Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 February 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1932 1 jbiirrs. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. s BHti h I ''ST 4 Oriental Stem A Ik Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Nederlandsche Handel n Nwga ion_onipany. J Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. society. PrriHE mail steamers may I bo expected to arrive FoR Will Sail. Steamer. I From Expected on Established
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  • 107 2 Penang, 6th February, 19C3. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1 6$ Do. 4 months’sight Bank l/7ji 3 < Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary l/7f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1171 Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Bombay, Demand Bank 117| Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 188 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $2. Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $8.25 buyers Chendariang Hydiaulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. buyers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lO3. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. sellers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l5O. buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.25
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  • 193 2 Pkxang. 6th February, 19U3. Description. Beef— cts Soup per catty 16 Roast m 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue •> 60 Feet 15 Heart 45 Liver per catty 26 Pork— Pork 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet each 22
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  • 174 2 Penang, 6th February, 1903 Tin $95.75 buyers. Black Pepper j o? 30 White Pepper ss7buyers Trang Pepper season commencing $36.50 Cloves (picked) $35.50 Mace No. Sl3O. —sa e>. Mace Pickings 120. sellers. Nutmegs 11Gs 85. —-buyers 1 No. 1 7-—sellers. Sugar 2 5.30 do I Basket 4
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  • 77 2 Mails Close To morrow. Pur Per str. Time. Trang Pang Nga...Artsadong 1 p m. Port- Swettcnhain Betsy 2 p.m. Deli Ho Kwei 2 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Taw Tong 2 p.m. Perlis and Setul ...Chan Tai 2 p.m Moulmein ...Unity 3 p.m. Port Swettenlnim Carlyle 4 p.m.
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  • 26 2 brom Steamer To Arrive. Calcutta Nam Sang 6-2-03 Rangoon Onipcnta 7 2-03 G G.v. Lansberge 8-2-U8 Hain^H r Andalusia 9-2-03 van Outhoorn 9-2-03
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  • 89 2 Arrivals. Bnt., str.. 3351, Herrington, 6-2-03, general, H. L. Co.. Calc Bengal. Valentini. 6-2-03, from Colombo, G. W Co.. Singapore Betsy, British str 112, Penn, 6-2-03, from Port Swettenham, general, Koe Guan. Port Swettenham Ho Kwei, Brit., str., 209. Neilsen, 6 2-03, from Deli, general, IL L. Co., Deli
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 581 2 for sale Municipal Notice. DELI PONY with English Harness, a PPLICATIONS are hereby invited for Doggy and 1 Boixi suitable for the appointment of Head Fitter at a Hooded Dogcart) Pony. B salary of $5O per month. Preference will Apply to be given to applicants who have been trained No.
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    • 185 2 Standard Life Assurance Co riIHE 76th Annual General Meeting JL the Standard Life Assurance Company was held at Edinburgh, on Tuesday, the 22nd of April, 1902. The following Results for the year ended 15th November, 1901, was reported 4446 Policies were issued during the year, assuring £*2,038,300 The Total Existing
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    • 457 2 S I B RIA N BUTTER. Equal in every respect to the hnest Spots, i:<- Z( ieves 1 timing at once. d c He. Australian Product. T rj In Round Boxes 11 e T- oI ZKs.) OOLD EVE.-IYWhe UEi Ik d VJ‘ ;ot l Art "■“bun... w H a M
      457 words

  • 856 3 Part of Mr. Clayton’s annual report on Christmas Island for 1902 reads as under: The Revenue from Fines and Forfeitures luring 1902 was $353.01 and that from Fees of Olliee and Miscellaneous Items $125.20. The Revenue from royalty on exports of phosphate is not yet known as it
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  • 487 3 Postponed for the Present. Corresponded e was laid on the table of the Legislative Council with reference to the proposed railway from Malacca to Tarnpin. Although it has been decided not to proceed with the construction for the present, some particulars will no doubt prose of interest, says
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  • 503 3 —Times of Ceylon. It is, of course, well known that natives pluck the fruit in a green state and ripen it artificially. This system is responsible for the absence of flavour and quality so common in the fruit sold in the bazaars. If readers will observe the following
    —Times of Ceylon.  -  503 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 430 3 1. and Garland, T let V’ IPOH. I MMEDIATE ENTHY, House No. 302 1 M<ic<i lister Road. Apply to I Portland Cement khoo hock seong, Sl ITIA HIESII 1,1:011 UGLAND .Vo. /•> Beach Street. I corrugated Iron and Ridging ALLAN IRVING. all gauges and SIZES. I !NE« S c "
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    • 79 3 pezrang band. NOTICE is hereby given that from this date the charges for the services of the Band will be as follows Dances, 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. $4O Dinners, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. $25 Garden parties, 5 p.m. to 7-30 p.m. #2O After these hours. $lO per hour
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    • 33 3 TO IL.ET ON LEASE T7IOR a term of 99 years from Ist January, 1903. That piece of ground known as the Dato Kramat Gardens. Apply to DAVID BROWN A Co. 1 Logan’s Buildings.
