Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLiISHEIII DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 48 VOL. LXII. THURSDAY, 3rd MARCH, J 904. Price 20 Cents.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2214 1 o f OK PRICES APPLY MARTYN Co. NEW SERi WOT44eftteAw W 1 Nippon Yasen Kaisha. Peninsular a Orienta Steam jl .a. Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Navigation Companj. V»S.\ imperial German mail. p ft p Vn j i fast and well-known Mail Steamers of this line will japan mail steamship co.
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    • 7 1 A WHISKY D. New brand MARTYN <& Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1189 2 ALLAN IRVING. TWO GREAT NECESSITIES Graham Co. Ltd., 1- FAMILY. PROVISION. Works:—4o WELD QUAY. ZANE “Uudertype” Engine and Boil., 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE ,».<».*« Town Stobb 81 BEACH STREET. l' s 1 6 Easily e—, »y OLESM CHEMISTS. J_Beach SM Penang THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE O.FFICE. IMPORTERS OE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1690 3 notice. Aylesbury Garland, OUR MOTTO The labour we delight in Ig HEREBY NoT ified tu/Mr. SI TI CIZI7I7T 0 n J_ Mohamed Ibrahim Merioan ha. no Lar'e Stocks OH Hand. 1/1 it XKftft I x X 31 BCUCII StfCCt P filnrr 1 IT >xl longer any connection with our business
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  • 76 4 Thursday 3rd:— Penang Hunt Club. Meet near Perak Road Bridge 5 p.m. Highwater 1-20 p.m. and 1 45 a.m. Friday, 4th: Highwater'2-10 a.m. and 2-35 p m. Saturday. sth: Highwater 3-00 a m. and T-25 p.m. Sunday. 6 th:— 3rd in Lent. Highwater 3-50 a.m. .and 4-15 p.m
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  • 757 4 As was to have been expected, the reverses of Russia in the opening events of the war with Japan, has let loose upon her a policy that will make the war one of expansion. The policy of Russia has been a policy of expansion almost from
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  • 166 4 Tin is quoted to-day at $74.75 —Business done. Owners and trainers are reminded that the entries for the forthcoming Deli Meeting close on Wednesday, 16th March. On Sunday March 6th Divine Service will be held at St. Mark’s Butterworth at 9 a.m The offertory will be devoted to
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  • 583 4 All who took advantage of the At Home” given by the Penang Impressionists at the Town Hall last evening, were unanimous in their verdict that it was the most successful exhibition they have ytt held, and there is no doubt that every endeavour was made by those
    583 words
  • 1728 4 An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held y* sterday aftenoon, there being present Mr. J. W. Hallifax (President,) Mr. A. R. Adams, Dr. Locke, Mr. Cheab Tek Thye, Mr. Quah Beng Kee, Mr. R. P. Phillips (Secretary,) and Dr. Park (Health Officer.) The minutes of the
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  • 132 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following are the resu’ts of Ike ties played off yesterday Mixed Double Handicap. Mrs. Adams W. H. McArthur beat Miss Jones F. Duxbury 6—5 6 3. Doubles. V. D. Parsons H. A. Neubronner vs. Dr. Jamieson C. Bradbery (postponed. 1 H. W. Sharp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 %..L I'LLI—LAJ-L—J-Pritchard Co., 15 BEACH STREET. PENANG. Jobacws, Ctyats, aai Ctyasdtes. MANILA CIGARS. Reina Victoria, Imperiales, Vegueros. Preciosos, Londres. Princessas, High Life, Regalia Oriente. BURMA CHEROOTS. Imperials, Theebaws, Queens, Empire. TOBACCOS’— CARRERAS Craven Mixture. Guards, Hankeys. Ardath Smoking Mixture, Smith’s Glasgow Mixture, Pioneer Tobacco WILILIS, Navy Cut Tobacco, Gold Flake
      528 words
    • 85 4 ONTRI BUTIONB mutt be addressed to “Thb Editor,” writtan on one side of ti e paper only, and accompanied by the writer name and address, not necessarily for inser tic* as a guarantee of good faith. ILL business communications should be a<‘ 1 dressed to the GaNitßAt. Manager, M t
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    • 3 4 ironmongery. McALISTER Co
