Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 April 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2048 1 Mfri»» NORDDEUI'SCHEB LLOYD. BREMEN WPP»B YIISCH K?Ma. Peninsular Oriental Steam jk Negapatam Lines of Steamers. JAPAN MA|L s v^; SHl p Co Lw Navigation Company. XA \Wj|u\ Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. fc» r PrilllE mail steamers may Fob Will Sail. Steamer. From I Expected on t 1
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  • 111 2 Penang, 29th April, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank l/8f Do. 4 months’sight Bank Do. 3 Credits I,Bft Do. 3 Documentary I,B| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 127 j Do. 3 days’ sight Private 129| Doni bay, Demand Bank 127£ Do. 3 days’ sight Private 129 A Madras,
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  • 191 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $96. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary s27.— buyers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l9O. Je’ebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.75
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  • 192 2 Penang, 29th April, 1903. Description. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 65 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per calty 26 POEK Pork n 32 Pig’s Head 18 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 194 2 Penang, 29th April, 1908. Ti n s9s£. —sales, o. I o I West Coabt Black Pepper 3 lbf3 5 Q 7 S3O sale White Pepper 4 —sellers Trang Pepper $87 Clovqs (picked) $35.50 Mace No. $166. Mace Pickings 120. sellers Nutmegs 1 IGh 81- sellers i No.
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  • 46 2 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time. Lmgkat ...Fuhwo 9 a.m. Port Swettenham...Mary Austin 1 p.m. Langkat ...Jin Ho 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Web and Olehleh ...M. Vajirunhis 1 p.m. Deli ...Vidar 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 P.M
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  • 18 2 From Steamer To Arrive. Singapore E. F. Ferdinand 30-4-C3 Rangoon Ujina 2-5-03 Singapore Tetartos 2-5-03
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  • 131 2 Arrival?. Calypso, Brit., str., 839, Lowry, 29-4-03, from Singapore, general. W. M. Co., M. Austin, Brit, str., 140, Boyle, 29-4-0 3 from Port Swettenham, general, Koe Guan Carlyle, Brit., str., 331, Mugford, 29-4-03, from Port Swettenham, general, 8. 8. S. Co., Canton, Brit, str, 105, Merican, 29-4-03, from Teluk
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 559 2 To Let or For Sale ’ll?C11OC «Ss Co* I PREMISES No. 56 Beach Street. HAVE IN STOCK Apply to HEigfla-Class Brauds OWNER, oy At x„ 67 lieari, s lml EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Packed in Patent Airtight Tins The Finest Wines in the Market I ..Nuhdi,” plain, 100 in tin large size
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    • 237 2 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. riIHE above Doek, situated in Province JL Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at ordinary
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    • 786 2 notice gnsurnncf NOTICE is hereby given that dividends for September—December, 1902, of araian Assurance Co. [m the Tronoh Mines, Limited, will be paid by Messrs. Sin Ghee Choon Co. to those Share- ESTABLISHED 1821. holders who have bought shares from Mr. Subscribed Capital Foo Choo Choon at No. 129 Beach
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  • 948 3 Athletics. Under Association Ecotball ru’es, Ireland on Saturday, 28th ult., beat Wales by 2 goals to nil. In the League competition West Bromwich were beaten at home by Sunderland, and the finish for championship honours now lies with Sheffield Wednesday and Sunderland. In the Second Division, Woolwich Arsenal
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  • 511 3 The welcome home meeting to General Booth at the Albert Hall on 30th ult. was something unique in religious meetings. The hall was a mass of colour. Great numbei s of Salvationists were arranged around the first circle in many-coloured dresses. Battalions in scarlet, hundreds in
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  • 396 3 At a meeting held at Johannesburg on Ist inst. at the Wanderers’ Ground, which was attended by several thousand persons, a resolution was passed with practical unan im it wiled ging those present to resist the intro Action of Asiatic labour by every means in their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 416 3 for the Prevention of Disease ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of Disinfectants in the Market. prices: in One Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. n in Two $2-00 in Four $l-90 in Quart Bottles $O-60 Per Bot. Special Quotations for 40 Gallon Casks. fl I EL LA Gold Enamel
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    • 5 3 Paints, Oils, &c. McAlister co.
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    • 48 3 The Fireman is in great danger from falling bricks or timbers as well as from the flames. No fire department is properly equipped without a supply of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This liniment is unexcelled for burns and bruises. Ono application gives relief. Try it. AU dealers sell it.
