Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 July 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1687 1 Complete Story by Lady Gilbert. See Our Weekly Magazine.” for PRICES apply to MARTYN Co. N ll 'T- r SviPP in 9' Shipping. Shipping. Shipping. P ‘t?on S Co a mpa N n» ,ißa BR T SH INDIA STEA "*»IG»TION Co’ LTD. Hordtahch'r Lloyd, MIRROII YUSCR KOI N KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1856 2 T ti— A T-a T->T-> AMO Dr. W. MANSON HORACE S.MARTIN, NOTICE DOGS HEAD BRAND ilininrj N w AVn: ruAPTFPFh RANIIf ftF IMfMA Dentsl SurgCOH, Security $2,000. Apply iti ,r CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, All Description of Mining properties fi cat ionsto 11 w AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. oz Acheen street,
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  • Our Weekly Magazine.
    • 800 3  -  fevil I'l-i oy. BY A. G. HALES, AUTHOR OF “ANGEL JIM, ETC. I [Conclusion.] I The snows on the mountain-tops had melted twice, the reaper's sickle had been huiv for two summers amidst the golden grain, and once more the Tibetan priest stood in the
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    • 1152 3 WHO WILL BE THE FIRST PENANG LADY TO ADOPT A FASHION THAT THREATENS ROTTEN ROW? “She wore what was then Universal—a coat, vest, and hat resembling those of a man—which fashion has since been called a riding habit”—Diana Brown (Scot.) 1 here is every reason to belive
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    • 337 3 WOMAN WHO RIDES ASTRIDE. Many of the ladies who attend the Exmoor hunt ride astride, having special skirts made adapted to that style, and many of the leading Habit makers make Ride Astride skirts a special feature in their advertisements. They are gossiping in London, And in other
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    • 2511 3  -  OUR SHORT STORY. By LADY GILBERT. Author of “My Silver Jubilee,” “A Fellowls Sister,” A First Engagement,’ A Sequel,” &c. Nurse Ryder had returned home after long attendance on a hopeless case. She was tired and depressed, and sat at her lonely fire leaning her head on her
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    • 278 3  -  J. K. [The Lincolnshire May Hirings, which have extended over the past ton days, have now practically come to a close. Every year brings a demand for higher wages, especially in the case of domestic servants. Apparently the desire amongst the better class of girls
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 Anyone who has ever given Chamber- Cholera Morbus has lost its terrors m lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the home where a bottle of Chamberlain s trial will tell vou it is unequalled for all Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is stomach and bowel troubles. It never kept. It
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    • 130 3 Chronic Diarrhoea. —For several years during the summer months I have been subject to looseness of the bowels, which quickly ran into a very bad diarrhoea and this trouble was frequently accompanied with several pain and cramps. I used to call on doctors for my trouble but it became so
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    • 41 3 Summer Complaint is the children’s most dangerous enemy and the mother’s most dreaded foe. Immediate and proper treatment is always necessary. Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, given according to directions, is the most effectual remedy known. All dealers sell it.
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    • 61 3 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere acknowledged to lie the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases of cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It should be taken at
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    • 12 3 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, Cures Must be Stearns and you get the genuine
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  • 247 4 Saturday, J uly 2nd High Water 2-39 a. m, 2-56 p. ni. Low Water 8-51 a. in, 9-08 p. in. Band, Golf Club, 5-30 p. m. Parsee Theatre, Kuala Kangsa Road, 9 p. m. P. C. C. Tennis Tournament. Sunday, July 3rd High Water 3-12 a. ill, 3-31
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  • 45 4 Russia confesses to defeats near Fort Arthur. The Japanese are only 8 miles from the fortress. Mr. Gaffney's water scheme has not met with the approbation of Government. To-day s exchange rate is 1 11 5/16. To-day’s tin quotation is $70.25. Business done.
