Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 April 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1946 1 pipping NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN British Nippon Yusen Kaisha. ’’’’peninsular I Oriental Steam Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan MAIL SHIP Co Ltd Navigation Company. J Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. fc" ZX ‘"H j’ p mail steamers may ’Wf K Eos Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on I I*"""*
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  • 111 2 Psnang, 23rd April, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/7| 4 months’ sight Bank 4/8| Do. 8 Credits 18J Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 124 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 126 Bombay, Demand Bank 124 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 126 Madras, Demand Bank 123
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  • 187 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mme Co. buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $96. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary s27.— buyers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l9O. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.75
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  • 184 2 Penang, 2?rd April, 1903. .Dttcnptwn, Beef— cts. Soi’p per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver per catty 22 Pork Pork 32 Pig's Head 18 Feet 24 Tongue 26 Mutton
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  • 189 2 Penang, 23rd April, 1903. Tin $9L —sales West Coast Black Pepper 8 lbq soz s 29 ga i e 3 White Pepper $53 —sellers Trang Pepper season commencing $65 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. $166. sale» Mace Pickings 120. sellers Nutmegs 110« 64.—sellers No. 1 7.—sellers Sugar
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  • 82 2 Mails Close To-morrow. Par Per str. Tim Negapatam, Madras. I’ondicherry, Cuddalore and Karical, taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras ...Zaida 1 p.m Registration up to noon. Parcels to day 4 p.m, Singapore ...Uinta ...11 a.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Langkat 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan...Betsy 1 p.m. Perlis
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  • 20 2 From Steamer To Arrive. Hongkong Onipenta 23-4-C3 Calcutta Lai Sang 23-4-03 Suez Bombay 24-4-03 Jeddah Monsoori 25-4-C3
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  • 284 2 Arrivals. Sachte i, German, str., 3118, Franke, 22-4-03, from Singapore, general, B. M. Co., Suevia, German, str., 2663, Borack, 22-4-03, from Hamburg, general, B. M. Co Umla, Brit., str., 3451, Walkeys, 22-4-03, from Rangoon, general, B. M. Co., Fitzpatrick. Brit., str., 730, Davey, 23-4-03, from Rangoon, general, H. Chong
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 518 2 TO Let or Sctle. I Thean Chee <Sc Co. I No. 56 Beach Street. HAYE IN STOCK Apply to JHi jJti-Clctss Brands OWNER, <> F At No 67 IM EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Packed in Patent Airtight Tins} The Finest Wines in the Market Nahdi,” plain, 100 in a tin large size
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    • 23 2 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, fJingaporc, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on Bromide paper. W. JONES, Photographer’
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    • 693 2 Insurants llntirp c a STOREKEEPER for the Public 2T jjWgS. A. Works Department. Salary $7O per Hamburg-• month on the nou-pensionable establish- z- 11 IflSHr ment with free unfurnished quarters. ance CO. of Hambliro- Applications will be received by the ur K. Deputy Colonial Engineer up to 25th April, Established
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  • 454 3 The Owner Fined $250. Before Mr. Brockman, the First Magistrate, Syed Mohamed Alsagoff was charged with making on a certain date deviations to plans approved of by the Municipal Commissioners in respect to a building under the course of erection in Bras Bassah-rd., without having
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  • 420 3 Mr. Asquith rose to address Sr. Albans on March 26bh in his usual role of the heavy father. People hushed their breath when they beheld the cold,impassive face of the mighty statesman dominating the platform, and as the tight-locked lips moistened themselves for utterance, one could have
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  • 155 3 In an article on potable spirits, the Lancet declares it to be a stigma upon the administration of this country that there is practically no control exercised over the sale of spirituous liquors comparable in any sense with the system of supervision over the food supply. According to
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  • 289 3 The use of acetylene gas as an illuminant is, we (Enii'uieerinij) feel sure, to increase with rapid strides, whether it be for lighting isolated houses, churches, halls, or villages, &c., or lor heating purposes. It is admirably adapwl for use in so many situations,
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  • 376 3 Big Forgeries. Long Confesses. Before the Assistant Commissioner,Delhi, recently, Sergeants Long and Watson, Supply and Transport Corps, were charged with forgeiy, personation and other offences. Mr. Morton, Bar-at-law, appeared for Watson. Long was unrepresented. Inspector Tanered, Punjab Police, conducted the case for the prosecution.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 for the Prevention of Disease ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of Disinfectants in the Market. prices: in One Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in Two $2-00 in Four £l-90 in Quart Bottles $O-60 Per Bot. Special Quotations for 40 Gallon Casks. niRELLA Gold Enamel The only substitute for
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    • 65 3 Convalescents at all times require a tonic —the best of all tonics as a flesh forming food is STEARNS’ WINE. It is palatable and easily borne by the most delicate stomach. Its great value and marked superiority over Emulsions and other forms of taking Cod Liver Oil has been proven
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    • 69 3 The Fireman is in great danger from falling bricks or timbers as well as from the flames, No fire department is properly equipped without a supply of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This liniment is unexcelled for burns and bruises. One application gives relief. Try it. All dealers sell it. Just Received.
