Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 March 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2008 1 XOIiDDEUTSCHERLLOYD, BREMEN. I N W“ n Kat«h«. Peninsula? Oriental Steam jflbx Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship co., Ltd. Natation Company. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. I t r-i f I HIE mail steamers may ill If Ibe expected to arrive \vjV\l FOR Will Sail. Steamer. From
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  • 107 2 Penang, sth March, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/7J Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1,8 Do. 3 Credits 18j Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 122 y Do. 3 days’sight Private 124.5• Bombay, Demand Bank 122’ Do. 3 days’sight Private Madras, Demand Bank 122 Do. 3
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  • 186 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $8.25 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $llO. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. -nelbr» Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l7O. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.75 Karangan Tin
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  • 198 2 Penang, sth March, 1903. Description. Beef— Soup per catty 16 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet »> 12 Heart n 35 Liver per catty 24 Tripe 10 Pork— Fork 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet each
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  • 194 2 Penang, sth March, 1903 Pii) $96) buyers. West Coast Black Lepper g p 5 oz 29| sa’«s White Pepper $55 —sellers Trang Pepper season commencing $36 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. $145. —sn e«. Mace Pickings 120. sellers. Nutmegs 1 IG< 93.—buyers I No. 1 7. —sellers.
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  • 52 2 Mails Close To morrow. h <>r I'er str. I uue. Singapore China...Chusan 8 a.m. Port bweltenham and Malacca Langkat 1 i‘.M. Moulmein Megna 1 p.m. Teluk Anson ...Lady We'.d 3 p.m. Saturday, 7th. Deli ...Laurens I’it noon. Deli ...HoKwei 2 p.m. Singapore ...Tara 3 p.m. I‘ort Swettcuham Carlyle
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  • 18 2 From Steamer I>> Arrirc. Rangoon Telartos to-day’. Rangoon Halvtrd Colomb > E F. Eerdinani 6-3 03
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  • 168 2 Arrivals. Calypso. Brit. str., 339, Lowry, 5-3-03, from Singapore, general, W. M. Co., Deli Langkat. Brit., str. 187. Lingard. 4-3-03, from Malacca, general. Koe Guan, Malacca Carlyle, Brit, str, 331, Mugford, 4-3-03, from Bort Swettenham. general, S. S. S. Co.. Bort Swettenham Lady Weld. Brit str., 245, Treweeke, 5-3-03,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 607 2 Thean Chee <& Co. J Kouso *o Let HAVE IN STOCK TTT OMESTEAD,” No. 86 Northa -lE. 11 Road. Immediate entry. Brands a App y F I GUAT CHENG Bros., EGYPTIAN CIGAPE H ES ,v„. 7 stmt Packed in Patent Airtight Tins Na Ml Pli un. io j >u l
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    • 112 2 NOTICE. DR. REEL, of Dr. Noble A Co., Dental Surgeon of Singapore, will be at the Eastern A Oriental Hotel to do dental operations on and after Monday, 9th March, 1903, and from 9 a.m to 1, and 2 to 5 p.m. AS&WES A Remedy for a «J Irregularities. up
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    • 946 2 ALLAN &JRVING. Government <>f I and General Contractors okks :—4O Weld Quay. I’ANil’ DRESSEIts n jTjL annum. ons 12(j ri TiWN Stork :—if Reach Street. F ree quarters, partly f llri Must have had at least twov^’ P 0 NOTICE. traiumg. Applications with 1 ecent tr s i. TTIIIE Power
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  • 1773 3 The Hongkong Chamber of Comekkce Debate. (Continued from yesterday's issue.) Mr. R. C. Wilcox said I have much pleasure, Mr. Chairman, in supporting the resolution proposed by my friend, Mr. Osborne. The remarks to which we have already listened cover most of the ground, but without unduly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 427 3 f o r the Prevention of Disease USE ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of all Disinfectants. Supplied to the Municipality, The Government, and several Sanitary Boards in the Native States. The most powerful Disinfectant in the Market, prices: in One Gallo i Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in Two
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    • 299 3 ARE YOU LOSING FLESH? Stearns’ Wine improves digestion. Increases weight. Renews strength and builds up your body. Stearns’ Wine never disturbs the most delicate stomach. Sold by all Chemists, and wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd. 7 NEURALGIA CURED. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is intendStearns’ Headache Cure gives positive cd especially
