Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED U25.11LY. ESTABLISHED /833. No. 57. Vol. LX IL TUESDAY, lota March, 1904. Trice 20 Cents.
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  • 56 1 I iemirv-So uh »n. .Un the 14th instant, tSt eor.-es Church by the Rev F. W Ha nes, m a. Colonial Ik plain. »ober He di ,t rd son of the L»te Wili am Can < i le drv. to El zabeth M. Southon I «Ider d Higher
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  • 827 1 Fit >.u the telegrams that are now pouring in it is evident that at the time we were imagining all was quiet in the unpacific Pacific, events <T considerable magnitude were taking place. Ihe naval engagement last 1 hursday was more important than at first reported,
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  • 59 1 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following aie th»} lesults of the tie-t» played off yesteday: Double Handicap.— Pinal. D*. Jamieson G. Bra<ll»ery beat Dr. Skae A. F. G. Anderson. 6—o 6—l. Single Handicap Class A Final. F. Duxbury beat' M. H. (ji’aham 6—l 6—4: Single Handicap.-h-Clars B. A.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 St George’s Ball. Me ing <>f Englishmen v 5 b-‘ held 1 Ik-» •'luinhe 1 of ('u'lmi r •<-> at 4-15 p.m. <«n Thursday next th' 1 17th io ni ke arn »».;<* > for tii Annual >f. George’s a 15 h ?>1 rcb. 1904 Bgi 18 Prise Oo.’s SAFES.
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  • THE WAR.
    • 131 2 Admiral Togo’s Report. THE DAMAGED JAPANESE VESSELS. Four Men Scalded to Death. [Our Exclusive S?rnec<?.] Kobe, 14th March. Admiral Togo in his report of the attack on Port Arthur on the 10th March says that two torpedo destroyer flotillas advanced towards the harbour and laid mines.
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    • 66 2 Russian Report Denied. DAMAGED VESSELS EASILY REPAIRED. [Reuters Service.! London, 15th March. The Russian report of the sinking of a Japanese torpedo boat and ot the damage to the Japanese cruiser Takasago is officially denied in Tokio. The torpedo boats that were damaged in the engagement were
      [Reuters Service.!  -  66 words
    • 108 2 Terrible Results of Bombardment. FORTS SILENT ANO CRUSHED. [Reuter's Serci'e.] Lon 1 >n, 14th March. The wreck of the destr >yer sunk in Pigeon Biy on February 25 th has been ascertained to be that of th lue. A press steamer from C i *foo
      [Reuter's Serci'e.]  -  108 words
    • 40 2 First Issue a Hundred Million Yen. QUADRUPLY COVERED. [Reuter s London, 14th March. It is officially announced in Tokio that tne first issue of a hun Ired million yen war bonds have been covered 4| times.
      [Reuter s  -  40 words
    • 59 2 British and German Vessels Held Up. [Reuter s Service.] London, 14th March. The Russian cruiser Dmitri Donski, which has been patrolling the North Egyptian coast, has stopped the German steamer Stuttgart anl the British steamer Mortlake. The latter was bound for Batoum, India. The Russian fired
      [Reuter s Service.]  -  59 words
    • 87 2 How the Japanese Bombarded. SIGNAL STATION AND MINES DEPOT DESTROYED. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th March. The rumours anent the evacuation of Port Arthur are baseless. The attack on Port Arthur on the 10th instant concluded with a bombardment by the Japanese battleships. They fired 120 shells
      [Reuters Service.]  -  87 words
    • 72 2 [South China ilornhu>.Jt'ost.~\ Mr. MiGlashan’s 111-health. REjDRTED RESIGNATION. [From<)«r Own Correspondent."] Ipoh, 15th March. According to unofficial information, Mr. P. B. McGlashan, of the Public Works Department, has resigned his post, owing to ill-health. Mr. N. T. Gray is likely to succeed him. [Mr. i’. B. McGlashan.
      [South China ilornhu>.Jt'ost.~\  -  72 words
    • 67 2 Naguiki, M.irc’t Ist. Tic KOj Mtru In; arrive I at Sisebo with six of the wriilel E ijfineers fro n c’n transports that were su ik in the att3.ii pt to blockade Port Arthur. I'he vessels were sunk by meins of connecting wires with the
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    • 48 2 A Lull. Shanghai, March 1. The steamer D wiio arrive I at Tientsin Bandto-diy, anl reports tint a sunken torpedo destroyer was discovers I at Port Arthur roadstead; also six Whitehead mines that were unexploded. \’o Japanese vessels hive been at Port Arthur since February 27.
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    • 24 2 Feverish Haste. London, March 2nd. Russia is feverishly hastening the completion of the nsw wirships which are being constructed on the Baltic.
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    • 58 2 Official Banished. Nagasaki, 2nd March. Yi Yon Gik, a pro-Russian Korean official, has been deported from Seoul to Japan. His Excellency Admiral Bridge went on board the Elba at Hongkong to visit a wounded Russian Officer. The Italian officers have done all in their power to add to the
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    • 66 2 London, 2nd March. It is reported from St. Petersburg that owing to the dangerous inadequacy of the supplies to the army in Manchuria, trains are being heavily laden with stores which were originally intended to be sent by sea. These provision trains are leaving Russia daily for the
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    • 930 2 An Admirals Folly. When all is said anl don*. nothi ig cao excuse the criminal fo 1? f Admiral >uirk in being c mg t as h w>s ff Port Arthur 'there was a t etieal error afterwar 's for the official reoortspe;ks of the Russians
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  • 20 2 The evidence in the Pinang Gazette l b 1 action was concluded to-day, and judgment eserved
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  • 332 2 I ’RO POS E D REC RUIITNG. MEETING YESTERDAY. A meeting < f i he Malay Peninsula Su rar Industry Associ .tiou wa* held on the 11 h m~t to dixim-8 coria'ii inrmjr»m ia o F 'he Ih iitrct 'l* of L il»iiir. F
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  • 1513 3 (From our own Correspondents PERAK. l ai pin/, 13th Mm ch. N d'af ambv emp]o\ ed at Messrs ram C >’k b v r-rir whs assault d o<« Friday evein g l»y, a-i einp'oye in ilieiiv.ii l>ike>y of Me-srs Burlrm Co The t'l e
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  • 369 3 Fleet Street, Feb. 19. Our readers will be as well informed as to the course of the war as we are in England. Without entering into details 1 may briefly say that the more we hear of the condition of a airs at Port Arthur the more
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  • 449 3 The question of the unemployed is becoming very serious in this country. Board* of Guardians find their resources so drained that they are calling upon the Municipal ami other local authorities to help them in this time of stress by organising work for the unemployed.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 AmgXG the «-OUlp-iris «11 between .lapm» »«n I Russia winch e iuevital>]«* ju**’ ii"W OIM is f»ecu’ia«ly H«rikin4 Although J>.ptn o»»lv a iM.piilaU.Hi of 1-7 <1 area ot 163,000 sq. miles, i.’ii'-ia’s (<-i.<*a) 130.0U)OOJ »nd early 9<HM>,o‘i(> *q. miles, J p.n has mvenheh-s* m<»«o pupils iu lie.* schools th«»n
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