Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 March 1904

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1 3 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED daily. A'S'/’.I HUSHED /8.33. >0,54. Vol LX 11. FlfllMY. 11th MARCH. 1904, Trice 20 Cents
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  • 335 1 It is an ill tire that burns nobody good, and already we are beginning to regard the staggering event of Tuesday night somewhat as a blessing in disguise. Finan. cially it means a serious loss, but we believe that we shall recoup ourselves, and with a
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  • 136 1 Tin is quoted to day at $75.75 sellers, and $75 5V buyers. At the meeting of ‘he Municipal Commissioners held this afternoon ihe President referred regietfully to the disastrous fire on Tuesday night, and said that he had already written home for a
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  • 274 1 A Pl exrant Function.Hon’bleihe i Mrs. J. K Birch glw* an At Home at the Residen Jylast evening, in t interests of the British an<i Foreign Bible Sociefv, for the purpose of affording an port, tinny to those who were so ilicuned to become heller acquaint»*!
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  • 171 1 An article appears in the Paris L' Echo des Mines of Jan. 14th on Les mines An Siam ’’signed by M. Dauphinot, Commercial Attache to the French Legation. The following is an extract from the article: About two years ago a group of English capitlists, at the
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  • 345 1 (From nurnw» correspondent.) Continued from yesterday's issue.) Shanghai, 27th Feby. redress the local Russian authorities would give was to apologise for the mis*a.<e It is added, although it might just as well be left to the imagination. that the residents and other Consuls are indignant. To
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 i;e Eastern Extension Australasia China Telegraph Company, Ltd .TICK \TiON IN TELEG K APH RATES NOTICE is hereby igiven that ihe tariff rate of collection for al Messages passing over the lines of tiie above Company will be foftyfi tir Dollar cents to a franc, from the Ist of April
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  • THE WAR.
    • 51 2 REPORT OF CAPTURE FALSE. CAPTAIN S STATEN ENTS. Saw no Russian Warship. Evcluxire Singapore. 11 th March. The Captain of the collier Oriel, which has just arrived here, absolutely denies that he saw any Russian ships on the voyage out. another brush with scou
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    • 39 2 LOSE ONE KILLED RUSSIANS RETREAT. (Our Errlusire Serrire) Kobe, I' th March. Another brush with scouts has taken place at Pakchyon north of Pingyang. The Japanese were outnumbered and lost one killed. The Russians retreated northwards.
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    • 34 2 RUMOURED JAPANESE VICTORY (Our E.vein .«i re Service.) Singapore, 11th March. Telegrams from IL ngkong state that it is rumoured the Japanese have secured a great victory on land near Mukden.
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    • 55 2 WITH 60,000 MEN. 10 Divisions Already Mobilised. (Our Exclusive Service.) Shanghai, 10th March. It is understood from Tokio that on the 9th inst. the Japanese transports left for the north with 3 divisions, 60,000 men, thus completing the transport of the second corps. Ten
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    • 32 2 Defenders Demoralized. (Our Exclusive Service.) S an hai. 10th March. Indirect confirmation of the bombardment of Vladivostock has been received. It is believed that the Russian defenders were thoroughly demoralized.
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    • 36 2 APPEALS TO SUPREME COUBT. (Our Exclusive Service.) Shanghai 10th March. Mr. Cowen, Editor of the China Mail, who has been ordered to be deported, has appealed to the Supreme Court at Shanghai.
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    • 59 2 The Russian fleet is not lying off Tientsin as reported. (Ou-r Exclusive Service.) Kobe, lOth March. Lt is officially reported that the Japanese squadron steamed to Vladivostok on th».* morning of the 6th inst., and at first bombarded the town for forty minutes and then
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    • 17 2 {Our Exrlusirf St-rvh'r It is reported that the Japanese bombarded Talien on 'Tuesday night, k
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    • 40 2 RAILWAY TELEGRAPHIC LINES DESTROYED. BETWEEN HARBIN AND |'LADIVO>TOCK. fOttj Exclusive Service.) Shanghai, 10th M«rch 'l'he Chinese report, that the railway and telegraphic communications between Harbin. Alexitff’s headquartei s, and Vladivostock, have been <L strove*! for a distance of two kilometres.
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    • 22 2 CONVERGING tnV. THE YALU. (Our Exclusive Shanghai, IjJL Alarh. Large of troops are converging up<»n the Yalu river.
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    • 51 2 PRINCE PU LUN ARRIVES AT SHANGHAI (Our Exclusive Service.) Shanghai, 16th Ma* ch. Prince Pulun, Commissioner for China at St. Louis, arrived in Shanghai to-day, and was received in state by the Consuls and representative foreigners. He is the guest of the senior Consul at dinner
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    • 33 2 Yesterday's report from Tokio of the disablement of eight Russian warships is believed to be a general summing up of the situation antecedent to the attack of the Bth March.
