Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1908 1 Jgping ilotkrs, NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. Br tlih Nippon Yusen Kaisha. Oriental Steam A Negapatam Lines of Steamers. japan mail steamship co.. Ltd. Navigation Company. Afi, Intended Sailing and expected Arrival o] Steamers. t '""1 fl i <1 I r riHE mail steamers may w For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected
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  • 111 2 Penang, 20th February, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/71% Do. 4 months’ sight Bank l/7i Do. 3 Credits l/7f Do. 3 Documentary 1/7 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 119| Do. 3 days’sight Private 121£ Bombay, Demand Bank 119| Do. 3 days’ sight Private 121£ Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 196 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawab Gold Mine Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $9 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. sales Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lO4. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. sellers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l6O. Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.75 Karangan Tin
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  • 194 2 Penang, 20th February, 1903. Description. Beef— cts Soup per catty 16 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rmnp Steak 28 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 60 Feet 12 Heart 45 Liver per catty 24 Tripo 10 Pork— Pork 82 Pig's Head 18 Feet each 24
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  • 189 2 Penang, 20th February, 19°3 Cm ....f 96 50—saZ s di I t> I Wesfc Coast Black Pepper 3 lbs 5 QZ $3O salfi4 Vhite Pepper ss7buyers Trang Pepper season commencing $36.50 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. 5145. —sa’o-. Mace Pickings 120. sellers. Nutmegs UG.< 90 —buyers i
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  • 73 2 Mails Close To-morrow For Per str. Time. Batu Bahra Un Peng ...11 a.m. Port Swettenham Best.v 2 p.m. Deli Ho Kwei 2 p.m I’angkor and Teluk Auson Taw Tong 2 pm Port Swettenham ...Ca lyle 4 p.m. alcutta Lightning 2 p.m. Deli Sumatra 2 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India,
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  • 30 2 b rom Steamer To A > rice. Moulmein Vadala to-day Moulmein Uni/z/ 21-2-03 Rangoon Islauda 23-2-03 Singapore Kum Sang 23-2-03 Singapore Glen alloch 23-2- 3 Rar.won Fitzpatrick 23-2-03
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  • 237 2 Arrivals. Sumatra. German, str., 407, Klimmet. 20-2-03, from Deli, general, B. M. Co Deli Colaba. British, str., 1108, Gaham. 20-2-03. from Mouhnein, Bice and Bran, H. L. Co., Mouhnein Besty. British, str., 112, Penn, 19 2-03. from Port Swettenham. general. Koe Guan. Port 'wettenham Ho Kwei. British, str., 209.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 for sai-e:. I Municipal Notice. A BOUT 25 acres of Land, planted with' p PLICATIONS are hereby invited for Cocoanut and Fruit Trees, at Batu fi K) appointment of 7th Clerk and Üban Penang. Cashier, Secretary’s Office, at a salary of For particulars apply to $3O per month. DAVID BROWN
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    • 45 2 LUX BROS., Electrical Engineers and Contractors, SOLE AGENTS FOR YERITYS LIMITED. London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow. Offices Beach Street, Penang. Do. 8, Change Alley, Singapore. Installation work of every description for connection to Municipal Electricity Supply Mains. Estimates on Application. Telegrams: “LUX,” Penang. /’v. “LUX,” Singapore.
