Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1864 1 pipping flofirrs. NORDDEUTSCHERLLOYD, BREMEN. British Peninsular 4 Oriental Steam R Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Nederlandsche Handel t’ P mnan f V\ //IvV Maatschappij. 0 Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. Netherlands trading society. Pt 1 1 E mail steamers inav j 1 be expected to arrive 1 For Will
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  • 113 2 Penang, 7th February, 19C3. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1 6 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/7-,% Do. 3 Credits 1,7- t Do. 3 Documentary 1/7| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 117 f Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Bombay, Demand Bank 117 Do. 3 days’ sight Private. Jl9
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  • 184 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mme Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $8.25 buyers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. buyers Fraser ami Neave, Ltd. $lO3. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. seller» Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l5O. buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.25
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  • 191 2 Penang. 7th February, 1903. Description. Beef— cts Soup per catty 16 Boast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 R<unp Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet J 5 lieart 45 Liver per catty 26 Pork Pork 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet each 22 Tongue
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  • 181 2 Pknang, 7th February, 1903 Cm $95.75 buyers. West Coast Black Pepper 3 bs> soz $3O sa White Pepper ss7buyera Trang Pepper season commencing Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. T? e Mace Pickings sellers. Nutmegs 1 IGs 80. hujers No. 1 7,—sellers Sugar v„ 2 530 do I
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  • 55 2 Mails Close on Moneay F ut Per str. lime. Port Swettenham...Mary Austin 2 pm. I’angkor and Teluk Alsou Canton 2 P.M Calcutta Lai Sang 3 pm. Moulmein ...Unity 3 p.m. Tuesday, IGth. Deli ...Laurens Pit noon. Renong Tavoy Avagyee 1 p.m. Deli Vidar 1 PM. I'ort Swettenham and
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  • 32 2 From Steamer l’o Arrire. Rangoon Onipenta to-day. Edie U (r.v. Lansberge 8-2-13 Hamburg Amlalu»ia 9-2-03 Pulo Wch ran Ottlhoorn 9-2-03 it:.palriek 9-2-03 Pentakota 9-2-03 Victoria 9-2-03 Ac for 10-2-03
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  • 174 2 Arrivals. Nam str, Payne, 6-21-03, from general, Bst I &Co China Lai Sang, Brit., Courtney, 7-2-03, from Singapore, general, Bstd., iV Co., Calcutta Taw Tong, Brit., str., 105, Reid, 6-2-03. from Teluk Anson, general, Koe Guan, Teluk Anson Pegu, Brit str., 274, Ccysh, 6-2-03, from Ach en, general, B.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 542 2 for sale Municipal Notice. lAELI PONY with English Harness, a PPLICATIONS are hereby invited for I z Buggy and Botm suitable for /-y the appointment of Head Fitter at a Hooded Dogcart i Pony. salary of $5O per month. Preference will Apply to be given to applicants who have been
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    • 79 2 AO LE r ON LEASE ITIOR a term of 99 years from Ist January, 1903. That piece of ground known as the Dato Kramat Gardens. Apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. Agents. Tux BROS. Electrical Engineers and Contractors. SOLE AGENTS FOR VERITYS LIMITED London, Birininghain, 'Manchester, Glasgow. Offices
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    • 701 2 w. CORNFIELD, Pn c Penang &i Medan. Tailor and flpjl Outfitter. Clothing of the Best XaSZmSI I Who keep night watchmen Cftn I without a control clock. Tj IS H aud gives a Stcuri,y 10 the offn^- 1 J J Q FLA NELS J/ V AND 1 4A ’«r I
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  • 1341 3 PLAIN SPEAKING TO THE BOERS. Mk. C iamberlain’s meeting with the B er deputation in the Chamber of the Fust Raul at Pretoria on B,h nit. was an event M the first importance. He spoke fiom the clerk’s seat in front of the piesidential chair. Lor I
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  • 597 3 Who is the greatest ot living actresses Sarah Bernhardt, many will tell yon, while others will claim the distinction for Eleonora Duse, the Italian tragedienne, who may be in England again this year. In spite of the pinnacle on which Duse stands to-day, the dominant note of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 360 3 ulesbJi'y i,,k (iarLiml, to IPOH. KMMEDIATE ENTRY, House No. 302 JL Alacalielet Road. Apply Jo Portland Cement khoo hock seong, j X I 01. SUPPLY FIIE3H FIIOM ENGLAND As>. 45 Beach Strict. Corrugated Iron and Ridjng ALLAN IRVING. all gauges and sizes. 8n K i,r trs and General
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    • 52 3 Tai-Pusum Holiday. THE undermentioned Banks will be closed on Tuesday, the 10th February, 1903, same being a Public Holiday For the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. J. ARMSTRONG, Manager. For the Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Q STEP HEN, Actg. Agent. Fur the Netherlands Trading Society. J. L. Van
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    • 426 3 For the Prevention of Disease USE ZOTAL The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of all Disinfectants. Supplied to the Municipality, The Government, and several Sanitary Boards in the Native States. The most powerful Disinfectant in the Market. Prices: in One Gallo i Tins $2-25 Per Gallon. in Two S2=oo in
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  • 163 4 Saturday, 7th Penang Races. Third Day. Town Band, Race Course. Homeward Mail expected to leave. Auction Sale of Horses, &c., Race Course, at 6-20 p.m. Race Dinner, Eastern A Oriental Hotel lligli-watei 8-20 pan. atm 8 4> a m. Sunday, Bth Septuagesima Sunday. Lltgti wntei 9-10 pan. and
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  • 16 4 White.—On the 19th January, at Shanghai, the wife of Harry Owen White, of a son.
