Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2099 1 NORDDEUTSCHEB LLOYD, BREMEN. Br tl h Nippgn Yusen Kaisha. Peninsular 4 Oriental Steam X'Vk Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan MAIL s slll p Co-I Lld 0 Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival 0/ Steamers. PrpIIE mail steamers may w «Sr I Ibe expected to arrive V*/ A\ 1 SraAM.a. From
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  • 112 2 Penang, 12th Mauch, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/8" Do. 4 months’sight Bank I Do. 8 Credits 18£ Do. 8 Documentary 1 8/ s Calcutta, Demand Bank lU. 124 Do. 8 days’sight Private 126 Bombay, Demand Bank 124 Do. 3 days’sight Private I£6 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 195 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersnwah Gold Mine Co. $2. -suit’s Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $8.25 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. sloB. Do. G'/b Debs. par George Town Dispensary $2B. Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 180. buyer* Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.75 .sellers
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  • 194 2 Pknang, 12th March, 1903. Description. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Boast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Bump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 70 Feet 20 Heart 35 Liver per catty 28 Tripe 12 Pork— Pork 30 Pig’s Head 18 Feet each 24
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  • 198 2 Penang, 12th March, 1903 Tin s9si sa’es O, f West Const Black Lepper 3 )bs 5 oz j 2 9isa’«White Pepper $55 —sellers Trang Pepper season commencing s36§ Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. $145. Mace Pickings 120. sellers. Nutmegs I IGx 90. —buyers i No. I 7.
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  • 76 2 Mails Close To morrow. For IVr str. lime. Port Swetteiibam and Malacca ...Langkat I I’.M. Negapatam. Madras Pondicherry. Cuddalore and Kurical taking Mails for Furope. etc. eia Madras Zamania 1 p.m. Kegistration up to noon. Parcels to-day 4 p.m. Trang Pang Nga Artsadong 2 p.m. Rangoon ami Calcutta
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  • 27 2 From Steamer To Arrirt. Rangoon Ismaila to-day. Singapore Tara 13-3-03 Calcutta Lightning 13-3-03 Rangoon Pundua 14-3-03 < Colombo Oaufa 14-3-03 Singapore Hong Wan I 14-3-03
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  • 266 2 Arrivals. Nam Sang. Brit str. 4035. Payne. 11-3-03. from Singapore, general, Bstd Co.. Calcutta Preuwseu, German, str.. 3872, Prehn, 11-3-03, from Singapore, general, B. M. Co Hamburg Sachsen. German. 3118, Franke, 12-3-03. from Colombo, general, B. M. Co., Singapore Calypso. Brit .str.. 339. Lowry. 12-3-03, from Singapore, general. W.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 640 2 Thean Chee Co. Sa e of Valuable Mining HA\L in slot K Property. K-Clftss Bvands or j The undersigned is instructed by the EGYPTIAN CIGARETTE 25 executors of the into -J. Rochfokt, Ecq., Packed in Patent Airtight Tins deceased, Na'ilt,” plain. 10 in a ti.i I to sell by Public
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    • 54 2 The Marine Insurance Company, Ltd riIHE above Company is prepared to accept _L Marine risks at lowest current rates. The Company also accepts risks on Specie, Bonds, Coupons, Bank Notes and other valuable sent through the Registered post, on most favourable terms. For full particulars apply to w. s. GILFILLAN
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    • 690 2 TO I-.ET. N 11REMISES No. 56 Beach Street. u,J ersiJ ne 'l kavc i 1(1 JL Apply to Gd as the Sole Ag ent K. K. MADARSAH, Matehra known K«. w u!*U ft, 67 Beach Street. s s j x* s- s 15 o i co s j» O) /"s
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  • 235 3 I r is stated that the Bombay Port Trust will shortly apply to Government for sanction of a scheme involving an expenditure of over three crores of rupees. Included in the project is the provision of ;i-dry-dock, HOD feet long and deeper at the sides than
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  • 275 3 Departure of the Duke and Duchess. A PHANTOM SHIP. Bombay, 2Stb February. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught embarked on the llcnoirn at 6 pan. yesterday afternoon. Although the departure was private, ihe Apollo Bunder was, long before Their Royal Highnesses arrival, packed
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  • 345 3 Indian Army Appointments. In future, direct appointments to the Indian Army will be made after the final examination instead of after the entrance examination at Sandhurst. Confirmation of a Report. A special cable from the Pioneer's correspondent, date! London, 27th February, savs that Mr. Brodrick denies the report that
