Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2047 1 WH &IKK. NORDDEUTSCHEB LLOYD, BREMEN. S,^X'^i£SS2s l Ji Nippon Yusen Kalsha. Peninsular Oriental Steam w Negapatam Lines of Steamers. JAPAN mail steamship Co., Ltd. -Navigation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. r I HIE mail steamers may For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on J I X be
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  • 115 2 Penang, 14tii Maiich, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/8 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank l/8f Do. 3 Credits 18£ l)o. 8 Documentary 1 8 Calcutta, Demand Bank ,IG. 124 Do. 3 days’sight Private 126 Bombay, Demand Bank 124 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 116 Madras, Dem
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  • 192 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mme C>>. $2. sales Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lOB. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. Howarth Erskine, Ltd. slBo.—buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. H sellers Karangan
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  • 186 2 I’enang, 14th March, 1903. Description. Bkef— ct s Soup per catty 14 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 30 Liver per catty 22 Pork— Pork h 36 Pig’s Head 18 Feet each 24
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  • 191 2 Penang, 14th March, 1903 Tin ...$95.30 buyers West Coast Black Lepper 3 50% jj;29| sa White Pepper $55 —sellers Trang Pepper season commencing s36g Oloves (picked) $35.50 Mace N<. sl4s.—sa’e< Mace Pickings 120. sellers NutmagsllGx 99.—buyers i No. i 7._sdh rs. Shigar 2 5-30 do I Baskut....
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  • 21 2 Mails Close ox Monday. h vt Per str. Hute. Deli ...Hebe noon. Perlis and Setul ...Swec Leok 2 p.m.
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  • 22 2 Prom Steamer To Jrrirc. Rangoon I’undua to-day. Singapore 'an Outhoorn 16-3-03 Singapore Gregory Apcar 16-3-0-» Calcutta Kum Sang 17-3-03
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  • 189 2 Arrivals. Laurens P.t.. Dutch, str.. 154, Orden, 14-3-03. from Deli, general, 11. L. Co, Deli Taw Tong, Brit., str., 105, Reid, 13-3-03, from Teluk Anson, general. Koo Guan. Teluk Anson Th.vpmg. British, str. 160. Wheeler. 13-3-03, from Port Weld, general, H. L. Co., I’ort W eld Canto i. Brit.,
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  • 1249 2 EASTER MEETING, TO BE HELD AT S sremban, April th~ 14th, 16th and 18th, 1903. Iprotiraimne of Events. FIRST DAY, 1. The Selangor Stakes. Presented bij the Selain/or Turf Club. Value $3OO. —A Race for Selangor 1903 Grillins. Weight for age. Entrance $l5. Distance, R. C. and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 525 2 NOTICE. Thean Chee <Sz> C/O. HAVE IN STOCK Til!-: STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. High-Class Brands r 8 11] ////<■ Z.C'UO/ fl’ill 'L< [A J relievo the s.s. /.<*(/*/ EGYPTIAN CiGAREITES 117/./ on I lie Penang-Teluk Packed in Patent Airtight Tins ini), while the latter N I'uli,” plain, 10 >in;• Un
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    • 46 2 House to Let. TT OMESTEAD,” No. 86 Northam 1 I Road. Immediate entry. Apply to GUAT CHENG Bros., Ab. 7 Church Street. PETER ROY Co.’s “Club Blend” Scotch Whisky C. E. JOHNSON, SOLE AGENT, BEACH STREET. Next Doon to i: Pixaxg G vzf.tte,” 1 st Floor.
