Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1895 1 Jjg» NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN Nippjll Yuseil Kaisha. Daninsiila" Oriental Steam Negapatam Lines of Steamers. IWlilbUia- u- K\ JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. Navigation Company. A Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. r jI.IL mail steamers may For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on 0 i 4 1 be expected
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  • 114 2 Penang, 24th Masch, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1/8,% Do. 3 Credits 1,8 Do. 8 Documentary l z B| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 125 Do. 3 days’sight Private 127 Bombay, Demand Bank 125 Do. 3 days’sight Private 127 Madras, Demand Bank 125
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  • 185 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $7.50 sales Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. s2s.—«aZ«a Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $97 ex div Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $2B. sellerHowarth Erskine, Ltd. $lBO. Lugers Jelobu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.50
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  • 187 2 Pknang, 25th March, 1903. Description. Bkkf— cts Soup per catty 12 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 55 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver per catty 22 Pork— Pork 32 Pig’s Head 18 Feet each 24 Tongue 26
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  • 186 2 Penang, 25th March, 1903 Tin $98.75 sales. o i f West Coast Black Pepper j 3 lbs 6 O A 29* saleWhite Pepper —sellers Trang Pepper season commencing $35 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. «145.— sa’es Mace Pickings 120. sellers Nutmegs 11G« 80- —buyers No. 1 7.—
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  • 61 2 4 Mails Close To-morrow. Fur Per str. lime. Calcutta ...Sui Sang ..11 a.m. Tongkah Petrel 1 pm. Deli andßatu Bahra...Laurens Pit 1 p.m Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 pm. Deli ...Sumatra 3 pm. Friday, 27th. Negapatam. Madras Pondicherry. Cuddalorc Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras
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  • 31 2 p'rtim Steamer To Arrive. Rangoon It ria to-day. Rangoon Fitzpatrick Singapore Palamcotta 26-3-03 Suez Shanghai 26-3-03 Singapore Glenfalloch 26-3-03 Edie G.G v. Lansberge 28-3-03 Calcutta C. Apcar 28-3-03
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  • 231 2 Arrivals. Sumatra, German, str.. 407, Klimmet, 24-3-03, from Deli, general, B. M. Co Deli Laurens Pit. Dutch, str.. 154. Orden, 25-3-03, from T. Poera, empty, H. L Co., Bain Bahra Kiautschou, German, str., 2720. Behrens, 24-3-03, from Colombo, general, B. M. Co Singapore Sui Sang. Brit., str., 1776, Young,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 Thean Chee Co. Removal Notice HAVE IN STOCK Cunningham, Clark Co., High-Class Brands Auctioneers, Valuers, Agents, OF EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Muscat Instrument Importers, Packed in Patent Airtight Tins, Beg to inform the Public that they have Nxhdi,” plain, 10) in a tin Removed to large size $2.7u per tin. .j- Church
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    • 7 2 the piqangQasette Onfy 9)aify tfn Hortt JJMaya
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    • 1070 2 Shwanu Hamburg-BremenFire Insur- Guardian ance Co. of Hamburg. Assurance Co 0 Established 1854- ESTABI IshfThe undersigned having been appointed Subscribed Canit 11 ‘"U Agents of the above Company, are T f 1 ready to accept fire risks at current rates. ,u,dl Funds u n 33 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. wards of
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  • 1285 3 Calcutta, 18th March. The principal features m the Budget are the following: (I.) The Accounts of 1901-1902 closed with a surplus of .£1,950,213 being £277,343 higher than the surplus expected in the Revised Eslimate of that vear. (11) 1902-1903. (1.) The Revised Estimates show a Total Revenue
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  • 252 3 Anyone contemplating going home cia the United States nowadays has a pleasant little ordeal to go through before setting foot in the promised land. Before he or she can he accepted as a passenger by any vessel bound for Lhe I nited States, they must give
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 I for the Prevention of Disease I ZOTAL I The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of Disinfectants in I the Market. fl prices: in One Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. H in i vv $2-00 fl in Four £i=po fl in Quart Bottles so-6o Per Bot. Special Quotations for 40
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    • 71 3 This is the Season when death stalks through the land in the form of pneumonia. The surest defense against this disease is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It always cures and cures quickly. All dealers sells it. NEURALGIA CURED. Stearns’ Headache Cuke gives positive relief in Neuralgia, and is a safe and
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    • 85 3 Influenza is always more are less prevalent at this season of the year. This disease is very similar to a severe cold and if allowed to take its course is liable to cause serious results. The best treatment for influenza is to avoid exposure and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This
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    • 389 3 Graham Co., Lid., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 4 Beach Street, henang. HALL’S Coca Sleeplessness, Convalescence, Nervous and > HALL'S Coca |Physical Debility. WINE «Mali's Wi lie has attained a well earned popularity at home consti,i iir, tuitions run down by the climate, the great restorative and tne finest i i i i
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  • 98 4 > Wednesday. 25th: Annunciation. Lady Day. Penang Impressionists” at Home’ Town 11 al I, 4 to 7 p m. Town Band, Town Hall, 4 to 7 p.m. High-water 9-40 a.m. and 10-05 p.m. Thursday, 26th High-water 10-30 a.m. and 10-55 Friday, 27th Ordinary Meeting Municipal Commissioners, New
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  • 30 4 Clarke-Smith.—On March 17th, at the Union Church, Hongkong, by the Rev. C. H. Hickling, Annie Guelfa Smith to Harold Clarke, of Messrs. Carmichael and Clarke, consulting engineers and shipbuilders.
