Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 January 1904

Total Pages: 6
3 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 2378 3 By I’. G.” THIRD PRIZE STORY. (DIVIDED). Love took up the harp of Life, and smote on all the chords with might, Smote the chord of Seif, that, trembling, passed in music out of sight.” Tennyson. Carriages and rickshaws had been rolling up to the
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  • 404 3 A recently-issued circular of the Governnor of Cochin-China requesting the officials of that colony to refrain from opium smokin'/, is state 1 to have caused some consternation among the members of tbo staffs of other colonies, who are of opinion (hat Mr. R idier’s colleagues in various
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1800 3 PENANG TURF CLUB. ■K /II "'‘•’^r 1 Is lir H|h*kok B Moveiutk. Consultation Peek. NOTICE. |NE Umlertype Engine and J Consisting „t one single cyli> Residing Temporarily at 3MI be ltl>cl 10 03. Mzontnl engine on cast iron bedp ><l with efficient Force Pump tone Ljjfc 427 PENANG ROAD, TN
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    • 143 3 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough an 1 influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases over a large part of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good works of the aggravating and
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  • 62 4 jj Ler 1-20 a.m. and 1-4* p.mY fra: iighwater 2-10 a.m. and 2-35 p.m 6th Epiphany. Highwater 3-00 a iu. and 3-25 p.m. Thursday, 7th Highwater 3-50 and 4-15 pin Friday, Bih: Highwater 4 -40 p.m. and 5-05 am. Saturday, 9th Highwater 5-30 a.iu. and 5-55 p.m.
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  • 790 4 To-day we publish details of a ghastly calamity which has occurred iu a theatre in Chicago, which has caused the death of over 600 persons; and there is more sadness contained therein than that conveyed by the actual news of the disaster because of a mysterious
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  • 998 4 Tin is quoted to-day at $84.50 Busi ness done. The Chinese New Year commences on February. Smallpox is reported to have broken out in or near Seremban. The Government yacht Sea Mete proceeded to Prye Dock this morning. The Taiping branch of the Straits Trading C >.,
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  • 621 4 Then hey for boot and horse la®' And rou< d the world away# Young blood will have its eourwe lad And every d >g his day. With a northerly w.nd andßcloudless sky 4 he first fixture of this club thi« the New,\ ear .ook pl ice on
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    • 298 4 PINANG GAZETTE SPECIAL SERVICE LAST RACE, SECOND DAY. Kuala Lumpur, 31st Dec. The last race, second day, resulted as follows:—Financier 1; Perfidy 2 Firefly 3. Won by three lengths; Southall up. They ran aloof. Time 1.24.3/5. Tote $52. The going was soft, but the times were fast.
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    • 122 4 SELANGOR SINGAPORE. From Our sponilent. Kuala flOl) ur, 2nd Jany. The return polo match between Singapore and Selangor, which should have been played yesterday, was postponed to 9 o’clock this morning, because of the ground being under water Aldworth replaced Burn Murdoch in the Selangor team, and
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    • 80 4 IPOH RESIDENT THREATENS REUTERS AGENCY WITH CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. (I'unit (fur then, Cur respondent.) Ipoh, 4th Jany. Regarding the Drury Lane calamity a resident of Ipoh, whose wife and children had written to him informing him that they had booked seats at Drury Lane theatre for
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    • 306 4 (Reuter's Service.) Japanese Warships. London, Ist JanyHH Japan has ordered the rapideel completion of warships, which il is hoped will be ready by the gpJ of January. JAPANESE LEGATION NOT> HOPEFUL. London, 2 id JanjA The views of the Japanese legife. tion in London yesterday were distinctly
      (Reuter's Service.)  -  306 words
    • 297 4 Hundreds Trapped and Burnt to Death. London, 31st Dec. Inuring a matinee performance yesterday of the Drury lane pantomime of Bluebeard the audience were panicked by an outbreak of fire and rushed the exits, fighting desperate’y in the corridors: hundreds were burned and crushed to
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    • 27 4 L mdon, 3rd July. Tha Mexican monetary comtii s on hps reported in favour of (the graduiil adoption of a gobi standard for that country.