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  • 838 3 (Indian Municipal Journal.) This is a disease well known along the East coast of India and its recent outbreak in a severe form in the Malay Peninsula has brought it before the medical world again. The affection is a peculiar kind of scurvy, which occurs among people living on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 601 3 for the Prevention of Disease ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, the Surest of Disinfectants in the Market. prices- ,n ne Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in Two $2-oo in Four £l=9o f in Quart Bottles Per Bot. Special Quotations for 40 Gallon Casks. SERRAVALLO’S TONIC (Bark and Iron Wine. l
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    • 50 3 HAVE YOU FEVER! Fever and Headache often go hand in hand, the result of the same derangement, cure the cause and headache will vanish. Stearns’ Headache cure does it effectually. It is reliable remedy, easily taken, and prompt in action. Of all chemists, wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. 4
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    • 80 3 GENERAL DEBILITY AND BRAIN FAG. The Effects of Stearns’ Wine is remarkable in the followin'; complaints and functional disorders Phthisis, I iyspepsia, Influenza, General Debility, Briin laj. Amenna— Sold by all Chemists, and wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Lt I. 13 North German Fire Insurance Company of Hamburg Capital 7,500,600
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    • 451 3 notice. T| le Fj nes t Wines in the Market \riE\VS of Penang, SingPDore, Perak GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s V Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various alzes upto 3 ft. on VERY OLD TAWNY PORT Gonude paper. w JONES, FINO PALE SHERRY 4 2_ Ku g These are confident]y reC oßimended
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  • 139 4 Thursday, 12 th High-water 10-50 p in. and 11-15 a.m. Friday, 13th Full Moon. {Jewish Festival} Purim. Mail for Europe via Madras expected to leave Municipal Commissioners, Ordinary Meeting. at 2-30 p in. St. George’s Church Choir Practice at 6 p.m. Town Band. Esplanade, at 5-30 pfu. High-water
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  • 2152 4 According to Mr. Austen Chamberlain we have now on our hands no less than eight hundred and thirty Boer prisoners who absolutely refuse to either take the oath or make a declaration of allegiance to the British Crown. He also states that these men will not
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  • 92 4 Before Messrs. Bryant and Howard. 12th March. Highway Robbery. A Chinaman was sentence! to nine mouths’ rigorous imprisonment for high way robbery by snatching $l9 fix m a brother Celestial, in broad daylight in Tek Soon Street. Nine Months for Robbery. A Chinaman was charged with sleiling $2O
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  • 153 4 Two Eurasians and a Kling Arrested. A burglxry was reported at Dato Kramat Police Station at 8 o’clock last night, and as a result two Eurasians, and a Kling man, have been arrested. The victim of the crime, Mr. E. A. B. Jeremiah, of 351
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  • 225 4 (REUTER'S.) London, ]i|i >lr. chamberlain m Suffering fi,>om Gott Mr. Chamberlain L as Madeira on his homeward He has been suffering f, for four days but is now b^’’ 1 OIL TBAINWB ECKEt) Big Loss of Life An oil train was wrecked t town of Olean, in New York
    (REUTER'S.)  -  225 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 Pritchard Co., 15 BEACH STREET, PENANG. China Glassware. This Department is now replete with a large Stock of Dinner Services, lea and Breakfast Services, Dessert Services, Toilet Sets. Trinket Sets, Glassware, &c,, &c„ in Plain and Pretty Designs. insrszPECTiO-isr invited. Travelling Requisites. Steel Trunks, Overland Trunks, Uniform Cases, Gladstone Bags,
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    • 91 4 /CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to “The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address,not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. ALL business communications should be addressed
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    • 297 4 Municipal Meeting. The following are the agenda for Municipal Meeting to-morrow:— 1. Minutes of last Meeting to be iw and confirmed. 2. Any special business the I’reaJeoi may bring forwtid. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Chinese Quarantine Camp. 6. Audit Question. 7. Petition from Pig Butchers.