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    • 444 3 notice. The finest Wines in the Market of jang, Singapore, Perak GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on VERY OLD TAWNY PORT pap<r. w. JONES, FINO PALE SHERRY 4 2 K Street PMojir«ph er These are confidently recommended (1 ml 1111 il 1» J
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  • 154 4 Thursday, sth P. V. C. Marching Order Parade nt 5-30 p.m. High-water 5 0 p.m. and 5-25 a.m. Friday, 6th Outward Mail expected to arrive at 5 a m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. St. George’s Church Choir Practice at 6 p.m. High-water 5 50 p.m. and
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  • 1229 4 In another column will be found further correspondence upon the subject of the Chinese Quarantine Camp. The opinions of the writers are widely different, one being decidedly pro-Chi-nese and the other putting some very pertinent questions as to the necessity for the Camp, etc. For our
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  • 1232 4 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.") Sir, The article and the correspondence published in yesterday’s Pinang Gazette have mercifully done much to clear the horizon in respect to the Chinese Quarantine Camp question, which has hitherto been somewhat clouded in mist. The letters are of
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  • 203 4 (.REUTER'S.! L »«’on, 4lh U THE pope. His Jubilee The principal functionin’,, celebration of the jubilee F Holiness the Pope took a Il! terday. The Pope was |J St. Peters amidst an throng and was manifestly T* at the enthusiastic accla, nat which greeted him. Standi,,,, in the Sfl/iu
    (.REUTER'S.!  -  203 words
  • 122 4 Memorial to the Late Mr. H. S. Atkinson. Many of the old ncqu balances anil friends of the laic Mr. 11. 8. Atkinsm, formerly Headmaster of the Government School in Penang R iad, wdl learn with interest that a handsome mat bio head-stone auJ neat railing have just been placed
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  • 226 4 Eefoic Mr. Cavendish. 51 h MarchDrunk and Incapable. A Tamil woman name I Muuiaimil appeared before Mr. Favendisb tin* 111)1 charged with being drunk aim 1 1C ‘l She pleaded not guilty. The magistrate after hearing tin c of the constable convicted bm'- i J asked what she
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 464 4 PRITCHARD CO., 15 BEACH STREET, PENANG. Ladies’ Department. ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS. Hercules and Fancy Cambrics, Lawns, Sateens and Fancy Stripes. Cotton Voiles, Hain and Fancy, Printed Muslins and I’lumetis and also a large Assortment in Plain and Fancy Silks. Shoes, Ladies and Children’s, Children’s Strap
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    • 94 4 SAONTRIBUTION S must be addressed to L 7 The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writers name and address,not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. ALL business communications
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  • 1584 5 t l{, fore Mr. Justice Laic.) the assizes. 4th March. Tin; Awang Case. verdict in this case, one of not •was briefly reported in yesterday’s r" 11 The hearing of the case was comP' l mi Tuesday, and finished on Wed"'■'’'p. afternoon. The accused, Yip bin litSI itS
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  • 368 5 London, IGth February. Reminiscences of Mr. Chamberlain’s Tour. During his recent interview with the Boer lenders Mr. Chamberlain motioned General De Wet to be silent and told another Boer:—“I am not here to bo contradicted.” De Web described Mr. Chamberlain’s speech as being as unwelcome
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  • 1576 5 No Abolition of Coal Tar Duty. Mr. Ritchie has informed a deputation that he was unable to offer a hope of the abolition of coal tar duty. The Aden Hinterland. The Porte has ordered the Turkish authorities in the Aden hinterland to conform with the wishes of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 A happy idea for a trade mark is the word Lemco coined from the initials of Liebig’s Extract of Meat Co. Many inferior meat extracts seek to trade on the Liebig Company’s 36 years reputation and they accordingly ask the public to order their extract under the names Lemco in
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    • 39 5 Rheumatic Pains will soon wear out the strongest constitution. If relief is possible, Chamberlain’s Pain Palm will afford it. This liniment has been a boon to thousands of sufferers. One application gives relief. Try it. All Dealers sells it..
