Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2024 1 !)ipFtnB 410tos NORDDEUI’SCHERLLOYD, BREMEN. British VaaT^Zpii'" lll^- n,i1,,1u [iniilStllar Oriental Steam Negapatam Lines of Steamers* Nederlandsche Handel navigation Company. /q /JL 7. c Maatschappij. tended Sailing and expected Arrival 0/ Steamers SOCIETY. rgTHE mail steamers may I I Ibe expected to arrive H For Will Sail. Steamer. From Exmhted OR
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  • 111 2 Penang, 26th January, 1903. Bates close as follows London Demand Bank 1 GJ Do. 4 mouths’sight Bank !/7| Do. 3 Credits 1,7 f Do. 3 Documentary 1/7ft Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 117 Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Bombay, Demand Bank 117 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 119 Madras, Demand
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  • 189 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $2. Rruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $8.25 buyers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. buyers Fraser an I Neave, Ltd. $103. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. —sWZ/».« Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $l5O. buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co.,Ltd. ...$1.25
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  • 201 2 I‘tNANG, 26ih January, 1903. i Description. Beef— cts Soup per catty 16 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet J 2 Heart 40 Liver per catty 26 Tripe 12 Po’k 32 Pig's Head 18 Feet each
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  • 182 2 Penang, 2Sth January, 1903 Tin ...$96.15 sales. West Coast Black Popper 3 (bg> 5 oz BO ga i eg White Pepper ss7buyers Trang Pepper season commencing b ‘io Cloves (picked) $35.42 Mace No. e? Mace Pickings 120. sellers. Nutmegs ilG.< 85.—buyers No. 1 —seller?. Sugar 2 5.30
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  • 42 2 Mails Close To morrow. /•or Der »tr. Time. Langkat and I’angkalan Brandan Deli Ipm. Calcutta ...Sui ang 2 f..m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Mathilde 3 p.m. Teluk Anson ...Lady Weld 3 p.m. I’ori Swettenham and Singapore ...Pin Seng 3 p.m
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  • 27 2 From Steamer To Arrire. Edie Both 27 1-0» Rangoon Vadalci 27-1-03 Edie G.G v. Lansberge 27-1-01 Singapore Pu- duo, 28-l-<'B Singapore Hong Bee 28-1-03
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  • 254 2 Arrivals. Brit, str., 286 Summers. 24-1-03, from Singapore, general. G. W. Co., bay Mil Brit., str., 1776, Young, 26-1-03, from Singapore, general, B=td., Co., Calcutta Hermann L r -rche. Russian, str., 1872, Dahbtiam 24-1-03, from Singapore, general, G W. Co., Co ombo S lesia, German, str., 3138, Bahle, 26-1-03,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 M A PERFECT BEVERAGE. pffik Preferred by Connoisseurs gg SS& for its high quality and «■Be delicious natural flavor. I I I Cocoa T W Rich in nourishing and stimulating properties, it H builds up and invigorates 9 B the system. 9 Best Goes Farthest. J ®MW§ SPECIAL 01L1 SCOTCH
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    • 137 2 Pent ng ke ard Industrial Co., Ltd. Depots:— Beach Street. —Open on week days from 7-30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays to noon. Cbp.nap.von Street, 32 Penang Road Pitt Street. Open at all houis day and night. Prices:— ror 1 lb. 3 cts. retail, in quantities over 1 lb. 2
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    • 930 2 fnsuratuT Jltrtitts. Snsnraiui! ihths. Guardian Fire ana Life rHE djstinguishingfeatur^ 9 Assurance Co Ltd. f Royal Insurance Com Pailv ESTABLISHED 1821. a *e J Subscribed Capital Xa,000,000 ABSOLLTE SECLRiry —FUNbg m-p Total Invested Funds up- £6,000,000. Pl wards Of £4.500.000 Large participation in Profit Ove Million of realized Surplus nli-n,i
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  • 1293 3 The Straits Settlements, {L. d- C. Express.) Singapore. 1c is not dillieult to understand that the fall in silver has seriously affected trade in these regions, and the appointment by Mr. Chamberlain of a Commission to inquire into the practicability of establishing a gold standard has met with universal
    {L. d- C. Express.)  -  1,293 words
  • 123 3 The result of the Hartopp case lends support to the view that the grounds for divorce ought to bo extended. Sir Charles Hartopp and his wife were utterly estranged before the protracted trial in the Divorce Court. Their relations must necessarily be more embittered now that
