Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 23 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED DAILY, new series. ESTABLISHED 1833. PRICE 20 CI STS VOL. LXI. THURSDAY, 21st MAY, 1903. No. 115
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2106 1 British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Ninnflll YUfCI! Ki If 118 SlrtH.taj £otta«. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN koLmum "W* R kll!l ft X Netrnnatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship co., Ltd. HSTular Oriental Steam JK K Negapa c( Navigation Company. Intended S<ubng and Will Sail. I Steamer. From Expected or
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  • 116 2 Penang, 21st May, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/8m Do. 4 months’ sight Bank Do. 3 Credits l/Bff Do. 3 Documentary 1,8 1 Cilcuttn, Demand Bank Rs. 127 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 129 Bombay, Demand Bank 127 3 days’sight Private 129 Madras, Demand Bank 126
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  • 155 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersnwuh Gobi Mme Co. Ltd...s/.50 Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $95. George Town Dispensary buyers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 190. stllers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1 75» Karangan Tin M n ng Co.
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  • 187 2 Penang, 21st May, 1903. De cription. Be :f cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 20 Heart 4 35 Liver per catty 26 Pork Pork 32 Tig’s Head 18 Feet 24
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  • 199 2 Penang, 21s r May, 1908 Tin $89.90 sxles r>. n West Coast Back Lepper 3 lbg 5 O z. s3lsa’es White Pepper sales Trang Pepper $37 do Clove* (picked) $35.50 Mace No. 166.-8 de Mace Pickings sellers Nutmegs 1 ICm 82 —sellers No. 1 7,—sellerSugar < 2
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  • 115 2 4 Mails Close To-morrow. bor Per str. Time. Ne japatam, Madras, i ondicherry, Cuddalore an.l Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc., [via Madras ...Zaida 1 p.m. Registration up to noon. Parcels to-day 4 p.m. Po t Swoltenham and Malacca Langkat 1 p.m. Perlis and Sctul Swee Look 2
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  • 11 2 From Steamer l’<> Arrive. Calcutta Nam Sang 22-5-05
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  • 361 2 Arrivals. Quorra, Brit., str., 120. Russell, 20-5-03, from Brandan, oil, II L. Co. Thaiping, Blit., str., 160, Wheeler, 20-5-03, from Port W> Id, general, H. L. Co. Langkat, Brit., str 187, Lingard. 20-5-03, from Malacca, general. Koo Guan. Lady Weld, Brit str., 245, Treweeke, 21-5-03, Teluk Anson, general, S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 416 2 Busiiiess Notice. 12>IS w Cn muranv Tlnm, -J \nn'irnopv XT OTIC.’E is hereby given that from this, da.e ’•v u I' T' N tbo oharKW lor ll.e services ot the Band No. 2» Bosch Street, is »•< pored to umlerlnke nr(tun s.hs o all «< criptmns p.m. to 2 a.m.
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    • 39 2 The Finest Wines in the Market GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINO PALE SHERRY These are confidently recommended to all who appreciate really high-class Wines. To be had retail from all the principal /Stores, also at Taiping.
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    • 912 2 tojcet. litsm-aitte Entires 13REMISES No. 31 Chuha Street. L A £l P Vm. NOOBDIN, Guardian 152 Prangin Road. ESTABLISHED 1821 7~ Subscribed Capital Houses to Let Total InveMed Fun<Js up FARQUHAR STREET No. S 3 and wards of 4>sOoOftA Northam Road No. 17a. Entry on Total Annual Income Ist June.