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    • 430 3 For the Prevention of Disease USE 7CVTAT The Best, The Cheapest, The Surest of all Disinfectants. Supplied to the Municipality, The Government, and several Sanitary Boards in the Native States. X, The most powerful Disinfectant in the Market. Prices: in One Gallon Tins $2-25 Per Gallon, in Two $2-00 in
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  • 171 4 Friday, 6th Town sand, Esplanade, at 5-30 St. George’s Church Choir Practice at 6 p.m. Pace Ball, Penang Club. 9 p.m. High water 7 3j p in. »n<l 7-55 a in. j Saturday, 7th Penang Races. Third Day. Town Band. Race Course. Homeward Mail expected to leave.
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  • 44 4 Chalmers Dearling.—At St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Singapore, on Saturday, Jan. 31, James Chalmers, c.e., Assistant Civil Engi neer, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., eldest son of James Chalmers, Esq. 12 Caul Held Terr ice, Aberdeen, and Mary Dearling, third daughter of James Dearling, Esq. Kent.
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  • 1798 4 One would have supposed that the very strong remarks made by Lord Roberts some few months ago would have put a stop to the very reprehensible practice of ‘‘ragging,” which consists in making the life of an officer so burdensome to him that he is obliged
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  • 65 4 The usual paper hunt after the Race meeting will be Id Id on Monday, 9th inst. Meet at Kramat Gardens at 5 p.m. sharp, and finish at Mayfield.” As Mr. Yeais i< leaving for home soon, and this will probnb'y be the finish of his connection with
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  • 471 4 Re Estate ob Mrs. Collins. The auction sale of the late Mrs. Collins’s jew» Hery was held by Mr. A. S. Anthony at 42 Beach Street at noon to-day, by order of the Administrator of the estate. The jewelry sold includes the following:—One gold watch and
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  • 276 4 ir I Lond 5«, F I BALING in the u S Lord Roberts Makes ax t' I Theil has been a '*'*l sequel 'to the raggi n 1 B subalterns of the l'i, st '-B Guards, amongst whom Ciß Douro, the eldest son „f,' B of Wellington. The att
    ir . '  -  276 words
  • 1754 4 THE SPRING MEETING. Second Day. THURSDAY, sth FEBRUARY, Committee—Mr. R. Yeats f Messrs. J. Armstrong, A. Darier, J. Farlane, F. S. B. Gaffney, A. 6. aud L. M. Woodward Me nbers Yeats and J. Armstrong are on. S. 11. A. Committee, anJ Brown is Secretary awl < 'I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 PRITCHARD Co., X 5 Beach Street, Penang. Ironmongery Department. This Department is now replete with -a-large-Stock of r Household Kitchen Utensils. Heavy Iron Saucepans j Light do. do. j- Sizes from 2 pint to 24 pint. Enamelled do. OVAL BOILING POTS. HAM BOILERS, Fish Kettles Enamelled or Tin Lined, Sizes
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    • 91 4 /yONTIUBUI'IONS must be addressed fc The Editor,” written on one side o f the paper only, and accompanied by the writer'i name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion) expressed by his correspondents. ALL business communications should
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  • 117 5 Thatyesterday’s racing was as exciting and interesting as could possibly have been wished for was entirely due to the Handicapper’s p mistaking eff rts, which were undoubtedly crowned with success. 77« Brinm-'s victory avis both popular and meritorious :it av as certainly the pilot who won it. 1
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  • 150 5 The Larrikin Cur. Starlight 11. 2 Sir William 7. 7 Heiress M.lO Z noaster 10.12 Sharavogue 10. 9 White Heather 9. 2 Harmony 10. 7 Locbinvar 8. 4 The Penang Sr. Leger. Scots Guard 7.12 Sweet Erina 9.12 Bmjo 8. 2 Bluejacket 9. Empreza 8. 2 Battenberg
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  • 226 5 The cook on one of our coasting boats sent for a ss. ticket in Tuttersall’s” sweep on Caulfield Cup. To the stewardess he said. I’ll give you half of whatever I win.” On the arrival of the vessel at Townsville the other day a wire was waiting
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  • 1690 5 TUESDAY, 3iu> FEBUARY 1903. Present: His Excellency the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g.) His Excellency the Officer Commanding the Troops (Brigadier-Gen. Sir A. R. F. Dorward, k.c.b., d. 5.0.) Hon. W. T. Taylor (Colonial Secretary), lion. W. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). II >n.