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  • 42 4 Death. Lucas.—At No. 217-1 Queen Street, Singapore, on the night of the 6th March, Mathieu Gerard George Lucas, aged 61 years, late of Kingston, Canada. OBITUARY. Mr. Patrick Hughes. The death is announced ot Mr. Patrick Hughes, formerly British Consul at Shanghai.
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  • 355 5 JX CIVIL JURISDICTION. 12th March. \i;i Mia; '.af r. Penang Sugar Estates Co., Ltd. I ib ineiif was entered for the defendants, C osts, by consent. The case has ex"'^’edoverseveral days, the concluding argu I€!1 <ovei) on the afternoon of the nient Dtu> o b was a claim
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  • 425 5 Tin Tennis Championship. Yesterday afternoon the final for the Tennis Tournament was played off on the Esplanade ground and resulted in a win for Mr. A. S. Anthony, Mr. V. I). Parsons being the runner up. There was a big attendance of members to watch the game,
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  • 118 5 J -—-0. Gainer "bound Imperial mail here f r (Captain Prebn) arrived d&v J’ 11 n a P »re at one o’clock yesterP^en<re l 1 < St,e 123 saloon these (l cln, ffng 15 children), and of Hilton f b,l l'‘ w n 5 landed here Mr.
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  • 844 5 (Straits imes.} In view of the fact that practically everybody in the East, as well as elsewhere, has got to pay for his own living, and that (he cost of living in Singapore has increased tremendously during the past five years or so, some figures
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  • 171 5 The following rule under the Liquors Ordinance has been passed If any person boiling a licence under section 32 of the said Ordinance applies to the Chairman for the time being of the Licensing Justices for a licence exempting him from the provi-ions of the Rules
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  • 114 5 Me. Henry Phipps has been so much pleasod with Ihe purposes to which the Viceroy has decided to devote his munificent domtion of £20,000 which he recently left in His Excellency’s bands for the benefit of the people of India, and which the Viceroy has
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  • 200 5 Received by the Kini.. His Majesty 7 the King on 13th ultimo received Signor Marconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy. The efforts which are being made by Signor Marconi to secure the absolute privacy of his wireless messages are being watched with great interest by the various cable
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  • 637 5 Hardships of on: Troops in Somaliland. From an occasional correspondent who inarched with Colonel Cobbe’s column from O >bia to Eumara at the end of January, the iKtilji Mail has received the following account of the difficulties of moving with a force through the difficult Somali country,
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  • 157 5 The bright prospects of Pulo Way suggest the following to the Java Bode .—The news that the large Russian squadron bound for Eastern Asia will take in coal, water, and refreshments at Subang in Pulo Way is sure to prove unpleasant to certain parties at Singapore. It has
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  • 295 5 Mr. Balfour, the Prime Minister, delivered an important political address at Liverpool on the 13th ultimo, where he met with an enthusiastic reception. Jle announced a ureat revolution in the constitution of the National Committee of Defence, which body had, he stated, been fundamentally remodelled, and was no
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  • 310 5 Libel Action Results from the Christening. Alr. George Kessler, a well-known New York wine dealer, who recently brought a l.bel action against Air. George Best, of Milwaukee, has just been awarJed £lOO damages. Mr. K *ssler represents a famous French champagne, while Air. Best represents the leading
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 Better Than a Blaster. —A piece ol flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected part is superior to any plaster. W hen troubled with lame back, or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased
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    • 842 5 llrin AlliinlhrnuntS. Municipal Notice. NOTJtsE. r j HIE next ORDINARY AIEETING of A. the Municipal Commissioners THE STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. will be held At the Town II ill, -fx P f J AHE s.s. //ye Leon// will On Friday, the 13th March, at 3 i-.m. /r' —f-r relieve the