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    • 1238 2 yftf ANTzI-D. ’A O Ju VXTANTED, about March, a Furnished TMMEDIATE ENTRY n W or Unfurnished House, near Town. JL Macalistei Road. Ar.-1 Apt-ly to “P.D.Q.,” KIJO° Hoc e/o Pmany Gazette z AY. 45 p /-’G, to ILET. Boa id and Residence 4Ci mt I MMEDIATE ENTRY, House No. 15
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  • 1134 3 From all Sources. An American editor in the Western States recently shot his physician. “Perhaps,” gays another editor, commenting on the sad affiir, “the physician did not fake his paper. Now is the time to subscribe.” v A monthly magazine published in Edinburgh publishes in its current
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  • 784 3 View of the Reformers. The I niversal Gazette, a Chinese paper published in Shanghai by the Reform Party, thus sums up the situation As to-day’s paper is the first issue sent out by us this year, it should, according to established custom, contain an article in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 425 3 Aylesbury and Garland, 0F IPOH. Pure Malt Whiskies Portland Cement rF SUPPLY FRESH FROM ENGLAND LA THE Corrugated Iron and Ridging all gauges and sizes. —Best Blends are Buchanan’s jyiINERS CANDLES. pynaniite, Detonators, Fuse. OF ALL DEALERS. LUBRICATING OILS. Sole Importers C4LVH/?7"'S DISINFECTANTS Borneo Company Limited, Drilling Steel, Singapore. Hammers,
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    • 31 3 During the past 36 years 500,000 tons of coal have been burnt in manufacturing Lemco to fill the little earthenware pots known everywhere. Lemco is the genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. 1
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    • 432 3 For the Prevention of Disease USE ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of all Disinfectants. Supplied to the Municipality, The Government, and several Sanitary Boards in the Native States. The most powerful Disinfectant in the Market. Prices in One Gallon Tins §2=25 Per Gallon* in Two in Four sl=9o
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  • 135 4 Friday, 20th Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p m. High-water 7-10 a m and 7-35 pin Saturday, 21st Homeward Mail expected to leave. Town, Band. Golf Club, at 5-30 p m. High-water 8-0 a m and 8-25 p 111 Sunday, 22nd Quinquagesima. Shrove Sunday. High-water 8-50 a,m. and
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  • 1645 4 It is somewhat strange to see the people at home still harping on the subject of our own Yangtsze agreement and those which Germany and France recently conclude I with China upon the same subject. Our own agreement, upon which our diplomatists were inclined to' congratulate
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  • 98 4 Before Mr. Cacendish. 19th February. CRUELTY TO-A GOAT. A Chinese coolie appeared in the dock for manning a goat by striking it with chungkol handle and factoring its .back. Tne prosecutor, a Malay, gave evidence and produced the injured goat, which ap peared t) be in tie last
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  • 833 4 (Before Mr. Justice Lair.) IN CIVIL JURISDICTION. 19t.1i February. Chop Eng Hin r. Law Siew Gek and others. This was an interes ing case, which has occupied ihe attention of Mr. J istice Liu for f uir days past The pl i.t ffs claimed to recover $23,016 26
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  • 207 4 G<eut f r s London, ig t r Mb. Interview with ArmMr. Chamberlain has I,'?""' longed interview with j ‘pfmeyer and several leadin der ex-Ministers. 8 THE SOMai JLk HXI'EDIHon. The Advance to Co Mtef Colonel Manning |)ro commence a general a(lva p Mudif on the 22nd instant CHiX\.
    G<eutf.r,s.  -  207 words
  • 106 4 A REMARKABLE UICO tor Ilf-' OCC'irrclM a rece it run of the C&lt;nn ii’iliensiireh" The fox, scaie I by sum vill.i2f'r-S t lV r 1 railway tiinn the whole pack following. Tne M. F. IL, lb 1 1 ll ijallope I into the tunnel
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  • 177 4 L mdon, 2 &gt;&lt;l Boating. The Oxford and Cambridge fixe I for April 7lh. TUB ERCULDSIS SE Rl 3Continental dict-o’S claim to covere I tub rcu’osis serum. Sir Gordon Srimm llu- On leaving the lumbe by buM 11 Gordon Sprigg was loti Uy hu-e&lt; Another
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 95 4 /CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed t&lt; U 7 The Editor,” written on one side o f thi paper only, and accompanied by the writer', name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion expressed by his correspondents. I LL
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  • 167 5 I i n »ur I &gt; awe will s’mrt’y 1 e i'.riikeua P. W. T). rec'a nation of th»un r V of fie K iran River from the 'of the old jefty 111 a stra gbt hne to the r 'J&gt;nt lan ling place fronting the Customs
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  • 1051 5 A Gigantic Undertaking. &lt; oiitributed.) \Vinr the water q lestion is troubling ]&gt; e ian r a description of the opening of the n n se w iterworks for the supply of w iter .jp. iilga' He and Kalgoorlie Goldfiel Is may be interesting.
