Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 March 1904

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 70 Vol LXLI. WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH. 1904 Price 20 Cents
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  • 537 1 Once again we would like to warn our readers that it is by no means to be taken for granted that the eventual triumph of the Japanese arms is assured. It is difficult to look at the situation in the cold light of reason most of
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  • 283 1 Penang’s Chvnce at Singapore. From otir Siogaoore Correspondent). Penang will probably find Singapore a rather hard nut to crack at cricket this Easter. True there are no startling players in thhome eleven but they are a level lot wh<> have all worked together Weil, and know their capabilities
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  • 250 1 To-day's exchange rate is 1/10 Tin is quoted to-day at $79-50. Business done. The Band will play at the Golf Club at 9 p.m. to-morrow, Thursday evening. Leavitts Troubadours are now at Singapore, where they are doing better .han when in Penano-. Air Will Landsdowne, who was’ certainly the success
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  • 57 1 •St. George's Church. Holy I Peek and Faster 1904. 30th Wednesday, Matins and AnteCommunion, 8 a.m. Evensong and Reading, 6 D.m. 31st Thursday. Holy Communion 8 a.m. Evensong, and Readin/ 6 p.m. Ist April, Good Friday, Matins, AnteCommunion, 9-15 a.m. Litany, Address and Story of the Cross, 10a.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 294 1 BANK HOLIDAYS. The undermentioned Banks will be closed on Friday, Saturday and Monday, the Ist, 2nd and 4th April, 1904, being Public Holidays: The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. J. ARMSTRONG, Manager. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. A. G. STEPHEN, Agent. The Netherlands Trading Society. VAN DER
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  • 286 2 THE FIGHT ON SUNDAY. Admiral Togo’s Report. JAPANESE FLEET UNINJURED. PRAISE OF THE MEN. Gallant Japanese Officer Killed. [Owr Exclusive Service.] Considering that the Japanese fleet is upon the waters t of miles from its naval base and still further from home, the official reports from Admiral Togo
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  • 89 2 [Reuter’s Special.] London, 29th March. The Russian Administrator at Niuchaung has informed the Consuls that the recent proclamation means that Consular jurisdiction is annulled; but in response to the protest of the Consuls he has suspended this rigid enforcement till the Consuls have communicated with their
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  89 words
  • 306 2 BATTLE NEAR OHONGJU. Russians Claim Victory but Result Doubtful. Harbin Declared Safe. JAPANESE CHANCE GONE BY. [Our Exclusive Service.] Kobe, 30th March. A Cavalry skirmish took place outside Chongji on Monday. After sharp fighting the Japanese were reinforced by Inantry and the Russians retreated towards Wiju. The
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  • 39 2 Several Months Before it can be Completed. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 30th March. There is much disappointment in St. Petersburg because it has been found that the railway round Lake Baikal cannot be completed for many months.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  39 words
  • 102 2 Opposition Still Rampant. MR. BALFOUR CALLED UPON TO RESIGN. declined with thanks. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 30th March. Upon the motion for the adjournment of the House during the Easter holidays, Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman raised the whole political situation and invited Mr. Balfour to resign because, as he
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  102 words
  • 24 2 The Anti-Clerical Bill. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 30th March. The French Chamber has passed its bill vetoing religious teaching by 308 votes to 231.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  24 words
  • 46 2 The S. A. Plague and the Coolie Movement. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 30th March. The Hon. A. Lyttleton said that in view of the success in dealing with the recent outbreaks of plague in South Africa, he declined to prevent the introduction of Chinese labour.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  46 words
  • 38 2 Undesirable to be Excluded. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 30th March. Mr. Akers Douglas has introduced into the House of Commons the Aliens Immigration Bill, for excluding criminals, paupers, diseased persons, and questionable from the British Isles.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  38 words
  • 38 2 The Plague Increasing. [Reuter’s Special.] Bombay, 30th March The plague returns for the week ending the 19th inst. Show a total of 10,527 deaths for the whole of India, an increase of 7,000 on the previous week.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  38 words
  • 42 2 Advance to Gyangtse. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 30th March. The Thibetan expedition, consisting of 850 infantry and 150 mounted troops with four heavy gnus aud two maxims, has begun the advance to Gyangtse. The attitude of the Thibetans is uncertain.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  42 words
  • 579 2 HIGHWAY ROBBERY. AN EXEMPLARY PUNISHMENT. At the conclusion of the robbery case before Sir Lionel Cox yesterday afternoon, a Chinaman named Chan Ah Seng was arraigned on two charges, firstly, highway robbery, and secondly, being armed with a deadly weapon at the time of attempting to coin mi
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  • 158 2 Li Ah Chai was charged with being in possession of instruments for counterfeiting King’s coin. Detective Sergeant Frayne gave evidence as to finding the accused in a room in Chulia Street, and seeing him throw down four dollars, which afterwards proved to be counterfeit. Two beautifully made moulds
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  • 39 2 Clouces<er City, Brit., 2193, Corlield. 29- fr mi Calcutta, coal, G. W. <fc Co. Sabdiadji, Dut., s’r, 1235, van Rossen, 30- from Arvebay, petroleum, Boustead. Janet Nicoll, Brit., str. 741, Nicholl. 29-3-04, from Mouimeiu, rice, Koo Guan.
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  • 639 3 Wild Confusion of Rumours. More Port Arthur Canards Shanghai, 17th March. The reports which have reached here during the past week have been very contradictory, and even with our chances of obtaining official and first hand new« it has been difficult to keep
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  • 523 3 Crises, Upheavals and Progress. [From Our Own Correspondent.) In a mild way we have had quite an upheaval in many circles in Singapore during the past nine months or so. It began largely with the Sporting Club early last year, when the rashness of youth challenged old
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  • 1150 3 (From Onr Otcn Correspondents.) Tai ping, 28 th March. lor house breaking by night at Simpang, Tan Ah Hoh was on Saturday last committed for trial before the Senior Magistrate. It is stated on good authority that Customs Clerks will be added to the list
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 PRITCHARD co., I'McAL ISTER CO. LTD. 15, Beach Street, Penang. l9, Beach Street, Penang, Tailoring Department. HOMEWARD BOUND > OUST LANDED TAILORING .DEPARTMENT WE HKVE JUST RECEIVE) A LkRIE OF A SHIPMENT neivr wjjllevs for ejrjpe wekr in the very latest DESIGNS AND COLORS. FANCY AND PLKIN HOMESPUNS CHEVIOTS VICUNAS,
      109 words