Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 440 1 I jlotirrs. I peninsular Oriental Steam I Navigation Company. PrjlilE mail steamers may 1 be expected to arrive R A» outwards, and leave Penan e K< homewards, on the following K dates Mai' Service. H 'wardsHr I 21 Coromandel connecting with Arcadia K t 7 b«-«‘ 1° P d si
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    • 621 1 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. 1 1 i /jA N. y > \i ir HAMBURG HAMBURG. Imperial German M„il CARGO LINE. rpHE fast and well-known I 1 Mail-steamers of these z-xt-twidh r. N UPWARD, the Cargo Imes will leave Penang on P I I iL i- ,/6-f K< VZ Steamers of these
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    • 612 1 is- 9 ar British India Steam i >n Company, Limited. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on I 1U i Negapatam, Madras, Pondiehery, Cuddalore Fri. 13th Feb. and Karrical. at 2 p.m. < Zaida Singapore Singapore.
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    • 450 1 Tajiks Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. Capital fl. 60,000,000— (abt. £5,000,0CU, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. 3,750,000, Reserve Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. £417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap Palembang, Olehleh (Acheen).
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  • 110 2 Penang, 9th February, 1908. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank ...1/6}$ Do. 4 months’ sight Bank Do. 8 Credits 1,7& Do. 8 Documentary 1/7$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 117$ Do. 8 days’ sight Private 119$ Bombay, Demand Bank 117 Do. 8 Private 119 Madras, Demand Bank 117 Do.
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  • 183 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $8.25 buyers Chendariang Hydiaulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $15. buyers Fraser ami Neave, Ltd. $108. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $28. «filer* Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $150. buyer Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.25
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  • 194 2 Penang, 9th February, 1903. Description. Beef— cfi. boup per catty 16 Roast i, 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Ri nip Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet it 15 Heart 45 Liver per catty 26 Pork Pork 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet each
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  • 180 2 Penang, 9th February, 1903 Tin buyer», f West Coast Black Pepper g ifog, 07 $go sa i es White Pepper $57buyers Trang Pepper season commencing yatj.ou Jioves (picked) $35.50 VIace No. $180.—sn e Vface Pickings 120. sellers, 'lutmegs 1Mm 85.—buyers No. 1 7.—seller. Sugar <,, 2 580
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  • 109 2 Mails Close To-morrow. Far Per »tr. Time. Deli ...Laurens Pit on. Renong <k Tavoy Avagyee 1p m. Langkat ...Jin Ho 1 p.m. Balu Bahra and Asahan Resident Halewyn. 2 p.m. Deli Vidar 1 pm. Port Swettenham and Ma acca Mathilde 3 p.m. Telek Anson ...Lady Weld 2 p.m.
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  • 128 2 Arrivals. Cbusan, Brit, str., Daniel, 7 2-03, from Singapore, general, G W. 4 Co, Bom bay Pentakota, 1 rit., str, Windebank, 9-2-(3, from Rangoon, general, H. L. Co., Singapore Andalusia, German, str., 3477, vanD -prens, V-2-03, from Hamburg, general, B. M. < o., Singapore Canton, Brit., str., 105, Merican,
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  • 71 2 To Day. Mary Austin, Brit., str., for Port Swettenham Canton, Brit, str., for Pangkor and T Anson Pegu, Brit., st»., for Edie, T. Sem-iwe, Segli and Olehleh Tong Chay Un, Brit., str., for Batu Bahra and Asahan Lai Sang, Brit, str., for Calcutta van Outhoorn, Dutch, str., for Singapore
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  • 50 2 Arnv «is Per Brit., str Pentakota, from Rangoon, on 9-2-03 Dr. and Mrs. Clemente Smith, Di’ L H. Rognes, Messrs. McLellan, E R< iman, H. E. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs C. H. Farman and Miss Stanf. Per Brit, str., Jin H from Langkat, on 8-2-03 —Mr Texer, Mrs. Crawford.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 for sale. Municipal Notice. DELI PONY with English Harness, a PPLICATIONS are hereby invited for j l Boia suitable for the appointment of Head Fitter at a Hooded Dogcart) Pony. salary of S50 per month. Preference will Apply to be given to applicants who have been trained No. 5 LOGAN
