Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 58. Vol- LXU. WEDNESDAY. l(>th MaRCII, 1904. Trice 20 Cents
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  • 59 1 Hoove::-Youi. —On Tua day. 15th Ma c« ll‘i»4, the Pi- sb' t ria*. l'lvi eh. -‘onang I'v the Rev. 11. Y. Whitton assisted by the Rev. W. i’. Rutl dge Kihei M ry Yuti -g d*nghrer of the Rev. ><n I M.-s. F. I ykert. io R-v. McKinley
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  • 969 1 The distinction between the u b »y and coolie classes often lacks a difference. The social status of the former in ty be on a higher plane than that of the riki-sha-puller, but the two are at one in their demands fj/ bj:t*.r wijpi and in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 314 1 lumituie tic. Wanted, J7UBNI URE nnd lionseho d effec a wi. <<f f -in. 11 Lui galow. Mus b in<*Xpt n-iv e. Ap ly to X. Y. Z.,” co" iuaog G z -»te.” Secondhand Books WantedT7OLUME' referring to Eastern m I'te- W«» ks o>- Si asespe.ire Sheridan. Gobls'ctt'i. Tbark ry.
      314 words

  • THE WAR.
    • 48 2 In the Heart of Korea. ORDERED BACK TO SEOUL. [Our Exclusive Sorrier]. Seoul, I.sth March. Some of the war correspondents have Sone North in anticipation of hostilities, ut we have not been permitted to proceed and have been ordered back to Seoul.
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    • 23 2 ARMY RETREATS BEYOND THE YALU, [Odr Exclusive Service]. Seoul. I.sth March. The Russians have retired beyond the Yalu River.
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    • 63 2 Rumours Of Revolutions. SWEEPING REFORMS DESIRED. [(her Erclusive Service.] Seoul. 15th March. Thu Koreans are now quiet. There are some rumours at the Palace that a revolution is imminent in favour of sweeping reforms, but the Japanese are determined to repress any undue haste. They intend to
      63 words
    • 93 2 A Waiting Policy Necessary HOPELESS CONDITION OF BATTERED BATTLESHIPS. Reuter s Serc ere.] London. 15th March. K uter’s correspondent cabling from Yin gkow states that prominent Russians from Port Arthur and Niuchwang admit that the Government intends to retire indefinitely until 300,000 men are mobilized to oppose
      Reuter s Sercere.]  -  93 words
    • 80 2 BRIBES TO MANCHURIANS. [Our Exclusive Service.] Shanghai, 15th March. Chinese authorities report that twenty men of the Russian Navy for attempting to desert have been shot at Port Arthur. This took place on the ninth instant. ]t is persistently stated that
      80 words
    • 45 2 Verdict of the Prize Court. ERewfer’e SerrPte.T London, 15th March.' The Sasebo prize court has, condemned the Russian steamer Maaichurify Which was'captured by the hi the early stages of the war. The was laden with a cargo Consisting chiefly of Ceylon tea.
      ERewfer’e SerrPte.T  -  45 words
    • 159 2 Japanese Oatposts Discovered Near Pingyang. RUSSIAN AMBUSCADE. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th March. A Russian official despatch states that four of the enemy’s outposts were discovered in the vicinity of the Chingchingang river, which is to the north of Pingyang. The report further asserts that a Japanese Cavalry
      [Reuters Service.]  -  159 words
    • 87 2 I No Territorial Aggrandisement. YELLOVjPERIL A NIGHTMARE. Peace for Decades. [Reuters Service.] London. 15th March. Suyemathu, one of the highest of Japanese intelligences, has been interviewed by a representative of Reuter’s Agency. He wished the world to understand that Japan was not waging war for the purpose of
      [Reuters Service.]  -  87 words
    • 96 2 The Mortality on the Steregutchy. WHOLE CREW PERISH. JAPANESE FAILURE TO RESCUE. [Renters Service.] London, I.sth March. Admiral Togo telegraphs further particulars of the naval engagement of last Thursday. He reports that owing to the deadly tire from the Russian batteries and the rapid approach of the
      [Renters Service.]  -  96 words
    • 81 2 RUSSIAN FLEET MAY DASH FOR VLADIVOSTOCK. [Reuters Service.] London, 15 th March. It is rumoured in Tokio that the Russian fleet left Port Arthur after the partial defeat on the 10th inst., making a (Irish to join the squadron at Vhulivo.A foreigner, however, has
      [Reuters Service.]  -  81 words
    • 140 2 Somali Beaten to Death. Thirty Prisoners Killed Untried. SENSATIONAL REVELATIONS. [Reuters Service.] London, 15 th March. The Foreign Minister has also announced that investigations made by the Consul at Zanzibar seem to confirm the report that the naval officer recently appointed to be Consul General at Aden had a
      [Reuters Service.]  -  140 words
    • 31 2 In the Wiban Chamber the Foreign Minister announced that negotiations are proceeding with a view to the purchasing of Benadir which is at present leased from Zanzibar.