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  • 239 5 The "Birkenhead. A year ago a public testimonial was organised in Lincolnshire for Sergeant John O’Neil, who was believed to be the last of the survivors of the wieck of the Birkenhead. The publicity given to tho testimonial elicited the fact that no less than ten other survivors remained, including
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 PORTABLE SUSTEjIOCE. For travellers miners and ilßldiers no food is as portable as Lemco, the genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. The product of 18,000 bullocks was supplied to the forces in South Africa, Lemco is the most form of meat known,
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    • 673 5 jjeiu Atßirrtiirnirnis. wotice. rw.T r HAVE this day admitted Mr. G. R. 1 ai« I USlini tlollday. j. Woodford ns a partner in my firm. i 7- t* James L. WOODFORD. LTIHE undermentioned Banks will be n„„ i t-. closed on Tuesday, the 10th February, enni 'g, 3rd February, I9to.
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  • 909 6 C. in Morning Leader. A Prom evader's Impressions at a Sousa Festival. Miss Louie Frcear and a cornelian whos'6 name I forget share some of the responsibility. They caricatured his gestures (especially the comedian —he was the bankrupt impresario in the “Casino Girl.”) Partly, too, I was curious.
    C. in Morning Leader.  -  909 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 442 6 STEAM MOTOR CARS. Penang Ice and Industrial Co., Ltd RTF.MIVT AUTOMOBILES Drpofs.-— Beach Street. —Open on week days from 7-30 to 5 p.ui. on Sundays Steam Carriages cbrnarvon street, 32 Penang road ATT TAI? TI)rniI ITT STREET.— OpCD lit 111 l IIOUtS 01 ALL DESCRIPTIONS. an( nigh Prices:— ror 1
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    • 30 6 JFOR SALE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, with small house, No. 227 Burmah Road, containing about 105,070 square feet. For full particulars apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 1 Logan’s Buildings,
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    • 890 6 NOTICE. wt-iY cough? T| ie Fiu es t Wines in the Market WH t GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s M There is absolutely no remedy so spaed} ld VERY OLD TAWNY PORT Gomide paper. d ft. q 8 effectual. One Lozenge alone gives relief r- rzHCOOV W uivt. Simple, but sure in
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  • 319 7 Ordu-s by Captain A.R. Adams, /•'or February. _Tiu-day 10:li, Recruits Drill nod Sitnialimw Class. i n iltb, Company Drill. Dress "‘“'"’'Tun., Clothes). i. 1V I2tb, Recruits Didi. 17th, Recruits Drill and Signal--1111 im? Class 19tb, Recruits Drill. 1 i oiili Rercuits Drill and bignalTuesil; hug Class uYlne-lnv 25th,
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  • 230 7 Ih“ iujormation under this heading is sup plied hy the Agents oj the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Feb. 6 s. AVrin San/ from Calcutta, for Singapore and Hongkong, Boustead Co. 7s. s. jL<u Sang from Singapore, for < alcutta, Boustead A: Co. 7
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  • 490 7 Passengers Outward. Per Nippmi A’usen Ktisba sieamer Ana Mam. from Loudon.—To Yokohama: Captain T. Nakamizi, C\ inmander Yamagi. Dr. M. Muira, Mi.-s Fiavclle, Mr and Mrs. H. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Rentiers and infant, Miss A. R tbinson. Mr. Shorbridge. Mr. A. Rebutfet, Mr. E. Oisbi, Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 Snsiuann i IHE DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF THE Royal Insurance Company ARE ABSOLUTE SECURITY— funds oveb £6.000,000. Larg' iiitiiirition in Profits—Over One Million a realized Surplus already distri buteil. Policies n<>t f’■ feii'-d from unintentional misstatement. Last llcvci'ii i ;u\ Bonus declared £7 10s. on each £lOO Assured entitled to Participated
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    • 16 7 $2. Mondi Per THE “Pinang Qazette ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscjfoerx $2. r I
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    • 1186 7 J I 1 n DARTRING’ A tAT jT ”1 ‘LANOLINE’ rt.- e» 7 Y. VIF Natural Toilet Preparations. ‘DARTRING’ TOILET •LANOLINE" in imail and Lirye"L* tv Makes rough skins smooth I and protects deli, a Complexions from the effects of wind and sun. T n ‘DARERING' ’LANOLINE’ TOILET SOAP
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1451 8 f r I FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. 'T s S i' -J 2 ®Q 1 I gi Time Table from Ist November, 1902. .2 p co S Z WEEK-DAYS. <c 3 3 g STATIONS. r a J 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 12
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    • 300 8 fROW.-f ,v Monumental Sc 42 HE,\'T,y CKST^Fr ti IBSTAP.MSHED A. b Tombstones in Italian 5 2,) Gbamte. and Chvna, St Ahe X orders taken for N'AMj- Sf l 0X L CHURCH SOLE «nd Native StatesL J young T.WJUCK I(0 4D n K Hospital. Cm'/S who wdl receive all Illustrated Price
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