Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 March 1904

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAIL Y. ESTABLISHED 4833. No. 53. Vol. LX 11. THURSDAY, imh MARCH, 1904. Price 20 Cents
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  • 152 1 Until more satisfactory arrangements can be made for the conduct of our business, subscribers to the JUeefcZ?/ Edition of the Pinang Gazette” will be supplied with copies of the Daily issue. We would ask them to accept this intimation with apologies for the anomalous position in
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  • 137 1 It affords us much genuine gratification to give publicity to the rhk lowing expressions of sympath/W hand, on the subject of the grave misfortune that suddenly befell us in the total destruction of our place of business on Tuesday night Wire from Malay Mail Kuala Lumpur, “Sorry to hear
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  • 802 1 Tin is quoted to-day at §75-00. Business done. The coasting steamer Quorra has been sold at Singapore for 822,050. the purchasers being Messrs. Katz Bros, on behalf of one of the agencies represented by them. With reference to a remark on the subject
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  • 232 1 To the Editor of the Pinang tfazette. Sir, In reply to my query in regard to the formation of a Tamil Volunteer Corps, your Kuala Lumpur says that the sanction of the Government, was obtained on the understanding that the Volunteer force would consist of Jaffnese
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 145 1 The Eastern Extension Australasia China Telegraph Company, Ltd. ALTERATION IN TELEGRAPH RATES NOTICE is hereby given that, the tariff rate of collection for all Messages passing over the lines of the above Company will be fortyfour Dollar cents to a franc, from the Ist of April 1904, until further notice.
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  • 116 2 VLADIVOSTOCK BOMBARDMENT. ADMIRAL ALEXIEFFS’ ACCOUNT. A Confirmation. (Reuter’s Service.) London, 9th March. Admiral Alexieff has given a detailed account of the bombardment of Vladivostock. He con firms the report that 200 shells were fired, but says nothing of their failure to explode The Japanese squadron steamed up and
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  116 words
  • 22 2 (Renter Serrice.) London, 9th March. The construction of a railway from Seoul to \Viju has begun.
    (Renter Serrice.)  -  22 words
  • 35 2 FOOD PRICES RISING. (Renter Service.) London, 9th March. Most of the inhabitants of Vladivostok are sending their families inland, whither the schools are also removing. The price of foodstuffs has risen exorbitantly
    (Renter Service.)  -  35 words
  • 50 2 MARQUIS ITO APPOINTED. Bearing Autograph Letter. (Reuter Service.) London, 9th March. Marquis Ito has been appointed special ambassador to the court of Korea, and starts on the loth inst. He bears an autograph letter from the Mikado to the Emperor, and will remain in Korea three weeks.
    (Reuter Service.)  -  50 words
  • 40 2 Our Exclusive Ser rice. Tokio, 9th March. The report that Dalny and Port Arthur were bombarded on Wednesday is unreliable. VLADIVOSTOCK AGAIN. Vladivostock was bombarded by seven battleships, little damage being done.
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  • 38 2 JAPAN DECLARES RUSSIA’S ACCUSATIONS FALSE. (Our Exclusive Service) Tokio, 9th March. The Japanese Government declares that the recent accusations made by the Russians, that the Japanese took action contrary to international law, are false.
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  • 113 2 GENERAL WHEELER’S REFERENCES. Japan’s Success Cheered. (Reuter’s Service.) London, 10th March. At a dinner of the Wisconsin society at New York General Wheel re referred to the Japanese naval successes as truly indicating Japanese greatness. The speech was received with cheers. Uchida. the Japanese
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  113 words
  • 31 2 PORT ARTHUR AGAIN ATTACKED (Reuter’s Service.) London, 10th March. At Tokio it is reported that yesterday night Japanese warships bombarded the forts at Talienwan, and then bombarded Port Arthur:
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  31 words
  • 49 2 (Reuter’s Service.) IN PORT ARTHUR ONE FORT HALF 2,000 Russian Combatants. London, 10th March. Reuter, wiring from Tokio, states that eight out of thirteen Russian warships inside Port Arthur have iieen disabled, and one fort half destroyed by Japanese shells. The Russian combatants number 2000.
    (Reuter’s Service.)  -  49 words
  • 138 2 (Our Exclusive Service.) Rangoon, 9th March Timpuk Jongpen, the envoy from the Bhutan Government, had another interview with Mr. Walsh, the assistant Commissioner at Phari on 25th February. Mr. Walsh paid him a friendly visit on the 27th at Chatsa monastery, three miles from Phari,
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  • 241 2 Major-General Prince Louis Napoleon has arrived at Harbin, and is to command a Russian brigade against the Japanese. Russia, it is announced, is mobilising 40.000 Reservists. Mr. Inouye, the Japanese Minister at Berlin states that if successful in the present campaign, Japan will place Manchuria under China’s sovereignty.
