Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1936 1 flipping NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN om,sn m PP on "iwnsillaf I Oriental Shim Ik Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan steamship u, lu. Navigation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. p FTUIE mail steamers may VWJTFvF Will Sail Stbambb F«om Ebmctbd OB JL bo expected to arrive i /Cff, outwards,
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  • 121 2 Pknang, 15th August, 1908. Ratks closk as TOIXOWB London Demand Bank 1/lOff Do. 4 months'sight Bank 1/11| Do. 8 Credits 1/11 iV Do. 8 Documentary 1/llf Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 142 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Bank 142 Do. 8 days* sight Private 144 Madras, Demand
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  • 160 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. Ltd. $l9. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lO4. George Town Dispensary $25. Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l9O. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1. seller» International Bodega $lOO. buyers Karangnn Tin
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  • 190 2 Pknang, 15th August, 1903. Description. Bkkf— cts. Soup per catty 16 Roast 28 Steaks n 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 75 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver per catty 26 Pork— Pork 82 Pig’s Head 18 Feet .v- 24 Tongue
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  • 171 2 Pknang, 15th August, 1908. Tin s7B.—sales di i. d I West Coast Black Pepper 8 lb 6 0% $29.40 sales White Pepper ssl|- sellers Trang Pepper $36 do Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. 1 80.—t ellers Mace Pickings 126. —sales. Nutmegs 110» 70. —buyers f Ro. 1
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  • 40 2 Mails Close on Monday. For Per str. Time. Batu Bnhra and Asahan ...Laurens Pit 9 a.m. Calcutta ...Nam Sang 11 a.m. Deli and Fangkalan Brandin ...Quorra 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan ..Taw Tong 1 p.m. Rangoon ...Unity 3 p.m.
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  • 267 2 Arrivals. Laurens Pit, Dutch, str., 154, DeVries, 14-8-03, from Bagan, general, H. L. Co. Jin Ho. Brit., str., 110, Hastrup, 14-8-03. from Langkat, general, Beng Bros. Quorra, Brit, str., 120, Russell, 14-8-03, from Brandan, oil, H. L. Co. Thaiping, Brit., str., 160, Wheeler, 14-8-03, from Port Weld, general, H.
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  • 14 2 Arrivals. Per Brit., str., Quorra, from Brandan, on 14-8-03 :—Mr. van der Hyde.
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  • 115 2 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents oj the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Vessels From Agents Due Sanuki Maru Marseilles 8.5.&C0. ’l7th inst. Saxnbia iHamburg 8.M.&C0. 117th Fitzpatrick .Rangoon H. Chong. 'lBth Hong Muh China B. Bros. |l9th G. Apcar
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  • 247 2 Passengers Per Messageries Maritime M domen, connecting with the at Colombo, from Marseilll Yokohama: Mr. and Hong Kong: Mrs. Walter’ V r x Le Cardiner. To Haipbon* n and V Guibam. To Singapore :M r T ‘K family. J Per Messagaries llariti rae Salazie, from Marseilles J,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 ZOTAL. The Ideal Disinfectant and Germicide. THE FOLLOWING POINTS IN ITS FAVOUR WILL RECOMMEND IT TO ALL ZOTAL. The cheapest disinfectant in the market. ZOTAL. The pleasantest. ZOTAL. The most powerful disinfectant. ZOTAL. Removes at once all objectionable odours. ZOTAL. Is non-corrosive and the least poisonous preparation of its kind
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    • 49 2 For a Pain in the side or chest there is nothing better than a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and applied to the seat of pain. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. One application gives relief. Try it. All dealers sell it.
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    • 528 2 Klang Coffee Cultivation Co., Ltd. THE adjourned Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the office of the Company, No. 9 Weld Quay, Penang, at 12 o’clock noon, on Thursday, the 20th August, 1903. An extraordinary General Meeting will be held immediately after the Annual Meeting to amend
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    • 325 2 MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATIC PUNCTURI (LOSES FOR PNEUMATIC TYRES EVERY CYCLIST SHOULD HAVE I? Price $l.BO per lez. tube. Write for Full Particulars. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL Millennium perfectly marvellous, h which was dead flat in ten minute?, ini stood for nearly -18 hours now. Am ven much obliged for it.”—A Perak Reside, 24th
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  • 754 3 A New Constitution for Greece. A strong movement is being made in Greece in favour of summoning a Constituante to revise the Constitution. Revolt in Eastern Cuba. A revolt has broken out in Eastern Cuba. Its centre is Santiago. It is said to be led by former soldiers
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  • 179 3 An Important Decision. Allahabad, 4th August. The Privy Council have reversed the judgments given in the important case of Sheo Partab Bahadur Singh against the Allahabad Bank, which turned upon the power of a Hindu lady left sale possessor of an estate to dispose of it
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  • 188 3 A telegram from Allahabad,dated 4 th inst., states that a fanatic Sunni fakir from Maimana, who settled in Tirah some months ago with the object of organising a crusade against the Shiahs, has at last achieved his object, having brought the feelings of his congregations to the right
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  • 598 3 Great Reforms in View. London, August 5. The Times to-day reviews at great length the high qualities and capabilities Lord Curzon has shown as Viceroy of India. The success which has attended his efforts must encourage him in the great scheme of reforms be has set before him.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 891 3 LOST TO X.E'l'. ONE brown travelling trunk, on. brown *a QTIiAWBF.KR'T BUNGALOW” sack and one light brown plaid, con- > Ponang HdL From lst Septenibe r> taming wearing apparel *c. 190». Apply at the Office of 1 ‘"The above P LO AN BOSS, Apply to MANAGER, 698 Ilium wf A
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    • 109 3 Cholera Infantum should be guarded against, and prevented by treating the child at the first unusual looseness of the bowels. Mothers can not be too careful about this, especially in hot weather. They should have medicine ready for such an emergency. No better remedy is prepared than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
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    • 4 3 Hinks’ Lamps McAlister co.
