Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED /833. No. 62 Vol. LXII. Monday. 21st march, 1904. Trice 20 Cents.
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  • 758 1 Monday, 2 1st March, 1904. Many of those who do not agree with Mr. Chamberlains protectionist policy have unscrupously suggested that his well won holiday is merely a move to cover the humiliation of defeat, 't hey assert that he has not met with the success anticipated, that indeed his
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  • 270 1 Tin is quoted to day at $79.25 —Buye s, no sei ers The Nordde risen er Lloyd Mail Steamer Piinz Henri. h having left Colombo at 2p m on the 19th inst. is expected to a» rive here on Wednesday 23rd inst- at 10
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    • 273 1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE SPECIAL Meeting of the Municipal Commi'sioners wdl be h»4d a' ‘he Municipal Office al 3 pm .<n Friday, the 25th instant Business: 1 To leconside* and if thought fit to amend the scheme of charges for Electric Energy. 2. Any ordinay business K. P. PHI LIPS, Secretary. MUNICIPAL
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  • 73 2 GREAT RUSSIAN DISASTERS. Anbther Catastrophe on the Baikal. XOO SOLDIERS DROWNED. The Port Arthur Accident. [Fjwi Our IFar Correspondent.] Tokio, 20th March. It is officially announced here that seven hundred men of the Russian Armv have been drowned on Lake Baikal. The news ot the destruction of a
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  • 41 2 Preparations for Defence. [From Our War Correspondent.] Tokio, 20th March. It is announced here that Newchang, which is nominally on Chinese territory, is being strongly prepared for defence. The Japanese Diet. The Emperor opened the Diet to-day in person.
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  • 125 2 Great War Correspondent Badly Treated. REFUSED PERMISSION TO ACCOMPANY JAPANESE ARMY. An Echo of the Boer War. F Reuters Special.] London, 21st March. Reuter’s correspondent at Tokio wires that the British Minister there has refused to endorse the application of Mr. A. G. Hales,
    F Reuters Special.]  -  125 words
  • 57 2 Holding" the Key to Korea. THE CHENGCHENG FIGHT. [Reuter s Special.] London. 20th March. A telegram from Admiral Alexeieff reports that an engagement between patrols has taken place on the banks of tne river Chengjheng near Anju. He says that the Japanese Infantry with guns have occupied
    [Reuter s Special.]  -  57 words
  • 30 2 The Irish Land Act. [Reuter s London, 20th March. The Government have issued five millions 2| per centage stock 87 for the purposes of the Irish Land Act.
    [Reuter s  -  30 words
  • 154 2 Speech by the Emperor. THE INSINCERITY OF RUSSIA. [Reuters London, 21st March. Reuter’s correspondent at Tokio wires anent the opening of the special Diet by the Emperor yesterday, as telegraphed by?our own correspondent. The Emperor in his speech said that the Government had entered into negotiations with
    [Reuters  -  154 words
  • 125 2 Accident During Manoeuvres. STRUCK BY CAPE LINER. [Reuter s -Serrtce.] London, 20th March. Eleven lives were the British submarine, the sinking was briefly reported on Satuißf The vessel, which was one newest type, was inspected by Ifejesty, King Edward, during recent visit with the Prince of Wales
    [Reuter s -Serrtce.]  -  125 words
  • 90 2 The Anti Clerical Crisis. DENUNCIATION BY THE POPE. A Significant Speech. [Reuters Service.] London, 20th March. Yesterday His Holiness the Pope in a speech before the members of the Sacred College deplored the rigorous anti-clerical measures which the French Government had seen fit to adopt. He denounced them as
    [Reuters Service.]  -  90 words
  • 88 2 Great Drop in Prices. SULLY’S LIABILITIES TWO MILLIONS. [Reuters Service.] London, 20th March. Sally’s failure has caused a great panic on the Cotton Exchange. Prices have dropped 300 points. It has also smashed the wheat market and seriously depressed stocks. The liabilities are estimated at two millions.
    [Reuters Service.]  -  88 words
  • 85 2 New Railway Enterprise. OPENED BY KING GEORGE. [Reuter 8 Special.] London, 21st March. part of a new railway for Greece has been finished as far as Thebes, alt will eventually extend from Pir«is to the Turkish frontier, with a branWi to Chai cis. The new\uie was inaugurated by King
    [Reuter 8 Special.]  -  85 words
  • 31 2 International Championship. SCOTLAND DEFEATS ENGLAND. [Reuter s Special.] London, 20th March. In Rugby football, the Scottish fifteen defeated England by 6 points to three. Scotland thus gains the Championship.
    [Reuter s Special.]  -  31 words
  • 207 2 George Fdwarde’s Latest. The ‘Cixgvle or '•uv<y Oetlon”— A so-ciil cibe trom London t> 'ha Timzs of C ‘ylon tel s of «h en in >us s icje«s of the mw pie m >»r D iv’s Theatre and oar L>'»d>n letter emtiins agoodm nv detu s
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  • 536 2 BEACH STREET AGAIN ABLAZE. Good Work bt Police. Another serious fire b-oke out in Beach Street last night, in Mess s. Hin Lee 4 Co*B. godoWn, about 200 y»ids away from the rirns of Ah Kwi s buildings. The ala>m wa< given about eleven o’clock last
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  • 259 2 Yes'erday morning t’-e Volunteers shot for rhe Ch»m »’ons "i> Challvii/e (’up and the Zo’vi Piize. at S'K) ds, and BngLrL A. Cui 1 who w-s first m n at 2( 0,000. <fc 600 yds w--n t. .The fir ng t 800 ids was verv poor
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    • 80 2 Sesjudhini Bilks Wantedy’JLHMEi referring to Eastern m Ute- s. VY ks o? Shakespeare. Sneridm Goldsmith. Tiiack r.y, Lam Bums B/'on, Shelley E. A. Poe. Hawth «rne B.l zac. Gautier. Z>l%. Alphonse. Dan,let S, Ar it Syrno is, It L. Sroveisin, Louis B*cke, Kiplino* Bv r D .< e H.
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  • 992 3 \(From Our Own Correspondents,) PERAK. Taiping, 18th March. he three sons of the late Datoh PangJima Kinta, bearing the Sword of Office belonging to their father, were received in audience by His Highness the Sultan in the Balei Rong, on Thursday last. His Highness accepted
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  • 285 3 England’s Only Defeat. Mr. P. F. Warner, writing to the Westminster Gazett 1 from Adelaide after the conc’usion of the test match, says 1 regret to report a reverse. This afternoon ar. three o clock the Australians beat us by 216 runs, an 1 for the first, time since
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  • 617 3 From All Sources. It is reported by the P. and T- Times that Lieut. Horibe, of the Japanefe army, an instructor of the Pachi College, Peking, committed suicide on the 14th ult. because his application to be allowed to go on active service was refused. We
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  • 501 3 Grim Tales of Skobeleff and Koußo PvrKlx The late Archibald Forbes, the war correspondent, was fond of telling how h e Skobeleff, the Russian General, after one of the fiercest of the many desperate fip-htc. before Plevna. I was sitting in my tent writing a despatch,” said
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  • 115 3 Oanfa, Brit., str.. 4866. Bartlett. 2U-3-04 from Singapore, general, W.M.& CoJava. Brit., str., 3651, Herrington. 21-3-01 from Rangoon, general, H.L.& CoMary Austin, Brit., str., 110. Morris, 19- P. Swettenham, general, Koe Guan. Lady Weld. Brit., str., 245, Trewreke. 20- -04 f from T. Anson, general S.S. Co. Vidar,
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