Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 April 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 23 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. published daily. SEW SERIES. ESTABLISHED 1833. PRICE 20 CENTS VOL. LX I. WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, 1903. No. 84
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1907 1 PP tn g ilctim. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN British Nippon Ym Kalsha. Peninsular Ofisiltal Steam /fcx Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship c».. lu. Navigation Company. lntended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. Ĕ PrjlilL mail steamers may Fob Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on W y JL be expected
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  • 113 2 Penang, 15th Apbil, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/8 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank V# iff Do. 8 Credits 1/8,% Do. 8 Documentary 1/8| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 124| Do. 3 days’sight Private 126 f Bombay, Demand Bank 124| Do. 8 days’ sight Private 12G£ Madras,
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  • 196 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. Ltd... 52.50 buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $95. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $26. buyers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $185. buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co.,
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  • 189 2 Penang, 15th April, 1903. Description. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 65 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 26 Pork Pork 32 Pig’s Head 18 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton
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  • 184 2 Penang, 15th April, 1903. Tin $94. —sales. West Coast Black Pepper 3 ll)R 5 Q 7 jj 2 9J sale.” White Pepper $53 —selleis Trang Pepper season commencing $85 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No; sl66.—sales Mace Pickings 120. sellers Nutmegs 110» 84. r ellers I No. 1
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  • 53 2 Mails Close To-morrow. b'or Per str. Time. Deli and Pangkalan Brandan ...Quorra 10 a.m. Langkat Jin Ho 1 pm. Perlis and Setul ...Swee Leok 2 p.m. Paugkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m Deli ...Vidar 2 p.m. Calcutta ...Lightning 3 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy Hong Wan
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  • 24 2 From' Steamer To Ar rice. Singapore Tara 16-4-03 Singapore Nippon 16-4-03 Olehleh M. Vajirunhis 17-4-03 Edie G. G. v. Lansberge 17-4-03
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  • 154 2 Arrivals. Lightning, Brit., str., 2122, Spence, 15-4-03, from Singapore, general, Anthony Co., Calcutta Patroclus, Brit., str., Dickens, 14-4-03, from Liverpool, general, W. M. Co, China Quorra. Brit., str., 120, Russell, 14-4-03. from Deli, petroleum, II L. Co., Brandan Canton, Brit., str., 105, Merican, 15-4-03, from Teluk Anson, general, Ah
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 451 2 A Free Book. 'Flxeaix Chee <& Co. fSr" Strength without Drugs. HAVE IN STOCK DR. SANDEN’S Electric Herculex is a 0F highgrade home self-treatment with- EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES out drugs. Worn comfortably about the Packe<J in aten t Airtight Tins' waist at night, it sends a pleasant strength- vT giving current
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    • 87 2 Adolf Sternberg. Upholsterer and Furniture Dealer ALSO BEST KIND OF Mattresses and Upholstered Spring Mattress Maker. 430 CH ULI A STREET. Suit 1903 No i. Da to Kramat Gardens. FOR SALE. ALL that piece of land being part of Lot 131 1 Town Sub-di vision 12 and containing an area
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    • 858 2 NOTICE. V incIia VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, J re 3ni Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various »lzes upto 3 ft. on f Mpllf W I~ N VLf ujj p f Gomide paper. 1 and W. JONES, \wWMyJ<nv; r 2 King Street. Photographer vMffiKr also for For Sale. ceives itching
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  • 157 3 The most encouraging feature in the economic outlook at the moment is the welcome activity which during the past week has become observable in the shipbuilding industry, says the L. <(' C. Express of 20th ultimo. The inflow of orders for new tonnage, especially in the Northern
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  • 584 3 There is a good deal more at the bottom of the abolition of the lance in the British Cavalry than most people are probably aware of, says the Pioneer. It is not solely a question of armament, another turn of the wheel of military opinion which has been
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  • 771 3 European Killed by a Leopard. Mr. C. J. Kelly, an Assistant of the Bagrawte Tea Co., met with a dreadful accident on 30th ult. He was mauled by a leopard and died from his injuries. Water Famine in Rangoon. For the last three years, especially during the hot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 for the Prevention of Disease ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, fhe Surest of Disinfectants in the Market. prices: in One Gallon I ins §2-25 Per Gallon. in Two in Four $l-90 in Quart Bottles $o»6o Per Bot. Special Quotations for 40 Gai lon Casks. Coleman’s WWCABNIS is THE FINEST TONIC
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    • 202 3 What is Pain Balm, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment, and while adapted to all the ordinary uses of a liniment, has qualities which distinguish it from other remedies of this class. Pain Balm is especially beneficial for rheumatism. Thousands of cases can be cited in which this remedy has
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    • 99 3 The Fireman is in great danger from falling bricks or timbers as well as from the flames. No fire department is properly equipped without a supply of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This liniment is unexcelled for burns and bruises. One application gives relief. Try it. All dealers sell it. NEURALGIA CURED.