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    • 39 2 Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Head Office 24. 25, 26, CORNHILL, LONDON, E. C EASTERN BRANCH—SINGAPORE. FUNDS. Capital Fully Subbceibed £2,500,000 Capital Paid-up 250,000 Assets Exceeds £5,750,000 Total Annual Income exceeds £2,000,000 Claims settled with promptitude. 48 SANDJLAND8,BUTTEBY&Co. Agenti
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    • 532 2 W. CORNFIELD, jhe u 7 X in the Mergui District <L M year 1903/1904 will be sold by pS' ,g Penang Medan. tion at the office of the Deputy sioner, Mergui, on the 2nd u/A at 11 a.rn. and following da.- s 19 ty ary, till the sales are completed
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  • 797 3 Hugh Clifford, c.m.g., in West in inster Budget. In 1832 a M day prince gave a great entertainment in honour of certain Royal visitors, and among other items of interest was a. battle to the death between a waterbuffalo and his hereditary enemy. The aiemi was fenced
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  • 845 3 Siamese Heir-Apparent and a Popular Actre-s. Certain love episodes in the life of the Crown Prince ol Siam have c »me io liyht throimh the publication in the Xetr York American of some love letters winch the h' lr to the Siamese throne has written to M-ss
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 402 3 h'lcsbury and Garland, to TMMEDIATE ENTRY, House No. 802 -A. Macalister R->ad. Apply to Portland Cement khoo hock seong, LxIIGE SUPPLY FRESH FROM ENGLAND Xo. 45 Beach Street. Corrugated Iron and Ridging ALLAN IRVING. all gauges AND SIZES. ,-,«3 -ngWt rs and General Contractors RIMERS CANDLES. r ZT T Works
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    • 280 3 Tai-Pusum H »liday. THE undermentioned Banks will be closed on Tuesday, the 10th February, 1903, same being a Public Holi lay For the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. J. ARMSTRONG, For the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. A. G. STEPHEN, Acty. Agent. For the Netherlands Trading Society. J. L.
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    • 432 3 For the Prevention of Disease r use ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of all Disinfectants. Supplied, to the Municipality, The Government, and. several Sanitary Boards in the Native States. The most powerful Disinfectant in the Market. Prices in One Gallo i Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in Two $2-00
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  • 140 4 Monday, 9rn Auction Sale of Mrs Collin’s Furniture, Waverley Hotel, 11-30 a.m. Penang Hunt Ciub, Meet at Dato Kramat Gardens, at 5 pm sharp. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.iu. Hint* w’ner 10 O p.iu. an 10 2> a ui. I’uesday, 10 'H (Hindu Festival.) Tai-pusuni. Public and
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  • 22 4 Brown.—At Cadets’ Bungalow, Sepo. Lines, Penang, on Monday, tie 9th Februiry, the wife of David A. M. Brown, of ti daughter.
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  • 1923 4 We hear that the Hoti. J. M. B. Vermont, c.m.g., who has for so many years represented the planting interest upon th< Legislative Council, w‘11 retire at th< conclusion of his present term of ser vice, not accepting another nomination. Everybody will be sorry to lose
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  • 77 4 Before Mr. Justice Laic. IN BANKRUPTCY JURISDICTION. 9th February. Kuoo Ah Piang a Bankrupt. This mse w>s adjourned t) to day to enable proof of service of petition up' n Khoo Ah Piang-, Bukit Mertajani, to be made to the Court. Mr. J. F. Wreford '-m forward an
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  • 264 4 5ih February. Mr. E. Hincox, Engineer, of 8 Dxm Siner., Siockton-on-Te *s, England, is authorised to flea spec fication of a ce-tain i ivention for Rivet ess Pipe-making Machinery.” Mr. T. E. Earle is appointed provisionally, and subject to the approval of His M the King, an Unofficial
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    • 51 4 Londo.., 7th Ftb 71’1?? tv (/?E UTER'S) President B.oosevelt has m. the invitation of the Allies tr bitrate on the question of L? ar tial payment in U le chums. It is presumed that point will now be referred to I Hague.
