Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 March 1904

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. <>. (>5. Vol. LX IL THURSDAY, 24 th MARCH, 1904 Price 20 Cents.
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  • 620 1 With Port Arthur as the cynosure of the world’s eyes, attention has been deflected from things political. Otherwise the past few day’s events in Parliament would have been the topic of the month. The Giverament after taking the a Ivice of th >se well acquainted with
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  • 405 1 Tin is quoted to-day at $80.25. —Bnvers, no sellers. Here is a puzz'e foe our sporting readers. W here is ’he Line -In Handicap run? And if not at Liverpool, why non? Our co-1 tempo rar r is evidently under the impression that
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  • 168 1 Ihe following a e the Agenda for the Municip.l Me ting tomo row:— 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To rec insider a..d if thought fit to amend the scheme of cli «rges for Electtic Energy. 3. >ny special business r lie I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 251 1 LOS 'l' ON last «lav Bae We U, a pan- of fi ‘ld «glasses. J B. Greg. on cas and pull oil' p.r of yiasseH. hinder please ieturn to his Office To LetI omond Bmigcl »w from 10th A Apply to E. W. PKESGRAVK 22nd January, 1904 F. M S
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  • 296 2 GREAT STRUGGLE AROUND PORT ARTHUR. Japanese Torpedo Attacks Repulsed THE STRONGHOLD UNTAKEN. TRUTH OF TUESDAY’S CANARD. Rumoured Battle on the Yalu. [Our Ec<lusive Service.] Kobe, 24th March. There is no authentic news of Port Arthur having fallen. It was reported on Monday that the Japanese troops had landed
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  • 62 2 [Reuter’s Special.] London, 24th March. Admiral AlexiefT telegraphs that a Japanese division is in the neighbourhood of Anju, where earthworks have been thrown up. The rest of the first Japanese army is at Pingyang. The Japanese squadrons have advanced as far as Pakchon. Three hundred Japanese have
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  62 words
  • 50 2 JDiet to Investigate Charges. I Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd March. Mr? Oniyama, a member -of the Japanese Diet, and the publisher of a violent opposition organ, has been charged with being in the employ of Russia. The Diet has appointed a Committee to investigate.
    ■ I Reuter’s Service.]  -  50 words
  • 48 2 Japanese Cavalry Shadowing Russians. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 24th March. It is admitted in St. Petersburg that the Japanese troops are concentratinr to the north of rapidity. The fortified Anjubut General Mischenko with six ■jr<Wd cavalry is ready to arass the Russians directly they mogKSeyond Anju.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  48 words
  • 21 2 The Irish Land /Ict. Reutei's Special. e London, 24th March. The Irish issue has been subscribed seven times over.
    Reutei's Special.  -  21 words
  • 33 2 Rumoured Poisoning of the Amir. [Rt uter’s Service.] London, 24th March. A telegram from Askabad published at St. Petersburg says it is rumoured there that the Amir of Afghanistan has been poisoned.
    [Rt uter’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 47 2 Mr. Brodrick and ADVANCE EXPECTED. [Reuter 's Service.] London, 24th March. Mr. Brodrick, in replying to a question regarding the Thibet Mission, said that an advance would shortly be made from Gyangtse to meet Amban, as had always been intended as soon as supplies were available.
    [Reuter 's Service.]  -  47 words
  • 29 2 Three Whites Dead. Reuter's Service.] London, 24th March. Forty natives and three whites have died from plague at Johannesburg Fifty six cases have been reported.
    Reuter's Service.]  -  29 words
  • 40 2 Great Albanian Revolt. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 21th March. As we go to press Reuter wires that ten thousand Albanians have revolted. Shakir Pasha with twelve battalions is surrounding them while ten other battalions are hastening to his assistance.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  40 words
  • 824 2 TOKYO IN WAR PAINT. Can the Russians Hold their Own? [From Our War Correspondent.'] Tokio, 27th February 1904. Certain signs point to the fact that the authorities have ceased to despatch troops from the metropolitan and northern provinces for the front, but how far these
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  • 435 2 An Unsatisfactory Half Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Whilst inte'estedin the Ta»»j<>ng Pagar revel itions, you may c u e to have a few details on the genera 1 trade outloik. The past half year h ts not been wholly satiffacmry to several undertakings, if we a»e to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 The debris has now been almost removed fr.on the roadside along the burnt buildings and Be «ch Street is much less crowded ’at that point Amp'e evidence of the fire remains, for crumpled and discoloured iron shutters aie still h «ngi-.g up, md the floors of he i uitis a
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  • 764 3 LIFE IN PORT ARTHUR Timur’ Correspondent Deported THE TRUTH GF THE BOMBARDMENTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) From late arrives from Port Arthur an I the n rthern p< rts items se viug to bring hone 'he conditions in the war zo't<* a e g'adnally
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  • 1371 3 (From Our Own Correspondents PERAK. 5 aiping, 22nd March. An examination for >eni -r Grade clerkships wII I e held in Tapping during tie c turse of 'he c ming mon'h. Dr. G. W. Johnstm e riv»dhere f om Si 'gaporr y ster lay He
    1,371 words
  • 165 3 Penang vs. Singapore. Th; B fixture will b-* pl yd at Singapore during the Easter h. 4 days The dates of the match have been fixed for Easier Monday and following day. We understand Penang is sending a very weak team down,, owing, it would se m to
    165 words
  • 77 3 Artemisia, Ger., str., 3652, Grommeyer, 23-3-04, from Rotterdam, general, B M. Co. Prinz Heinrich, Ger., str., 3902, Heintze, 23-3-01, from Bremen’ general, B.M. Co. Langkat, Brit., str., 184, Morier, 23-3-04, from Malacca, general, Koe Guan. Cornelia, Brit., str.. 194, Buchanan, 23-3- >4, from Tongkah. general, Koe G nan.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 International Bodega, and Restaurant Co., Ltd*. AT Hie meeting of Directors held on the 14'h instant, a second :ntei irn dividend of 5 per c»*nt w -s decl wed. This dividend will be payable on the 3lst instant. ar. the Company’s registered office No 35 Beach Street. Uy Order, ONG
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    • 211 3 By Leave of the Court. SUIT 1902, Mo. 179. To ho soli iy Public Auction BY Messrs. DAVID BROWN A Co., in the Courtyard of Logan’s Buildings, ON WEDNESDAY THE 30th March 1904. AT NOON By direction of the Administrator of the Estate of Frederick. J. C. ROSS. Deceased. Lo'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 PRITCHARD Co., McAL ISTER CO. LTD. i- U tin 1 15. Beach Street, Penang. U/ ?f fr, l9, Beach Street, Penang. -Tailoring Department. HOMEWARD BOUND TRAVELLERS. 77 irt -j ■Tr vr r JUST LANDED TAILORING WE HAVE JUST REC*rfVEI) A LARGE k A SHIPMENT HEAVY WOOLLENS FOR EUROPE WEAR IN
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