Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1951 1 nobddeutscheb lloyd. WHEKI I Teal bi!h. J o n i i A Ak Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship Co., Ltd. Peninsular S Oriental Steam X O x Navigation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. t Fn» Will Sail Steamer From Expected or R 1 fIIUE mail
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  • 125 2 Pknang, 31st August, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/11 Ji Do. 4 months* sight Bank 111 {3 Do. 8 Credits 2 J f s Do. 8 Documentary 2‘| dalcutta, Demand B ink R*. Do. 8 days’ sight Private 149 1 Bombay, Demand Bank 147 1 Do.
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  • 177 2 Far ano, 31st August, 1993. Tin $72. sales ni i r> f West Coast Black Lepper 8 R s 6 O z. $29.40 sale White Pepper i 17—sides. Trang Pepper $l6 sellers Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. 1180.— ellers Mace Pickings 126.—sales. Nutmegs 116* 70. buyers No.
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  • 185 2 Tknang, 29th August, 1903. Description. Beef— ctt. Soup per catty 14 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 75 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver P®r catty 30 Pork— Pork 86 Pig’s Head 28 Feet 24 Tongue 26 Muiton
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  • 69 2 Mails Close To-mokrow. Kor Per st-. Time. Rangooa I l, it.v 'L.'’ s** 5 Asahan Resident Halewyn Noon Colombo A Southern India Hakita Main Noun. Tanjong l\era Asahan 1 DeK HoKwei 2 f.m. Telu’i An on Lady Weld p.m. Port SwettenhsiH Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Port >wettenhani
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  • 265 2 Arrivals. Langkat, Bra., str.. 187, Lingard 29-8-0» Port Swettenham general Koo Guan. Deli. Brit., str., 105. Hassan 30-8-03, Langkat general, Koe Guan. Petrel, Brit. str.. 158, Murray ‘29-8-03, Tongkah general, Koe Guan. Ho Kwei, B it, str.. 709, Uldall 30-8-03, Deli gener il. H. L. Co. Lady Weld Brit
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  • 200 2 Arrivals. Per Bril., str.. Lady Weld from T. Anson on 30-8-03: Messrs. F. Dennys and Tay Kim Swi. Per Brit., str.. Asahan from Asahan on 30- Messrs. Feager ami Mazwraki. Per Brit str.. Mathilde from Port >wettenham on 30-8-03 Mrs. 11. Charter, Mrs. Ro’yk. Mr. Askev, Mr. Parsons and
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  • 168 2 The iajorniation under this headin-j is supJdied by the Aijents oj the various Steam-hi inet. and the dates are approjrimate only Vettel» Front Ayents Due Tydeus Marseilles W.M.ACo. 29th inst M.Bacquehem '-ingapore S,K.A o. 3th Lennox Glasgow S.B xCo Bist Palawan Singapore P. AO. 31st Hakata Main Antwerp
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  • 161 2 Stocks. QuurAfios Bersawab Gold Mina C». L‘d. $l9. buyers Bruseh Tin Mining C<>. Ltd. —sdlers. Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lO5. sellers George Town Dispensary f 5 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. ’9O. buyers International Bodega SIOJ. Karangan Tin Mining Co. #2B.— tellers Kinta
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 451 2 i BARK AND IRON WINE) AN IDEAL TONIC. Highly recommended by Medical Authorities all over the world. It generates the blood. HE 11 promote» a keen appetite. It builds Hesli an I muscles. It keeps the system toued up. 11 invigorate, Ibe nerves. |j| I V pleasant to the palate.