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  • 238 5 Correspondent. On Tuesday la-i, uu n .ran Police Court, two indi ntuted coolies were arraigned bef»reihe sittiing Migi tr ite on a charge of desertion from Gula Estate. The delendants stated that they went out to collect firewood but being new coolies on the Estate, and not knowing lhe
    Correspondent.  -  238 words
  • 293 5 (7o the Editor of the Einang Gazette.") Sir D n’t you think it is high time that th l Hindoo Cemetery in McAli-ter R al was c osed I bel eve that there is a Municipal 0 ‘dinance which n quires that e ich corpse must be
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  • 85 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Tin: following ties were played yesterday afternoon Profession, Pairs. Telegraph— V. D. Pa&gt; s &gt;ns W. D. Proctor Merchants lI—G. H. Cater &C. Bradberv, 6—4, 6-4. Double Handicap. A. S. Anthony M. E. Pmmp’on beat E. L. Ti’mi &H A.Nenbronner,6-2,6 0. Single Handicap —&lt;
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  • 373 5 President Roosevelt sent a message to C mgr ss on 29th ult. with reference to the currency and coinage of Mexico and China, accompanied by pipers dealing with th» sub] ct from the representatives of those countries. The President recomme ided th&lt; ■mictment of legislation en tiding
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  • 237 5 It may be remeinuercd that la«t wintei Dr. Koch, the great German pathologist, caused much excitement by his public declaration that bovine tuberculosis could not be communicated to man. As the matter could only be settled by a series of experiments in which inoculation was made direct
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  • 849 5 Over Fifiw uives Lost. A fire almost without parallel for rapidity and g mipleteness of destruction, and for the mrror of ns results, occurred at Colney II itch Lunatic A&gt;y urn early on the morning of 27th all., 51 lives bemg 1 &gt;st. The victims
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  • 152 5 The race for the Civil Service Cup at Lucknow was a g’eat surprise to all. Colonel Beaver’s Bess, who won the Cup last year, was favourite at 7 to 4 against, while Mr. Scott’s two ponies, Esmeralda and Saloon shared second place in public favour. Tyrant,
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  • 583 5 Writing on the suggested importation of Chinese, Mr. Lionel Phillips asks:— Is it not somthing of a c mfession of impotence on the part of this dominating Anglo-Saxon race to say “We fear the yellow man whom we rule, and we cannot allow him a foothold
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE (Perfectly harmleS') is the Best of all h*a lache remedies.—Certain, sife and speedy in iff ct. It is put up in 'asteless wafers in boxes of 12 d »ses. Eas ly taken, gives instant relief. Of all chemists, wholesale from D- GRAHAM Co.» Ltd- 1
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    • 165 5 FOR SAUE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, with small house, No. 227 Burmah Road, containing about 105,0/0 square feet. For full particulars apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. TO LET. On Lease for 99 YearsIn Lots to Suit Purchasers. That portion of the Glugor Estate, hereafter to be
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    • 683 5 flcia Aiijjertisetitenis. town HAK.U. wanted Mr. Henry Dallas’Musical A PROOF-READER and ASSISTANT reporter. Comedy Co. Apply in writing to READER. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF c o Pinang Gazette. Mr. Henry Dallas FOR SmUu.. j QECOND HANDfeTnlleman's B.eycle in For a Short Season Only. IO good order. Apply to GRAND OPENING
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  • 171 6 Suspension of the Captain’s Certificate. The court of inquiry at Wellington, New Zealand, appointed to report on the circumstances attending the wreck of the steamer Elingainite, found that owing to a defect in the engines the reversing gear failed to act, but that even otherwise the captain
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  • 211 6 Ute Sovereign. Cornish mining has a im re hopeful appearance at the present time than it has possessed for some years, and if the price of tin, which has been steadily rising of late, is maintained at its present level, many mines n West Cornwall that have