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    • 341 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. a. g HALL’S c S w i WINE S ’a HALL’S con. > WINE 0 Anti i the great restorative and the finest nervine White-Ant. for influenza, mental and physical fatiguel neuralgia, &c. A Val uable O Mixture for destroying- white
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  • 153 4 Saturday, 15th Mail from Europe, via Negapatam, expected to arrive. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 pan. High-water 6-20 and 6 45 p.m. Sunday, 16th Last Quarter. 10th Sunday after Trinity. High-water 7-10 a in. and 7 35 p in. Monday, 17th Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30
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  • 1743 4 To-day marks an epoch in the history of the Federated Malay States Railways, for, as was announced by an advertisement some short time back, the line between Taiping and Kuala Lumpur is to be opened for passenger traffic, thus joining the capitals of Perak and Selangor
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  • 140 4 The following telegram has been handed to us for publication Negapatam, 15uh August,Ganasaacquitted. This refers to the case of P. A. Subramania Pillai, convicted by the Sessions Judge of Tanjore, on charges of wrongful co:ifinement,etc of three kidnapped persons, and sentenced to three years’ rigorous imprisonment and
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  • 263 4 Perak Pioneer. The clever way in w r hich the statutes of other countries are nipped to suit the supposed requirements of the F. M. States is curiously illustrated by section 200 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which exempts from liability to serve as
    Perak Pioneer.  -  263 words
  • 90 4 St. George’s Church. 10th Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m. Matins (Choral.) 8- a.m. Holy Com munion. 9- a.m. Chinesa Service. 5 p.m. Sunday School. 6 p m. Evensong and Sermon. Church of the Assumption. First Mass, at 6-15 a.m.; High Mass, at 8 a.m., and Vespers and Benediction,
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  • 217 4 w,) (By Submarine Cable] LORD SALISBURY Seriously Ixdi 8P0SE1) London, Lord Salisbury is unwell reported to be consider.,,“" d hausted. ‘J *t INDIA. The Army Qi-estk». Lord George Hamilton tary of State for India, C* nounced that India does nm to the scheme for part paytn number of troops
    ( • _  -  217 words
  • 109 4 TAIPING RACES. Extra Races for To day. Our Own Correspondent.) j Taiping, 15th Augi# j The Committee of the Turf Club to" 1 arranged an extra race for to-day, ofaviof three hundred dollars, while Mr. CbuAh Phin presents a cup of equal value lon selling race of five
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  • 128 4 Sydney Cup- ft The following is the draw for tin Cup. The figures denote actual handicaps. T r nJrJ Messrs. F. M. T. Skae M 11, (14), G. Macbain (11), C. W• An ,e r H. O. Newland (17) and L- M(14), byes g b Stratton (8)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 Pritchard Co., 15 BEACH STREET, PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE keystone TYPEWRITER. -1 •ii ii ih~' slO less usual VterTggadl DISCOUNTS. Points about the Keystone: WORK ALWAYS IN VIEW. PERFECT ALIGNMENT. UNIVERSAL KEY BOARD. INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE. Equal to any Machine at Three Times the Price. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. PRITCHARD
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    • 104 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to “Thk Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer s name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. iLL business communications should
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  • 1032 5 Friday Night. It is rumoured that the visit of some of our Penang towkays to the Conference at Kuala Lumpur has resulted in the placing of orders for several motor cars, which will sooner or later be running in Penang. If only they are as well run
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  • 982 5 (Contributed.) No masculine pen, I am aware, should attempt a subject so stupendous! But no lady I know will undertake it, and I am considered to know as well as any bachelor in Taiping what suits a woman, and, this in my favour,
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  • 2024 5 AUGUST MEETING. SECOND DAY. Thursday, 13th August, 1903. (Specially eported for the Pinany Gazette.” Any one who was not acquainted with Taiping weather would have foretold that racing yesterday would be almost impossible during the afternoon, so heavily did it pour right up to within half an
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  • 362 5 (To the Editor of the Pinany Gazette.”) Dear Sir, The two Europeans who were bathing at Tanjong Bungba on Monday were rather surprised to see in your paper their conduct given from a Chinese point of view, anil would like to give some explanation of their
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  • 113 5 An extremely plucky act was performed at Hankow’ recmtly by a midshipman of H. M. 8. Glory, Cecil P. Talbot, says the North China Daily Neu s. He was in charge of the picket boat, and was coming alongside, when a liberty man fell into the river.
