Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 64. Vol LXII. WEDNESDAY, 23rd MARCH, 1904. Price 20 Cents.
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  • 696 1 It is possible that by the time these lines appear that Port Arthur has fallen. It is improbable. It is certain that when the Tokio correspondent of our contemporary despatched his telegram Port Arthur had not fallen. His telegram is dated Monday evening, and it was
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  • 396 1 Fin is quoted to-day at $80 —Business done. On page thiee will be found some startling comments upon the Sinea ore li -ue C isis, aud Mr. John Andei son’s extraordinary speech. The B. I. s. s Zaman ia with the m lil.s
    396 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 271 1 International Bodega, and Restaurant Co LtdAT the meeting of Direciors held oil the 14' h in st mt semi) I iiite. im dividend of 5 per <• n W'B deci tied. This dividend will b- payable on the 31st insia it a’ th- Company's registered office No 35 Beach Stive'.
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  • 21 1 Death. Ou the 18th in»t.. Colonel Robert Church, of 25, Regent Te r c.*, Edinbu gh. Singapore pap ns please copy.
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  • 206 2 PORT ARTHUR AGAIN BOMBARDED. Midnight Attack <>n Monday. SKIRMISHES IN KOREA. Japanese Occupy Yongpjon. (One Excius v<‘ Service.) London, 23rd March. By 1.45 a.m. this morning no news of the alleged full of Port Arthur had been received in London. The Japanese renewed the attack on Port Arthur
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  • 42 2 Lond< n, 22nd March. An official Russian despatch has been received confirming the reports that the Japanese infantry and artillery have occupied Anju and Pingyang. It savs that an increased movement of troops between these two places is noticeable.
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  • 22 2 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 23rd March. Reuter learns that the Russian cruiser Aurora and three destroyers have arrived at Biserta.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  22 words
  • 58 2 The Anti-clekical Ckisis. FOREIGN AND COLONIAL SCHOOLS. (Reuter’s Special.) London, 22nd March. The members of the French Chamber are continuing the debate regarding the Government Bid for the suppression of clerical teaching. An amendment in favour of the maintenance of training establishments for French schools abroad and in the
    (Reuter’s Special.)  -  58 words
  • 95 2 Bannerman Defeated. VOTE OF CENSURE REJECTED. MAJOR SEELY RESIGNS. Lords and Chinese Labour. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd March. During an animated debate resultant from Sir Henry Campbell Bannermail’s proposed vote of censure upon the Government for their support of the Chinese Immigration Ordinance, Major Seely condemned the Government
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  95 words
  • 31 2 Victory for Uninsured. (Reuter’s Special.) London, 23rd March. The Lincolnshire handicap was run off yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) and resulted in Uninsured winning, with Wolfshall second and Stoic third.
    (Reuter’s Special.)  -  31 words
  • 125 2 Funeral at the Abbey. [Reuter’s Special] London, The body of the late Cambridge was removed t Abbey in the evening. ■riwwn was covered with the UnhmsJack and was placed up >n a gun can i ige, drawn by six horses, ami escorted by a squadron
    [Reuter’s Special]  -  125 words
  • 55 2 enormous damage. [Our Exclusive Service.] Singapore, 23rd March. Dutch steamers arriving here report that a serious fire broke out at Rhio on Monday. Enormous quantities of gambier pepper were destroyed. Seveial persons were burned to death or drowned. Tim damage done bv the
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  • 33 2 More Deaths Reported. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd March. Thirty-four more deaths are recorded as resultant from the plague at Johannesburg. The pestilence is stated to be of a pulmonic nature.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 1010 2 By a Younger Brother of the Quill. Ladysmith. A wild attempt at relief under cover of a storm-swept night. Two war correspondents—comrades of Fleet Street —one with the attacking force, the other amongst the brave little band of defenders who occupied a kopje hoping to join hands
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  • 80 2 Avagyee, Brit., str.. 247, Lingard, 22- from T. Anson, general, Koe Guan. Canton. Brit., str.. 105, Marican, 23- from T. Anson, general. Ah Hing. Carlyle, Brit., str., 339, Quine 23-3-04, from. P. Swettenhanu general, S.S.S.Co. Roon, Ger., str.. 4960, Meiners. 22- from Singapore, general, BM. Co. Peutakota, Brit.,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. SPECI AL Meet ng of the Municipal Commi'sioners w 11 be h Id a’ ‘he Municipal Office at 3 pin <n Friday, the 25th instait. Busines* 1 To lec'tnside- an I it thought fit t<> amend the scheme of charges for Electric Energy. 2. Any ordinaly business R.
      53 words

  • 866 3 Tanjcng Pagar Revelations- Mr. Anderson's Resignation HIS EXTRAORDINARY speech Pinang Gazette Specia I). Like a bolt, from the blue comes a stai tling reve ation of how ibe Tanjong I’agar Dock Compai y hag been conducted Mr. Anderson has resigned and spoken his mind. He has deliveied
    (“ Pinang Gazette ’’ Specia I).  -  866 words
  • 368 3 REDUCTIONS AT LAST. From Our Own Correspondent.~\ I pon many occasions in these columns we have advocated the reduction of the fares on the F M. S. rai way sygt-m as well hs the tar ff for go d> traffic. We are now glad t > note
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  • 490 3 (From Our Own Correspondents.) PERAK. r aiping, 21st March. Owing io the death of H. R. H. the Duke of Cambridge the Officers of the Mai y States Guides will adopt mourning fot "tw month. H. H. the Sultan of Perak will be the guest
    490 words
  • 145 3 The plagu- last we» k increased slightly in the U« ited Provinces, the Punjab and B ngal.the de th totals iemaining much as before else vhere. In all there were 2 <919 p ague dea'hs during the seven d .ys compared with 27,858 in ibe proceeding week. Admiral
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  • 646 3 An At Hoxe.’’ Taipng, 22ud March. Last Saturday aft-rnoon the members of the I adies Rifle Association were At Home to their friends at the Range. I here was qui'e a lage gathe iug, the lady ai d gentlemen members of the bifle Clubs being greatly
    646 words