and driving out all the poisonous waste matter. They restore a regular and natural action to the liver and bowels.
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    • 37 3 A Bad Cold cannot be cured too quickly. For this purpose Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is unequalled. All dealers sell it. STEARNS’ WINE, strengthens the nerves, increases appetite, stimulates digestion. Try it now. But ask for Stearns' Wine.
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    • 61 3 An Editor’s Opinion. —John 8. Dawes, Esq., editor and proprietor Guardian awl Star, Hokika, it New Zealand, said: I have found Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a very valuable medicine, having received great benefit from its use when suffering from a cold, and as a preventive for croup in children its excellent
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  • 84 4 g Wednesday. January 4 h Town Band Esplanade 5-30 p. M. P. V. Company Dnl'. Thursday, January sth. Band Golf Club 5-30 p. m. P. V. Recruit Drill. Friday, Januarj 6*h. Special Meeting, Municipal Commissioners, 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 5-30 p. m. Saturday, December 7<h. Town Band,’
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  • 1258 4 That the gigantic crop of American cotton is regarded as a serious blow to the schemes for growing cotton in Africa an 1 elsewhere in the Empire, as reported by Reuter, can hardly be correct, and to us it appears to be rather the expression of
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  • 1254 4 We are requested to notify that Entries for the Paddock Cup, and the Final Entries for the Club Handicap and New Year Stakes, will close to-morrow, January sth, at NOON. Five cases of plague occurred in Singapore in three days, last week. There will be no meeting
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  • 184 4 List of Tenders Accepted. l494.—The following is a list of in Penang,’whose Tenders for for the year 1905, have been ac--I®. Clothing for Peons and PunkahjWbrs, Mahomed Eusoof; 2. Coal for A essels and Launches, PaterSimons A Company; 3. Cordage, etc., 1 bean Chee Company; for Government Vessels
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  • 128 4 Tins Year’s Roster. Justices tl,e I'l 1 glS r te 3 Office on Monday, eallifal th December, 1904, Mr. J w elected Chairman, and the A JanuW was drawn up for 1905 frC- C Avetoom and Mr fcebrl te P hen try. -Messrs. H. Hilton and G.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 notice. New Advertisements. DEPOSITORS in the Savings Bank are f.'—i.n. ■n— reminded to send in their Pass Books NOTICE. between the 2nd and 15th January, 1905, for audit, in compliance with the Rules and Power of Attorney granted by this Regulations under the Savings Bank Ordin- 1 Company to Mr.
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    • 79 4 flONTlil BUTTONS must be addressed to The Editor," written on one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writers name and address not neccessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good, faith-. LL monies must be paid to the General sm. Manager at the ,l l'inaug Gazette"
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    • 13 4 To-day’s exchange rate is 1/11 1/2. To-day’s tin quotation is $77.50. Business done..
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    • 6 4 BATHROOM MATS. McAlister ST Co., Ltd
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  • 330 5 THE WORLD’S opinion. 4(VX PAPALLELED IN WARFARE.” the news kept DARK in st PETERSBURG. ENGLISH PKES3 COMMENTS. JAPANESE OCCUPY A NUMBER OF FORTS. 1 [Reuters Service.] London, 3rd J an Ail comments throughout Europe and A:ii(T'' < agree that the f ill of Port Arthur concludes
    [Reuters Service.]  -  330 words
  • 67 5 A BASE IN SCOTLAB THE IDEA NOT ABANDOI Reui > London, Lord Selborne, replying to Mr. IHaconochie in the House of Commons, saW- s ft ft untrue that the Admiralty have versed their decision to utilise Rosyth as aH naval base, but the extent and rate of its
    Reui ■:!; > .  -  67 words
  • 267 5 The winter session of the iLondon School of Tropical Medicine, whij'l e h iaB just been opened at the Victorff|i a and Albert Docks, promises to be the’x most successful on record, as the of students—thirty-two, of whom a re ladies—who have entered for the p-■resent term,
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  • 837 5 YESTERDAY’S RUN. RECORD TURN OJT OF FORTY-TWO RIDERS, Mrs. birch “at home.” present Grou,,(l at the ««poy Lines, sight vol ''’l Ul 'P‘ ualle,ed g»y and lively sight yesterday afternoon on the occasion th> al ,UeCt Xed by tl,e executive of u f n bOV Club th
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  • 456 5 SIR JOHN ANDERSON’S RECENT REMARKS. Straits folk will remember the gist of certain remarks by Sir John Anderson, when he was recently presented with a memorial by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the great harbour scheme there, regarding the right of foreigners