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  • 1219 3 ARRIVAL AT FREMANTLE. A Study in Dentistry. GOLDEN TEETH SET WITH DIAMONDS. (The West Australian, May 1.) His Royal Highness the Sultan Ibrahim of Johore, k. c. m. g. (son of Abu Bakar, g.c.m.g., k.c.s.i.) is on a visit to Australia. He arrived at Fremantle yesterday
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  • 525 3 —Argus. 4 Captain Brown’s Story, a remarkable narrative. Sydney, April 22. In connection with the Cocos Island treasure, Captain Brown, who is to command the schooner Herman, which has been equipped for a search expelition, and which is now lying in Port Jackson, awaiting the conclusion of
    '—Argus.  -  525 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 mouth, TEETH, BREATH, GUMS. 'j’o keep your mouth sweet, To keep your teeth clean and white, To keep your breath perfumed, To keep your gums firm-healthy and free of all Germs and Tartar. SEN"D ZF’OZR JL BOTTLE OIF 1 Trybol The best most Scientific Mouth and Tooth mash of the
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    • 65 3 Consumption which is the most dangerous and fatal disease, has as its first indication a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon as this cough appears is easily cured. Chairberlain’s Cough remedy has proven wonderfully successful, and gained its wide reputation and extensive sale by its success in curing
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    • 129 3 Time and Money.—Sickness causes a loss of both time and money. You lose the time and have the expense of medical attendance, entailing a double loss. This can be avoided by using some reliable remedy at the first stage of the sickness. The purchase of a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,
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    • 442 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. 4 Beach Street, Penang. a g HALL’S c g w WlilE A HULL’S c--8 > WiTJ O Anti 2 i the gro.Tj restorative and the ti les! nervine White -Ant. for influenza, mental an I phiscil fatigue, neuralgia, <<• A Valuable M Q Mixture for
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  • 170 4 4 Thursday, 21st Ascension Day. High-water 8 50 a tn. anti 8 25 pan. Harmston’s Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens, at 9-15 p.m. Friday, 22nd: Mail for Europe via Madras expecTed to leave Ordinary Meeti >g Municipal Commissioners, at 3 p.m. Penang Turf Club, Annual Meeting, Chamber of Commerce
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  • 2075 4 We have several times referred to the Water Returns issued by the Hongkong Water Authority, as showing how little water per day will suffice for a large population. The latest return to hand gives the consumption for the month of April. It will be noticed that
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  • 78 4 Harmston’s Circus is performing in Penang for three more nights, and a matinee is down for Saturday afternoon. The performance last night was successfully gone through. The amateur riding contest is billed for to-night, the amateur trick cycling competition for to-morrow, and the high jumping for horseswill take
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  • 188 4 (R EUTER s > ■London, 2OHI v ENGLAND AND CHiyp' The Payment of m The Washington State ment has learned that Great P„i 1... Chin. willing to accord the same terms regards the payment of the mty as the United States. THE MANCHURIAN QUESTION Attitude of the United Statis*
    (R EUTER ' s >  -  188 words
  • 117 4 our oicn Concspondent.) Singapore Races. Singapore, 20th May. The following are the results of yesterday’s races 1. The Governor’s Cup. Mr. Tan Hup Seng’s Comical 1 Mr. Tan 800 Liat’s Apiary 2. The First Griffin Race. Mr. Seah Peck Seth’s Spadillc 1 Mr. Glencaird’s Furnace 'I 3. The
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  • 103 4 Hock Tye Co.. Without a Licence. A big seizure of arms was effected in Penang by the Penang detective orce yesterday. Chief Detective Inspector Benin visited the shop of Hock Tye A Co., Bene Street, and found 180 fire-arms, sow blunderbuses, and a large qiwiitity 0
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  • 115 4 The following are the agenda for municipal meeting to-morrow 1 1. Minutes of last meeting to oe and confirmed. President 2. Any special business the may bring forward. 3. Questions. ir xoe nJi4. Statement of Revenue and Lxpe ture and Progress Report for Apn 5. Some bills to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1413 5 (Before Mr. A. T. Bryant.) 20th May. Illicit Pork Test Case. t ,w Cm, Cantonese porkbutcher, of Sek Lane, was charged with exposing for I on May 12th wifcbin the Municipal l e ilesh ol a P‘° which was not slaught‘'‘Yiii the Municipal Abattoirs. ere^ r j.Bromhead-Matthews prosecuted
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  • 451 5 The Deceased Wife’s Sister Bill. The Bill to legalise marriage with a deceased wife’s sister has been read a second time in the House of Commons by 161 votes to 91. Natal Administration. The Imperial Treasury Commissioner scathingly condemns all branches of administration in the Colony of Natal,
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  • 864 5 Lord Kitchener’s Reforms. It is understood that Lord Kitchener has initiated an important departure in the method of working of Army Headquarters by the appointment of a Military Advisory Board over which he will preside. The Board will consist of all Heads of Departments at Army Headquarters, and
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  • 654 5 DETAILS OF COL. PLUNKETT’S DISASTER. How He Was Entrapped. The Times of India Bohotle correspondent sends details of the recent British reverse in Somaliland. It appears that on the 15th ultimo our advanced parly then at Gomberu, 49 miles beyond Galadi, towards Walwal, and consisting of the
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  • 178 5 It has not occurred perhaps to the average man that the biggest waterfall in the world is in Africa, and that America with Niagara must take a second place. The Victoria Falls on the Zambesi are twice as great as the Niagara Falls and it helps us to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 Hinks’ Lamps McAlister a Qo.