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  • 2193 4 We are given to understand that a sum of two thousand dollars has been provided for furnishing the new Law Courts which are now nearing completion. It is pleasant to hear that the Government lias at last come to the conclusion that the majesty of the
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  • 192 4 London, 24th March, (REUTER. bioting in An Obnoxious W„ E8B1i Serious noting has m. in Trinidad in introduction of an obnoxio> Bill. Goveiinment B wu > iscsß The crowd stoned and set j'' the Government buildin» were completely gutted. Crowd Fired Upon. The Governor and Council, escorted through the
    (REUTER. '  -  192 words
  • 317 4 Hobson ard. A very pretty wedding was witnesiiuf the Presbyterian Church yesterday noon, the c mtracting parties being 3 Samuel G. Hobson, Superintendent of P* 5 and Telegraphs, Selangor, and M.stE'* Mabel Ward, daughter of Mr. and Ward of the W iverley,” Penang, h bride, who was given
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 469 4 Pritchard Co., 15 BEACH STREET. PENANG. Wdtt ’Vfilsou’s Cdebsatei Nactaw 'llu N). D 9 Had .fol -fl— i i’. 'i. ,K fM Machine vWßk*"'" Eli I COMPLETE WITH MB Cover Accessories. PRICE *****. I 10 l'i>< oiini ter Ca>h. The D 0 Treadle Machine and Cover complete with 5 Drawers,
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    • 96 4 /CONTRIBUTIONB must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer s name and address,not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. ALL business communications should be
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    • 4 4 Ice Cbests. mcalister <& co.
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  • 106 4 Deaths. Fripp—At 104 E., Serangoon Road, Singapore, on the 18th inst., Rose Constance, wife of Captain A. P. Fripp of Singapore. Bogomoloff.—On the 9th March, at Shanghai, Peter Bogomoloff, I. M. Customs, aged 27 years. Him Shan.—On the 10th March, at Shanghai, Chun Him-shan, late agent for Messrs. Jardine, Matheson
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  • 124 5 Within- the last day or two we have prominent notice to the results of L >cal Examinations as far the .i, e Bovs° Schools in Penang are cona= 1 n n d we are now enabled io record the j”twtial success of the St. George’s rip
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  • 412 5 t/ Editor of the Pinany Gazette.") 'thf questions of the population of Penan", and of Penang relatively with .ran >re, have oLen b *en brought before "an l I sh mid be obliged if you will some figures, the official returns not being easily available
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  • 200 5 The outward bound th rman mail steamer s. s. Kiautsch.ou (Cipt. Behrens) arrived threat 53J p.m. yesterday. She carried 206 saloon passengers including 21 children, anl these of the following passengers landed at Penang:—Messrs. W. F. de Graan and P. van )I eteren Brouwer, from Antwerp
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  • 119 5 tebuiuc eruption' of Mount Vesuvius insf 10 n 8 0,1 sa Y s a telegram of 11th a it a °d l^ie P e °ple of the surrounding Ure eein o n terror. A number oi thr- 1 ave a l rea dy occurred among an?i' fe IVIn
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  • 553 5 21th March. (Befo>n Mr. Cavendish.) Cue Tables Turned. The case against Wee Chu Kim, charged with extorting the. sum of SlOO from Lun Boon Ejw at the time the former was charging the latter with assault, was resumed. The detective to whom two subpoenas were given to be
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  • 304 5 An Explanation.* The Ceylon Standard says —Tue other day we received through Reuter’s Agency a sensational telegram from the Agency’s Aden correspondent to the effect that an officer of the Russian Squadron had been arrested for spying at Aden. Perhaps we had better reprint the telegram
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  • 471 5 India is now in ihe seventh year of the pbigue, writes the Pioneer, an l so far from there being any signs of the disease dying out now, as was prophesied when it first appeared, the mortality this month is higher than has ever been before recorded
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  • 496 5 A Fiasco Expected. Harrar, 28th Jan. The opinion is entertained here that the Som di Mullah will prove too mobile for the British and Abyssinian expeditions while, moreover, the country is too much against them. Menelik’s force will, I learn, actively co-operate with the British. Expert opinion