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    • 423 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 4 Beach Street, I'enang. HALL’S Coca Sleeplessness, Convalescence, WW K wssuas» Nervous and HALL'S Physical I Debility. w'O La Hall s Wine has attained a well earned popularity at home consti- tipi tutions run down by the climate, the great restorative and rhe hnest ißnega
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  • 145 4 Thursday, 23rd St. George. St. George's Ball. Town Hall. High-water 8-50 a in and 9-15 p.m. K rid ay, 24th Mail for Europe via Madras expected to leave Ordinary Meeting Municipal sioners, at 3 p in. Town Band. Esplanade, at 5 High-water 9 40 a.m. and 10-5 p.m.
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  • 2194 4 Acuording to an Indian paper, the Marconigrams which the Times is' receiving regularly from New York cost very little more than cable messages from France. What this means is very easily understood. Should the experiment which the great English daily is now carrying out in conjunction
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  • 208 4 Hogan-Capper. The St. George’s Church wq,s yesterday the scene of the grandest wedding that has been celebrated in Penang for a long time. The Church was decorated very prettily with Howers, and wore an ideal bridal appearance. The parties to the marriage contract were Mr. Reginald A. P.
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  • 175 4 (R EUTEFt s j London, 22nd Annl. BAILWAYS IN CHINA German Company Incobpo Ila lEII The German Asiatic R a i| Wav Company has been incorporate,, Berlin, with a capital of half a hon, to construct Chinese State rail', ways, whereof the financing is tn h undertaken by the
    (R EUTEFt ’ s j  -  175 words
  • 518 4 4 (IJefore Mr. A. liryint.) THE GOLD LEAL’ CASE. ‘22nd April. Accused Disch\kged. This case, in which Tunk.i ILunsi, popper trader, is charged with criinioal breach of trust in respect of gold leaf valued at $24,000, came up for further hearing. Mr. xl. R. Alams was for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1011 5 farewell dinner. l a st evening Captain Bradbery, our well Harbour Master, was entertained in the Town Club by a number friends who wished to bid him fare- 11'prior to his departure for Europe on l retirement from the Straits Service, the fact that no less than fifty-four
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  • 135 5 The following is the Agenda of the Municipal meeting to bo held to-morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the* President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure and Progress
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  • 421 5 Penang has for some time past been enj lying such a lengthy period of comparative idleness and do-nothing-ness, so far as entertainment goes, that the annual concert by the Epworth League of the M. E. Church given at the Anglo-Chinese School list night was welcomed with
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  • 324 5 (7b the Edit'))' of the Pinang Gazette.'") Sm, I shall be greatly obliged if you will allow me the use of your columns to draw attention to the condition of the Resthouse at Tai ping. I have a large experience of Rest-houses throughout the Malay States and quite
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  • 155 5 In Kwangtung. It is gathered from the Viceroy’s official organ (the Pei Yang Kuan Pao) that a notorious desperado and murderer named Mali Ling-Jin, who had been a terror and bully in his native district of Shunteh Hsien, Kwangtung, for many years, was at last decoyed into the
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  • 156 5 Plague in India. There was a satisfactory decline of 7,000 deaths in the weekly plague returns during the week ending 11th instant, mortality having dropped to 21,000. There were 23,000 daaths during the corresponding period in 1902. The decline in Bengal, Bombay and the United Provinces accounts for
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  • 601 5 From the ordinary Magic Lintern which throws enlarged pictures on a screen to the Biograph which reproduces photography and motion was a considerab'e advance; but tlie Biograph no longer represents the latest achievement of science in the matter of lantern marvels. The most up to-date form
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  • 107 5 Madras, 15th April. A case of abduction, by an emigrant agent at Negapatam, who is also a Municipal Commissioner, is now baing heard at Tanjore sessions. Accused is charged with abducting three young married women from Cuddallore for immoral purposes. It transpires that there is an extensive
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  • 575 5 Straits Settlements, 19’«. The deposits exhibit an compared with 1901, of $51,611, oir about 15 per cent., and the withdrawals an increase of $58,014. The total amount at the credit of depositors rose from $487,100 at the end of 1901 to $588,111 on the 31st December, 1902. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT, McAlister Co.
