Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 23 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. published daily. NEW SERIES. ESTABLISHED ,833. PRICE 20 CENTS- VOL. LX I. THURSDAY, 27th AUGUST, 1903. No 194
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2009 1 Sliippin, NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN Ni PP ra ten Paninsular 4 Oriental Steam Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamshipico., Ltd. Navigation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. y p rpHE mail steamers may For Will SaIL Stbambr From Expected on H 1 lESSSa o I be expected to
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  • 118 2 Pknang. 27th August, 1903. Ratka closr as follows London Demand Bank 1/11 g Do. 4 months* sight Bank Do. 3 Credits 2/0 y L Do. 3 Documentary 2/0| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 147 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 149 Bombay, Demand Bank 147 Do. 3 days’sight Private 149 Madras,
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  • 159 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. Ltd. $l9. buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. sB.— sellers. Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lO3. George Town’Dispensary $25. Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $190. buyers International Bodega $lOO. Karangan Tin Mining Co. s3o.— sellers Kinta Tin Mines
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  • 157 2 Pknang, 27th August, 1903. Tin ...$74. —buyers Black Pepper 3 lbg 5 m White Pepper $50 —sellers. Trang Pepper $36 do Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. slBo.—sellers Mace Pickings 126.—sales. Nutmegs 11G« 70.—buyers i No. 1 7.—sellers Sugar 2 5.30 do I Basket 4.—sellers Tapioca Flour 2.15
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  • 93 2 Mails Close To-morrow. fT O r Per str. ~,> Negapatain, Madras, I ondicherry, uddalore and Karical talcing Mails for Europe, etc., via Madras Zamania 1 P M Registration up to noon. Parcels to-day 4 p m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Oinaperc 2 p.m. Teluk Anson ...Lady Meld 3
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  • 181 2 Arrivals. Omap re, Brit., str., 340, Boyle, 26-8-03, fro»»» Malacca, general, Koe Guan. Thaiping, Brit., str.. 160, Wheeler, 26-8-03, from Port Weld, general, H. L. Co. Lady Weld, Brit., str., 245, Treweeke, 27-8-03, from Teluk Anson, general, S. S. S. Co. Antonio Padre, Ital. ship, 1420, Fortunato, 26-8-03, from
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  • 12 2 Arrivals. Per Brit, str., Hebe, from Singapore, on 27-8-03 :—Brother Gabriel.
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  • 136 2 Th<t information under this heading i» »uv»hed by the Agents oj the various Steam»hi i lines, and the date» are approximate only. Vessels From Agents Due Benledi Singapore S.B &Co. 27th inst C. Apcar Calcutta A.A.&Co. 28th A. Apcar Singapore A.A.&Co. 28th Unity Rangoon B. Bros. 29th M.Bacquehein
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 423 2 AND IRON AN IDEAL TONIC. Highly recommended by Medical Authorities all over the world. It generates the blood. OE It promotes a keen appetite. It builds flesh and muscles. HR h kee P 3 the system toned up. It invigorates’the nerves. H i It is pleasant to the palate. It
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    • 159 2 TEN BOLD ASSERTIONS. REGARDING CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. 1. It affords quick relief in cases of colic, cholera morbus and pains in the stomach. 2. It never fails to effect a cure in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 8. It is a sure cure for
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    • 84 2 BEBols WARE is the PmMW tation AND swMR you FOR- X-XW p icK GET J] IT. J AS OURS. re- '1 Bols TAIL J... REi TAIL EVERY- y S, q p- everywhere Xe 4 if 44 r WHERE MARTYN cfe Co., Sole Importers for the Straits, Sumatra, Acheen. AVOID SUBSTITUTES.