      (/?E UTER'S)  -  51 words
    • 42 4 Deserted by M. Giron. M. Giron has left the Cr Princess of Saxonv and all relations with her in order tl he may not be an obstacle reunion between the Princess o i her children. 114 1
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    • 90 4 De Wet and His Pariy. Ex-General De Wet with f ortv followers, representing theExfeu, Dutch I arty, has had a two honrV interview with Mr. Chamberlain The proceedings were of a l )eatfc( j nature, De Wet accusing the Goy. eminent of contravening the term, of the Vereen
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  • 199 4 L -udon, 8th February. A Strong Speech. Mr. Cha mb rl ain, in replying tn the address of Ex-General lie Wh and others on Friday, dealt with and refuted seriatim tlie accusations of Great Britan having made breaches of the terms < f peace. More Complaints. The address
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  • 28 4 L melon, 9th February. Turkish Troops being MobiliseThe Turkish War Ministry preparing for a mobilisation °t 111 troops with a view to possible toJ tingencies in Macedonia.
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  • 34 4 Mr. Chamberlain Victorious. There are indications that )h. Chamberlain’s outspokenness ul good effect upon the extreme 1 party. Boer Regrets. Many Boer extremists ,]0 > clare that they regret the tout’ the address.
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  • 28 4 A Belgian Concession. It is stated in (1 Belgium has obtained rt c n )al jk north of Tientsin on the ng 1 of the Peiho Biver.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 487 4 PRITCHARD Co., 15 Beach Street, Penang. Ironmongery Department. This Department is now replete with a large-Stock-of Household Kitchen Utensils. Heavy Iron Saucepans Light do. do. Sizes from 2 pint to 24 pint. Enamelled do. OVAL BOILING POTS, HAM BOILERS, Fish Kettles Enamelled or Tin Lined. Sizes From 6 Quarts to
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    • 100 4 ddlT'i'W Bfella*. PINANG GAZETTE. J ESTABLISHED 1839. /yONTHIBUl'lOHS must be addressed ft C 7 The Editor,” written on one aide of tht paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion,
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  • 2111 5 the SPRING meeting. Taird Day. SATURDAY, 7 th FEBRUARY. ,rrTKE—Mr- YeatS 5 J Armstrong, A. Darier, J. R. Macjp*srJ.' j, (Stff.iey, A. G. Stephen J \Vo>dward Members; Messrs. R. im Ih- 1 nn3 i,rong are Representatives A. Committee, an I M;. D A. M. S Secret try and
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  • 127 5 For the first iim w,- believe, in tb<h'Slory of the Chinese Recreation Club, its members are to have a big day < f sports all to themselves. To-morrow af er n ion at one o’clock is the tim fixed for the first evi n of what
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  • 121 5 An Austr an Luu-.uiuer, nmned Heilz man, wd ms p ucky assistant, H mri, recent ly gave a novel exhibition near Bud pist. a spacious cage occupied by four Af lean lions, the intrepid performers played a game of loot ball with all the freedom
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  • 486 5 A special cable ito.u me Pioneer's 'Mrrespondent, dab d Ljndon, 29uh Jamutw, s .ys jL Tne Times' fourth article on the army, recommends regarding healthy colonies ns Home stations, keeping the first army corps m S >uth A rica and sending recruits direct from depots there
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  • 861 5 The Morocco Loan. The Sultan’s word is practically the only pledge received in connection with the loan to Morocco, hence the belief that the loan is a diplomatic coup. The Sudan. Lord Cromer, in a speech delivered at Khartum, promised to push forward with all speed the construction
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 A pot of Lemco in the house has war led off many illnesses. Lemco is genuine Liebig Company’s Extract, 3
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    • 1039 5 JMu AiUJtrtistmenis. TTO tBT. WANTED. LEXAN DR A VILLA, Ara toon Road, |\A RANTED, about March, a Furnished TA partly furnished. V or Unfurnished House, near Town. Apply to Apply to P. I). Q.,” P. J. DUVAL, c o Pinang Gazette C. O MANSFIELD Co. TO EET WANTED. TMMEDIATE ENTRY,