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    • 48 2 The Irish Education Vote. A SNATCH DIVISION. I Reuter s Service.] London, Lsth March. On the motion of Mr. Redmond to reduce the Irish Education vote the Government was defeated. This was a snatch division. The Opposition counted 141, while 130 voted on the Ministerialist side.
      I Reuter s Service.]  -  48 words
    • 55 2 Damaraland Rebellion. HEREOS STILL AT LARuE. [Reuter s Service.] London, 15th March. The Governor of Damaraland telegraphs that 5.000 of the rebellious Hereros tribes are still under arms and are occupying good positions. The Government has asked the Reichstag for its sanction to speedy and effective measures being
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  55 words
  • 25 2 England Beats South Australia. [Reuter s Service.] London. I.sth March. The English eleven have inflicted defeat upon the South Australian team by nine wickets.
    [Reuter s Service.]  -  25 words
  • 812 2 Another of the pretty weddings Penang is ho noted for took pbco last evening at the Presbyterian Qbu.rch, when tho Rev. James McKinley Hoover, of Scbn, B. N. Borneo, was married to Miss Ethel Mary Young of Penang. The Church had been prettily dem'ra'ed in the morning
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  • 25 2 OBITUARY. DEATH OF THE SULTANA OF SELANGOR. [Oar Exclusive Service.] Kuala Lumpor. IGth March. The Sultana of Selangor is dead. Her funeral takes place to-morrow.
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  • 741 3 nmotir oicii 'orrts/ ondeuts FEB AK. 'J a 1 ping, Match. H 11 *he v ultan& (Baj-« Prempuan) 4 lur daughter- n-law, and -nite arrived hi Juiping i esier<iay from Kualsi h-y travel r<l in His Highness’ miloiii < ar*'ag-. At ih ationß Mi.
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  • 277 3 'the fo lowing Fec'eral /pnointments appear in ihe Pe» ak Gazette of March 4 Mr. E W. Birch, cm.g., to be British Resident, P.-rak, rice 5 r J. P Hodger. cm g transferi ed for service elsewhere. Mr. H. Conway Belfield will continue to act as British Resident, Perak,
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  • 222 3 In rt- resting Mancewres at Taiping. (From Our Correspondent.) The f -’.lowing particulars "f Mon.lav's fi-Id practice at Taiping will p ove inteies' ing Gener l Idea After a naval victory you h• ve lande 1 at I’eluk in-on ..nd hive s ere d-•<! in
    222 words
  • 51 3 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following aie the lesults of the ties played off yesterday: The Championship. V. D. Parsons vs. H. A Fieubronner (unfinished.) Profession Pairs. —Final. J. R. Stronach <fc C. Bradbery. Merchants. beat L». E. P. Wolferstan <t E. L. Talma. Civil Service. 6 5
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  • 1331 3 ■a Constitutional regime? Diq Zeie, Vienna. WHAT THE WORLD THINKS. PRESS 01’INK‘N' UK THE ISSUES OF THE C<) Fa J T. RUSSIA Russia's Tfb*<cbls Fjiuke. There is a tetr bl- tutor- G-f<»ie Russia, but «he Empie wu -<amJ fi in —Novoyr .Vienna,’ St. Pe-er.-bm ir. Only the Beginning.
    ■a Constitutional regime?—* Diq Zeie, Vienna.  -  1,331 words