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  • 1084 4 Two successive applications at West London Police Court during June have revived the question of the peculiar position of Embassies in the eyes of the law. The magistrate said Neither civil process nor criminal process can issue against anyone residing at an Embassy, except, of course,
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  • 238 4 WORKS OPENED YESTERDAY. Last evening the works of the Pinang Saw Mill Co. were opened at Sungei Pinang there being fully one thousand people present to witness the proceedings. After the works and shop had been thoroughly inspected, the party adjourned to a large shed
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  • 193 4 .—Malay Mail. WILD ADVENTURE IN A NATIVE HUT. A tiger recently visited a hut on the pipe line of the Ampang reservoir in which some coolies were sleeping. The door being open, the tiger went in and seized one of the men by the arm, but lost
    .—Malay Mail.  -  193 words
  • 387 4 Magazine of Commerce.” June 29, ’O4. Mr. E. R. Stokoe State Engineer of Pahang, has been appointed State Engineer, Selangor. A row of five shep-houses in Sultan Street is in course of erection. These ami other blocks of new buildings in this Street are owned by the popular
    “ Magazine of Commerce.”  -  387 words
  • 333 4 —P. ft. G. NOTES AND NOTIONS pin THE WORLD’S PRESS M Chinese Neutrality. If China takes no steps to re b Chunchuses she will cease to b<> I country, and will have to be regard" treated as a belligerent—“ s v > >n 'l Petersburg. St.
    —P. ft. G.  -  333 words
  • 546 4 London, Friday June 10. Thenewsof the engagement of Miss Maud I Jeffries, the well-known actress, to Mr. J. N. Osborne, of New South Wales, has just I reached us from Melbourne. About six I months ago, Mr. Osborne, who was formerly I aide-de-camp to Lord Beauchamp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 Pritchard Co., 15 Beach Street, Penang. PROVISION DEPARTMENT. New Wrexham Lager Beer. The Cases of Lightest 4 Doz and QUARTS OR 6 most I I Do2 ints delicious /Z°/ At2/-DOLLAR. WOW Duty extra the East. SI-44. s l c I?l T l wlhNslkly <J I I IJ The Oldest, Purest,
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    • 73 4 CONTHIBUTIONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on One side of (he paper only and accompanied by (he writers name and address not neccessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. yj LL monies must he paid to the. General Manager at the “Pinang Gazette," OJjice, Penang.
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    • 17 4 WANTED. QRESSER FOR Prye Sugar Estate. Salary $5O a month, with free quarters. 3313-7 Apply to MANAGER.
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    • 5 4 ENGINE OILS. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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  • 226 5 DETAILS OF THE DEFEATS AT PORT ARTHUR. OFFICIAL CONFESSIONS. j \PANESE eight miles from THE FORTRESS. RAINY SEASON BEGINS. [Reuter’s Services.]* London, 2nd July. Reuter from Tokio says that the Japanese fleet left northwards in pursuit of the Vladivostock squadron, but returned without encountering it. Reuter from Niuchwang
    [Reuter’s Services.]*  -  226 words
  • 56 5 STATEMENT BY Mr. ARNOLD FORSTER. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 2nd July. Mr. Arnold Forster states that the twentv-one batteries mentioned on the 7th Marel'i will be completed during the present year. It is contemplated that fifty four for the British Army will be completed next vear. Seventy-six batteries
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  56 words
  • 36 5 ZOUAVES TO POLICE TANGIER. [Reuter s Service.] London, 2nd July. France is arranging with Morocco to introduce a force of Algerian Zouaves to police Tangier. The body would be commanded by French officers.
    [Reuter s Service.]  -  36 words
  • 152 5 MATCH LAST NIGHT. Singles.—Class A. V. D. Parsons beat G. H. Cater w.o. Singles.—Class B. R. H. Gibson beat J. H. Schuurmann 7—5 6—3. The following ties have been arranged for Monday, the 4th July 77/e Championship. H. A. Neubronner vs. F. O. Hallifax
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  • 1648 5 MR. GAFFNEY’S SCHEME CRITICISED BY GOVERNMENT. THE SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. IMPORTANT MUNICIPAL MEETING YESTERDAY. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon, when there were present Messrs. J. W.Hallifax,(President),Quah Beng Kee, F. S. B. Gaffney, Cheah Tek Thye, A. R. Adams,
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  • 693 5 CHINESE BOY SHOT IN A COMPOUND. INQUEST YESTERDAY. Last evening at the General Hospital an inquest was held into the death of the Chinese boy who met his death in Mr. Armstrong’s compound on Wednesday while out bird shooting. There were present Dr. Freer, Dr. Hoop, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 ELECTRO-PLATEDWARE." McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 10 5 FAIRBANKS SCALES. METTER’S STOVES. McAlister Co., Ltd. McAlister Co., Ltd.