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    • 401 3 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 4 Beach Street, Penang, HALL’S coca I Sleeplessness, Convalescence, WINE 81 Nervous and HALL’S r,iysii ;!1 Debility. WINE Hall’s Wine has attained a well earned popularity at home constir i i r i tutions run down by the climate, the great restorative and the finest
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  • 137 4 Wednesday, 15th (’oncert by Mr. Paci, Town Hall, at 9 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 2-10 a.m. and 2-35 p.m. Thursday, 16th Q High-water 3-0 a m. and 3 25 p.m. Friday, 17th Outward Mail expected to arrive, at riWon. Town Band, Esplanade, at
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  • 1783 4 To the outside public, the system of identifying criminals by means s of impressions on paper of their linger marks has all along been somewhat of- a mystery —to many it lias merely been a subject for ridicule and idle jest. How is it possible," some
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  • 181 4 I Before Mr. Justice Law.) MAGISTRATES APPEAL. 11th April. A Six Months Conviction Squashed. This was an appeal by Bhaw Joon Niong, window of the late Mr. Ng Pak San, against the decision of Messrs. Bryant and Cavendish sitting in the Bench Court, on March 19th last, when
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  • 403 4 (Before Mr. J. 7. Bryant.) 14th April. A Kung lad was charged with criminal misappropriation of .the sum of $3, which which was entrusted to him by his master to buy some provisions. The lad was arrested at Taiping. In his defence he said that as his master
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  • 104 4 1 R EUTE R'Q L) “Bn, llih A Dti Mance. 1 The Prksidexi’s V lbil To President Loubet left y Sunday en route fir A |j"’ met with an enthusiast!.’ ie at Marseilles. ce otl 1 IHE KING’S TOl'B Departure from King Edward has left THE BAGDAD RAILWAY A
    1R EUTE R'Q )  -  104 words
  • 258 4 The Portuguese and Sjnnish warsl™ met the Royal Flotilla oft' the escorted it riverwards. It ancliorcd’off .i'J City, where it was met by King Carlo 0!1 board the Riyal galley manned oarsmen. After an interview of an hour-and-a-half aboard the Royal Yacht, tb e King of
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  • 380 4 4 (To the Editor of the Pinaiij Gazetk.”) Sir, On Thursday evening, while running through the report of the meeting of the Municipal Commission held on the previous afternoon, I was not a little surprised al the wording of that part of the report headed The Convent.” It
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 792 5 p f p; IV ace of Canterbury. p Waco has boon appointed Dean .fGmterbnry. IP ,i )URF.n Visit of the Khedive to Berlin. states that the Khedive has n ‘,'q ,n invitation of the Kaiser to visit in tho P „ro Between French and Arabs. I* 11 hundred
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  • 1838 5 BY “HOMOCEA.” One Sunday evening, some fifteen years ago, three men were riding homewards from the little township of Eton N.Q. to the plantation whereon they worked, and where I was then employed as *****-puncher or labour overseer. Sid Weston, Billy Williams and Parsons were regular
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  • 1158 5 Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on 27th March, 1903. Present i.—J. W. Hallifax, Esq., (President), R. Yeats, Esq., A. K. Buttery, Esq., Quah Beng Kee, Esq W. D. Barnes, Esq., and Cheah Tek Thye, Esq. 1. This being the first meeting in the New Municipal Building, the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 < o< oh, it neglected, Iwll to K. tll( Oil H 'hseases. Chamberlain’s Cough lrr n l Al k “'P the cough loose, allay the Want 1 dll C(,,!| iteract any tendencytociri., I lluoll ia. It always cures and •-3 quickly. All dealers sell it. WOOD A- Co.’s Cow Butter.