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    • 483 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. a. 0 HALL’S Ccc w s WINE a HALL’S <=- g WINE O Anti I the greaf} restorative anj the finest nervine Whi te-Ant. I for influenza, mental and physical fatigue, neuralgia, A Valuable ul Oy Mixture for des- Kjl troyin
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  • 133 4 Wednesday. 29in Town Band, Esplanade, nt 5 39 p.m. High-water 1-4 I p.m. and 2 05 a m Thursi» \y, 3 th H igli-wntoi 2 3 p m and 2 ’>s a.m. l i 'Rtt>AY, Ist: St. Phillip and St. James. Oct ’aTd Mail expeciel tn arrive at
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  • 1603 4 One cannot help entertaining a certain amount of respect for those dreamers who ultimately hope to banish warfare horn the face of the Globe, but that respect must perforce be mingled with a modicum of pity for their too great trust in human nature. The time
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  • 135 4 28th April. (Befoie Mr. E. C. Howard.) Ramasamy Chetty sued a Chinese shopkeeper named Low Foot Poh in Market Street for the sum of $BB, being balance of a promissory note of $220. The defendant denied the claim and Mr. R. A. Ltav appeared on his behalf.
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  • 134 4 Penang Gives it a Trial. The qu s'.ion of allaying the dust on the roads is one Avhich has puzz’ed the road authorities in almost every known place Avheie such things are given any attention at all, and the system of using petroleum has been found to
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  • 202 4 Harmston’s Circus opens in Penang at I be Da to Kramat Gardens on Tuesday next, the sth inst. The Company arrives on Monday from Colombo by the Austrian Lloyd steamer. It is an interesting coincidence that the opening night of the Circus on its last visit to Penang
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  • 259 4 Many of our readers Avill be glad to learn that our worthy and influential millionaire Mr. Thio Tiauw Siat has voluntarily offered the handsome contribution of 200,003 taels towards the support of the College of Peking, a new establishment in course of
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  • 159 4 In response to inquiries made of the Captain of the P. and O. s. s. Himalaya, the Times of Ceylon, is informed that the lighthouses on the Arabian side of the Red Sea not long erected are still in disuse. “The danger Avhich might arise from
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  • 150 4 REUTERS r London. 28th the KING’S TOL'It Reception at R OJIIi Kmg Edward has met with enthusiastic reception in R ollle PRESIDENT LOUBET. Arrival at Tunis. President Loubet has triumphal entry into Tunis. SOMALILAND. Ineffective Bullets. A despatch from General M*m ning says that the troops in Sonn liland
    REUTERS  -  150 words
  • 128 4 An extraordinary general nuetingof the Selangir Turf Club was held on Wednesday last to pass the programme lor the forthcoming Race Meeting. The Committee Avished to make certain alterations, namely, to run griffins at the same weights, viz. 9-t. 71bs., the difference being so small that it
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  • 179 4 The annual meeting of the Singapore Nursing Association was held on Friday last, Miss Taylor, the president, occupying the chair. The report and statement of accounts, as submitted, shoAve 1 that dnringthe year 18 different cases were attended to by the nurses, extending oA’er 325 days, an
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  • 200 4 A Singapore Suggestion. Referring to the finances of the pore Town Band, the Singapore i‘ iet We fancy that a good deal more m-gbj be done to stimulate the h |re f ot among the better classes of 11,1 fc )1)5( their private entertainments, c.u 11 and the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 776 5 (Before Mr. .Justice Lair.) 29th April. IN CIVIL JURISDICTION. T L. Gosling and Co. r. A. E. Skeels Tuh case cann on for the consideration the question of costs. The case was jecitled substantially in plaintiff’s favour the previous day. 1 }ir. J. Brombevl-Matthews was for the plaintiffs
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  • 175 5 (Before Mr. A. T. Bryant.) 29th April. One of the boarding officers of the Marine apartment charged four Chinamen for °bstructing the fairway, south channel, ll b their pompang. They were lined $lO ft ich. The men were also charged with j' ain g in possession of a
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  • 1569 5 (I'•< h at j, o)n Municipal President' s lieport.) I ire Department. During the year there were 12 fires, being a groat many more than in any previous year. J L Electric Lighting Installation. In June the Commissioners decided to proceed with the Electric Lighting Scheme or
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  • 421 5 The Boer Irreconcilables i Java. The party of irreconcilable Bjers from Ceylon who passed through here, the other day, on their way to Java, arrived at Batavia on the 15th instant, says the Straits Times. The managers of a B ier relief fund there which had been