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    • 939 2 Insnramx Adolf Fire Insurance. UoholstereTXl F Queen Insurance Company. Deal er. Ur,,i, J Royal Fire Insurance Company. ALSO BEST Kt\f rjIHE undersigned have been appointed Agents J Op I for the above Companies and are open 'Vl atil esses a.Fld (Jnh to accept Fire Risks Spring Mattress mM 430 I
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  • 1904 3  -  A VOYAGE TO NEW GUINEA AND NEW BRITAIN, AND THENCE TO SINGAPORE VIA SEAS OF BANDA AND JAVA. HL By Doxai.d Mac Kay. Coming out of Samurai Harbour by the West Channel we emerged into the Coral Sea and met the “John Williams” Missionary Society Ship on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 762 3 LUX BROS.. QTRAWBERRY BUNGALOW,” FleCiriCZit engineers and ki Pouting Hill. From Ist September, 1903. Apply at the Office of Contractors. Messrs. LOGAN ROSS, 698 31-8 in wf 5 1 nion Street, I enang. SOLE AGENTS FOR FOR SALE VERITYS limited, w T VTZ tT 13UNGAL0M and GROUND, over 9 Hiriuinglmm,
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    • 74 3 Cholera Infantum should bv guarded against, and prevented by treating the child at the first unusual looseness of the bowels. Mothers can not be too careful about this, especially in hot weather. They sbotfld have medicine ready for such an emergency. No better remedy is prepare I than Cbam’berlain’s Colic,
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    • 333 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang a. o HALL’S t w i WINE A 3 HALL’S 8 > WINE 0 Anti the great restorative and the finest nervine White-Ant. for influenza, mental and physical fatigue neuralgia, &c. A. liable .ra Q IS H Mixture for cles- fejj
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  • 145 4 Thursday, ‘27th High-water 3-20 p.m. and 3-45 a m. Friday, 28th Mail for Europe via Madras expected to leave. Ordinary Meeting Municipal Commissi ners, at 3 p.m. St. George’s Church, Choir Practice, at 6 p.m. Town Baud, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 4-10 p.m. and 4-35 a
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  • 1913 4 lx another column appears a very interesting report concerning a case in which a man was charged with attempting to bribe a public servant and was, on appeal, discharged. A careful study of the facts of the case, as set forth in the evidence, will show
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  • 144 4 The following are the agenda for the Municipal meeting to-morrow: 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any spec al business tbe President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Petition rt- the demolition of house No. 21 Ngab Aboo Lane. 5. Application for water
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  • 216 4 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.’ Dear Sir, With reference to your leader on leprosy in yesterday's paper, based on an incident at the local police court, the following may be of interest. As a result of extended investigation, particularly during his recent tour in India, Mr. Jonathan
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  • 174 4 (Bn Suhm, B y Cable THE ne ar east. A Contradiction L °ndon, 26tb A„ Referring to the few.., 24th instant,statin» tint» nonneed at Bucharest tl garian and Greek mama had been ordered t to their homes forniobifeJ now stated that there has t” Bulgarian or Greek announ, to
    (Bn Suhm,  -  174 words
  • 436 4 The Insanitary Condition of Bagas Jermal. To the Editor of the Pinawj Gazetti' Sir, Penang has been much troubled of ta| years by matters hygienic and sanitary-1 water, drainage, nightsoil, light and airand she seems now in a fair way of gettingiil that’s good for her in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 Pritchard Co., 15 BEACH STREET, PENANG. NEW LAMPS JUST ARRIVED, Hoss Y a Sunlight A+i Lamps, Atkin s I a V erandahs, Suitable 1 Billiard Il Tables. Ac. for 9 I 1 Economical Safe Oil Simple. I Minks’ Lamps f o i 55 of all (iGsciuptions. 1 J: L__ for
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    • 109 4 ION TRI BE I'ION S must be addressed to 7 “Thk Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writers name and address,not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. |LL
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    • 5 4 Paints, Oils c McALISr fiR&
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  • 562 5 TmF Committee app .inted by the Malay 11 1 Sugar Industry Association to 'n the advisability of recruiting labour P<> Java met at No. 5 Weld Quay on Secretary, Mr. Bradbery, 1 ,h, letters quoted below received from p i lent-General, F. M. S., and Resident fmmcillor, Penang,
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  • 394 5 f-bmts Times. f’i:.u e and order prevail in Acheen Proper. r.Tide and industry are fl mrishing theie, 1 Bid ffie people appear to be content and Fell-off. The remark is passed, indeed, pit the \vell-being of Acheen now attracts Ltice at P uiang and Singapore,
    f-bmts Times.  -  394 words
  • 1192 5 B>luie the Chief Justice, Kir Lionel Cox.) MAGISTRATE’S APPEAL. 25tb August. Fighting at Prye Smelting Works. Mr. E. Farher Baynes appeared in behalf of Liw Ab Moi in an appeal against separate convictions by Messrs. Wolferstan and R iss, magistrates, in respect to assaults committed by appellant upon
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  • 1261 5 {Before Mr. A. T. Bryant.) 26th August. ALLEGED BRIBING A PUBLIC SERVANT. Case Sent Back from Appeal Court Retried. In this case Lee Ah Peng, a carpenter, was charged with offering G. B. Hunter, a public servant, an illegal gratification of $3O on the 20th April, 1903. at
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  • 277 5 The King’s speech says that he trusts that his visit to Portugal, Itaty and France has produced good results. Nothing could exceed,” said His Majesty, the cordiality of my reception. The recent visit of President Loubet to England,” continued His Majes'y, has given rise to a striking
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 Tool Chests. WcALIBTER Co.
