Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 November 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1861 1 ftw>lng Inteild&cl S&ilings. Stopping. Stopping. P& 0 Steam Navi&ra* 1 tion, Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. ft. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. NlppOll YIISCII KdlShfl EXPECTED ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. For Intended to Sail. I Steamer. JAPAN MA,L STEAMSH,P Co Lt4 MAIL SERVICE. v i L_ J A Outwards. Madras, Pondiĕbery,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1721 2 ft* I aiDT A Hl TE 1 C GOVERNMENT NOTICE. BURG 1 A J J CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. LI 1 I U 111 3 IL/A 3 “|A I D A IVI A australiaandchina. were l AWASDED THE T Nervine Tonic of the Acp Incorporated by Royal Charter. 9 OLD
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  • 2336 3 —Home Paper. By a Wo., ai Who Has Endured If. In my last narrative I referred to the prison officials dread of Christinas (3 |ive nn d of Christinas Day itself. vou cannot kill a tradition. The Star of Bethlehem has shone with the ray of
    —Home Paper.  -  2,336 words
  • 349 3 We seek too high for things close by, and lose what Nature found us-; for life hath here no charms so dear as home and friends around us.—Swain. Home is the one place in all this world where hearts are sure of each other. It is the
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  • 2342 3  -  BY GEORGE NEWMAN, M.D., F.R.S.E., D. P. H. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH, METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF FINSBURY. I.—The Prevention of Mflkborne disease. It was Dr. Michael Taylor, of Penrith, who in this country first demonstrated the conveyance of typhoid fever by means milk. This was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 A Sure Cure for Croup.—The first indication of croup is hoarseness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken as a sure s gn of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cjugh. If Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is given as soon
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    • 53 3 A Sore Throat may be quickly cured by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. A lame back, a pain in the side or chest, should be treated in a similar manner. For sale by all dealers. ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentifrice, cleanses and perneives the
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    • 61 3 Protect Yourself and family against attacks of pneumonia by securing at once a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, If this remedy is taken on the first appearance of a cold all danger will be avoided. It always cures and cures quickly. For sale by all dealers. STEARNS’ WINE acts on
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    • 100 3 Influenza is always more or less prevalent at this season of the year. This disease is very similar to a severe cold and if allowc«l to take its course is liable to cause serious results. The best treatment for influenza is to avoid exposure and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This
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  • 162 4 Monday, November 23th. High Water 300 a.‘in. »V 3-22 P. M. Ix'w Water U 12 a. ni. .0-34 r. m. Tuesday, November 29th. High Water 3-46 a. ,m. 4’ 4-12 J*.,,»!. Low Water 9 58 a, m. <t. 10-24 r. m. Wednesday, November,3oth. St. Andrew. ,d ti.-r»--High Water.;4
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  • 3125 4 On Saturday we reported a case demurring in Singapore last week in which a a police officer summoned a gentleman who had a licence for his motor car but who, the police officer maintained, should also have had a licence as a motor car driver. Of
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  • 143 4 FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. J 1 XVe have to own receipt with thanks from Mrs. G. F. Pykett, the Lady Superintendent of the above Institution, of a copy of its first annual Report, with abstracts of account. The Alexandra Home for XVornen to give it its full name,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 425 4 Ngw- Advertisements. New Advertisements. .jFOR SALE. Municipal Notice. A SPECIAL MEETING of the (Municipal Commissioners will be held at the z only two years in use. Municipal Office, at 3 p.m., on Friday, the Apply to 21«, 2nd Decembe) 704 m w f 2-12 AfucAlister Road. Business I. Toonfirm By-Laws
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    • 72 4 fIONTRHJUTIONS. must be addressed to The Editor," inrilteu on. one side- of. khe paper only and, accompanied by the writers name ail'd address not neccessarily,..for igyrtion l>ut as a. guarantee of,good faith, Ji LL monies must be paid-. to tile General rM.anayer at the Gazette" Office, Penang. 4LL business commumcattons
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    • 6 4 BICYCLES. McAlister S 9 Co,, Ltd.
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    • 6 4 ■COOKING STOVES. mA Uster Co,, Ltd,
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  • 107 5 THROUGB the canal. r, EXTRAORDINARY precautions. THE wamSWips COAL AT SUEZ. [REtTTidk’s Skrvicks.] London, 26th Nov. T«o battleships, three cruisers, and nine transports of the Baltic squadron, anchored last' night off. the- Bittec Lakes, seven (lestrevers-- lying --«t Suet. While the s(|ivt<ir<»n fe passing through the Canal
    [REtTTidk’s Skrvicks.]  -  107 words
  • 160 5 'CHUNCHUSES AT WORK AGAIN. sFJu’fes OF RUSSIAN ATTACKS. alexeieff honoured. rift! ‘CIiEI.TF.NHAM CONFISCATED. '[Reuteii’s Services.] London, 26th Nov. ‘'Tlii' UtninchuUes. who are swarming everywhere in Manchuria, recently blew up tlie Riilwav line in different places. Reuter’s'’ correspondent before Port ArtFnV savs "tlie advance works held by tfiV’'.!apa!ie&* comprise
    '[Reuteii’s Services.]  -  160 words
  • 100 5 MAGNITUDE OF NEW SCHEME. OUR MODEL WAR OFFICE. [Belter’s Service.] i ’> -i < London, 26th Nov. Mi*. Arnold Forster —the War Minister —answering a correspondent says the cstablislmTent of battalions according to the territorial system will begin at an early date. But a change of such magnitude
    [Belter’s Service.]  -  100 words
  • 58 5 THE POLICE EXONERATED. BUT THE JUDGE CONDEMNED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 26th Nov. The reporg qC the Committee, of.Enquiry into the case of Adolf Beck absolves the Police and prostcUlioA from all intputations, hut condemns the Judge’s ruling against die admissibility of -certain evidence. It Wrongly recommends reinforcement
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  58 words
  • 69 5 SAILORS WRECK THEIR QUARTERS., MANY WOUNDED. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 27th Nov. Serious riots have occurred among the filers in the barracks at Sevastopol. The causes are said to be obscure but..£&jftious pDicilfmations were found f c(ts. 'p| ie sa ij or3 wreckeil 'l’arters and also those of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  69 words
  • 271 5 [Reuters Service.] London, 28th Nov. The Japanese Legation in London positively denies the coal purchases by Japan mentioned on the 23rd instant. A deputation of prominent Zemstvos escorted M. Mirski who submitted to the Tsar at His Majesty’s invitati »n the resolutions mentioned on the 22nd instant.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  271 words
  • 47 5 SATISFAC D )RY NEGOTIATE)NS. Reuter from St. Petersburg si vs the t*xt of the Enquiry Convention embodies th? draft with slight modifications. There his never been a serious divergence of views during the negotiations, and the discussions were of the. most amicable nature.