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  • 806 5 April 6th—7th. Somaliland. The Mullah’s army in Somaliland is reported to be suffering greatly. The women and children captured at Galadi Wells are iu a shocking condition. Many have died from cholera. The Mullah is trying to bribe the Abyssin- ians to allow him a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 98 6 The Mercantile Marine Committee will probably be able to present its report in about a couple of months’ time. It is understood, says the Exchange Telegraph Company,” that the evidence which has been taken bears overwhelming tes imony to the fact that the large and
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  • 199 6 The Spectator in discussing Mr. Clifford’s new book, “JV Free-lance of To-day,” suggests the importance of his work from a national pSt of view. Mr. Clifford has enjoyed opportunities, and h£ has turned them to exceptional account as an interpreter, at once sympathetic, yet critical,
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  • 546 6 Various reasons may be assigned for the easy victory that Cambridge gained over Oxford in the University Boat Race on Ist inst. To oarsmen the chief and most satisfactory of these must be that Cambridge had the better crew. Almost the whole of the winners had
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1277 6 NOTICE. FOR SJT7C.IS. DURING iny temporary absence from *<» OIMPLE HONOURS,” Australian Penang, Mr. C. P. Adamson is Galloway, Bay Gelding, good authorized to sign my name per procuration, fencer. C. E. JOHNSON. High Dog-cart (built in England, in i excqllen t condition. NOTICE. Apply to II. SPAKLER, R\ FY
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    • 96 6 In the springtime of youth, the value of rosy, robust, romping health is incalculable. The happiness and success of after-life is in a large measure dependent upon the outcome of this formative period. STEANS’ WINE as a Tonic, blood-builder and health giver is admirably adapted to the treatment of rundown,
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    • 704 6 y vr QY/Ff mzT 4 LIGHT PONY VICTORIA in good IT) V order. Newly arrived from Smga- AcA J\jl jl J 28-4 penang 3l BEACH STREET, PENAI\/Q i bOUEG 7 TTOMESTEAD,” No. 86 Northam A A JLJL Road. Immediate entry. AND AXb App’y t° GUAT CHENG Bros., ORIENTAL JV I
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  • 95 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, 'Olll mandant. Orders f >r April. Drill». i r 30th Ibenuts Drill at the Fort T 3 at 5-3 J P-' n hdail. )(riler i y Officer 22 id to 30tb, 2nd Lieut. "oXrly NC. 0. 22nd to 30,b, Corpl. Ji fV,s
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  • 125 7 Lis t of Passengers. Passengers Outward. n p and 0. steamer Home, connecting h er b steamer Ballaarat, at Colombo InmW. April 2-Shanghai Mr. and G.fle Dr. and Mrs. B. Hitchin, Mr. Mrs Maclean, Mrs. Fraser. To l ,Spr Snt ’Mr. Du-low, Mr. D. Forbes, oDg rd M°rs Brand and
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  • 214 7 The information under thia heading is tun plied by the Agents of the various Steanishi me», and the dates are approximate only. Aprl. o 3 s. 8. fl. F. Ferdinand from Singapore to Trieste, via Co'ombo, Bombay. Karachi, Messrs. S. Kustermnim C >. May. 1 Outward 1». O.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 279 7 Crushed Food, NEW STOCK. Try it anti You AV ill be Satisfied. All BEUIdOS begs to inform the public that since inferior (’rushed Food is offered f or \le in the Penang Market at low prices, he desire to dran- attention to his certificated Crushed Food for Horses, and are
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    • 157 7 EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR OFFICE WEAR, Being built on principles comprising GREAT STRENGTH AND, SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION Y.C’.vxvcVypc'wrVtcv di*» I II SUPPLIED TO The Admiralty, Board of Trade, Mar Office, Post Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies. Great Western Railway, North London Railway, L. B. and S. C.
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    • 276 7 I TFIQ Lblw E S SaHV THE best natural aperient water. ERE a o"™r HE Hnnyaoi Janos ZL'F TITS For CONSTIPATION. PrtfIMMMT D. LAMBL, of Warsaw, Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University, PA ffl 7 }I3L>ST* 1 X l\ T Hunyadi Janos Bitter Water, besides being an excellent general
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1420 8 1 i 1 i FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H ;S C' ogp e 5 I I rfl Time Table from Ist November, 1902. ,ft H fl fl fil l 1 WEEK-DAYS. T SUNDAYS, “a- 5 STATIONS. ——_p- g IHlihlKTuTwTlĕ T7~lB **********3124 25 1 26 27 g g ig DOWN TRAINS.
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    • 390 8 ALL A N Engineers and (J a al SIOEE: sl beach Standard T ,H h, 76 S Anniul Cei >eral V,• X the Standard Life a« e=.h;,;s S’ 11 ,5;,'4446 Policies were i 3s ’"r,S° tW: mg the year, assuring £2 ’°88,300 The Total Existing Assurances iom rCe at 15tl1
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