Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1988 1 .»ijtp P u. o /lottos. NORDDEUTSCHEB .LLOYD, BREMEN Ni PP m ten Kaisha Peninsular Oriental Steam Fx Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship co., Ltd. Navigation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. g rTXHE mail steamers may Fob Will Sail Steamer From Expected on M 1 L.
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  • 114 2 Pknang, 18th August, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank l/10| Do. 4 months* sight Bank 1/11 Do. 8 Credits 1, Do. 8 Documentary 1/llf Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 141 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 143 Bombay, Demand Bank 141 Do. 8 days’sight Private 148 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 163 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine C«». Ltd. $l7* Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8. Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Go., Ltd. $25. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. sloo. sales George Town Dispensary $25. Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l9O. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1. sellers International Bodega $lOO. buyer; Karangnn
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  • 171 2 Pknang, 18th August, 1908. Tin $7B. —sales OI t d f West Coast Black Pepper g |l)9 6 m s2g 4Q White Pepper ssl£. sellers Trang Tepper $36 do Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. slBo.—tellers Mace Pickings 126.—sales. Nutmegs 1 10« 70.—buyers i No. I 7.—seller* Sugar
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  • 89 2 Mails Closr To-morrow. For Per str. £>eli ...Sumatra noon, Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, < uddalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc., via Madras ...Zaida ...T f.m. Registration up to noon. Parcel to-day 4 P-». Port Swettenham and Malacca Langkat 1 p*m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh ...Hok
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  • 301 2 Arrivals. Deh,, str., 105, Hassan, 11-8-03 from Langkat, general. Koe Guan. Cornelia, Brit., str., 194, Heggie, 11-8-03, from Tongkah, general Koe Guan. Hok Canton, B it., str., 294. Scott. 12 8-03, from Acheen, general, Ban H >e Hin. Canton, Brit, str, 0•, M irican, 12-8-03, from Teluk Anson,
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  • 67 2 Arrivals. Ter Brit., str., Cornelia from Tongkah, on 11- Mrs. Hamer, Miss. Lovenlosse. Miss Hamer. Per Brit., str.. Langkat, from Malacca, on 12- —Mr. Johnson. Per Brit., str., Lady Weld, from Teluk An c on, cz 13-8-03 :—Messrs Geo. Macbain and Wilson. Per Ger., str., Asahan, from Langkat. on
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  • 94 2 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steam»hi lines, and the dates are approximate only Vessels From Agents Due Lightning Singapore A.A.&Co. 14th inst. Sanuki Maru Marseille* 8.5.&C0. 17th G. Apcar Calcutta A A &Co. 20th Benledi Singapore 5.8.& 'o. 20 h
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  • 259 2 Passengers 0mw ARI) Per Messageries Maritimes stea donien connecting with the at Colombo, from Marseilles, Yokohama: Mr. and M rs T Hong Kong: Mrs. wX’’ Le Cardiner. To u' r an,] •■b. Guiliani. To Singapore AJ r r family. Per Messagaries Maritimes Salazie, from Marseilles L.i Saigon:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 970 2 0F Adolf Sternberg. Pure Malt Whiskies Furniture ALSO BEST KIND OF THE Mattresses and Upholstered Spring Mattress Makeri 285 430 CtiULIA STREET. Best Blends are Buchanan’s OF ALL DEALERS. s phe Vankes Novelty Co.t Try Our Mennen's Talcum Borneo Company Limited, A Powder. SINGAPORE. 282 15-8 I <F Crushed Food,
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    • 58 2 Jr $2. Jn tie 1 er Mouth pi gang Qagettt IHE 7*e 'fat §axdte” 9)aitif 'Paper ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month avoid substitutes. For Local SubscribersNo other remedy is “just as good as Stearns’ Headache Cure, the original and safest remedy for Headaches. Avoid substitutes. Stearns’ is the original. Of all
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    • 770 2 NOTICE. MY wife Ong Hioh Neoh having left my protection, I shall not be responsible for any debt or debts contracted by her after this date. Dated this 15th July, 1903. 612 13-8 CHEW LAK SYE. Federateo Ma’ay States Railways. NOTICE ON and from Saturday, the 15th August, a through
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    • 188 2 Dr. WONG I EK, Lee Clrai dispensary No 51 Treacher Street, IPOK, PERAK. CONSULTING 8 a.m. to 12 nooni HOURS. 1 p.m. to 5 p.M. Urgent Cases will be Tkeatfd at any Hour. rpHE above Dispensary is kept open til 9 o’clock every night, and thus 11 ii very convenient
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  • 438 3 The following new books were received at the Penang Library up to 7th August, 1903 The Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VII (The United States), Ed. by A. W. Ward, G. A\. Prothers and Stanley Laatbes. The New Nation, by Percy F. Rowland. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, by Charles Holroyd.