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    • 44 2 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE (Perfectly harmless) is the Best of all headache remedies.—Certain, safe and speedy in effect. It is put up in tasteless wafers in boKe»j of 12 doses. Easily taken, gives instant relief. Of all chemists, wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Liu. 1
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    • 46 2 CHILDREN ARE BENEFITED. A pleasant reliable remedy for delicate children is Stearns’ Wine, the ideal Nutrient Tonic for young and old. Children ask for it. It is so palatable and benefits them at once.—Sold by all Chemists, and wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Lt I. 19
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    • 391 2 Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invested Funds upwards of £4,500,000 Total Annual Income £759,000 rIIHE undersigned have been appointed Agents 1 of the above Company at Penang, and are prepared to issue policies of insurance against loss by fire at the lowest current terms. 43
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    • 327 2 rhe of 7„ t/ *1 A ”*’<””y th® ap oLi ’J% Ne ROYAL l'llU.SSl/Tis?7 Messrs. T| lea Ch established 1«. Ship Ch mdlerj, Government ContJ &c.. c Sole Agents i n and Federated Malay/ for St. 1 Brandy, Champ, Bn ’-iqueur, rRI CEB ON ArpucaJ 00 t ”eah® EB l
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  • 1035 3 —China yiail ACCOMPLISHMENT OF A DANGEROUS ENTERPRISE. Hongkong, 12th August. One of the most successful feats of marine engineering that have taken place in these seas was accomplished on Monday when the disabled steamer Pembrokeshire was navigated into the Kowloon dock. The Pembrokeshire got piled
    .—China yiail  -  1,035 words
  • 865 3 Clergyman Sued for Refusing Communion. A SINGULAR CVSE. At the Calcutta High Court, before Mr. Justice Sale, Mr. Avetoom, applied on behalf of the defendant in tbe suit of P. H. Pierpont vs. the Rev. G. Maconochie, for its transfer to that Court from the Court
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1225 3 notice. notice. BY OBDEK “'WhE MORTGAGEE. To «<- a.™, tip to or before the 31st day of August, On Saturday, the 12th day of September, 1903, ,9W 11. A. W. AYLESBURY. At 11 A m. Tapab, Perak, 6th 'Tuly, 1903. 597 tu f TUE Courtyard of Logan’s Buildings, The undermentioned
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    • 75 3 Cholera Infantum should bi guarded against, and prevented by treating the child at the first unusual looseness of tbe bowels Mothers can not be too careful about this especially in hot weather. They should have medicine ready for such an emergency No better remedy is prepare I than Chamberlain’s Colic,
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    • 429 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang a. o HALL’S co., g w. WINE i a 3 HALL'S c 8 WINE 0 anti 2 the great restorative and tbe finest nervine Willte-Ant. for influenza, mental and physical fatigue neuralgia, 4c. A. Vixluable •fes O Mixture for des- Oi
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  • 120 4 Monday, 31st I Municipal Meeting 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p,m. High-water 6.40 p.m. and 7 05 am. Tuksda Isr St Giles. Assizes open, Supreme Court at 11 a.m. I hendariang and Karangan Tin Mining Companies, Meetings, at 11-30 and noon. Afternoon Concert, Town HaU 5
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  • 99 4 Williams.—On the 30th of July, at Newchwang, the wife of D. C. Lloyd Williams, of a daughter. Large.—On the 12th August, at 3, Boundary Terrace, Range Road, Shanghai, the wife of F. Large, of a daughter. K lNG —o,| the 10th August, at Shanghai, the wife of Harold F.
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  • 2209 4 We issue to-day as a Supplement a Memorandum on the Straits Settlements Currency Scheme, by Mr. August Hutttubach. Mr. Huttenbach has, as our readers are well aware, gone very deeply into the question of our currency and currency reforms, and hence his ideas are well worthy
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  • 297 4 (REUT£ *’S. {Bij Submarine Cable.) the near east. All a Mistake. r London, 29th Au», The assassination of thp a can Vice-Consul at Beirut ‘T*’ was officially announced J VP ington now appears to I a mistake. It seems that tU an error in the Government's c telegram. The
    (REUT£*’S.}  -  297 words
  • 157 4 F His Approaching Departure io k i A thoroughly representative meet the community of Singap° re recently in the Exchange boon).was unanimously decided JU- biGovernor, in connection Euro? 1 lency’s approaching depait ll o n cowan entertainment from the ci munity of Singapore, as a appreciation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • 26 4 Deaths. Cleveland. —At Sendai, Miyagi-ken, Japan, after a short illness, the Rev. Dr. J. G. Cleveland, aged 47 years. Biagioni.—At Yokoahama, on 10th August, Francesco Biagioni.
