Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1795 1 FOR PRICES APPLT TO MARTYN Co. Sfrppnig. Shipping. Sgipping. Shipping. P \?on S cXa N ny’ iBa BRITISH INDIS STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. f MM'r Lloyd. Nippon YllSCn Kflisha nwr» i>«v*u >■> wimiis. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. MAIL SERVICE. Outwards. .7- Imperial German Mail Line. /zx\k Aug 4 Coromandel connecting with
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    • 9 1 WHISKY D.‘ C. L. NEW BRAND. MARTYN A Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2308 2 I inTAIIC TL I C THE brown Co., tenders invited CHARTERED BANK OF LIPIONS It AS FEDERATED SAW MILLS LTD JTO Monumental Sculptors, Go¥ernment of s n AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. A AOnlpn can now supply with despatch Calcutta. bovernment Of Selangor. WERE AWARDED THE CHENGHAI, n F (Established A. D.
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  • 1178 3 —Daily Mail. STIRRING ADDRESS TO 6,000 SALVATIONISTS. General Booth, the aged chief of the Salvation Army, has been telling large London audiences the simple but wonderful story of his life. With his thin, sinuous body lient forward, his arms uplifted, and his fierce eyes eloquent, this man
    —Daily Mail.  -  1,178 words
  • 501 3 VIENNA TO SHANGHAI IN EIGHT DAYS. In an Austrian review’ Dr. Convall Spatzier outlines a project for a new’ railway route to China. The route of this new railway, starting at Constantinople, crosses the Bosphorus to Haidar Pasha by the proposed Alxlul Hamid Bridge or
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  • 539 3 A TOWN OF AMPLE FOOD SUPPLY. The richness of the country around •Gyangtse is enormously lightening the difficulty of feeding the British force in Tibet. A single day’s foraging expedition from that centre recently brought into the Mission camp no less than twelve hundred maunds of grain, lieing enough
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  • 227 3 21st July 1904. The .Stanley Opera Coy. performed to a fairly crowded house last night at the theatre-shed of wayang Yap Choo Tong. The piece staged was Cinderella.” There was a special service this morning at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, the occasion being the patronal
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  • 812 3 FACTS TO UNPROFESSIONAL READERS. The Disease only Endemic. The following letters appear in The Times in connection with the outbreak among Chinese coolies in South Africa Sir, —The following facts relating to beri-beri may be useful to unprofessional readers of the report in The Times of this morning
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 Anyone who has ever given Chamberbin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell you it is unequalled for all stomach and bowel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. All dealers sell it. H
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    • 61 3 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to lie the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases of cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It should be taken at
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    • 129 3 Chronic Diarrhoea.—For several years during the summer months I have been subject to looseness of the bowels, which quickly ran into a very bad diarrhoea and this trouble was frequently accompanied with several pain and cramps. I used to call on doctors for my trouble but it became so regular
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    • 36 3 Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors in the home where a Ixittle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. All dealers sell it.
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    • 733 3 THE TRONOH MINES, Ltd. S T HEREBY give notice that my connecV s*ids if f tion Tronoh Mines, Ltd., as G? S Auditor and Registrar, cease a as from 18th f /A. instant. K A 1 408 25-7 (Sgd). W. CECIL PAYNE. ,S > <■—————— —MIMM.MM. Unequa led 1 WANTED.
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  • 191 4 Monday, Julj 25th. St. James. H. E. the Governor arrives, 5 p. m. Town Band, Esplanade 5-30 p. m. High Water 10-40 a. in. 11-05 p. in. Low Water 4-24 a. m. <fe 4-52 p. m. Tuesday, July 26th. Races, First Day. High Water 11-30 a. m. 11-51
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  • 92 4 The Malacca trouble has blown over. A German vessel has lieen captured by the Russians but released. The Czar is said to be responsible for saving a European war. The Volunteer vessels are no longer to molest merchantmen. The Vladivostock fleet is out again. Firing has been heard.