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    • 36 5 Bicyclists should never start out without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm in their tool bags. This liniment is excellent for all flesh wounds and sprains. One application gives relief. Try it. All dealers sell it.
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    • 5 5 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT. McAlister Co.
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    • 58 5 AVOID SUBSTITUTES. No other remedy is “just as good” as Stearns’ Headache Cure, the original and safest remedy for Headaches. Avoid substitutes. Stearns’ is the original. Of all Chemists, Avholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. 5 Adolf Sternberg. Upholsterer and Furniture Deale r ALSO BEST KIND OF Mattresses and Upholstered
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    • 1508 5 Penang Turf Club. 4. The Scurry Stakes. Value 8500 and a Sweep of 825 for Starters to NOTIC E. I go to Second Horse.—AHandicap for all II >rses that have run at the meeting. Entrance 120. rpHE Annual General Meeting of ibe 6 1 Members of the Penang Turf Club
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  • 1106 6 Programme for June, 1903 Meeting. tjtfi, llt/i and 13t/i June. JFIFCST HAY. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $3OO and $5O to the second horse provided there are live starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden horses. Ex S. R. A. Griffins allowed lOibs. Weight
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  • 393 6 Lisbon, Apr. 6th Quite early this morning King Edward, fully enjoying the warm sun and clear atmosphere, was out sightseeing. At half-past ten His Majesty paid a visit to the Convent of the Dominicans at Bom Successo. He was received at the convent by the
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  • 454 6 Tillies nJ India > We sincerely hope the Government will assume a stiffnecked attitude towards the preposterous position taken up by the Commonwealth Administration in the matter of the mail contiact. Of all the irrational and oppressive legislation the subservient Barton Ministry has been forced into at
    ( Tillies nJ India >  -  454 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 Mutton TVyOW obtainable at the reduced price of 10 cents per lb. MANASSEH Co., 29 Penany Hoad. Ist May, 1903. NOTICE. In the Goods of JAMES R. T. LOGAN, deceased. ALL persons having any claim or claims against the estate of the above named deceased are requested to send the
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    • 94 6 Diarrhcea is more to be dreaded than diphtheria. It attacks all ages and is equally fatal to young and old. The great mortality resulting from diarrhoea is to the lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and
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    • 808 6 yy QY/yyKXT n T7TEWB of Penang, Singapore, Perak, ZV KZ A V Selangor, and Sumatra. a h JI vk 8 I* M 3 s A Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. or k /w AA/VA/kA A j Bromide paper. 4 31 BEACH STREET. PENANG, NOTICE. Wines, Spirits, Cigars,
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  • 117 7 (inlers b v Captain A. R. Adams, < 'onimanilant. OiiPEKS for May. Drills. tg Drill at t’io Fort every Tuesday Khur-by, nt 5 30 p.m. |D Class hiring. Il be Class Firing every SaturTh f’,rn )on and Sunday morning coinon the 9th. D> e cin r to commence
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  • 202 7 Passengers Outward. p p. iwid 0. steamer Arcadia, from r April 17- —To Yokohama Miss Mrs. Williams. To Hongkong: J’" u h,, h and infant, Mr. E. Root To Mr. G. P. Barlow, Mr. H. Hart, irravand children, Miss Strachan KXMsergwnt Dall. Mr. E. V. ,il Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 183 7 Municipal Notice. is hereby given that on and after this date until further notice the supply of water from the Waterfall will be cut oil every day from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. and 10 a.m to 2 p.m. (By Order) R. P. PHILLIPS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal
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    • 1120 7 Removal. BERNSTEIN, gold and silver smith, I I I VI. begs to inform the public of Penang M I II II I I KmK •'LWUvLU 1 iVILLv Though the cost of to x. et Fo Bal making finest toilet soaps Premises no. so Beach street. 10 per cent. 10 per
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1484 8 < P f FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H CD H& Time Table from Ist November, 1902. W S o WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, fV) J STATIONS. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 !26
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    • 417 8 ALLANjSI IRVin, 7 Engineers and Gnimd c, Wobks:-40 WELI, q,- Av T VS S ,E: <11 BEACH ST IiEF T Standard THE 76th Annual General \r the Standard Life Ass lr J„ PrV'V held at E 'hnbur„h on the 22nd of April, 1902. The following Results for thn 16th November,
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