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  • 557 5 ('l l EBCATION OF HeR BIRTHDAY. n- \v bein'* the anniversary of the birth f H r Nbiestv Queen Wilhelmina, of Hol- 1 rec pt ion was held at the Netherlands by Mr. Hulstlciunp, the Naber-Ll-Cousul- There was a large attendance 1 the morning, including ell the Conthe
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  • 105 5 The next session of Assize opens torn irrov. mornin: in the old Supreme CourtThere an -even cases on the Calendar for trial. Two Chinese are to be charged, one with murder and the other with theft, and all the other prisoners are Malays. 1 our of these five
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  • 323 5 (Malay Mail.) Im Post Office clerk who is suspected of [purloining various articles from the mails |li;i' been committed for trial at the Assizes. I Mi;. Baddeley is going home shortly on li' iig leave. Mr. McClelland will take his < at Serendah, and Mr. Dixon will move
    (Malay Mail.)  -  323 words
  • 462 5 28th August. On and after the Ist January, 1904, the registration fee chargeable by the Post Office of the Straits Settlements will be ten cents for each article registered. The fee chargeable for an acknowledgment of delivery of a registered article will be ten cents. Prepayment of the
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  • 204 5 The enterprising burglar is still a burgling in Singapore. Wednesday’s Straits Tunes says —Some time between yesterday morning and this morning, five gold golf medals belonging to Dr. Fowlie were stolen from his residence, Rocbahe,” Grange Road. The boy cleaned the medals yesterday’ morning and put them
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  • 232 5 A row took place on the s.s. Banca recently, when sue was anchored at Maras Island, between the Malay’ and Chinese crew of the vessel. The result was that five Chinamen were stabbed. The Banca put back to Singapore for medical aid. The Marine Police were
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  • 125 5 The text of an Ordinance to regulate the Import and Export of Coin into and from the Colony is published in Friday’s Gazette. The objects and reasons state This Bill is introduced to enable tbe Government to carry out the recommendations of the Currency Commission. It gives tbe
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  • 156 5 The Malay Mail reports that at Sungei Besi, about 7 o’clock on Wednesday night, s uue mining coolies came up the shaft of a tin mine and reported that they had struck some old workings and that water was pouring in. Buckets were at once lowered and
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  • 715 5 Mr. Sievwright, representative of tbe British and Indian Empire League of Australia, who was recently in Penang, has addressed the members of the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce on the subject of tbe present Australian immigration laws, and other matters tending to retard the development of Australia’s
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  • 626 5 Americas* Cotton Corner. The American cotton corner is causing severe depression in Lancashire and Cheshire. Conflict Near Aden. The Arabs have attacked a British convoy proceeding to Dballa from Aden and captured some stores. Very Black Clouds in China. Reports received at Berlin and St. Petersburg depict tbe
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  • 223 5 A novel and charming enteitainment was given recently at the Grand Hotel, Simla, by Mrs. Grant, wife of Major Grant, v.c., of Manipur fame. It took tbe form of a Horticultural Tea,” and many and varied were tbe conjectures as to what a horticultural tea could possibly
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 MoALIBTCR Bto Avery's Balances.