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  • 14 5 Owing to the frost and heavy snow the Manchester Riceshave been abandoned.
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  • 460 5 [BY “SEFTON.”] Golf has been very greatly in evidence here lately, and with all the practice members have been having in the various competitions, both past and present, we should lie able to show a bold front to our Singapore opponents at ’Xmas. The President's prize
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  • 466 5 A VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. Just as we were going to i>re*s last Saturday, the staff of the Police Court and Court of Requests, paid their respects to Mr. Bryant,The Senior Magistrate, on the'eve of his departure to England pn long leave. Mr. J. E. V. Jeremiah the Chief
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  • 977 5  -  S. R. C. R. HAS BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL. (Contributed.) A supply of plentiful labour is one of the primary conditions to the extension of the planting enterprise. The acquisition of territories is not a whit more necessary than the procuration of labour. Concessions of Linds are meaningless to the
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  • 740 5 CULPABLE HOMICIDE—SIX MONTHS. Mkitbusamy, tbe Kling, who was found unanihiously guilty on Thursday of culpable'homicide not amounting to murder, was this morning brought up before the Hort.l A.' F.' G. Law for sentence. His Lonoship said that uhder the circumstafiCes' he would sentence the prisoner to six’ months’
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 630 6 Mon lay, 28th Nov. 1904. In an article on the theft of plans of submarine boats ami battleships committed by an employee named Barkemeyer from the Germania shipbuilding yards at Kiel, which was discovered some time ago, the Schleswig llolsteincr Volkstimme says that the purchaser of the
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  • 1102 6 ARRIVALS. 1 Chusan, Brit., 2852, H. Nov 26, Singapore, gen.. CO. Slavonia, Ger. 3026. L. MaHW'Nov 27, Sin-gap-re. gen Behn Me>»*v Co. Glenfalloch, Brit.. 1431. RTS. Pentney, Noy 27. Singapore, gen.. Koe Guan Co. Both, Dut., 837, H. G. Potjewyd, Nov 28, Olehleh, gen., H. Liebert
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE and be obtained from all dispensaries (qu'ekly by post). Gives instant relief. Avoid imitations. Keep the Genuine hand Unequalled 1 Purifying Agent AND IS Indispensable in Hot Countries. T < I “Sanitas” Disinfecting Fluid I is non-poisonous and non-staining, and for I general or personal use is
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    • 103 6 Children Like to Take It.—The finest quadi|y of granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its Reparation give it a flavour similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Children like to take it and it has no
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    • 900 6 PENANG BAND. w'— DiißFDnin pnnirtNQ m nUDLrxUIU RvUr tIW. Dinners 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. $3O i ;C| "(dl r rube RO ID u roofing of an hour. and I 1 HT ReSlstlDgA Ae> IB ’V ToTuCibeXf not I®S than »3J P o( DnOFINQ Doos ot rot crack, blister pilDrpnih
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 909 7 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, NOTICE. Jfl RABE D S m I. FAMILY PROVISION. SNIPE SEASON, 1904. C*||T| 2. PROVISION FOR OLD ACE, S NIPE ROOTING in Glugor Estate y r is prohibited before Ist October, alter Office at Easily and Economically met by a Policy in which date a limited number
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  • 1193 8 Programme for January Meeting, 1905. TUESDAY 24th, THURSDAY 26th S SATURDAY 2«th JANUARY. FIRST DAT. I 24t6 January, 19G5. 1, The Maiden Plate. A Cup presented by His Excellency Sii John Anderson, k.c.m.g., with $750 added by the Club. A Race for Maiden llor. es. Weight as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 692 8 DI NNEFORD'S S==? A bazaar. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF The Universal Remedy Acidity of the Safest and m >st Gentle Medicine Mrs. J. K. BIRCH, Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indiges- for infants, Ch dren. Delicate tion. Sour Eructations, Bilious affections. Females, and Sickness of Will be held (D. V.) In tlie
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    • 146 8 |Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE I '(THE ORIGINAL ANO ONLY GENUINE.) I COLDS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, I|||gS|||||||| BRONCHITIS. «Ch 'H'fe/YTY'V'M F' 1S mummed by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable Ln LURUOY N c .-«..e.., TCr (I Lve Ji. ig best r3mccl y known for Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
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