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  • 1660 4 Our own Volunteer Camp turned out a complete success, we are pleased to say, and will doubtless give a decided fillip to volunteering in the Settlement. No man. with the lessons of the South African war still fresh in our memories, can deny that it would
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  • 672 4 The Rac<, Dance. The Rice Dance, to which the feminine and the bulk of the male element of Penang has been looking forward to for some time past, becune an accmnpl shed fa-t at the I’enang Ciub last night. As is usually the case in Penang, everylio ly
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  • 156 4 R H IJ T R T Lio.idon, 6,|. p THE MACEDONIAN afZ Bulgarian The Bulgarian Premie, in the Chamber that BuU-m. fullil her international ’.iili' and keep the peace. U shortly inform the Chamber ’n measures taken against th,, j donian Committees. London, 7,h F e )r ELECTION news.
    ( R H IJ T R  -  156 words
  • 81 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties hive been arrano&i for Monday, 9th. Double Handicap. D. Parsons W. D. Proctor r. A. F. G. Anderson &’A. W. Janes, A. Dar er G. 11. Cuter r. H. P. Clod 1 A A. G. Anthony. Single Handicap Class J. C.
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  • 379 4 Further Correspondence. Among correspondence laid on iheConwi table was a budget dealing with the ccr rency. One part of in l erest is Sir Frank Swettenham lo Secretaryd State —16th July, 1902. 3. I concur in the view that tb« is a favourable one to take action
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 401 4 PRITCHARD Co., 15 Beach Street, Penang Ironmongery Department. This Department is now replete with a-laroe-Stock- of Household Kitchen Utensils. Heavy Iron Saucepans Light do. do. h Sizes from 2 pint to 24 pint. Enamelled do. OVAL BOILING POTS, HAM BOILERS, Fish Kettles Enamelled or Tin Lined. Sizes From 6 Quarts
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    • 90 4 /IONTBIBUTIONS must be addressed k Thr Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the, writer’s name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion: expressed by his correspondent-’. ALL business communications should be
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  • 36 4 Deaths. Ayrton.—On the lGih December, at London, Scrope Ayrton, late H. B. M.’s Consul at Wuchow, China, aged 53 years. Carozzi. On the 18th January, at Shanghai, Felix Frederick Carozzi, of the mer can tile marine.
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  • 1395 5 t Contributed, i J-.,,, a busmesi point of view tho last t.wTbt has bejn wisled Fl,st tbe .rCoiiP and thou the Races have V Xol>zed one’s time without, alas! any in a monetary sense. 1" 1L .sons of the Camp however have 111 valuable this year, and
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  • 320 5 —Maluij Mail. Whehe is the future capital of Pahang t be stua'el? By a common consent tin days of Kuala Lipis are numb ret. Ib i> unhealthy an I quite unsuitable as a sit» for the capital of the State. Toe chuu lesire of its European
    —Maluij Mail.  -  320 words
  • 405 5 Once established m iv uitechapel or St. George’s-in-the-East, the alien imm’grani undeniably develops by degrees various civu virtues. He begins, after a bit, t) compl; according to his limited lights with what be regards as the unreasonable requirements ol the smiiary authorities. Abstemious by choice as
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  • 1111 5 VIEWS OF THE TIMES.” The news that the titular Sultan of Acheen, Tuanku Mohammed D.tud, has offered his submission to the Dutch commandant in Padir, formerly one of his feudatory states in Northern Sumatra, but recently annexed and opened up by the Dutch Indian authorities, is
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  • 464 5 The following letter appeals in a home paper Sir, —As the employment of gold and silver as money is of supreme importance, from the econmic and commercial points of view, the world oxer, J btg io submit an original scheme by the detired end might
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  • 165 5 A Reuter tel gram from Live: poo l appearing in i.he London papers dated January 3rd, says:—A report has just been receive! by the secretary of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine from Dr. Dutton and Dr. Todd, the members of the tenth expedition of the school,
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  • 95 5 Si. George’s Church. Septuagesima Sunday. 8 15 am. Holy Communion. (Choral) 9-15 a.m. Matins. (Plain.) in a m. Service for Chinese. 5 p.m. Children's Service. 6 p.m. Evening Sermon. Church of the Assumption. First Mass, at 6-15 a.m.; High Mass, at 8 a.m. and Vespers and Benediction, at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 TO LET. On Lease for 99 YearsIh Lots to Suit Purchasers. That portion of the Glugor Estate, hereafter to be known as Coronation Park situated opposite to Combe Hill, and bounded un the North, East, and West by the Glugor and Bukit Gambier Roads, and on the South by Glugor
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    • 799 5 |lrlu AObtrlKrninus. notice. HAVE this day admitted Mr. G. R. Woodford ns a partner in my firm. IMMEDIATE ENTRY, House No. 15 James L WOODFORD. York Road. Penang, 3rd February, 1903. For particulars apply to Messrs. HOGAN <v ADAMS. r¥ Wanted lmmediately XT TANTED, about March, a Furnished TJIWO GOOD
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  • 1659 6 Ganas. (Specially Written for the Pinany Gazette.”) [copyright reserved.] (Continued front last Saturday's issue.) CHAPTER IX. A Party at the District Commissioner’s. As Ganas walked thoughtfully back through Usshertown, intending to call on Lutwych, be met him arm-in-arm with Carnac and Ab ly. JaT the man I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 453 6 STEAM MOTOR CARS. Penang Ice and Industrial Co., Ltd K TTrr/iwrnwTT.FS Depots:— Beach Street.— Open on week days STEAM AUTOMOBILES 1 f> pm on gunday3 to noon. Steam carriages crrnarvon street, 32 Penang Road TT Pitt Street.— Open at all hours OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. dav and night Prices:—for 1 lb.
