Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1814 1 A Short Serial by Katherine Macquoid. See Page 6 To-day. FOR PRICES apply to MARTYN Co. dipping. Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P tL S c e ompa N ny ,ißa BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION c LTD 1 Nordtanclur Lloyd, Bremen. MOPOII YUStR MiSM muu i«» nK KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. mujui mwsro
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  • 1234 2 Programme for Autumn Meeting, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 26th July, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $5OO. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10st.) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance, $lO. Distance, one mile. 2. First Griffin Race. alue $4OO ami $lOO
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 450 2 SBanky. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital Paid up £BOO,OOO Reserve Fund £BOO,OOO Reserve Liability of Proprietors £BOO.OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET. agencies and branches. Bombav Hamburg Rangoon Bangkok Ipoh Singapore Batavia Kobe Shanghai j Calcutta Kuala Lumpur Sourabaya Colombo Medan Saigon
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    • 137 2 Or- \A/ MANSON HORACES. MARTIN, DOG’S HEAD BRAND I A fining and Consulting Engineer. Dental Surgeon, Description of Mining properties 01 Acheen Street, Reported 00. facing the Carnarvon station. Concentrating and ore Dressing Guinness’s Stout Bass’s Ale (RED AND GREEN DIAMONDS) CORNFIELD, 23, BEACH STREET. In Ordinary Pint Bottlssz Light,
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    • 248 2 Jno. RABB, D. American Dentist, Has returned to Penang per manentl) I Office at “RUNNYMEDE,” NORTHAM l>( n| Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p. M WANTED:—Permanent Cool (>.. Rooms or House, with good I ern Light, furnished or unfurnished ll I NOTICE p Federated Saw Mills Ltd., Songhi I pAN
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  • 822 3 hi'ltan Engineering. REVIEW BY “INDIAN ENGINEERING.” hints to our administration. The Eorest Administration in the FederatMalay States is largely recruited from India, and it is no surprise t > find Indian tI adit ions flourishing with great luxuriance m the Malay I’euinsula. That the
    hi'ltan Engineering.  -  822 words
  • 427 3 EULOGY OF MR. S. E. WILLIAMS. FAREWELL TO TAIPINC. Ihe following is a copy of the Address presented to Mr. S. E. Williams, Superintendent, of the Government Printing Office, laiping, on the eve of his departure to take up a similar post in the Singapore
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  • 309 3 4th July 1904. Mr. G. Ouston, Acting Financial Assistant, Krian, is appointed a Magistrate of the First Class in an I for the State of Perak, under the Courts Enactment. As rinderpest is said to have broken out in Selangor., the importation of cattle into that State is prohibited
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  • 196 3 3rd July 1904. The next place where the Christian Brothers intend to open a School is Seremban. Lieut. Horace de Courez Martelli has been appointed to command the Gunner Company of the Malay States Guides. Mr. Cecil Wray, the Acting Resident of Pahang, is on a visit to
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  • 451 3 “MINING JOURNAL’S” REPORTS. London, 4th June. Mr. XV alter H. Barnard reports as follows On Monday tin was £l-15s loxver for cash at £122-15s and £l-10s lower for three months at £122-10s. A fair business doing, about 350 tons changing hands with an easy tone. Singapore and
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  • 253 3 RACIAL HATRED IN AUSTRALIA. Not content xvith making it practically impossible for an Asiatic to land in Australia, there is a movement on foot among certain Australians to establish a boycott against the Chinese xvho have already settled in the country. Chinamen are keen tradesmen and in many
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  • 665 3 THE NEW TRAMWAYS. Hongkong, 24th June. The next sensation to which we are looking forward expectantly is the inauguration of our new tramways. For the best part of two years now, Hongkong has passed through all the throes of a city which decides to face the troubles
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 40 3 Summer Complaint is the children’s most dangerous enemy and the mother’s most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatll!(‘nt is always necessary. Chamberlain’s Bolic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. All dealers sell it.