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    • 297 5 for sale W. CORNFIELDAt Apply to H. W. FIRMSTONE, 724 u c Chinese Protectorate. 22 Beach Street. For SMe. Received Again riJUE PRIORY, Northam Road. PRESGRAVE MATTHEWS, THE ELL KNOWN Solicitor 525 m w f u c Beach Street, Penang. Ladies Shoes 2lB MACALISTER ROAD, Penang, X.X Entry Ist September,
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  • 394 6 The P. and O. Company have been signally discomfited in a contest they have recently bad witbone of their medical officers. Under the Merchant Sbipping Act, a ship’s doctor, it appears, is classed as a seaman, and signs the ship’s articles assueb. As a
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  • 468 6 A few months ago, a party of Boer prisoners of war, who bad refused to take tbe oath of allegiance to the King, passed through Singapore from Ceylon on their way to Java where they intended to found a colony. Sympathisers at Batavia received them warmly,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 569 6 The Finest Wines in the Market HOTTENBACH Bros. Co. gilfillan wood Co.-» SPECIALITIES ALWAYS ON HAND. VERY OLD IAWNY PORT. HUMBER CYCLES. FINO PALE SHERRY. Gentlemen’» Ladies’ Boys’ and Girls Cyck s These are confidently recommended Highest Grade Machine in the World. to all who appreciate really MACHINERY. ,y* Steam
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    • 160 6 TEN BOLD ASSEIi'IIONS. REGARDING CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. 1. It affords quick rdiel in cases of colic, cholera moi bus and pains in the stomach. 2. It never fails to effect a cure in tbe most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. 11 is a sure cure
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    • 515 6 Di OX 7\TOTICE is hereby given that the S Direct Importer of Choice u Power of Attorney given to Allagapa g Chotty by the firm A. T. R. M. has been g MM > cancelled, and that the only representative M A. of the said firm of A.T. R. M.
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  • 333 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Conun and a nt. Obdeks for September. Prill*. Tuisliiv l*d> Stjuad D’ill at the Foit fll 3r<l, C< nipni y Diill. Fall in at lin (lion 1 McAlister and Race Cotiise nlu 15 r- U) (Dies», Drill older with Cf '\\(dnes'l«v 9
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  • 76 7 Passengers Ou «ward. I*r I*. and 0. steamer Home connecting with the steamer Simla, at Colombo, from London, August T» Yokohama Mr. J. S. Plant. To Slinu<_hai Rev. W. Hill Murray and family, Mr. R. D.ividsm, Mr. Anderson, Mr. mid Mis E es. To Hongkong: Lent E.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 1., 1 I Watchmaker and Jeweller, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. No. 4, Beach Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rings, Gold Marquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches, Bracelets, Gold Engagement
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    • 257 7 THE PRYE RIVER 033 X, PENANG. fIIHF above Dock, situated in Protiicc JL Wellesley, at the enhance of the Pryt Biver, has lately' been lengthened and deepened •nd is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 830 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at
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    • 807 7 ‘DARTRING’ THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. LANQT T IXJ ‘DARTING 1 JK lunvatii Janos T. Natural Toilet Preparations. DARTRING TOiLET ‘LANOLINE’ in small and For CONSTIPATION. tSIxV large colhpsiDie t. c Mikes rough skins smooth T.AITRT., nf Warsaw, profemor of Clinical Medicine at the University, writer-» and protects deli, u
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1320 8 —T* I ■^^^BS s=gggßgg^^ ta gro two great necessities Mannhermjnsurance co. FAMILY PROVISION. TBhta MARINE INSURANCE. z z //MfflWMffl THE undersigned Agents will accept Marine 2. PROVISXOIM FOR OI<O AGE* J.J* x <v/ Risks on Merchandize, Produce and Valu- I F’* ab F 8 a fuii urr articuUrs apply
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    • 372 8 IRVIMq Engineers and Genmd r I Works :_4O WELD qtj Av Tow sSTOBE: :il Standard LifeA Bsuran THE 77th Annual Genera] m the Standard Life A ss l r "‘"U pany was held at Edinburgh “m C the 28th of April, 1903. OO The following Re S i, lts for
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