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    • 123 6 The Penang Khean Guan Insurance Co., Ltd. Head Office No. 3J, Beach Street, Penang. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mr. Ycoh Ooi Gaik Mr. LimGldm Thuan Lim Sun Ho Cheah Toon Haw Tan Kheam Oon Lim Boon Nye Lim Teow Saing Lim Ghim Yeong Khaw Joo Tok Chung Thye Phin Tan Kim
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    • 409 6 Ths Fi es’ Wines in the Market] 7 ?.TS CE GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s ]V 1 o'jnso,', aSs'u,u atra Sins M F... VERY OL!) TAWNY PORT Upb FINO PALE SHERRY 42 These are confidently recommended 7 to all who appreciate really y.| n fa high-class Wines. ’I To be had retail
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  • 340 7 Orch is by CupUiD A. R. Adams, por I'cbruary. Tuesday 10.1», Recruits Drill and S g’-allmg Class. H One’dav i Uh, Company Drill. Dress Plain Clothes). Thnrsdnv 12th, Reruns Dr.ll. j lay l“th, Recruits Drill and SignalUOI ling Class 1 Dll’, Recruits Drill. hll ..lay 21th, Rercuits Drill
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  • 205 7 7 /<<; t i ftn'i: atiou under thin heading ix nit] p ied by the Ag nix o f the various Steam h p hues, ai d the dates are approximate only. I eb. i Gorman s. s. Andalusia, from Hamburg, for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn. Meyer
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  • 523 7 Pass eng er s Outwa r d. Per Nippon Yu-en Kiisha steamer Ana Mam, fr >m L melon.—To Y’ -koimm i Cipuiiu T. Nakam zi, Cmiim.imlcr Ynmagi, Di. M. Muim, Mi-s Fiavelie, Mr and Airs. H. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Rentiers and infant, Mi-s A. R iliinson,
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  • 1257 7 PROGRAMME. 1903 Meeting. 24th, 26th, and 28th of February. FIRST DAY. 1. The Maiden Plate, 2-30 p.m. Value «§3OO. —A Race for all Maidens and S. R. A. Griftins that have not won other than Gr ffin or ex Griftin Races. Weight per scale (10 st.): with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 131 7 FOR SJLL lAl'Nlll -lit ><ny, length 61 feet, j breadth 11' 5", depth 5 0", speed 8 knots. Launch Gnct \ng, length 71’-6", breadth 12 fet t, depth 5 het, speed 8V knots. Further particulars and pi ices apply to ALLAN RENNY, Coiisu ‘ting Engineer. SIBERIAN BUTTER. Equal in every
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    • 164 7 notice. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rpHE interest and responsibility of the J unders gned in the li ms or chops Ho Thee <d Rang on a d Calcutta, and Tmng Bee of Penang, c» ased as fiom the 30th day of the 10th moon corn spondiiio to the 29th day of
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    • 137 7 Ihe Yankee Novelty Co. THE “NEW HOME.” 1 IS A( K GWLEDGED BY ALL NATIONS AS THE I /ire test Sewing Machine I jiL lM It has taken over a hundred Gold and Silvt rMeda's, Diplomas, Premiums and C tsh Prizes at Enternational Exhibitions held at Antwerp, Paris, Havre, Adelaide,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1154 8 Ti l t FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. H ’fl 2 jfl all §1 Time Table from Ist November, 1902. o a fl a P-i rh WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS. P SIAIIONS. 1125 8 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 jl2 13 14 15 jl6 j 117 |lB 19 20
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    • 326 8 BROWN Monumental 42 BENTINCK STRICT. Ca (Established A D iqTomestones in i TALIan A[ 11BAMTK, Cui orders taken for NAME SL\]> S Gates, CHURCH T Apr pt' 1 fixi V sou; agi:x T[ot and Native States: J young 12 B ABH ACK HOAD near r Hospital, PBNANt? ESERai who will
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