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  • 1224 6 DIFFICULTIES WHICH AFFECT BRITISH INTERESTS AND CONCERN OTHER POWERS. Morocco is one of Europe’s many nightmares. It has never been quite so insistent as Turkey, but it may at any moment become more so. The slightest disturbance in any part of Europe is, writes Mr. Sydney
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 442 6 i.T. STEAM MOTOR CARS. Penang Ice and Industrial Co., Ltd STEAM AUTOMOBILES Depots:- Beach STREET.-Open on week days au from 7-30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays "r> to noon Steam Carriages cbrnarvon street, 32 Penang Road Pitt Street. —Open at all hours OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. day and night. Prices:— ror
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    • 441 6 NOTICE. THE following Government Farms will be let at Kot i-Ra Ija (Acheen), on Saturday, 21st February, 1903, for one year and for three }ears lespectively as from 1st Aprd, 1903, viz. a. The Gambling Farm in Acheen proper and outlying islands. b. The Pawnbrokers Farm at Kota Radja and
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    • 505 6 I The Fi es Wines in the Market r of Penang. GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s V Selangor, and 5 l>„ VERY OLD TAWNY port i Guuiide paper. 8 Zes u to 3f r I FLX'O PALE SHERRY 42 These are confidently recommended 71T« to all who appreciate really A jJOlllllH high-class
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  • 311 7 Orders y Captain A R Adams /•or 1'ibruary. 10ib, Recruits Drill Drill. Dress n Kin Clothes). iQth, Recruits Drill. j .'i7tb Recruits Drill and SignalClass /v lOtli. Recruits Drill. Th i a oiti< Rereads Drill and SignalI'*,Class 1 linv 25‘b, Company Drill. Dress «*±11 order >v>lh cap-). 0
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  • 177 7 7he information under this heading u ffup plied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Feb. 10 s. s. A T e«ic r from Liverpool, for Singapore, China and Japan, W. Mansfield Co- 11 Homeward Imperial German Mail Steamer Darmastadt from
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  • 511 7 Passengers Outward. Per Nippon Yimen K aisha steamer Au-a Mam, from London. —To Yokohama: C-plain T. Nakannzi, Commander Yamagi, Di. M. Jluini, Mi s Fiuveltv, Mr and Mrs. H. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Rentiers ano inltint, Miss A. Robinson, Mr. Suoi bridge. Mr. A. Rebuffet, Mr. E.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 FOR T AUNCH Jit Seng, length G1 fee», Jj breadth 11' 5", depth 5' 0", speed b G»«t >’< »<’.'/, length 71'-6", breadt J2 fed, depth 5 het, speed 81 knots. Further particulars and puces apply t< ALLAN RENNY, Consulting Engineei. SIBERIAN BUTTER. Equal in every respect to the finest
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    • 182 7 Mu Hi ci pal Notice. THE Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hex by mv te tenders or the erection of an Elecuic Power Subati- n nt the Lack uf li e Chownista Mmket, Penang Road. Full particulars can be ob ained and ans and spic hca ions inspected at
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    • 1752 7 KINTA GYMKHANA CLUB. to the Second Horse, provided there I 9 a PROGRAMME. are 5 starters the property of Lie i i 1903 Meeting. Value $700.—A Handicap for all Horses. WERE AWARDED THE r Distance, 14- mile. Entrance $20. 24tn, 2t, an 2t i c e ruary Changkat Lalang Purse,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1506 8 i J FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. < r 1 i M* Time Table from 1st November, 1902. fl g s Srk S 2 02 S WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS, STATIONS. 7 i i i 1 a g 1 2 8 4| 5 6—7 8 9|*****2|13| 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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    • 298 8 JVUrvme t .j '2 BE\ T!NCK STR BET (Established a n Tombstones in Italian M ARr >2>) Granite, and Chunar S’ orders taken for NAME SLH 1 E Gates, CHVBCH Si SOLE AGENT for tho and Native StategL. J YOUNG 12 barrack no ad Illustrated 1-rk. lists of Supplied on
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