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1457 5 m American Dentistry, The Finest Wines in the Market Fresh Arrivals Regularly. Dr. W. IVIANbON, A Trial •»“<» R«be d. d. s, GILFILLAN WOOD a Co.-. r Dental Surrfeon, ‘-runnyme~no o R tham road, very old tawny port Gianelh Majnos is Houa,9a.m.TO IP.M. FINO PALE SHERRY. Pure Natural Milk cnee
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  • 1030 6 (From Our Oirn Correspondents.) SELANGOR. Kuala Lumpur, Ist March. Over 40 Jaffna Tamils were present for the first recruit’s drill, which was conducted by Sergeant Fish and supervised by the Divisional Commander personally. Dr. G. L. Tuck will be leaving for Singapore on a business
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  • 1646 6 Mb. Douglas Sladkn has written an exceedingly interesting book in his Que< things about Japan." (Treberne). The volume is the best of its kind yet published. Mr. Sladen tells us, no civilized man in the world has so few wants as the Japanese. He lives on next to
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  • 503 6 Runaway Bridegroom. A marriage should have solemnised at the Parish Church, Warton, Carnfortb, but the singular conduct of the bridegroom led to a postponement. Reaching the church a few minutes before the bride, the bridegroom, who is a soldier, suddenly ran away, scaled the churchyard wall,
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  • 758 6 SHIPPING ARRIVAL I Palermo. Brit., str 4908, Andrews, 3-3-04, from Bangkok, general. P. O. Teesta, Brit str., 3428, Bait, 3-3-04, from Rangoon, general. H.L. A Co. Asahan, Ger, str.. 161, Peters, 2-3-04, from, Asahan, general. B.M. Co Carlyle. Brit., str., 331, Quine 2-3-04,
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  • THE WAR.
    • 49 7 TO INVEST PORT ARTHUR. RUMOURED RUSSIAN ABANDONMENT. Our Exclusive Service.] London, 3rd March. The Japanese are landing a force in the Liao-Tung Peninsula to invest Port \rthur on the land side. It is rumoured that the Russians will abandon Port Arthur after sinking their ships.
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    • 50 7 action of vladivostock RUSSIANS. Our Exclusive Service. Shanghai, 3rd March. Tientsin reports that famine prices a re ruling in Manchuria. The action of the Russians at Vladivostock in bidding fabulous prices for provisions delivered by rail outside the China Blockade Ports, is already being severely felt.
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    • 38 7 WOMEN IN SAD PLIGHT. CONSULS POWERLESS. Our Exclusive Service.] Shanghai, 3rd March. Chefoo is over-run with refugees, including soldiers. The women are openly soliciting the aid of the community. The Consuls are absolutely powerless.
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    • 44 7 RESUMPTION WITH SHANGHAI. f Our Exclusive Service.] Shanghai, 3rd March. A Japanese Merchant Steamer is expected to arrive here to-morrow. This will mean the beginning of the resumption of the regular service which has been interrupted by the outbreak of war.
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    • 20 7 DEPARTS FOR MANCHURIA. [Reuter's Service.] London, 2nd March. General Kuropatkin starts for Manchuria on the 12th of March.
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  20 words
    • 44 7 LEAVE FOR ALGIERS. SEARCHING FOR CONTRABAND. [Reuter's Service.] London, 2nd March. Five Russian torpedo boats have left Port Said for Algiers. It is reported that they are directed to waylay and search vessels in the Mediterranean for contraband of cargo.
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  44 words
    • 56 7 JUSTIFYING HER ACTION. THE REASONS GIVEN. [Reuter's Service.] London, 2nd March. Japan has issued reply notes dated February 24th justifying her rupture of peace, especially owing to Russia’s everincreasing Military preparations. She contends that the Japanese announcement on February 6th that she would take independent action, naturally
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  56 words
    • 36 7 ALLOWED TO REMAIN FIVE DAYS. [Reute> 's Service.] London, 3rd March. ■the Russian cruiser Dmitri Donskoi Las been granted leave to remain five days at Suez, for the purpose of undergoing repairs.