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    • 79 3 Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors in the home xvhere a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is kept. It never fails even in the most severe and dangerous cases. All dealers sell it. KEATINGS a molt agreeable method of admin- iatering the only certain Remedy for Intestinal
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    • 191 3 Anyone xvho has ever given Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial xvill tell you it is unequalled for all stomach and boxvel troubles. It never fails and is pleasant to take. All dealers sell it. Government Notification. 'T’ENDERS xvill be received at the Resident Councillor’s Office, up to
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    • 753 3 The NEW^FRENCI^ REMEDY tender S INVITED. Government of Pahang. TRADE MARK. REVENUE FARMS, 1905-1907. This successful and highly popular remedy, used in the Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Rostan, Jobert, Velpeau and others, combines all the desiderata to be sought in a r I "ENDEIvb XVIII be received at the British
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  • 183 4 Wednesday, July 6th. High Water 5-16 a. m, 5-40 p. m. Low Water 11-28 a. m, 11-52 p. m. Moon last Quarter. Town Band, Esplanade, 5 p. m. Parsee Theatre Kuala Kangsa Road, 9 p. m. Stanley Opera Co. Town Hall, 9 p. m. Thursday, July 7th. High
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  • 34 4 At Prye Estate, P. W. on July Ist, the wife of Leopold Es. Chassereau, of a son. At “Nirvana,” Penang, on the 6th instant, the wife of D. Trayner Bovd, of a son.
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  • 56 4 Final preparations are being made for the storming of Port Arthur. Kuropatkin has been strongly reinforced, and considers his position secure. During a bayonet fight in a fog the Russians were routed, losing 9 officers and over 200 men. To-day’s exchange rate is 1 11 3 8. To-day’s
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  • 1150 4 So after many years of waiting and talking, Singapore is at last about to take the fateful plunge into the vortex of harbour improvement, and whatever may be said of the boldness of the step, at least there can be no accusation of haste. The subject
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  • 299 4 INCREASED FACILITIES FOR SUBSCRIBERS. PUBLICATION AT 3.30 DAILY. The introduction of the latest machinery and type into the Offices of the Pinang Gazette enable us to publish daily shortly after 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and to give our readers double the number of columns of
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  • 223 4 INTERESTING CONTEST NEXT SUNDAY. Those of our readers who may l>e interested in the Swimming Club, (and who of the younger men is not?) will observe from an advertisement appearing elsewhere that a Swimming Competition will lie held on Sunday next. It being the first of its
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  • 249 4 A JAVANESE ARTFUL DODGER IN TROUBLE IN PENANG. Yesterday a Javanese employed by Mr. G. Walker appeared before Mr. A. T. Bryant on a charge of cheating in respect of a brass ring set with glass, which he made out was gold set with
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  • 246 4 Pioneer,” Allahabad. NOTES AND NOTIONS Fr (iU THE WORLD’S PRESSS Colonial Fears. We know what will happen if t lo i Englanders get into office. They wi|| l,tk to curry favour with the masses by down expenditure on v'"'’ Advertiser.” A ata l Strange Advice to
    “ Pioneer,” Allahabad.  -  246 words
  • 593 4 Fleet St., June 10. Colonel Gordon, the British Colonel who was arrested on French soil as a spy, has in an interview’ with a Daily Mirror reporter, given some interestingexperiences. He says I was arrested on Mav 20, and after being kept in prison eighteen divs,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 135 5 FIERCE bayonet fight in a fog. JAPANESE VICTORIOUS. HISSIANS LOSE NUMBERS OF officers and men. [Reuters Services.] London, 6th July. Tokio reports that the Russians, profitting by a fog, attacked the Japanese outposts at Motienling yesterday morning but were repulsed, losing eighty men. The Japanese casualties numbered
    [Reuters Services.]  -  135 words
  • 92 5 Japanese preparing for the final attack. WHERE WILL THE FLEET FLV 1 [Reuter's Services.] London, sth July. The Tientsin correspondent of the Standard says that since the 27th of June, when a Russian guardship was sunk, the Japanese main squadron has been landing mm at Dalny preparatory
    [Reuter's Services.]  -  92 words
  • 80 5 111' ENORMOUS ARMY GIVES NEW CONFIDENCE TO THE RUSSIANS. SIBERIAN RAILWAY WORKING WELL. Reuter’s Services.] London, sth July. Advices by post from Mukden arrived at St. Petersburg in seventeen days. The Railway is working splendidly, the TransBaikal section carrying an average of eight trains daily. General on
    Reuter’s Services.]  -  80 words
  • 84 5 DINNER AT THE IPOH CLUB LAST NIGHT. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, 6th July. Last night a dinner was given to Mr. Eric Maxwell to wish him bon voyage on his prospective trip to the continent. The attendance was very representative, about seventy friends of Mr.