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  • 596 2 An Appeal for Funds. SHOULD BE HEARTILY SUPPORTED For some considerable time past the urgent need of money has been felt in which to carry on the noble work of this Institution. Various schemes were devised by which to raise the funds to enable the Sisters to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 PENANG! cricket club LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following are the results of the ties played off yesterday Mixed Double Handicap. Hrs Jamieson A C Bradnery beat Miss Toz-r &W. C- A. Diinton 3—6 6 -3 6—l. Single Handicap—Class A M. H- Graham beat A- G. Anthony 6-1; 6-3. F. Duxbury
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    • 388 3 PORT ARTHUR. Recent Attack. (>: ,ufli C/, <u Morning Post.) Hongkong, February 29. 'J' tlx Editor of the “Morning Post.” ar Sir. —I beg to inform you that Have received the following two ~Hi ial telegrams:— Tokio, Feb. 2K, 12.10 Vhniral Togo, Co ininander-in-Chief tne main squadron,
      (>: ,ufli C/, <u Morning Post.)  -  388 words
    • 46 3 New i ransport Contract. London, Match 9, 5.55 a.m. If is announced at Ottawa that the British Government haseffec-ed a new contract With the Canadian Pacific Railw- y b»r the Ira ion oi i i oopa to the Far Kist in case of emergency.
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    • 33 3 Cardiff Disturbed. fhe Russian declaration that steamers carrying cargoes are liable to confiscation in Cardin., the heads of the coal exchange propose making recommendations on the matter to the British Government
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    • 122 3 US Opinion. The United G wrnnpnt has express»* &lt; imou that. &lt;• b uffs rnuS’ oof s-ized wit »ur. payment unlf‘ &lt; i itil-tidwi tor the forces &lt;&gt; h' &lt; pponent*. Rangoon .G az t tie. Allahabad, March 4. A Pioneer special telegram, dated London. 3rd March, says
      Rangoon .G az t tie.  -  122 words
    • 435 3 London 2l'»th Feb. In the House of Lords Earl Hardwicke. replying to the criticisms of Lord Reay. said that after the Thibet Convention of I*9o th re was no alternative but to see it carried out thoroughly. The Thibetans refused to have anv intercourse with us. but
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    • 226 3 IX CR EAS E FOR FF.BRF AR Y. (Reuter) London, March 9th. Trade returns for February show an increase of £3,549,934 in imports, and £1,019.377 in exports as compared with 1903. The Perto-Afghan Frontier. Allahabad, March 1. The Pioneer's Persian correspondent states that the severe winter has interfered with
      (Reuter)  -  226 words
    • 159 3 We understand that H. M. S. Leviathan will leave for Kobe on the* 7th or *th instant. It is probable that Sir Cyprian Bridge will proceed North at the same time H. M. S. Leviathan goes to Mirs ]&gt;av this Week. H. M. S. Fearless is leaving for
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    • 935 3 Thames harbour scheme.—At a meeting **f persons interested hi the Port of London held on 10th February at the Cannon-street Hotel. Sir T. Bi 'oke-llitching presiding, a resolution wa- pa-se*l in favour of a scheme foi the construction across the Thames at Gravesend of a birrage similar to
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  • 102 3 Obituary. I. on don, Feb. 20. The death is announced of General Sir Power Palmer. Calcutta, March 2. The death at home from consump- tion is reported of Mr. A. M. Urie, for several years Honorary Secretary of the Calcutta Golf Club. Allahabad, March 2. The cause of Sir Power
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  • 1244 4 (From our own Correspondent».) PERAK. Taipi.ig. Bth Match. Mr». Cau’fefld liHs hft for Ceylon where she intends to p-ss s&lt;&gt;me 1 t'le time oh one of 'he Saui'oriuu s at Nuwaia Eliya. Miss I‘alui-i, Mai roti of the Genein! Hospital was hastiy summoned to Bam G
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  • 700 4 (From our own correspondent j Shanghai, 27th Feb» During the early pa,-. o f the W9ek t j wm a lull in war news, thouvh tha tactics of the Russians gave us a c IOI r contradictmus Hitherto, with lories, the .b panese have ear.y bee-
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    • 43 4 Ndson-&gt;quare Garden, Souil.wmks, an open space ».f which the freehold has been given to the public .y Lord Halifax, while the cost of laying it out his been borne by the London County Council which was opened on Saturday afternoon by Lord Monkswell.
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