      [Reute> 's Service.]  -  36 words
    • 29 7 THEY ARE WARMLY CHEERED. [Reuter's Service.] London, 3rd March. Twenty-five Japanese officers left London yesterday for Japan. They were Warmly cheered on leaving Euston Nation.
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  29 words
    • 39 7 Britain and America CONFERRING. TO SAFE-GUARD THEIR INTERESTS. [Reuter’* Semce.] London, 3rd March. Great Britain and America are conferring together with a view of taking concerted action to safe-guard their jespective interests regarding contraband of war.
      [Reuter’* Semce.]  -  39 words
    • 39 7 A BERLIN VIEW. [AVater’s Serrice.] London, 3rd March. In Berlin circles it is considered that Russia c mnot now maintain the fiction of the independence and neutrality of Korea after the publication of the JapanKorean alliance.
      [AVater’s Serrice.]  -  39 words
    • 47 7 SAIL ON SATURDAY NEXT. [fteute/’s Service.] London, 3rd March. A draft of 152 Sherwood Foresters for the Army Service at Hongkong, and 295 2nd and 4th Manchesters for Singapore will embark on the P. and 0. steam ship Manila on Saturday next.
      [fteute/’s Service.]  -  47 words
    • 169 7 DEBATE IN THE HOUSE OF LORD. RECEIVED WITH SATISFACTION. [Our Exclusive Service.] Rangoon. 2nd Marcb. The telegrams regarding the debate in the House of Lords in reference to the Thibetan Mission, have been received with great satisfaction by the entire force. CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND BUILDINGS. The
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    • 29 7 NEW YORK AGAIN. FORTY WORKMEN BURIED. [Our Exclusive Serried.] London, 3rd March. A ten storey hotel in New York has collapsed, burying forty 7 workmen.
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  • 1243 7 NEW RUSSIAN FINANCE MINISTER. —Daily Mail. [South China Morning Rust Shanghai, 19th Feb. Senitor Kokowzow has been appointed the Russian Minister of Finance. It is evident that De Witte, late Minister of Finance, has either resigned or bsen deposed. RUSSIAN PRESS. Against the Czar. Shanghai, Feb. 19. The
    •—Daily Mail.; [South China Morning Rust ]  -  1,243 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 623 7 DISORDERED STOMACHS CAUSE MUCH OF THE WORLD’S MISERY. Yet Another Straits Resident Here Tells How He Was Cured of Indigestion And Other Troubles By Dr. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. Are you troubled w’itb pains after eating, biliousness, headaches, poor appetite constipation, a furred tongue If so your ailment is Indigestion, which
      623 words
    • 354 7 ilri» Aiitifrtisrmrnts. -ti PAA NCI El A To «MB Bold OR. To Let™ UUllll tH j REDFORD HOUSE,” Scotland _D Road. Standing m its own grounds of about 1$ acres, planted with fruit trees. For particulars apply to G. M. DUNDAS MOUAT, “FOK th 6 TPS Vol 1 inn Beach
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1343 8 Guardian Assurance Co.. Ltd. Superb Sklfl ~n I D2IIOH SOU® MME OAM. E-c-rAiir ictirn »«<,» is obtained and maintained by using establish i.i) 1 21 We beg to inform the public that we have been appointed Sole Agents in the Subscribed Capital £2,000,o»o )))1 HIARTRING’ *T ANTOT TNTR’ Federated Malay
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    • 439 8 iJnsuraiuc ffirti»» Mannheim MARINE INSURANT THE undersigned Agents will Q Risks on Merchandize, Mari n ables at current rates. lce an d V a n For full particulars apply to KATZ BROTHERS L Tn A 9en Hamburg-Bremen Fire in. ance T EsTablishe 1854 HE undersigned having bean Agents of the
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