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    • 75 2 ALLAN IRVINGand Ge neral Contract Works:— 4o Weld Qua)T >wn Stork :—3l Peach Street. CONTROL CLOCKS As supplied to all the Dinks an, Prye Dock- A X i\ z I f c DOW NS, SUGAR CLUBS, HOTELS, PB^ A E Who keep night 8 H without a control cloc andgivesasecurftyto
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  • 637 3 Gan as. Specially Written for the Pinany Gazette.”) [copyright reserved.] CHAPTER XIV. The Story of Ganas Continued from, last Saturday's issue) Ga?;as waved the staff, and the smouldering torches again burst into flame: be touched each of the prostrate men and waited. Abdy shuddered and drew a
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  • 2375 3 The Audience or the King of Kumasi. An audience was granted to the Europeans in the morning. The town was gay with colour. Gaudily dressed Kings, decked out in finery, and borne in gorgeous litters, arrived from various districts, accompanied by linguists and executioners. The latterweird men with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 I For the Prevention of Disease I ZOTAL I The Best, The Cheapest, I The Surest of Disinfectants in I the Market. B prices: in One Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in TWO $2-00 B in Four £1 =9O B in Quart Bottles $O-60 Per Bot. B Special Quotations for
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    • 60 3 Better Than a Plaster.—A piece of fl innel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected part is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back, or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with
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    • 71 3 NEURALGIA CURED. Stearns’ Headache Cuke gives positive relief in Neuralgia, and is a safe and speedy remedy for all Headache. Stearns’ is the origimnal and genuine. Of all Chemists, wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. 6 This is the Season when death stalks through the land in the form of
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    • 439 3 notice. The Finest Wines in the Market VIEWS of Pr.iang, Singtmore, Perak GILFILLAN WOOD Co. S Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes upto 8 ft. od VERY OLD TAWNY PORI GomHe paper. w .Jones, FINO PALE SHERRY 42 Kln Slreet Photographer These are confidently recommended J > >/ >
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  • 119 4 > Saturday, 14th Mail from Europe via Negapatain expected to arrive. Town Band, Golf Club, at 530 p.m. Moonlight Performance. E. 0. Hotel, at 9 p.m. High-water 12-30 a.m. and 12-55 pm. Sunday, Idth 3rd Sunday in Lent. High-water 1-20 a.m. and 1-45 p.m. Monday, 16th Penang Hunt
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  • 2 4 Births.
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  • 2 4 Births.
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  • 2009 4 A few days ago we gave an interesting extract from the Straits Tinies showing tow the cost of living had gone up in Singapore of recent years. We have •otnpared the published market lists for March 1898 and to-day, and we find that irices have risen
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  • 105 4 (To the Editor of the i( Pinang Gazelte.") Dear Sir, I note with regret the absence in this Settlement of a Maternity Hospit d. TiMis a much felt want amo tgst the poorer members of the community, Avho cannot afford to pay high medical fees and are compelled
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  • 239 4 {Perak Pioneer.') 4A.LTHOUGII the annual meeting of the Kinta Gymkhana Club has just passed the inhabitants of Kinta have not in any wax ibated their interest in things racing. T< est this feeling Gopeng now pro| oses holding another of its always popular gymkhana meetings on the 28
    {Perak Pioneer.')  -  239 words
  • 3 4 (REUTER'* Births.
    (REUTER'*  -  3 words
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  • 80 4 Sr. George’s Church. Third Sunday in L ent 8- am. Holy Communion- l 9 a.m. Mat ns.—(C/iora 9- a.m. Holy Communion tor 10 am. Service for Chinese. 5 p.m. Sunday School. 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon- i-mpTW-X-Church of the As o,* nii-h Mu”’ a First Mass, at 6-lo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 662 4 Pritchard Co., 75 BEACH STREET, PENANG. China Glassware. This Department is now replete with a large Stock of Dinner Services, lea and Breakfast Services, Dessert Services, Toilet Sets, Trinket Sets, Glassware, &c., &c., in Plain and Pretty Designs. E IISrSIPZECTTO.TSr lINVITED. Travelling Requisites. Steel Trunks, Overland Trunks, Uniform Cases. Gladstone
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    • 1 4 Births.