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  • 53 5 GOVERNMENT AGAIN VICTORIOUS. [Reuter’s Services.] London, 6th July. After prolonged opposition Mr. Balfour’s ■notion closing the licensing bill by compHrtinents has lieen carried by 30 i votes to 238. Mr. Balfour replying to Mr. Wason said "ut there was no reason to appoint a 'ouinussion to investigate Commissioner
    [Reuter’s Services.]  -  53 words
  • 16 5 hostilities resumed. [Reuter's Service.] London, 6th July. Hostilities were resumed at Gvangtse yesterday.
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  16 words
  • 754 5 IMPORTANT MEETING IN THE CHINESE TOWN HALL. DR. LOCKE OPPOSES MR. GAFFNEY. Public opinion anent the water supply of Penang seems to be gifted with the characteristics of the battledore and shuttlecock. It is driven from one side to the other by any breeze of criticism. The
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  • 61 5 Last night in the Championship the match between the Rev. H. C. Henham and G. A. Chaney ended in the retirement of the latter. In the profession pairs Medicine, represented by W. H. McArthur and Dr. Jamieson, beat the Merchants, 6-2, 3-6, 8-6. In Class
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  • 150 5 NO HITCH IN OPENING CEREMONIES. VISIT TO KUALA LUMPUR TO-DAY. Kuala Lumpur, July 5. The High Commissioner and Miss Anderson arrived on Sunday at Port Dickson, which they thoroughly explored. The Governor travelled by rail to Seremban, where he met with a warm reception. Both the Miners
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  • 207 5 FAMOUS COMIC OPERA AT THE TOWN HALL. The Fanny Stanley Opera Company staged Gilbert and Sullivan's famous creation The Mikado last night. The house full boards were not out, and the seating accomodation was adequate. We have seen the “Mikado” played in* tie dear old days
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  • 185 5 UNLUCKY PARTY OF THIRTEEN. While twelve Chinese women and one Chinaman were gambling on a very large scale, in a house in Malay Street they were suddenly surprised and arrested by the Police. Altogether $227.80 was found on their persons and in a bag that was
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  • 120 5 T Penang, 6th July. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank, 1/llf. 4 months’sight Bank 1/1111/16. 3 Credit 1/11 13/16. 3 Documentary 1/llj. Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 145|. 3 days’ sight Private 147|. Bombay, Demand Bank 145 3 days’sight Private 147£. Madras, Demand Bank 145|. days’ sight
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  • 513 5 THE ENEMY ROUTED WITH MUCH LOSS. A BROADSIDE FROM KUALA LUMPUR. In the phraseology of warfare, the Hargreaves fortifications have proved impregnable,—the enemy has retired with much loss. It would have been better had the enemy openly capitulated. W e had no intention of again
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 El. ECTRO-PL ATE D W ARE. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 5 5 METTER’S STOVES. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 47 5 Do you suffer from any skin complaint —eczema, pills, erysipelas, scurvy, scabies, herpes, or itch Doan s ointment gives quick relief, and it is rare that one pot is not found sufficient to permanently cure the worst case. Doan’s ointment is sold by all chemists and medicine-vendors.