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    • 907 5 jiehi AObertissmenis. J UXjI£S FOR SALE SIANG AIK SUGAR ESTATE. SrrUATED at Kuala Kuraw in the Dishict of Krian, Perak, comprising an mo t, <>f sib >ut 800 acres with one St?‘iim ALII of 20 Horse Power, Sugar Factory, and 1 1/ Premist s, <tc. Cl VIIII For ric s
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  • 539 6 Another Wild Shikar on the Hotel Verandah. No sportsman in Asia should miss paying a visit to Raffles, for he never knows what, a rare bag may be picked upon the big verandah of a morning before breakfast, says the Straits Times of Friday last. Within
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  • 562 6 A correspondent writes to a financial per It appears to be assumed in certain circles that if, as a last resort, Chinese labour has to be introduced into South Africa the Rand magnates will only have to whistle to get as many Celestials for import as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 323 6 Wanted. Aylesbury and Garland, A PROOF READER and ASSISTANT IPOH. REPORTER. Apply in writing to i Portland Cement LSA> I, lxiigE SUPPLY FRESH FROM ENGLAND c/o Pinang Gazette. Corrugated Iron and Ridging Wanted. all GAU ges and sizes. 4 COMPETENT Chinese or Malay MINERS CANDLES. Bookkeeper. Apply by letter enclosing
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    • 60 6 Better Than a Blaster.—A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected part is superior to any plaster. Vv hen troubled with lame back, or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with
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    • 433 6 This is the Season when death stalks through the land in the form of pneumonia. The surest defense against this disease is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It always cures and cures quickly. AU dealers sells it. TO LET GI, Western Road. Apply to No. 6 PENANG ROAD. TO LET. IMMEDIATE ENTRY,
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    • 560 6 Government of Perax. Wanteu. Wanted at once. 300 Coolies A CHINESE CLERK and DISPENSER VYCAGES -Males IO Cent for the Vagrant Ward at Teluk Anson. V I 30 cents p Pr h ln h Must speak Cantonete and Keh and have to who work a good knowledge of dispensing. Salary
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  • 398 7 by Captain A. R. Adams, tirders !<>>' March. •fimrslay sth, Marching Order I' l l;l at the Fort at 5 30 pan. v, this pirade a lull attendance I ;l H ranks is requested. i 10th, Racruits Drill and Signal'|neSt“' ]mg class at the Fort at 5-30 pan.
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  • 144 7 Passengers Outward. Per I’. an 1 O. steamer Victoria, connectting with the steamer hiisan, at Colombo, from Lindon, Feb. 5. —To Hongkong Mr. Lirlitts, Hon. and Mrs. D maldson, Air. Stevenson. T.j Singapore Mr. Ellis, Mr. Hopwood. To Penang: Mr. Cowie. Prom Marseilles. —To Yokohama: Hon. G.
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  • 202 7 Lhe io formation under this heading is supplied by tiig Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. March ss. s. Amiral Hamelin from Singapore for Havre and Denkirk Gilfillan ood v o. 6 Outward I‘. O. It. M. S. Chusan from Bombay and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 86 7 CONTROL CLOCKS. As supplied to all the Banks and Prye Dock, o (I 'M)IH\NS, sugar arice mills, tLI 'BS, HOTELS, PRIVATE HOUSES, Vbo ktep night watchmen, cannot do Vl 'diouta control dick. Stops all thieves ail <l gives a security to the owners. <■ Qy ZI Y A ,>lilll0 «Hiy
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    • 193 7 Jp th EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. Wo. 4, Beach Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg, Gold Marquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches Bracelets, Gold
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    • 1029 7 Insurant Retires. Mannheimjnsurance co. MARINE INSURANCE. I TEAR Guardian Hre and Life q HIE undersigned Agentswill accept Marine I Acciiranrn I J Risks on Merchandize, Produce and Valu- Assurance Co., Ltd. ables at current rates. WERE AWARDED THE For full particulars apply to ESTABLISHED 1821. KATZ BROTHERS Ltd. 1 r-x
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1613 8 1 H J FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. > ft 5 cfi ĕ I I I 11 Time Table from Ist November, 1902. Si cfl S WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, 7 1|2 1 3'4j*****|819|10 I 11 I 18 I 18 14 I IS I 16 I 17 118 19 20 j2l ‘22 23
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    • 304 8 brown C(> Monumental Seal BEMISCK STR b Pr ■IOMBSTONES IN ITALJAN 2j Granite, and Ciiu x 77' A,!e Ri^- v orders taken for NAMp S J 7 Gates. CHURCH Tu>r n? r f,^ 0 SOLE AGENT forll o "^S. 4t and Native Stat, tlciJ1 enij L J young 12 13A1\1>ACK
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