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  • 1944 5 ordinary meeting. ordinary meeting of the Penang irm Commissioners was held in the UllUl Hill yesterday afternoon. There Present Mr. J- W. Hallifax e i\l -rs. R Yeats, A. K Battery, Cheab Thye, barren Barnes and Quah Beng K T h p minutes of the last meeting
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  • 1295 5 It is rumoured that H. E. the Governor is very seedy and may have to go home for good. The paper I quote from says for good,” which may stand for either “for his good or “for our good I’d be sorry to know that the report
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  • 229 5 Admiralty’s New Scheme. The conditions under which the newlycreated boy artificers are to enter the Navy have been officially promulgated at Portsmouth. The rating has been created under the new Admiralty scheme and vacancies are to be filled by competitive examination. The first lot of boys are,
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  • 228 5 Growing Warclouds. The never-ending conflict between Norway and Sweden seems latterly to have kindled a perfect war flame. Just at the moment when the Norwegian and Swedish Ministers are beginning negotiations on the subject of the Norwegian demands for the establishment of selfdependent Norwegian consulates, and with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 GENERAL DEBILITY AND BRAIN FAG. The Effects of Stearns’ Wine is remarkable in tbe following complaints and functional disorders :—Phthisis, Dyspepsia, Influenza, General Debility, Brain Fag. Anaemia—Sold by all Chemists, and wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. 13 Vinolia Cream. f w T for Mosquito I g an d insect
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    • 860 5 Jlrtu ADbrrtisetnntts. kotice. DR. NOBLE Co., Dental Surgeons, have opened an Office in Room 81, A DVERTISER wishes to borrow $2,000 Eastern Ori ental Hotel. ZjL for six months. Good security and ti r v x i 10% interest offered. Hie Eastern Extension Australasia Address: finance, and China Telegraph Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 356 6 Wanted. Aylesbury and Garland, 4 PROOF READER and ASSISTANT IPOH. JA. REPORTER. Apply in writing to reader Portland Cement n J LARGE SUPPLY FRESH FROM ENGLAND C/O Pinang Gazette. Corrugated Iron and Ridging Wanted. all gauges and sizes. 4 COMPETENT Chinese or Malay MINERS CANDLES. Bookkeeper. Apply by letter enclosing
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    • 134 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is intendd especially for cough, colds, whooping •ough and influenza. It has become famous or its cures of these diseases over a large >art of the civilized world. The most flattering testimonials have been received giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persistent coughs
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    • 348 6 Influenza is always more are less prevalent at this season of the yeir. This disease is very similar to a severe cold and if allowed to take its course is liable to cause serious results. The best treatment for nfluenza is to avoid exposure and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This
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    • 438 6 FOxl 51 fcAM SIANG AIK SUGAR ESTATE. STEAM at Kuala Kuraw in the Dis- trict of Krian, Perak, comprising an teani Carriages area of about 800 acres with one Steam OF ALL DESCIHdtt Mill of 20 Horse Power, Sugar Factory, and Premises, &c. FASTEST For prices and particulars apply to
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  • 286 7 Orders by CapUin A. R. Adams, > Tuesday 17th, Recruds Drill and ,h a> Signalling Class at the Fort ats 30 pm- ajv l‘Kb, Recruits Drill at the Fort T ’at 5-30 pan. 1 .■•>lth R ecruits Drill an 1 Signalling 1 Class at the Fort at 5-30
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  • 378 7 Passengers Octward. Per P. and 0. steamer China, connecting with the steamer liallaarat. at Colombo, from London. Feb. 20.—T0 Shanghai Mis- Foster. Mr. Anderson, Mr. R. Ferine. —To Hong Kong Mr. Greig. Mr. P. Atkin* siii, Mr. <>:bbs. Mi-t Atkinson. Mr. Chenowor’th, Mi'. Smith. To Manila Mr.
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  • 201 7 I !<•' i-i formation under thin heading in plied t>ij the Ai/entn of the various SteamAup line», ai d (he daten are appro j-ima te onh/. Mar. 15 (i<Tn:an s. s. Sum .Ira from Deli, L r I -li, r'.ehn, Meyer Co. 16 Hahata Mara, from Singapore, for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 WAN FED HBIPOSITOUS for the News and JobV bnig Departments of the I’ nang l,a 'dtc Press. Good wages pud to competent, men. Apple to the general agen r, I’inaiig (iazette’’ Press, Ltd. /OVER SIXTY YEARS WDSID WIDE REPUTATION. WILKINSON’S Essenc or Fluid Extract of RED JAMAICA h P HIGHEST
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    • 193 7 EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd No. 4, BeacFi Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg, Gold Marquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches Bracelets, Gold Engagement ami
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    • 1538 7 Adolf Sternberg. NfITURAL APERIENT WATER Cunningham, U-rk Co., a m < Upholsteiei and Furniture Auctioneer*, Valuers, Agents, iki Dealer and Musical Instrument Imp irters, VBaSi WVVQfIO r Beg to inform the I’vblic that they have ALSO BEST KIND OF Removed to For mhIQTIDATIAM Mattresses and Upholstered No. 27 (lunch Street
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1527 8 fl" FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H 1 2 I r? s J I j I I gs Time Table from Ist November; 1902. s I I II» g WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS. a. tf I STATIONS. ■—j— Vf VTI0 11'112 13 14 T 5116 V 17 "“18 18 1 201 21 22
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    • 281 8 BROWN Monumental Sen’’ bektinck street M s (UsTAßUshkd a n 7 Tombstonks in Itaua/jJ,.- ’■«•I am, Ca ra .,aX' A, X, orders taken for NAME SI > Xp CHWtea TAmii? SOLE agent Slra .;M-, uld at ivc StatesL J young Who will Illustrated 1-rirc Lj sts 7'77 Supplied on goods
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