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    • 5 5 Paints, Oils, &c. McAlister co,
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    • 114 5 HAVE YOU FEVER! Fever and Headache o ten go hand in hand, the result of the same derangement, cure the cause and headache will vanish. Stearns’ Headache cure does it effectually. It is reliable remedy, easily taken, and prompt in action. Of all chemists, wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd.
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    • 367 5 i w CORNFIELD, Q IMPLE HONOURS,” Australian »n|-* O Galloway, Bay Gelding good 3,1101* 3.110 fencer. High Dog-cart (built in England, in excellent condition. Outfitter. 11 «A,,. St,M. 2 Beach Stree! W. Mansfield Co., Limited. is h rtbv t iven fbat the 1-usi- JUS T PiKCEIVED AGAIN. INj De<s of
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  • 1133 6 Another well-known and old resident of Penang, in the person of Captain Bradbery, the Harbour Master, will soon bo leaving the Settlement for home to enjoy a wellearned pension. Captain Bradbery retires from the Government Service this month, and proceeds to England, with the best of best
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1371 6 «■■■«■■»■■»2 ReiYlOYal. LARGEST la. l o- AKY DEMii'AICE. I BERNSTEIN, gold and silver smith, umV\ 7 (f 2 vJT begs to inform the public of Penang tL-v V-/ LLi Ku 0 -3 S an d surrounding districts that he has removCARBOLIC j c;lt s 6B l9s Toothpowder. Penang Sales Room.
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    • 165 6 What is Pain Balm, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment, and while adapted to all the ordinary uses of a liniment, has qualities which distinguish it from other remedies of this class. Pain Balm is especially beneficial for rheumatism. Thousands of cases can be cited in which this remedy has
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    • 316 6 CAUTION. JVTOTICE is hereby given that an oval shaped chop, bearing in English, Chinese and Malay characters the inscription of the chop of the undersigned, Chung Thye Yin, having been stolen, the public is warned not to negociato or accept any documents bearing the stamp of this chop, and notice
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  • 140 7 Ur d«s by Captain A. R. Adams, u (’onunandant. Orders for April. Drills. 23rd Racruits Drill and SignalT har3dfty 'm" Cl ftSS ftt the Fortat 530 P-m--tv 25th, Class Firing at the Range 6» turda ft t 330 p-ra- 2Htb, Examination of N. C. Os. Tuesday ind others
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  • 125 7 Passengers Outward. Ppr p and 0. steamer Home, connecting he steamer Ballaarat, at Colombo, Wilh t J. n April 2.—Shanghai Mr. and Pgl Br and Mrs. B.°Hilcbin, Mr. J «nhA’lrs. Maclean, Mrs. Fraser. To Bulow, Mr. D. Forbes, ODg nfrs I rand and 2 children, StaffGoadhall, Mi
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  • 157 7 > 1* r/na^ton under thia heading G supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship vine», ana the dates are approximate only. Aprl. 24 Extra P. O. s. s. Bombay from London, for Singapore, China and Japan, Messrs. Giliillan Wood Co. 2o s. a. Glaucut from Singapore, for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 Sporting Guns AND Ammunition BY C. G. Boneh'll, Birmingham. AGENT: C E. JOHNSON, BEACH STREET, NeXtDooK TO PINANG GAZETTE,” IST FLOOR. 2 CONTROL CLOCKS As supplied to all the Banks and Prye Dock. CODOWNS, SUGAR RICE MILLS, HOTELS, PRIVATE HOUSES, iiiio keep night watchmen, cannot do »ud° U^a contr ol
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    • 157 7 EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR OFFICE WEAR, Being built on principles comprising GREAT STRENGTH AND SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCT lON SUPPLIED TO The Admiralty, Board of Trade, Mar Office, Post Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies. Great Western Railway, North London Railway, L. B. and S. C. Railway, L. and
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    • 727 7 Whpn LIPTONB TEAS JtY //111 Ills WERE AWARDED THE gold medal PARIS EXHIBITION. BEST HATtmAL APERIENT WATER. Itapit lanos -7/ w For CONSTIPATION. Frofeuor D. LAMBL, of Warsaw, Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University, write»—* '“pII/’/T pDr l A T 1 M T’QQ IT Tl 7 Q “Hunyadi Janos
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1515 8 11 s I FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H £> «S r *72 ro g II I I 1 I g Time Table from Ist November, 1902. 1' g g S 1 -g S g WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, 3 3 STATIONS. T T~T~I 1 1 fl o 1 2 8 4 5
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    • 427 8 ALLAN S. and General Cm W 3: _40 WELDQ UAY _TownStob ej 8 1 BEACH ST RPEt Standard UfeA SSUrance THE 76th Annual General M the Standard Life A 7 eein ?of »h“ y »9 W r e W St E ,i b 4 the 22nd of April, 1902. Tae8
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