Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 63. Vol. LXII. TUESDAY. 22nd MARCH, 1904. Trice 20 Cents.
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  • 800 1 According to Reuter yesterday Mr. A. G. Hales, author and journalist, the famous war correspondent of the Daily News”, has been refused permission to join the Japanese forces on behalf of his paper. The refusal comes from the British Minister at Tokio, whose endorsement of all
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  • 258 1 Tin is quoted to day at $79.25. —Business done. The homewa’d Geun >n mail seamer* lloon is expected to airive here at 4 p.m. to-d y, and will leave f.>r Colombo. Aden, Suez. Port Said, Naples, Genoi, Gibraltar Southampton. Antwerp and Bremen piobab
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  • 21 1 There will be a. Follow-my leader on Friday 25th instant; meet at Dato Kr-mrut Gardens st 5 p.m.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 265 1 F. M. S RAILWAYS. REDUCTION IN PASSENGER FARES. AEL concerned a> e hereby informed that on ami f'Oin Sunday Ist May 1904 the rates fur pissengers per mile wilt bi hh under First Class 6 cents. Second Class 4 cen's. Thi d Class 2 c> nts. No retiv’i tick will
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  • 187 2 TOE ARMING OF NEWCHANG. Expected Japanese Attack. RUSSIAN PREPARATIONS FOR DEFENCE. MOUNTING SEIGE GUNS. [Our Exclusive Service.] Shanghai, 21st March. The war interest promises to shift to Manchuria and the cynosure of all eyes will become Newc’hang. As briefly reported yesterday, the authorities at Newchang on the 15th
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  • 40 2 Selling Sxcrets To Japan. prompt execution. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd March. A Russian Captain attached to the general staff has been convicted at St. Petersburg for selling certain secret plans to Japan. He has been promptly executed.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  40 words
  • 124 2 Pkoti st Against Bombardment of Quarantine Station. (Reuter's Service.) London, 21st March. The Temps reports that the French Minister at Tok io has protested on behalf of Russia (whose interests France, in the natural order of things, is safe-guarding in Japan during hostilities) against the Japanese bombardment
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  124 words
  • 41 2 Another 6,(XX) Tons Gone Astray. (Our Exclusive Service.) Hongkong, 21st March. The German steamer Necromedia bound for Port Arthur and Vladivostock with six thousand tons of coals has thought better of the project and is discharging at Hongkong.
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  • 186 2 The Transvaal Labour Question, opposition’s hysterical denunciations. Colonial Secretary Defends Chinese. (Reuter’s Service.) London, 22nd March. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, in moving the vote of censure regarding Government’s action in connection with the Transvaal Chinese Immigration Ordinance, said that the British workmen in South Africa should not be snuffed
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  186 words
  • 80 2 Collision Theory Established. REPAIRING UXDER WATER. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 21 st March. It is officially announced that upon an examination of the hull of the submarine, which was sunk Wth such fatal results during the week, that it was proved that tIH was no defect in the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  80 words
  • 45 2 The Funeral. Great Military Function. London, 22nd March. The Kasier and the Emperor of Austria are sending representatives to attend the funeral of the Duke of Cambridge, which will be a great military function. Troops will line the streets throught.
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  • 36 2 Clan Grant Severely Damaged On the Tuskars. (Reuter’s Special.) London, 22nd March. The “Clan Grant” has been towed into Holyhead harbour severely damaged after colliding with the steamer ‘Merion’ off the Tuskar lighthouse.
    (Reuter’s Special.)  -  36 words
  • 85 2 Transport and Transatlantic Liner. FORMER BADLY DAMAGED. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 21st March. Last night the transport steamer “Assaye,” bound for Bombay, collided with the transatlantic liner, ‘’New York’ during a fog in the Solent. The transport was obliged to return to Southhampton, her bows being badly damaged.
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  85 words
  • 50 2 Cossack Madb Favouritb. (Reuter’s Special.) London, 22nd March. The Lincolnshire Handicap will be run this afternoon. Cossack has been made favourite at 6 to l.but Uninsured is also in demand at 7’s. Ten to lis given about Wolfsball, Barbette or Cersier, and 100 to 8 Dumbarton Castle.
    (Reuter’s Special.)  -  50 words
  • 36 2 Liverpool Market Hardening. [Reuter’s Special] London, 22nd March. On the Liverpool Cotton Exchange to-day the price of cotton rose 20 points, a strong market again is expected in the course of a week.