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  • 177 5 The port of Chefoo in North China was visited by a dreadful thunderstorm on the 25th July, followed by a cloudburst on the mountain side. Raging torrents of water, without warning, rushed down the ravines sweeping away everything in them and along the banks of the streams. Three
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 Tool Chests. McAlister co.
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    • 5 5 Cow Brand Butter. McAlister Co-
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    • 165 5 TEN BOLD ASSERTIONS. regarding chamberlain’s colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. 1. It affords quick relief in cases of colic, cholera morbus and pains in the stomach. 2. It never fails to effect a cure in the most severe ca?es of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. It is a sure cure for
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    • 319 5 jEldu AMrrtwmtnts. Wanted. "TJK7 ANTED for the Southern Extension VV of the F. M. S. Railways, an Assistant Pay Clerk. Salary §9O per month. Security required $5,000. Application in own handwriting, stating age and previous experience, together with copy of testimonials, to be sent to RESIDENT ENGINEER, Southern Extension F.
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  • 749 6 Ex- Boxers in Upper Sarawak. News from Sarawak states that some trouble has been caused by Chinese in Upper Sarawak. Within the past year a very turbulent lot of ex-Boxers have im- migrated thither. They may be safely left to the Rajah to be dealt with as they ought
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  • 217 6 The Sad Condition of the British Shipping Trade. At the present moment, when the Zollverein with all that it means in the way og damage to the carrying trade, is being cont sidered, the condition of British shipping is of special interest. There is no doubt that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 508 6 The Finest Wines in the Market HOTTENBACH Bros. Co OILFILUN WOOD O.'. S p £CWUT ES ALWAYS 01 HMD. VERY OLD TAWNY PORT. hombss^¥cles FINO PALE SHERRY. Gentlemen*» Ladies* Boys* and Girls’ Cycles. -these are confidently recommended Highest Grade Machine in the World, to all who appreciate really MACHINERY. hioh-rlnHfl
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    • 528 6 rro let. I 5 Entry Ist September, 1903. Penang 3 Direct Importer of Choice. 1 Apply to g k 685 129 T gawthorne. i ii 1 I ITB M 13 TXTE beg to notify that we have opened Sra eSF Ml VV a new rm i n No. 56 Beach
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  • 231 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Orders for August. /trills. Squad Drill at the Fort every Tuesday Thursday, at 5-80 p.m. (j otU pany Parade Tuesday 4th, Fall in at o Gottlieb Tree” at 9 p.m. Dress, Drill r jer with caps. Company Drill at the Fort
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 BROWN Co., Alonumental Sculptors 42 BENTINCK STREET, CALCUTTA (Established A. D. 1852.) Tombstones in Italian Marble, Aberdeen I Granite and Chlnar Stone. hrders taken for NAME SLABS for fixing if Gates, CHURCH TABLETS, &c. SOLE AGENT for the Straits Settlements and Native States: L. J. YOUNG. 12 BARR ACS. HOAD
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    • 1044 7 Apollmaris iiPTnucTFAd T M UHIIBb It Ao ‘LANOLINE’ BOTTLED only with its OWN NATURAL GAS WHRH AWARDED THE. Natural Toilet Preparations. And only at the APOLLINARIS SPRING GOLD MEDAL ‘DARTRING’ TOiLET ‘LANOLINE’ in small and p. «»rninu, Illi Urge collapsible Makes rough skins smooth euena r, ermany. AT THE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1190 8 fcro»fl-te. Two great NECESSITIES LIHIMJJaI'IeVfI Mannheim Insurance Co. 99J |bifl k m a Rheumatic Gout l. FAMILY PROVISION, hSfclsiißWlwt*»** anllo, eL MARINE INSURANCE. qiflE Agents wmsceept Marin® 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. Stomach, 1 Gentle’ Medicine’for JL Risks on Merchandise, Produce and Vain- Eructations Bilious Affections. infants, Children, Easi, y
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    • 366 8 ALLAN Em/ineers and r 'B 3 Works :_4O WELD 011 11 Town Stork :_3l BEACH SI J ”1 st.„d„d LfeA,,, I THE 77th Annua] Gm the Standard Life A %,.|f panywas held at Edinb u ,„i*** C>| f the 28th of April, 1903. ’“’’"’■’isij The foUowing R esu i ts
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