Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 59. Vol LXll. THURSDAY. 17th MARCH, 1904. Trice 20 Cents.
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  • 1099 1 Now that the land campaign seems likely to develop into the first of a series of crises, it is interesting to note how much better Japan stands even on the Korean n borders than was thought some weeks ago. Though we believe that Russia as a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 Furniture etc. Wanted, PURNIIURE and househo’d effects wanted for mall bungalow. Must be inexpensive Apply to X. Y. Z.,” c'o I’iuang Gazette. Secondhand Books WantedyGLUMES referring to Eastern matters, Wbiks of Shakespeare. Sheridan. Goldsmith, Thackeray, Lamb. Burns. Byion, Shelley. E. A. Poe, Hawth>>rne, Balzac, Gautier. Zola. Alphonse Dandet, Swinburne, Arthur
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  • THE WAR.
    • 248 2 StiU Occupied by Russians. BOMBARDMENT LAST SATURDAY. BURNING OF TOWN DENIED. FOOD AND AMMUNITION IN ABUNDANCE [Our Exclusive Sertnce.J Shanghai, 16th March. Three Norwegian merchantmen have been detained by the Russian authorities at Port Arthur since the outbreak of hostilities. They were allowed to leave port on
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    • 65 2 The Confiscated Steamers. CREWS AWAITING REPATRIATION. [Our Exclusive Service.] Shanghai, 16th March. A batch of two hundred and thirty seven Russians, the crews from those steamers which have been confiscated by the Japanese, have arrived in Shanghai. They are being housed in premises formerly used by
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    • 80 2 Japanese Introducing THE BOTTLED WAR CORRESPONDENTS. [Our Exclusive Service.] London, 16th March. The thorough re-organization of the Korean systems of administration are being actively proceeded with under the supervision of the Japanese. Stringent measures are being adopted to check corruption. Reuter’s correspondent in Seoul telegraphs the news we received
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    • 26 2 Stark and Molas In Disgrace. [Our Exclusive Service]. London, 17th March. The Russian Admirals Stark and Molas have been recalled to St. Petersburg.
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    • 31 2 Movements of the Russian Army. CROSSING THE YALU. [Our Exclusive Service]. London, 17th March. The Ru3sian main force has crossed the Yalu, and an engagement is accordingly imminent.
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    • 21 2 JAPANESE LANDING Great jU' at Chin-Am-Po. Service.] Saigapore, 17th March. The Japanese have landed 30,000 troops at Chm-ala-po.
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    • 53 2 A Million A Week. her naval losses. NINE WARSHIPS REPORTED HORS-DE-CoMBAT. [Our Exclusive Service] London, 17th March. After all Japan seems to be buying victory dearly. The war expenditure amounts to a million steriing weekly. The Japanese have scot free in the various total loss in four
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    • 171 2 The Clerical Crisis. GOVERNMENT DEFEATED. [Reuters Service.] London, 16th March. The French Government yesterday was defeated by a majority of eleven, an amendment being adopted by 282 votes to 271 making the period for the suppression of clerical teaching ten years instead of five as proposed by the Government.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  171 words
    • 129 2 Curious Antics of the Dmitri Donskoi. ITALIAN CRUISER HELD UP. Norwegian Stopped in Sight of Port Said. [Reuter s Service.] London, 16th March. It is reported from Port Said that the Russian battleship Dmitri Donski is actually visible from shore, which she is persistently patrolling. Yesterday she
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  129 words
    • 77 2 ways and means. .[Reuters Service.] London, 17th March. Late this Reuter’s correspondent at ToLio telegraphs some interesting the above question. The Japanese war expenditure from outbreak of hostilities until December next is estimated to amount to 586 million yen. This is to be met
      .[Reuters Service.]  -  77 words
    • 131 2 The Government Defeat. MR. BALFOUR UNCONCERNED. Excitement Subsided. [Reuter s Service.] London, 16th March. Continuing their methods with regard to the Irish Education Vote, the Opposition moved that a report of progress should be made. A Ministerialist crisis had arrived, but Mr. Balfour, treating the matter lightly, refused,
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  131 words
    • 56 2 MINISTERIALISTS’ PERILOUS DISORGANIZATION. [Reuter s Service.] London, 17th March. As we go to press Reuter wires that it is generally considered that yesterday’s division is symptomatic of a condition of perilous disorganization existing among those of the Ministerialist party, who disregarded the urgent summons of the party
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  56 words
    • 83 2 Cementing the Entente Cordiale. COLONIAL QUESTIONS SETTLED. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th March. Reuter’s agency understands that the prolonged negotiations between Great Britain and France have resulted in a good understanding upon all Colonial questions which otherwise have been long standing between the two nations. All the questions
      [Reuters Service.]  -  83 words
    • 40 2 HER INTERESTS AT NIUCHWANG. [Reuter s Service.] London, 17th March. The river at Niuchwang, it is reported, will shortly be opened. The belligerents have been requested to take steps to safeguard British interests in that neighbourhood.