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    • 6 5 English and American Harness. McALISTER Co.
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    • 109 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy cures the cold and does not produce any bad effects. It strengths the lungs and leaves the system in a healthy condition. It always cures and cures quickly. All dealers sell it. New Beach Street Auction Rooms. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. The undersigned is instructed by the Straits
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  • 890 6 Germany’s Financial Position. The following is an extract from the report of the Deutsche Bank dealing with the general financial position in Germany During the whole of the past year banking institutions in Germany have been unfavourably affected by tha low value of money which has prevailed and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1110 6 House to ILiet. S O S 3 S O 1 TTTOMESTEAD,” No. 86 Nortbam a 10 g J Road. Immediate entry. fA 1 Apply to Ox- O GUAT CHENG Bros., 0 o No. 7 Church Street. H F! 2 (J) CJI rr q WANTS». O Ph cm o ca rCC
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    • 48 6 A Pain in the Chest is nature’s warning of a threatened attack of pneumonia. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders. One application gives relief. Try it. AU dealers sell it.
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    • 822 6 SS BERNSTEIN, gold and silver smith, X O Y Q CjT» begs to inform the public of Penang VlB ■< 1 j I I< j vk and surroundingdistricts that he has remov- A ed to Bishop Street No. 68. Municipal Notice. 31 BEACH STREET, XT 0 TICE s hereby given
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  • 234 7 (J: lers by Captain A. 11. Adams, ommandant. Orders f ir April. Drills. i lesdav 15th, Company Drill at the e 1 3 j, iCe onrso /Dress. Drill order with Caps.) Fall in at the junction of Mic Alister and Race Course Roads at 5-30 p.m. l ;dav
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  • 161 7 Passengers Octward. Per P and 0. st amer Oriental, connect„,.v> thn u v Bengal, at Colombo, fr<’n Link’d Mai b 19. to Yokonama Z Diiy -n Mr Courage, To Hong Kong: L Com. Mrs. Hedger, Mr. I{ e, Mr. W. Barnes, Mr. McCulloch. T > Singapore Mr.
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  • 183 7 1 information under this heading is supj lie I by the Agents oj the various Steamship lines, a> d the dates are approximate only. Aprl. 16 a s. Glenartney from London, for Singapore, China and Japan, Messrs. Boustead Co. I® s- s. A/upon from Singapore, to Trieste f.ui
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 333 7 ApoUiuaris „IHE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS? > Annual Sales now exceeding 28,000,000 Bottles. Tobe obtained at ail Clubs, Hotels, Tiffin Rooms, etc. Agents HLTTENBACH BROS. Co. BROWN Co., Motium e n ta 1 Sculp to rs 42 BEN TI NCK STRE E T, CA ECU LT A Established A. D.
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    • 167 7 EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS. THE IDEAL MACHINE FOR OFFICE WEAR, Being built on principles comprising GREAT STRENGTH SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION y vwi t.xrvwclypc'wrxtcv SUPPLIED TO The Admiralty, Board of Trade, V> ar Office, Post Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies. Great Western Railway, North London Railway, L. B. aud S. C. Railway,
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    • 376 7 LIFTOWS TEAS were; a warded the .A. hlhdOS GOLD MEDAL Fcr gj Ur a!;d RJEULUTiSIVL AT THE Professor ImTermnnn, BaOe Professcr ol Internal Medicii.eiu the Unnersity—- Hunyadi Janos has invariably shown i’self an effectual and reliable Aperient. a J"'* H "V/ I_J I F"> I J'* /x w T which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1446 8 fl* f FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. <s cs g®s3 g e> 1 1 M® Time Table from Ist November, 1902. gg g f 1 S g WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, 2 2 w STATIONS. t j—i j i H z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 12
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    • 399 8 ALLAN 4 Wokksi-K) WELD (,r AV -o” StORE BE '«n stp, Eet Standard Life_A ssuranc THE 7Gth Annual General ir the Standard Life A™, JTVf at Edin C the 22nd of April, 1902. 00 The following Results h 15‘h November, 4446 Policies were issued dur ing the year, assuring 1
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