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    • 68 5 The Chendariani; Hydraulic Tin Minint»- Company, Ltd. 11HE Ordinary Half Yearly Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 9 Weld Quay, Penang, on Tuesday, the Ist Seplember, 1908, al 11-30 a.m. sharp. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed till after the
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    • 682 5 fkiD Aitirrtistments. notice. sale. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. TJUBBFR-TIRED RIKISHA for sale. T BE SoLD BY PraL,c AucTl H W PP FIRMSTONE Saturday, the 12th day of September, /24 u c Chinese Protectorate. At 11 a. m. the Courtyard of Logan’s Buildings, I L RNISHED HOI SE or Bunga
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  • 584 6 Lord George Hamilton’s Speech. In the House of Commons, on the 13th inst., Lord Georga Hamilton brought forward the Indian Budget and said he was glad to anticipate a considerable addition to the estimated surplus. The rainfall had removed all fear of a defective harvest. He dwelt
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  • 207 6 British Evidently Not Wanted. Allahabad, 13th August. Mr. Wilton, member of Tibetan Commission, reached Khambajong on the 7th int. There are many bazaar rumours, more or less of a sensational character, but little credence need be attached to them. Theie dots not seem any prospect of the
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  • 72 6 A Kimg was charged with absconding fix m the service of one Shina Pakir while under recent contract of service. Shina Pakir said that about four months ago he made an agreement with the defendant. About a fortnight ago the defendant stopped work, and refused to finish
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 529 6 The Finest Wines in the Market HUTTENBAGH Bros. Co. GILEILLAN WOOD A Co.'s S PEC!ALITIES ALWAYS ON HAND. VERY OLD TAWNY PORT. CYCLES. FINO PALE SHERRY. Gentlemen’s Ladies’ Boys’ and Girls’ Cycles. These are confidently recommended Highest Grade Machine in the World. to all who appreciate really MACHINERY. Steam Engines
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    • 49 6 For a Pain in the side or chest there is nothing better than a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and applied to the seat of pain. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. One application gives relief. Try it. All dealers sell it.
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    • 763 6 TO LET. h E SKEELS, 31 685 18-9 T. GAWTHORNE. 7 notice I Wines, Spirits, Cigaps, Provisions I NOTICE is hereby given that the SOLE AGENT. SOI I’ Power of Attorney given to Allagapa Cbetty by the firm A. T. R. M. has been FOR cancelled, and that the only
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  • 188 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, ('oininandant. Ordeks foh August. Lbt'to. i Drill at the Fort every Tuesday ’Pamle 4th, Fall in at G P ottlieb Tree” at 9 p.m. Dress, Drill er "nlnv Drill at the Fort on Wednesat 5-80 p.m. Dress, plain clothes. DV Drill at
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  • 248 7 Passengers Outward. ler P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Balluarat at Colombo, from London, July 21.—T0 Nagasaki Mr. J. Maclennan. To Shanghai Mr. G. H. Brooke, Corporal C. F. Arnold, Mr. J. Pickering. To Hong Kong Mr. A. H. Caft, Assistant Paymaster A. E.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 essrs. Thean Chee Co. ESTABLISHED 1858. hip Chandlers, Government Contractors, &c.. &c. Sole Agents in Penang id Federated Malay States FOR St. Raphael’s Wine, randy, Champagne, and Liqueur. PRICES ON APPLICATION. THEAN CHEE Co, 21 Beach Street. I I EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller, t Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. No.
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    • 249 7 THE PRVE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. fIIHE above Dock, situated in Province 1 Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimensions Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at ordinary
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    • 980 7 the The “Pining Gazette” Teuaud Co. WKUy Edttton is published each week jfjQ fl g £Ctt n me ca tb® homeward mail, 96 KELAWEI ROAD. and contains all the local news of the week. Subscription, $l5 per annum post free. 9lortt i The weekly Mail Edition contains the latest HAN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1298 8 j M nr»..rr «Into,. TVVO Q RE^T NECESSITIES Mannheim Insurance Co. l. FAMILY PROVISION, 'V/V MARINE INSURANCE. 1 Z /SSlifi 1 THE undersigned AgenM will accept Marine 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AON* J' Iliff Risks on Merchandize, Produce and Valu- Tr 1 I /h 111 I b FOT ß fun
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    • 344 8 ALLANSt Engineers and~G enera Works :_do \v Eli) *> TowkStob e: 31 BEACH Q S EE Standard Lt*-'?' THE 77th Annual the Standard Life S r 1,t panywas held at Ediuburni K the 28th of April, 1903. The following Besalts ISth November, 1902, W rerJ*H Amount proposed for a sauranc9
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