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  • 395 3 ,—Bangkok Tima. An official report by Phya Sukhum, High Commissioner of Monthom Nakon Sntamarat, gives an account of a strange epidemic of disease that recently occurred at a place called Sisakrabu in the north of the province of Singora. The High Commissioner sent out Prince
    ,—Bangkok Tima.  -  395 words
  • 545 3 The above letters are tolerably wellknown in these parts to signify the great British India Steam Navigation Company whose fleet of boats in Eastern waters form so great a rival to the charms of the P. and O. In 1855 the founder of this Company, the late
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  • 279 3 The Silver Commissioners sent to Europe by the Republic of Mexico had their first conference at the Reichslank in Berlin, on 16th ult., with the German representatives appointed to meet them, namely,Dr. Koch, President of the Reichsbank, Dr. Salomonsohn, Director of the Discontogellschaft, and four other gentlemen.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 ZOTAL. The Ideal Disinfectant and Germicide. THE FOLLOWING POINTS LN ITS FAVOUR WILL RECOMMEND IT TO ALL y )1 I The cheapest disinfectant in the market. ZOTAL. The pleasantest. 1 IJ. ie powerful disinfectant. /()TAL. 1 Removes at once all objectionable odours. ZO 1 non-corrosive and the least poisonous preparation
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    • 48 3 For a Pain in the side or chest there is nothing better than a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and applied to the seat’of pain. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. One application gives relief. Try it. AU dealers sell it.
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    • 75 3 Cholera Infantum should be guarde< against, and preterite! by treating the chilu at the first unusual looseness of the bowels Mothers can not be too careful about this, especially in hot weather. They shout have medicine ready for such an emergency. No better remedy is prepared than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
      75 words
    • 353 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang a o HALL'S c w WINE S A HALL’S wine O Anti I the great restorative and the finest nervine White-Ant. for influenza, mental and physical fatiguel neuralgia, fcc. A. 'Valuable D Mixture for des- /iij troying- white ants and i)reservinor
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  • 144 4 Thursday, 13th High-water 4-40 a.m. and 5-05 p.m. Friday, 14th Mail for Europe via Madras expected to leave. Ordinary Meeting Municipal Commissi ners, at 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, »*t 5 80 High-water 5-30 a.m. and 5-55 p m. Sa» mu»*v. I"th Mail from Europe, via Neeapatam,
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  • 2163 4 Misfortune still seems to be treading close upon the heels of the British North Borneo Company, for we have to-day to chronicle the murder of another promising young officer, in the person of Mr. Warder, who was engaged in collecting poll tax in Province Keppel. This
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  • 154 4 The following are the agenda ftr the Municipal meeting to tn irrow 1. Minutes of I st m eting to be read and confir re I. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Q icstions. 4. Peti ion .<■ the demolition of house No. 21
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  • 211 4 Ell n {by Submarine Cad/ THE NEAR East London, 1 th a General Vali of Monastir k recalled and is to be retd?’ visional!}’ by Hilmi Pa B h\ M Turkey has assured l’ n s the murderer of M. Rn/? shall receive the ment. A courtmartiul l w
    ( Ell n . '  -  211 words
  • 390 4 TAIPING RACES. FIRST DAY. (brom i>ur Own Correspondent.} Taiping, 12tb August. I.—The Maiden Plate. Mr. J. T. Mathew’s Bare 1 Chung Ah Yong’s Cnneiu-y La» i Lee Toon Tock’s Oberon V\ on by a half length. Hollev fell bdoß weighing in and was afterwards censiirdw the Committee and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 103 4 ONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to “Thk Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the ranter's name and address,not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. iLL business communications should be addressed
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  • 169 5 the TARIS ACCIDENT. Fi rther Particulars. London, 12th August. The accident on the Paris Under>ound Electric Railway occurred •?t eight o’clock in the evening, near MenPhnontant. A carriage caught lire and all the lights were extinnished. Other trains arrived and blocked the line, four trains being unapproachable until
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  • 91 5 TAIPING RACES. Tine Ex-Griffin Handicap Decided. (/•>,,«* <hir Dun Correspondent.) Taiping, 13th August. The <levl licit which occurred in the lEx-Grifiin Plate was run off this morning, Bin fine weather, and resulted as follows ■The Bombistes Kongsi’s ...Perfidy 1 ■Mr. J. P. Joaquim's ...Joan 2 ■„M. R. Crichton's
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  • 384 5 Lord Milner Goes on Leave. A farewell reception at Johannesburg on Ist August was attended by one thousand persons to do honour to Lord Milner prior to his departure for England on leave. The proceedings were most enthusiastic. Russia in Manchuria. Reuter from Peking says that advices from
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  • 533 5 MAGISTRATES APPEALS. 11th August. The Waiseng Lottery Case. Hu Loriship mentioned this case, in which he had reserved his decision. Koh Yat Choi (represented by Mr. J. F. W’ reford) appealed against the decision of Mr. A. T. Bryant, who convicted him of assis mg in carrying on
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  • 339 5 (Before a Bench Court, consistin'/ of Messrs. A. T. Bryant and E. L. Talma.) 13th August. THEFTS AT THE RECENT FIRE. An Old Offender Caught and Given Two Years. A Kling, named Ibrahim, was charged with the theft, of wearing apparel, the property of Miss Fox, on the
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  • 576 5 VISIT TO THE FREE SCHOOL. What Reform can do for China. Mr. Kang Yu Wei, the well-known Chinese reformer, who has been making a stay in Penaug, paid a visit to the Penang Free School on Tuesday afternoon and addressed the pupils on the advantages
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  • 323 5 For a Chinese sampan, or shoe-boat with one puller From or to any of the Jetties or to any landing place on Weld Quay and any vessel or place if within the inner anchorage, two cents for one passenger and two cents for each
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  • 1907 5 11. The Federated Malay States Railway. The train we boarded at Port Swettenham for the purpose of reaching Kuala Lumpur was a very miniature affair as compared with the trains one is used to nt home, on say the Great Northern or Midland lines, but
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 Fairbanks Scales. Tool Ch Cow Brand Buttar Minks’ Lamps McALISTER Co. MCALISTER «co. McAlister Co. McALISTER Co.