    [Reuter’s Special]  -  36 words
  • 20 2 Victory for England. [Routers’ Special.) Loudon. 22nd March. England has beaten Wains at Assoby one goal to love.
    [Routers’ Special.)  -  20 words
  • 43 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, 21st March. Mr. F. W. Nicholson, late Assistant Warden of Mines in Perak, has died in England. He was well-known locally, and the n°ws of bis premature decease has been received with widespread regret.
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  • 89 2 Mr. Cowan Appointed Immigration Agent. PROBABLY STATIONED HONGKONG. [From Our Own Corresponpents.] Ipoh, 21st March. Mr. William Cowan, the well-known Protector of Chinese who for many years has been stationed in Ipoh. has been instructed to leave the Straits for twelve months in order
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  • 50 2 Bulgarian Rebellion. BANDS CROSSING THE FRONTIER. [Recker’s Service.] London, 21st March. The Balkans are still ablaze. Five hundred Bulgarians, divided into ten bands, have crossed the frontier and (are proceeding towards Strumuitza and Monastir, which two towns, it is intended, will form the chief centres of the revolt.
    [Recker’s Service.]  -  50 words
  • 51 2 Several Deaths in Johannesburg. [Reuter’s Special.] London, 21st March. A plague has broken out in the coolie location of Johannesburg. It is reported that several deaths have taken place. 30 DEATHS IN 3 DAYS. Thirty deaths from the Plague at Johannesburg have been reported since Friday
    [Reuter’s Special.]  -  51 words
  • 24 2 Further Advance Imminent. (Reuter’s Special.) London, 21st March. Telegrams from India state that the Thibetan Mission will make further advances shortly.
    (Reuter’s Special.)  -  24 words
  • 117 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.) Sir. Under the -above heading in your Paper of yesterday’s d te, I notice the anhysis of prizes won throughout the Meeting stands as follows A Co. 13 prizes. “B” C>. 14 This is a mistake the andysis should
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  • 335 2 Kuala. Lumpur Recreation Clus versus Mr. Grenier XL The return match of the Recreation Club and Mr. Gieniei’s XI was played on S «tut day and ended in a win for the former by 3 goals to nil. Ftom the commencement to the end of the g»me the
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  • 70 2 Sir Graeme Lockhart. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 22nd March. Sir Graeme Lockhart is dead. Sir Graeme Alexander Sinclair Lockhart was born in 1820, and was a landed proprietor of Lanarkshire. He entered fne 78th Highlanders in 1837, went to India in 1812, and to Persia in 1857. He served during the
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  • 1295 3 {brom Our Own Correspondents.) PERAK.’ Taiping, 20th March. Mr E S. Hoe lef' to-day lor Teluk An-on < n r-ute io Singapore. There wwg alar.»»» gathering of friends to see him off at the Railwax Stati n. When t,i e triin st rnned Hwav the
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  • 524 3 M«rch 14th. The approach of the annual meeting of what has been calle«l Shanghai’s Parliament, namely the R-tep y« rs Meeting has bfught two subjects of local politics prominent y to the f re. 3 ro l, ably most of y«»ur readers al rady kn«'W that the
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  • 101 3 The Annual Lawn Tennis Tournament of the above Club it will commence on April sth. Entries are now being received for the following events. 1. Ladies’ Championship; 2. Ladies’ Singles Handicap; 3 Ladies’ Doubles Handicap; 4. Mixed Doubles Handicap; 5. Mens’ Doubles Handicap; 6. Singles Handicap; 7.
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  • 109 3 Glenfalloch. Brit., str., 2179, BaiZ bridge, 21-3-04, from Singapore, general, Koe Guan. 1 Naih Youg, Brit., str., 984, lyker, 21- from Singapore, general, Koe Guan. Battersea Bridge, Brit., str., 2170 Berryman, 21-3-04, from Calcutta, coal, H.L. Co. Unity, Nor., str., 930, Hansen, 22- from Rangoon, gener d. Swee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 226 3 Furniture etc» Wanted» P*URNIIURE and household effects Wunied f<»r small bungalow. Must be inexpensive. Apply to “X- Y. Z.,” c/o Pinang Gazette."’ By Leave of the Court. SUIT 1902, No. 179To lie sold m Hit Aucllon BT Messrs. DAVID BROWN 4 Go., In the Courtyard of Logan’s Buildings, ON WEDNESDAY
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