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    • 218 5 Government of Perak. Notice to Ship Agents and Traders. NOTICE is hereby given that an Enactment (The Registration of Imports and Exports Enactment, 1904), and the rules made thereunder came into force in this State, on the 17th June, 1904, with the object of obtaining more accurate and systematic returns
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    • 616 5 Latest Advertisements. TOWN HALL NQTIQE Fanny Stanley’s Comic Opera and Dramatic Company. 'TTIE Annual General Netting of the J/ojll/ay, July 4th, Shareholders of the Pinang Gazette Press, Limited, will be held in the Chamber Grand Emotional Drama in 3 Acts of Commerce on Thursday, 7th July, at EAST LYNNE (By
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  • 944 6 ARRIVALS. Kim Sang, Brit., 1077, Buller, July 2. Calcutta, gen., Boustead, Co. Zaida, Brit.., 2905, Symmers, July 2, > Madras, gen., H. L. Co. Unity, Nor., 930, Hansen, July 2, Rangoon, gen., Tong Seng, Co. Glemioy, Brit., 3141, McGillivray, Juij Suez, gen., Boustead, Co. Cantod, Brit.,
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  • 664 6 The Geographical Journal for May contains a highly interesting article by Sir Clements R. Markham, K. c b., on the work performed by Com. Scott's expedition during the second season of its stay in the Antarctic regions. After paying a high compliment to the commander’s rare gifts
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  • 262 6 The following bit of philosophy is not new, but its reappearance in the Press can lie better justified than that of many old stories. It gives us new light on Mr. Mallock’s famous query as to whether life is worth living. It annihilates the old and mistaken
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  • 395 6 There is a butterfly called the painted lady,” and such might be the name given to the wearer of one of the lovely han painted gowns, which do not decrease, >u gain in popular favour. Not only gowns, but blouses, coats, scarves, hats, ans, parasols are enriched with
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  • 321 6 A story is told in connection with a recent volunteer encampment. It is customary, when the officer of the day passes along the lines, for the sentry outside the guardtent to call out the guard to salute. An officer was making an official round of the camp, when
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 419 6 I Mosquito bites prevented I I by taking the simple precaution of washing I regularly at bedtime with CALVERT’S 20 per cent CARBOLIC SOAP. The high percentage and excellent quality of Carbolic Acid contained makes it thoroughly refreshing to the skin, and also useful for insect bites or stings, itch,
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    • 15 6 DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU CATCH COLD but begin now with Stearns' IFine in moderate doses.
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    • 501 6 A. Herrmanson Co., 60 WILSON STREET, FINSBURY, LONDON, E.c 64- HERRMANSON, late 40 years’ paitner in R D Co., Lo, lc i 0ll) IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. Desire for imports sole representation for England and European Continent. Bank Credits, if required. A GIFT ENGLAND, La.Ce Cover given free w th Illustrated
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1224 7 liqueur Messrs. Thcflii ckw f> Siberian Butter HUTTENBACH Bros Jtto RABE D D Straits Se len,ents and restated highland whisky ESTABLISHED 1858. I OZ' American Dentist, Malay _StatCS. IO Years Old. Ship Chandlers, COHiP3lky« Has returned to Penang permanently. agricultural shows. E<|lial in every respect enc/» i THE first of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1180 8 THE GEOBGE TOWNDISPENSARY LTD. 37a, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Wholesale and and opticians. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAPI [ANOPHELES DEFIED We Have Just IS SOUND ADVICE AND SO IS BY Sole Agents in the Straits Settlements for C d W. e s?£,. l DAMAKORA John stranSe Winter’s Hair Food in our special
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