    . Ute Sovereign.  -  211 words
  • 271 6 Billiards have been found to be just the exercise needed to keep a woman beautiful, and consequently billiard parties for women are becoming extremely popular. There is just sufficient weight to the cue to try the muscles of the right hand, and the position of the left
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  • 290 6 The new Mint situated near the Premane Ground at Sapan Sieu was opened and set in operation on sth instant by H. R. H. Prince Mabisara, Minister of Finance, in presence of a large and representative gathering, including Mr. C. J. Rivett-Carnac, Financial Adviser,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 500 6 NOTICE. The Finest Wines in the Market /"*TT I?TT TA XT f L ''X of .Pc/ITJIg, SingPDOFO, Pcrdli GILI'ILLAN WOOD Co. s y Selangor, and Sumatra. VERY OLD TAWNY PORT Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. 01 FINO PALE SHERRY o,m 0 w w.jones 42 King Street. Photographer
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    • 33 6 An old friend by a new name. Liebig Company’s Extract will soon be known as Lemco, the new name placed upon it and composed of the Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company’s initials. 7
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    • 1268 6 Federated ftUlay Slates. TO Lfc-T. wanted TMMEDIATE ENTRY, -House No. 9 THE BATuI^ H B I Ariatoon Road. f ASSISTANT SURGEON FOR STATE OF PAHANG Apply to N leave ASSISTANTbUKGEU CHENQ Bros A Teluk Anson, af^' 1 WANTED an Assistant Surgeon on a 7 Churth Street. UU! 11 instmt commencing
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  • 237 7 orders by C*|»Uin A. R. Adams, 7 or February. sday 24th, Rercuits Drill and pr s.gnalling Class e &lt;|;tv 25ih, Company Drill. Dress cl Drill order with caps). v «(lay 26 b, Recruits Drill. pedis ar at the Fort at 5-30 p.m. un less otherwise ordered ..—Saturday 21st, The
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  • 310 7 1’ ASS I '.NG F. l’.S OUT WAR D. PerP and 0. s'earner Australia, from London,' J»m 21.-To Sbanglmi Miss Lew Urn. 1 'nej, Mr. H. Cockwrn, M.. HvnJ. To Hmg Kong: Bq.S’iux, Capum an 7 Mr- H »pe, Miss Hope, plr. Cladiny.on. 'lonor, Mr. Hill er,
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  • 191 7 7 hr, information under this heading is sup plied by the Agents oj the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Feb. 21 s. s. Telemachus from Singapore, China and Japan, for Amsterdam and London, W. Mansfield Ca. 21 Homeward P. O. R. M. S. Corom
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 CONTROL CLOCKS. As supplied to all the Banks and Prve Dock. AWW'ZVN A z b &gt;zA M O 7 I, ObTTXS SUGAR RICE MILLS, hotels, private houses, ,j o keep mgbt watchmen, cannot do hout a control clock. Stops all thieves u e 'es a Security 7 to the owners.
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    • 179 7 CQr wffiEMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery, At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd. Wo. 4, Beach Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg, Gold Marquis Rings set with Diamonds Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds, Gold Brooches Bracelets, Gold Engagement
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    • 712 7 DARTMNG’ I ‘LANOLINE’ though the cost of Natural Toilet Preparations. 111 $2, fIHOSt tOllfdt SOcIJ)S r M-ike-' skins smooth i has nearly doubled, the I ZZSZii/ retail price, ingredients, T ‘DARTEING’ ‘LANOLINE’ TOILET SOAP is un- 1 s and &aw superior quality of ‘LanoUne’ Preparations. Wholesale: or. H-ibom Viaduct. F..C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1403 8 11 g FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. V 1' 1 I Time Table from Ist November, 1902. S S QQ 7--g h WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, e E SI Al lONS. 1I2!8I4|5I6i7I8I9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16 17 1181 19 I 20' f2l 22 23 24 25 ;26 (27 I
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    • 294 8 BROWtq Monumental Send’42 BENTINCk- STREF.T c (Estambue,, a Tombstones in Italian 2 O«.A»TE, AXE &lt;,. orders taken for NAME SL\p K Gate,. CHUBCH TAB Lfi SOLE AGENT fo r the «„■1 Native Slates: L. J You?4g Hospital, I'ESav,- '«'t who will receive all onl Illostrateu 1-rlc,. List, r Ai-i iiX.
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