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  • 592 4 Pleasant New Ye<r Heralds. New Year’s time is tra-linonnllv the Sanson for retrospect an I prospi cl, wis es ami hopes, pleisiir* and regre', a id re-ohitiuns. It is the period for r j ici t', and one and all always genuinely d sire tl at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1702 5 "HE NEW YEAR’S MEETING OF THE SELANGOR TURF CLUB. SE(ONb DAY. Therp w»r a str. ng pro*p«*ct on Wehieslav night, and even oady on the following n ruing, "f Thursday's racing having to be abandoned, for it mined for twelve hours, right through the night, as only
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  • 266 5 (From our Own Correspondent.] Kua'a Lumpur, 29th December 1993. It is said that the prospecting for tin iand in Malacca by Mr. Foo Choo Choou.iia» not been so far successful. It is confi lently expected by our local tin speeulators that tin prices will keep rising ill the
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  • 2135 5 Queer Adventure on the Ro»d to the Selangor Rick Meeting. A TRUE STORY. (Special to the Pinany Gazette.'] Turf topics are as cryptic to me as a hymn to Isis cut on the obelisks of Egypt. Indeed I am as much a griffin with respect
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1023 6 Programme 1904 Mevting. 23rd, 25th 27th Feb, 1904. first »ay. J 1. Tuk Maiden Plate, 2-30 Value $6OO out of which $lOO Second Horse.—A Race for all Weight per scale (10 st.): with an of 14 lbs. to all S. R. A. ex-Griffins. tance, one mile. Entrance
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 373 6 Penang Foundry Company, LIMITED. (Established 1876) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS BRASS and IRON FOUNDRY SHIPWRIGHTS Blacksmiths, Coppersmiths, Plumbers boiler-makers BRIDGE BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS for the supply and repair of STEAMSHIPS MACHINERY STRUCTURES ot all kinds. AL SO SALVING CONTRACTORS. Machinery, Engineering Appliances, Materials, Fittings, Storey &c., in Stock. YlTorks, i Weld Quay
      373 words
    • 951 6 Adolf Sternberfit. ISIBLKIAN BUTTER. |i g RKgRIR 3i Bach street, r Mattresses and Upholstered Sprinf Equal in every respect to the finest 9 Mattress Maker. Australian Product. Wines. Spirits, Cigars, Provisions. 430 CHULIA STREET. g ~lix brothers?’ I HIGH CLASS CHOICE j Electrical Engineers and Contractors 3 i INTENDING Consumers
      951 words

  • 1006 7 PROGrRAMNTE FOR JANUARJf MEETING, 1904. Tuesday 26th,/Thursday 28th, andfyturday, 30th January DAY. Tuesday, Z»tb January, 1904. Maiden Plate. Value .‘*■[‘4. /I Race for Maiden Horses. Weigh: scale (lOst.) An allowance i f eVa IXy° all tx-Gnflins. Entrance $lO 1 [front* mile. 2. First Griffin Race. X nine
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 829 7 B Fresh Arrivals Keguiany. n i o z-> ft A T,i I buthne <Z Co., Limited, S itUll II» 1 <'ianelli iviajno’s Singapore. ■unville tggT §|T g Pure N a t un| JVlilk r Meiiiizea Old Blend J are the solicited, The best and most wholesome in the world y
      829 words
    • 68 7 n THE QUEEN of CREME de MENTHE X PIPPERMINT flw GET FRERES. A«” < A HIGH CLASS TONIC ANO DIGESTI»:. LIQUEUR. A PROPHYLACTIC TO NERVOUS GASTRIC DISORDERS. ft So/J ia Quarts (litre botties> and Pints ‘half litre bottles) ft Sy Wine Merchants nnd Chemist». The TRADE supplied through their BUYING
      68 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1070 8 > TWO GREAT NECESSITIES UPTW r C’ o Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. K FAMILY PROYISION WERE AWARDED THZ Subscribed Capital X2.000.0Al 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. O| p. -a r p, A I Total Invested Funds up- UULU IYItUAL wa rdsof £4.500/’ on and economically met by a Policy in
      1,070 words
    • 528 8 Insurance 0, f!; 1 s m MARINE iNSU.! A r a SIHE undersigned Ageits wil a A 1 Risks on Merchandize, l> ru a I -1 I ables at current rates. 'fl For full particulars apply to KATZ BROTHERS Z. -IB Hamburg-Bremen Fire ln sil J ance Co. of Hamburg,
      528 words