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    • 44 2 AND AGTIVECENSORSHIP. ACCURACY OF NEWS IMPOSSIBLE. London, 11th March. The difficulties of communication and activity of censorship permit only occasional glimpses of events, rendering it impossible to gauge the accuracy of the numerous and often conflicting reports from St. Petersburg.
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    • 93 2 SIR H. CAMPBELL BANNERMAN SPEAKS. Mr. Balfour Repudiates. [TfrnteA* Service.] London, 10th March. In a discussion upon the Army Estimates, Sir, H. Campbell Bannerman declared that the burden of Military expenditure had become insufferable, and the country was sick of a policy of conquest and adventure. Mr.
      [TfrnteA* Service.]  -  93 words
    • 95 2 BANQUETTEDIN LONDON. By Members of Grey’s Inn. [Reuters Service.] London. 10th March. The members of Grey’s Inn yesterdav evening banquetted Sir John Anderson, the new Governor of the Straits Settlements. Commoner Duke presided, and in toasting Sir John Anderson, declared that Englishmen trained in law made the
      [Reuters Service.]  -  95 words
    • 47 2 Threatening Railway Ccm munication. [Reuters Service.] London, 10th March. The State department at Washington is informed from Chefoo that the Japanese troops have arrived at Fung-Wang-Chung and Tukushan, thus getting at the rear of the Russians in Korea and threatening their railway communications.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  47 words
    • 50 2 TSAR’S CONGRATULATIONS. TO VLADIVOSTOCK GARRISON. Sanguine Remarks [Reuter s Serrice.J London, 10th March. 'The Tsar has congratulated the garrison of Vladivostock upon receiving their baptism of fire.: he is convinced they will all be willing to make a rampart of their bodies to protect Russia’s stronghold against the enemy.
      [Reuter s Serrice.J  -  50 words
    • 32 2 [Reuters Service.] London, 10th March. Reuter, wiring from Yingkow, states that the Russians received by train two-five inch siege guns and two six-pounder howitzers at Niuchwang yesterday.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  32 words
    • 32 2 BRITISH CONSUL’S ADVICE TO BRITISH RESIDENTS. [Reuters Service.] London, 10th March. The neutral warships are leavino* and the British Consul is uro-in* the British women and children to leave.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  32 words
    • 147 2 Mr, Pirie’s Motion. ATTACKS MR. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN. unionists support the Motion. MR. BALFOUR MAINTAINS THE GOVERNMENT POLICY. [Ret tier ’s Service.] London, 11 th March. In the House of Commons a motion by Mr. Pine condemning the continued agitation in favour of preferential protective tariffs, which,
      [Ret tier ’s Service.]  -  147 words
    • 33 2 BETWEEN CRETE AND PORT SAID. THE CREW SAVED. [Reuters Service.] London, 11th March. A Russian torpedo boat has been lost between Port Said and Crete. The crew were saved.
      [Reuters Service.]  -  33 words
    • 38 2 WILL LEAVE IN JULY. Reuter s Service.] London, llih March. The Temps correspondent at St. Petersburg says that the Russian Baltic squadron will probably leave in July, and attempt to force the north east passage.
      [ Reuter s Service.]  -  38 words
    • 89 2 A LENGTHY BOMBARDMENT. F Reuter s Service. London, 11th March. A despatch from Port Arthur states that the .Japanese fleet appeared there, at midnight on the 9th March, and bombarded intermittently until eight, o’clock in the morning. VLADIVOSTOCK AGAIN. The official report from Tokio of the
      FReuter s Service. ]  -  89 words

  • 2532 3 SELANGOR. Kui iuiinpxr 9h \l rch. 31 r. Art lu< > I’, x \i I b:.|< Hie Scp. i int.-i dent P x <| 'p,. c r.iphs S,._ In •l.• h s I ><v < t i h y I i-p i e<>4i pel led
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  • 58 3 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT, Results Thursday, the 10th. Thi*: nship. H. A. N eubronner, beat L E P Woi ferstan. 6-6 3—o. Double Handicap, Dr. Jamitsou. Brudbery, beat A. G. Anthony, J. R. Stronach. 6 —l 6 —5; 6—5. Tin; Cham ioxship. V- D. Pat sous, beat
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  • 151 3 Sui Sang. Brit., str., 1776, Young, 10- from Calcutta, geucial, Boustead. Omaper.*, Brit, str., 350, Boyle, 11-3-04, from Singapore, general, Koe Guan. Kistna, Brit., str., 524, Fletcher, 11-3-04, from Singapore, general. 1I.L« Co. Zamania, Brit., str., 2893, Acheson, 11- from Singapore, general, lI.L. Co. Teesta, Brit., str., 3428,
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  • 309 3 Discovery vf coal. Calcutta, February 26. Particulars of two finds of coal, which may not iiupx.ssiii.y prove important, are g ven in me records of tiie G logical Survey of India just issue I here The first of these is in the Isa Kiiel re isii of Hie
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