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  • 633 5 HM.S. “RESOLUTION” IN PERIL. London, 2nd March. Flying the signal “uncontrollable,” 11. M. S. Resolution arrived at Plymouth at half-past one on Saturday afternoon without her rudder, and otherwise in a defective condition. The battleship had encountered the full force of the gale in the Irish Channel
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  • 288 5 Concerning the conference on ihe silver question assented to by President 110 sevelt, the New York hraniele savs: What is proposed by Mexico and other nations differs from Ihe experiment in British India in one important puticular. Instead of dealing with a redundant mass of existing coins,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 791 6 Du. George E. Morrison, the Times correspondent at Peking, has returned to China. The issue of new colours to the Btb, 7th and 14tb, Madras Infantry has been sanctioned. Numbers of Chinese in the vicinity of Amoy are reported to be enrolling themselves as Japanese subjects. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 752 6 notice. A( o f Sternberg. DR. NOBLE Co., Denial Surgeons, have opened an Office in Room 81, Upholsterer and Furniture Eastern Oriental Hotel. Dealer ALSO BEST KIND OF ••PinangGazette” Press, Ltd. Mattresses and upholstered Sorins’ Mattress MakerUIIHE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING CIiULIA STREET. 1 0 tbs SHABEHOLDEBB of tbe 4,9 GHULIA
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    • 96 6 Rheumatic Pains will soon wear out the strongest constitution. If relief is possible, Chamberlain's Pain Palm will afford it. This liniment has been a boon to thouiands of sufferers. One application givse selief. Try it. All Dealers sell it. STEARNS’ WINE is accepted by the most delicate stomach- there is
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    • 883 6 Wanted for Pahang. y yy YK YYWV TWO CLERKS, one on $B4O and tbe A\ Xk AJ A) (JI other on $720 per annum, Chinese IMI y jxl preferred for the latter vacancy. A a j I Both will be required to pass the Senior I Clerical Examination before the
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  • 228 7 rs by Captain A. It. Adams, in sday 25th, Recruits Drill at r'if* Fort at 5-30 p.m. ofith. Recruits Drill at the Fort Tu,ir at 530 p.m. .J.J.1,, Field Day. Dress, Field (hd< .Waterbottlesand Haversacks s h uld be attended to. Fall in at •|h junction of Scotland
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  • 501 7 Passengers Outward. I’ r 1' O. steamer Shanghai, from 21.—T0 Yo Mrs. Macrae, Mrs. Bristow, Mrs. Attgtin. To IM Alfi lA. Godwin, p I mipbcll. Ta Hong Kong: Ca pt. L A. an I Mrs. Bagshawe, J. J .1 tr Bia ;k, Mr. -I. J. H.-I.n
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  • 176 7 1h" information under this heading m mipplied lnj the Agents of the various Steamship line», ai'il the dates are approximate only Mar 26 Italian s. s. Ischia from Singapore, for Bombay, Behu, Meyer Co. ’26 l.,xt a I’. A: s. s. Shanghai from London for Singapore, China and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 JMOJL’ICIS. I' > f r. aang, Singroorc, Peral", s and Sui.ntra. g 1 cu'iaiged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on W. JONES, King Street. Photographer. House to .Let. I No. 86 Northam -> i R>ad. Immediate entry’. Apply to GUAT CHENG Bros., An. 7 Church Street. 'lannheim insurance Co.
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    • 202 7 VkL > -Wife EMiL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. No. 4, Beach Street HAS A WEI.I. SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS/ Gohl Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg, Goll Marquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches Bracelets,
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    • 276 7 LIPTONS TEAS WERE awarded the GOU AL non fe Ph ILIp W. H EYMAN ultr/ hAk I 3 EXnIB I I I O EUROPA. vM;. PATERSON. SIMONS Co. Heyman-s Patent yV PCP SCHMIDT KUST ERM ANN Co, tkirciY i Z OBf ifjents, Penang, Native States and Sumatra. 11 ~~j— —n-iTiiiß—j
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1503 8 i 1: t FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. S S' a ft il Time Table from Ist November, 1902. G> O 5 S oQ o S I WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, Jq 3 S B STATIONS. j r c 1 2 3 4 5| 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14
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    • 403 8 Engi-'irsandGcneralCo,-. rac! ors W e/J0 T -WN Store R e ch f.'UayStandard TTIHE 76th Annual General 'r JL the Standard Life V 3 pany was held at f 7the 22nd of April, 1902. U < The following Results for th.,, 15th November, 1901, W as r >n/ 7 i 4446
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