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  • 1032 4 Welcome to Sir John Shortly after the time that these lines appear in print His Excellency, Sir John Anderson, will have set foot in the ancient and historic colony of Penang, and he will then have been east and west, north and south of his new
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  • 548 4  -  Northam Rhode. A PEEP INTO THE MENTAL INSIDE OF OUR NEW GOVERNOR. AN IMAGINARY INTERVIEW. It was after a big, ceremonial, ultraindigestible banquet, and the last inflated official and loquacious layman had tripped over the door-mat. Sir John was alone at last. He lounged on to
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  • 267 4 ADAPTED AND RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. 1 John Anderson, my jo, John, Now that we are acquent, Your locks are like the raven, Your bonnie brow is brent And when your brow is held, John, And your locks like the snow-. Then blessings on your frosty pow, John
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  • 408 4 The Broad Arrow.” NOTES AND NOTIONS FROM Tin WORLD’S PRESS. E Teutonic Anxiety. It is most' important that confided should be restored between the Germ and English nations.—“ Zeitung Kifl'” England’s Inevitable Loss. The English wish for the fall o f p Arthur, but with the
    —“ The Broad Arrow.”  -  408 words
  • 172 4 IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL CEREMONY. Amid signs of the deepest sorrow, the remains of Mr. Hans Eschke, the late Con-sul-General for Germany at Singapore, were conveyed from his house at Mount Elizalieth to their last resting-place last Wednesday. There was a very large attendance of mourners at the
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  • 172 4 LECTURE BEFORE THE SELANGOR CHINESE LITEBA’HYx SOCIETY. In spite of rain, there was a good attendance of the members of the Chinese Literary and Debating Society i» Capitan China’s garden house at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday evening. Dr- L. Tuck, m.a., president, and there were also
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 244 4 PENANG TURF CLUB. PENANG TURF CLUB. notice. Autumn Meeting, 1904. ADIES attending the Races on 2bth, JU 28th 30th July, and Ist Aug. are reminded that admission .to Grand Stand A DMISSION to Grand Stand by Tickets wm by Tickfits only Ladies onl y- Tickets are obtainable through Members of
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    • 73 4 must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writers name and address not neccessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. n LL monies must be paid to the General Manager at the “Pinang Gazette” Office, Penang. A
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    • 5 4 ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • 15 4 DEATH. TOZER.—On 23rd July, at Eastbourne, Sussex, Edgar Tozer, Solicitor, 33Chancery Lane London, aged 67.
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  • 253 5 DRIVEN FROM A MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD. YHDIYOSTOCK FLEET IGAII. ENGAGEMENT PROBABLE. JAPAN'S NAVAL STRENGTH IMPAIRED. STORMING NEWCHWANG. [Our Exclusive Service.] Singapore, 25th July. The Vladivostock fleet has been signalled off Yokohama. Firing was heard in its direction. A special telegram from Chefoo states that on reliable authority
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  • 70 5 HOW FAR WILL THE GOYERKMENT GO DUCAL AMENITIES. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 23rd July. Tn the House of Lords the Duke of Devonshire asked for an explicit declaration from the Government as to the extent to which they intended to support proposals for the taxation of food. Lord
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  70 words
  • 64 5 TWO CHINESE KILLED BY AM EXPLOSION. COOLIES MUTINY. [Reuter's Special.] London, 23rd July. Two Chinese have been accidentally killed in an explosion on a Rand mine. The coolies on nightshift consequently mutinied and threw stones at the Controller, who was injured. The Police arrived and restored
    [Reuter's Special.]  -  64 words
  • 38 5 JM ERICAS SCORĔS AT QUEER’S CLUB. SUCCESS FOR YALE AND HARVARD. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 25th July. At athletic sports at the Queen’s Club, Yale and Harvard beat Oxford and Cambridge by six events to three.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
  • 28 5 THE WINKER OF THE KING’S PRIZE. TRIUMPH FOR CANADA. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 25th July. I’rivate Perry, of Canada, has won the King’s prize at Bisley.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  28 words
  • 184 5 PEACEFUL INTERVENTION OF THE CZAR. BRITISH WARSHIPS ACTIVE. ANOTHER GERMAN HELD UP. STATUS OF THE VOLUNTEER FLEET. [Reuter’s Services.] London, 23rd July. According to Reuter’s correspondent in St. Petersburg, it is stated that the Russian promise to the effect that British ships would no longer be interfered
    [Reuter’s Services.]  -  184 words
  • 44 5 IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ARTILLERY. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 23rd July. Mr. Arnold Forster has promised to complete the rearmament of the Artillery in three years, and to expend a million and a quarter on this matter during each of the next two years.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  44 words
  • 50 5 [Reuter's Special.] London, 25th July. Kent has beaten Somerset by eight wickets Lancashire has beaten Essex by ten wickets the matches Yorkshire i’s. Gloucestershire and Leicester v*. Notts were unfinished owing to rain Warwick has beaten Hants by an innings and 154; Sussex w. Surrey was drawn.