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  40 words
    • 28 2 CRITICAL CONDITION. [Reuters Service.] London, 17th March. The Duke of Cambridge was today attacked with hemorrhage of the stomach. His condition is serious.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  28 words
    • 37 2 Sultan to be Consulted [Our Exclusive Service.] Singapore, 17th March. Datoh Amar Sleyman sails for Europe on Monday to consult with the Sultan of Johore, it is supposed with reference to the Johore railway.
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  • 72 2 As we go to press Reuter wires that the Commons have adopted resolution in favour of Women’s Suffrage. Admiral Stark recalled or» account of ill-health.” —Captain of Retvisau decorated. St. Patrick’s Day to-day, the Patron. Stint of the Emeiaid Isle. Greetings to U her sons in these parts,
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  • 68 2 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following are the results of the t es played off yestcday: Mixef» Double Handicap.—Final. Mrs. Jamieson «i C. Bradhery beat Mrs. A dams <fc W. H. McArthur 5 —6; 6 —4; 6 —4 The Championship.—Final. V D. Parsons beat H. A. Nenbronne» fl—s
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  • 809 3 "P.G. LETTERS FROM THE FRONT HOW THE JAPANESE LEAVE THEIR ISLAND HOME THE ENTHUSIASM OF THE PEOPLE A City of a Single Night GLIMPSES OF THE LAND <)F THE RISING SUN. By Our Special Commissioner.) Inland Sea, 17th Feb., 1904. At the entrance to one of the loveliest fiouls in
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  • 310 3 THE MILITARY MANOEUVRES IN PERAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) f Tai ping, 15th Mhi A. The field practice eairied out ,’Jy the Regiment in Tai pi ng yesterday vJTs on a fairly large scale The wdiole of tl/e Guides stationed in Tai ping took part
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  • 635 3 (From our own Correspondents PERAK. Taiping, 15th March. The resignation of the captaincy of the Perak Cricket Club by Dr. Fox, is confirmed. In accordance with existing rules, Capt. Barrett succeeds him and is empowered to select a Deputy Captain. That useful and indispensable commodity.
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  • 275 3 THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND MALAY STATES. A supplement to the Board of Trade Journal, containing the buy letin of the Imperial Institute, h/$ been issued. The contents, which are very varied, extending over 218 pages, deal with a multiplicity of industrial and trade matters connected with the
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  • 174 3 Writing anent the prevention of pro fessional vagrancy our London corres pondent says that no great reform can be accomplished until the public learns the evil of indiscriminate charity. An instance comes to hand this week as to the extent to which the philanthropic are exploited by this
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  • 144 3 OBITUARY. Vice Admiral Henry Bedford Wovllcombe died on Feb. 14th at. his residence, 20, South Kensington Ho commanded the Thalia on the Chinn Station from 1872 to 1876, during which commission be received the thanks of the Colonial Government and of the Governor of the Straits Settlements, as well as
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