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  • 438 5 There are reports from St. Petersburg of the intention of the Russian Government to demand the abrogation of the clause of the Treaty of Paris preventing the passage of her warships through the Dardanelles. It is said that Great Britain is the only Power which opposes the
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  • 583 5 ANGLO-FRENCH RELATIONS. At Monday afternoon’s sitting of the Senate the Bill for approving the AngloFrench Convention concerning Newfoundland and Morocco was considered. As in the Chamber, the Bill found critics, and on more or less the same grounds. One of the speakers against it, M. Richard AVaddington, brother of
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  • 639 5 (Z. and C. Express.) London, December 9 th. Sir Horace Tozer, Agent-General for Queensland, was on 6th inst., at the Australian Club, presented with an illuminated address from representatives of the City having business relations with Australia and from Anglo-Australians resident in the United Kingdom, the occasion being
    (Z. and C. Express.)  -  639 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 440 6 Wednesday, 4th Jan. 1905. The submarine Fulton, which has been supplied by the United States, has been tried recently in the Gulf of Finland with great success, and was sent by special train to Vladivstock on the Bth ult. The submarine measures 69ft. in length, and it
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  • 304 6 PASSENGERS OUTWARD. Per P. and O. steamer Britannia, connecting with the steamer Simla at Colombo, from London, Dec. 9th —To Singapore j Miss Hodge, Mr. W. Haigh, Mr. C. Phillips, Mr. A. McNeil.—To Penane*: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Buckell. Per P. and O. steamer Formosa, from London, Dec.
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  • 957 6 ARRIVALS. Caniha, Brit., 4195, Kitcat, Jan 4, Singapore, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Mazagon, Brit., 3280, Hall. Jan 4, Bombay, gen., Adamson Gilfillan A Co. Unity, Nor., 930, Hansen, Jan 4, Rangoon, gen., Chin Ho A Sons. Hebe, Brit., 345, Inkster, Jan 4, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 About Colds. —ln all countries and among all nations of the globe, cough medicines are used and used probably more extensively than any other one class of medicines. Every human being is subject to throat and lung troubles, which may terminate his existence. People everywhere realize the dangerous consequences of
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    • 21 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Gives instant relief. Avoid mitations. Keep the Genuine handy.
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    • 655 6 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. T RUBEROiO ROOFING, s FOR JANUARY, 1905. :o: WH RUBEROID“'"S3 ROOFING I roofwg ruberoid I at 5-30 p.m. RUBEROID ROOFING Riad; at 630 a.m. Dress :—Field -Kg.. ROOFING RUBEROID I X; 1 RUBEROIO d I Thursday, 12th. R icruit Drill at the Fort M RUBEROID ROOFING I »t5-30p.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 -i r REGISTERED! HORSE FOOD" N A scientific nrixtim? A g Od food u a chea >’ P rice Chaff produced in he best <Jr «’«is and heating*. he countl ’y« Is not from w^vifsZJ lt the H. B. GRAIN CO., helaiy,i Hoad, Telephone 5J,. T BE HAD AT EVERY
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    • 1375 7 s’”*- the remedi I IDT OIM TF A C CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, trade mark. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. WERE AWARnm 'Tmk' This successful and highly, popular «medy, used in the -T> r r Zf.Zl £/Z> </ J. £1 Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Rostan, Jobert, Velpeau T\ hAmxfti and others, combines
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  • 1251 8 Programme for Meeting, 1905. TUESDAY 24th, THURSDAY 26th S SATURDAY 26th JANUARY. FIRST DAY. 2Lt6 Janucry, ISOS. 1. The Maiden Plate. A Cup presente I by His Ex •eileney Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g., with $750 a i led by the Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 944 8 —J Canton Insurance Oftice Ltd, Mannheim Insurance Co. Marine Insurance. Capital Subscfibed $2,000,000 Amount Paid-up 500,000 fhe undersigned Agents will accept Reserve Fund 730,000 Marine Risks on Merchandize Produce and Valuables at current rates. HEAD OFFICE, HONGKONG. For full particulars apply to KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd., General Agents. 32 J 1
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    • 325 8 NOTICE. CONSULATE FOR THE NETHERLANDS. UP to Thursday, the 19th January, 1905, at 10 a.m., tenders will be received at the Office of the Resident of the East Coast of Sumatra, at Medan, for the Fann having the right to retail opium in the Residency of the East Coast of
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