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    • 1021 5 Municipal Notice. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION BY Applications are mv.ted Ur the Messrs navin rrown jl appointment of Bth Clerk, Secretariat, "ICSSrS. wAV IU DIxvJWN A VO. at a salary of $3OO per annum rising by IN THE triennial increments of $l2O to $660. Courtward of Logan’s BuildinU
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  • 763 6 ARRIVALS. Sealda, Brit., 3438, Brown July 6, Rangoon, gen., H. L. Co. Itzehoe, Ger., 3326, Schmidt, July 6, bmgancre, gen., Behn Meyer. AC*. Van dei; Parka, Dut., 331, Van Orden, July 6, Bajan, gen., H. L. Co. Canton, Brit., 105, Merican, July b, 1. Anson, gen.,
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  • 886 6 July 6th, 1904 A new ironclad cruiser, built to order of the German Imperial Navy, was launched at Hamburg on 14th May, from the well-known wharf of Blohm and Voss. The new vessel has a displacement of 9,500 tons, and will be provided with engines developing 19,000
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    • 1470 6 BY KATHERINE S. MACQUOID, Author of “A Ward of the King,” “The Story of Lois, “Sylvia’s Fool," “Checkmate," For the Sake of John, fi*c. Miss Willmott drew her long fingers slowly across her grey-green eyes, veiled just now by their light lashes then she sat
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholertt and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe* and dangerous cases of cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It should be taken at
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    • 117 6 WANTED. A QUIET SOUND Carriage Horse. Apply with particulars to C.” Office of this Paper. f OVER SIXTY YEARS WORLD WIDE REPUTATION. WILKINSON’S Essence or Fluid Extract of RED JAMAICA <f>BARBAPARILLA Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES the most WONDERFUL PURIFIER OF THE HUMAN BLOOD. The SAFEST and most RELIABLE
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    • 253 6 THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY SULPHUR BITTERS Stocks of this newly advertised preparation in hand. Price per bottle $2-25. THE G. T. D. UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. FOR HUMAN AND ANIMAL USE. An invaluable application for Rheumatism, Lumbago Sn.,/ pi dins Cramp, Bruises, Sore Throats, and all cases where External Stimulation is needed.
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  • 807 7 Programme, 16th, 18th and 20th August, 1904. Taiping Races, 1904. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, August, 16 th. I. The Maiden Plate. Value $4OO for maiden horses; Exgriffins allowed 14 lbs. weight as per scale 10 stone distance 1 mile entrance $l5. 2. The Champion Griffin Race. Value $3OO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 415 7 crushed food. Through Passages to Europe. NEW STOCK. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij T „r n and You Will de sat i»n ß p. Stoomvaart Maatschappij Reduced Prices. Nederland; BELTLTOS begs to inform the rT X TT> r v TT^TT I. public that since inferior Crushed Ipassage1passage tickets can now be pood
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    • 364 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. 'I 'HE Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite tender’s for the construction of drains in McCallum and Katz Streets between Bridge Street and McNair Street. Full particulars can be obtained and plaits and specifications inspected at the Municipal Engineer’s Office. Tenders which should be endorsed McCallum
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    • 454 7 DUN VILLE’S Special Old Scotch Whisky IN CLEArTwHITEI BOTTLES. Messrs > A Trial Dunville is Co. solicited, are the after which largest SHI 110 holders M|(([|||l blend will of Irish t, 1 be used. Wl,iskyhl _£==Z TobZhad the world. y a P X rom lhe} A E SK,!ELa now write:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1183 8 THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY LTD. 37a, BEACH STREET, PENANC. Wholesale and Retail Ctemis Is. Dr iqqists and opticians. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP lANOPHELES DEFIEDI |Wc flaw Just Been flppomfed IS SOUND ADVICE AND SO IS by Sole Agents in the Straits Settlements for C s ±s. ..2°". DAMAKORA John strange
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