    [Reuter's Special.]  -  50 words
  • 144 5 WILL GO TO HIS FAMILY IN NORWAY. Captain Hansen, lately of the s. s. Unity plying between this port and Rangoon, and who retired a few weeks ago, is probably the oldest skipper in the local trade. He came out to Penang 29 years ago on
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  • 194 5 IN A LEAKING CONDITION. Messrs. Behn, Meyer and Co. courteously inform us that according to a telegram received from Colombo the outward German Mail steamer Prinz Heinrich has struck a rock and returned leaking to Point de Galle. She will be delayed for about
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  • 1923 5 FINAL NOTES AND ANTICIPATIONS. SEFTON’S SELECTIONS. As I sit down to indite these my final remarks previous to the commencement of our Autumn Meeting on Tuesday, my feelings are somewhat upset owing to the continued downpour of rain we have been having for days past, and which inclement
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  • 397 5 TO ARRIVE IN PENANG TO-NIGHT. THREE ADDRESSES PREPARED. Penang is busy preparing for the long expected visit of the new Governor, Sir John Anderson, who is due to arrive by the Railway steamer at five o’clock this afternoon, accompanied by Miss Anderson. Sir John is not
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  • 162 5 FROM MAGISTRATES DECISION AND THEIR RESULTS. On the 31st May last Mahomed Kasim, on the prosecution of Sanitary Inspector, Swiney was fined by Mr. Hereford $lOl for using Stables without having them registered. He appealed against the sentence and the Judge sent the case back to the lower Court
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  • 257 5 24th July. There was aw official dinner in the Residency last night and a dance in the New Club in honour of the visit of H, E. Sir John and Miss Anderson to Taiping, The following were present at dinner —H. E. the Governor, the Resident, Miss Anderson, Captain
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 2066 6  -  A COMPLETE SHORT STORY. By J. S. Colebrook Elkington When the sea means business about Lat 43 degrees South, ships become aware of the fact, to the detriment of their deck-fittings and the ruination of their skippers’ tempers. The barque Sayonara, ninety days out from
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  • 258 6 Major James Harrison, traveller and sportsman, has just returned to England after an adventurous period of big game hunting in the great forest of Central Africa. The natives declare him to l>e the only white man who has seen the recently-dis-covered animal, the okapi, alive in its
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  • 339 6 Prof. R. K. Douglas writes to the Times-.— The war in the Far East is being carried on in little-known regions, and the names of places mentioned in telegrams and in the letters of correspondents are variously expressed on paper by writers to whom they represent
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  • 909 6 July 25th 1904. Commenting on the recent disaster the Kobe Herald says Sergeant Tadokoro Kamematsu and thirty-four other survivors of the Hitachi-maru related their sad story as follows :—“When it became clear that nothing could lie done on board, Lieutenant-Colonel Suchi, Commander of the Regiment, ordered his
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  • 960 6 ARRIVALS. J uteopolis, Brit., 2651, Stewart, July 24, New York, gen. Fitzpatrick, Brit., 730, Davey, July 24, Rangoon, gen., Hock Moh Co. Asahan, Ger. 161, Peters, July 24, Asahan, gen., Behn Meyer Co. Lady Weld, Brit. 245, Treweeke, July 24, T. Anson, gen, Kwong On. Petrel,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, Cures Must be Stearns and you get the genuine.
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    • 13 6 STEARNS’ WINE, is the great nutrient tonic in convalescence from fevers, influenza, pneumonia.
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    • 41 6 STEARNS WINE, after influenza and CHILDREN \I?F Tur «tt-mq pneumonia. An ideal reconstructive tonic o f the hnmp Q/ > irthat gives immediate benefit. Increases 1’ i Stearms JI me makes the weight, renews strength. ttT ng lter A splendid tonic for
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    • 110 6 From Farm I Kitchen I m The manufacture of LEMCO Is I Bl controlled by the Liebig Company I Bl throughout—from the rearing of B their own cattle to the potting I of the extract. This ensures I I that perfection and evenness of I quality which are found in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1040 7 GovernmentJNotification. The Federated Malay States. PENANCBAND. HORACE S. MARTIN. Dr. W. MANSON RftpcerC Wirl/pH PENANG HARBOUR. STATE OF PERAK. MOTICE is hereby given that from this Mining and Consulting Engineer. Dental Surgeon, IVlCwwlwb W IwKC II r B es for the services of 91 Acheen Street, rpENDERS accompanied by a
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  • 820 8 Programme, 16th, 18th and 20th Aifgust, 1904. Taiping Races, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, August, 16 th I. The Maiden Plate. Value $4OO for maiden horses Exgriffins allowed 14 lbs. weight as per scale 10 stone distance 1 mile entrance $l5. 2. The Champion Griffin Race. Value $3OO
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 223 8 NOTICE. S.S. W *H resume her service between this port and Belawan on Saturday, 23rd instant. AND Pulo Riniau will commence her usual sailings between this Port Swettenham and Malacca on Tuesday, 26th instant. J 391 25-7 MARTIN’S 1 French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands or Ladies keep a box
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    • 1165 8 NOTICE. NOTICE. TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, Vkf BUTLIN, who is shortly proceeding In the Goods of FAMILY PROVISION to Australia to supply the Griffins Dato Panglima Kinta Mohamed Eusope, for’Penang Spring Meeting, 1904, wishes 2. PROVISION FOR OLD ACE, to inform the Public that he will be glad ■puRSUANT to Section
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