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  • 187 6 A little while ago, a French convict from New Caledonia who had stowed himself away on an M. M. steamer .at Sydney, was handed over to the police at 1’ remantle, in West Australia. The police had to set him free again owing to shortcomings in the
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  • 742 6 i. L. if; C. J^d/)rests. We are not surprised that a French contemporary, in a note referring to the ratification of the Treaty with Siam, should ask where exactly the matter stands. It proceeds to assert that the 1( sses are shown clearly, while the profits remain
    i.—L. if; C. J^d/)rests.  -  742 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 373 6 wanted. Aylesbury and Oarland, A PROOF READER and ASSISTANT IPOH. REPORTER. Apply in writing to Portland Cement /r J LARGE SUPPLY FRESH FROM ENGLAND C/O I ma ng Gazette. Corrugated Iron and Ridging Wanted. all gauges and sizes. A COMPETENT Chinese or Malay MINERS CAN DUES. Bookkeeper. Apply by letter
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    • 85 6 Influenza is always more are less prevalent at this season of the year. This disease is very similar to a severe cold and if allowed to take its course is liable to cause serious results. The best treatment for influenza is to avoid exposure and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This
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    • 818 6 Removal Notice. TO UET. S I EAM MO l()p CunninghaiiTTcrark Co., 01 WeB rn Koai pply lo aTEnM Auctioneers, Valuers, Agents, No. g PENANG ROAD. StearnTfa and Musical Instrument Importers, nv Ar t r Beg to inform the Public that they have House to Let. No. 27 Church Street Ghaul.
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  • 318 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Driers for March. q i, ur <lav 12tb, Recruits Drill at F> )il( J-’ort at 5-30 p.m. i-.i) Recruits Drill and Signalling D'' lliy ZZ at the Fort at 5-30 p.m. vk!). Recruits Drill at the Fort Tbui’’ <lil ..Jo p.m. h<
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  • 358 7 Passengers Outward. Per P. and 0. steamer China, connecting v.ilb the steamer Hallaarat, at Colombo, from London. Feb. 20.—T0 Shanghai Miss Foster, Mr. Anderson, Mr. R. Ferine. -To Hong Kong Mr. Greig, Mr. P. Atkinsiiii, Mr. <• ibbs, Miss Atkinson, Mr. Chenoworth, M'". Smith. Io Manila Mr.
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  • 218 7 ln‘‘ i‘iformation under this headin./ it filtfid hi/ the Ayents o f the various Steamshi r lines, and the dates are approximate, onhf. Mai 1 I P. .v s. Lanca from Japan, lor < olonibo, Marseilles. London and Antv. .-i p. Gilfilian Wood Co. l-l s. s. (_)auja
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 130 7 lenang Ice and Industrial Co., Ltd 1 Beach Street.— Open on week days him 7-30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays to noon. benarvon Street, 32 Penang Road I'liT Street.— Open at all horns Brice,.■_ RI, J I n 'ght. r ”r 1 IL. g cts. retail, j n quantities r
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    • 196 7 EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. Wo. 4, ESciid-i Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg, Gold Alarquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches Bracelets, Gold Engagement and
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    • 403 7 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES LIPTSNS TEAS 1. FAMILY PROVISION, WEESE THE 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. r- zm m--x ctOLD MtDAL Easily and Economically mt by a Policy in AT THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE p 1 5 'HI 8111 ■ESTABLISHED J 847.) .Ifhiits I’euaiifi Chairman -I he Hon’ble Sir
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1541 8 i P FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H 1 2 I' D I II Time Table from Ist November, 1902. ■xj o 1 i WEKK-DAYS. SUNDAYS “e 7- SIAIIONS. i 1.1 6 j 7 8!***** 1 1218 14 15 I 16 j 17 '1819'20|*****3 24 25 26 27 o ,_2 x>
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    • 304 8 brown c s Monumental gci.i 42 BENTINCK STREP:! (lisTAßLisiirn a n ’i. Tombstones in Italian u 185 D O.TAN.TE, AND Cbc'-ak"?' 4 orders taken for NAME SI bTUSK Gates. CHURCH T A m r? SOLE AGENT for the V and Native States u. j young U0 AD Hospital, Ppv/v Gmnfo.,
      304 words