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    • 420 5 TMn Ahbrrfistnwnts. TO LET NO. 218 MACALISTER ROAD, Penang, Entry Ist September, 1903. Apply to 685 12 9 T. GAWTHORNE. NOTICE. T’X/’E beg to notify that we have opened V V a new firm in No. 56 Beach Street, Penang, to deal in wholesale import trade in the Straits Settlements,
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  • 180 6 Murder of an Official. A junior District Officer of the Chartered Company, Mr. G. G. Warder, has been killed by a Dusun in Province Keppel near Kudat, says the Strain Times. It is stated that the deceased was engaged in collecting the Poll Tax amongst the Dusuns, and
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  • 307 6 At an inquest held at Shanghai recently on the body of Hector Sampson, who shot himself on 21st ulto., it was stated that deceased had been in bad health for along time and had suffered from sleeplessness lately. The heat had also upset him. A
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  • 330 6 Passengers Threaten to Kill Officers. According to American advices the officers of the China Commercial Company’s steamship Ching IFo, which left Hongkong on April 25th, have experienced a mo<t exciting time at Manzanillo. The steamer Peru, which arrived at San Francisco from Central Ameiica
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 544 6 The Finest Wines in the Market HOTTENBACH Bros. 4 Co. GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT. ON HAND. HUMBER CYCLES. FINO PALE SHERRY. Gentlemen's Ladies’ Boys* and Girls’ Cycles. These are confidently recommended Ulghcst Grade Machino m the WorlJ to all who appreciate really MACHINERY. high-class Wines. Steam Engines
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    • 53 6 WANTJEU. DRESSER wanted immediately to take temporary charge of hospital at Klompong Estate. Apply w’ith testimonials to 681 KENNEDY Co. Established at Medan, Deli, (East Coast of Sumatra.) Dx>. J. J. de HEER, X-.1-.11., Advocate and Solicitor to the High Court of Justice in Netherlands India at Batavia. Office Kesawan,
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    • 545 6 NOTICE. IS hereby given that owing to Selensing R i Imnnrtpr df Ci k rUi Coffee Estate in Perak having been g L-/ U GOT I liipO I LOT OI V-/lIOICQ sold and changed hands, any claims, duly i) vouched, against the Estate, must be made up to or before
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  • 219 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Command cult. Orders for August. trills. id Drill at the Fort every Tuesday rfhursiay, at 5 80 p.m. r iimnv Parade Tuesday 4th, Fall in at o Gottlieb Tree” at 9 p.m. Dress, Drill i er with caps. n a panv Drill
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 “APENTA” Tkc Best A atural 1 Aperient J Vater. < For continuous use by the bilious, Dyspeptic, Constipated, Gouty, and Obese. Of all Chemists and Druggists. 24 GRIMAULT C° I |l ft, n feinal akin boap I •-A ghima y MEDICINAL SKIN SGAP I ..AZZZiAZ. 'WI II W Recommended by
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    • 1292 7 Jnsuranrr /Infirm SANATORIUM NOTICE for SURGICAL and GYNAECOLOGICAL TTNTIL further notice. Dire Insurance Patients, especially OPERATIONS B,B or Queen menace Co m pa' y C Q TRET.T/ COmP3 "L WU JU (MAV WV one of (be T for the above CompanieTS It 'SO r ‘B f F'’' 1 t'' I’"'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1303 8 touran» jiate. TWO GREAT NECESSITIES fOTWS T; s.«s Mannheim Insurance Uo. is JSk ak B Rheumatic Gout l. FAMILY PROVISION, and Gravel. MARINE INSURANCE. mUB undersigned Agents will Accept Marine 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. X Risks on Merchandize, Produce and Xal U- Sour Eructations’ Bilious Affections’. Infants, Children, abies
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    • 367 8 ALLAN Engineers and General r- Works :-40 WELn rm Town Store:— 31 BEACn JL HS W Standard Life THE 77th AnnualT, I the Standard Life A™? I pany was held at Edinbur.l the 28th of April, 1903 The following Re 3u i te [orlh 15‘h November, 1902, were repo *»J
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