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  • 475 3 A Revolution which Abolishes the Locomotive—Trial in France. Some interesting particulars with respect to a new system of automoble railway communication, which he says is beyond the stage of experiment, are furnished by the Paris correspondent of the Times The system consists in the substitution on railways
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 536 3 PJ». WAWTEI>. r•• hereby given that from this date i SLEEPER DEI’OT-KEgPEß, salary the services of the Band $lOO per mensem, Should have a '^follows: knowledge of Federated Malavßtates timber. <i ll !,c fS< 9 to 2 a.m. MO Applications, stating age D ftnC 11 p-m. s‘2s and
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    • 554 3 Tr «<L fe( n GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY. Limited. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 37a Beach Street, Penang. Yirol —A friend to Consumptives CARNICK’S Yil'Ol— A to invalids and SOLUBLE FOOD lnfants > i for Infante —A friend to sufferers of r 1 The Analysis of tins food compares almost identically in
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  • 140 4 Monday, 23 rn Prize Distribution at the St. George’s Girls School, at 6 p m. Town Bank Esplanade, at 5-50 p.m High waier 10-30 a.iu. an I 10-55 p in Tuksday, 27th German Emperor's birthday. LLgh-wtMc' IL-2Ja.m. and 11-45 p.m. Wednesday, 28ru New Moen. Town Band, Esplanade, at
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  • 332 4 Marshall —On the 9th January, at Shanghai, the wife of G. V. Tarik Marshall, of a daughter. Pringle —On the 29:h December, at Tougsban, the wife of John Pringle,of a soil Shaw —At Nagasaki, on the Gtb nisi., the wife of John J. Shaw, of a son. Blechynden—- On
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  • 1395 4 On Saturday we gave an account of the prize distribution at the Free School, and to-day it is our pleasant duty to give an account of a similar function in connection wkh the St. Xavier’s Institution. The reports of both establishments speak for themselves and show
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  • 717 4 CRIMINAL APPEAL. Before Justices L tic and Leach. January 26th. The Morphine Appeal Decision. This was an appeal by Lim Bun Yian, chief revc iue officer of the Opium Farm, against tho decision of the Fa-st Magistrate, who convicted him of soiling morphine contrary to the provision of
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  • 356 4 (RE U 1 ERMS) 2lth J annarv SWEDEN. A Regency Established Owing to the failing health of King Oscar IL of Sweden and Nor way, the Crown Prince Oscar* l n been temporarily entrusted with the regency. THE VENEZUELAN AFF\jp The German Commodore’s Account The Commodore of the German
    (RE U 1 ERMS)  -  356 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 93 4 fTOETIUBUTIONS must be addressed to L* Tub Editor,” written on one side o f the paper only, and accompanied by the writers name and address, not necessarily for insertion, bat as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. 4LL business communications
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    • 171 4 The Homeward German Mui Prinzes* Irene is expected to leue SinznP" 1-6 at noon to-day, and to arrive here at 2 p-to-morrow. She will probably leave our port at 10 pan. tho same day for Bremen via Colombo. The Manufacturers’ Lifolusiu meet'’» 1 pany, a Toronto (Canada) insticm<’ n >
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  • 814 5 TflE scotch concert. being the anniversary of of Robert Burns, the Scotch t' ls |\'s’ Andrew’s Society celebratP° 3t lh ‘Jon bv a concert at the Town il‘!'»S'a bvn small danee. Being 1,11 1 ni'dit’the function had to be S' l 1- :l (1 the programme was 0119
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  • 2425 5 —4. The Director of the above Institution invariably makes it a rule to a specially interesting occasion on of the annual prize-giving quite from the mere fact of the scholars their awards from the hands of the principal lady or gentleman, as the case may be,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 FOR SAILE, lAUNCH Jit Seng, length G 1 feet, J breadth ll'-5", depth s'-0", speed 8 knots. Launch Gnat Seng, length 71'-6', breadth 12 feet, depth 5 feet, speed 8A knots. Further particulars and prices apply to ALLAN RENNY, Consul tint/ Bug in'eer.
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    • 774 5 fldij Afttorfi&enmtis. T< L±P T Immediate entry, House No. bo2 Macalister Road. Apply to PI7RAK «q ““’ar ■> t KHOO HOCK SEONG, KRAK “Service Stamps unused of v sc. blue and sc. lilac and ochre, with 1 J >ca< 1 gum at back. State lowest price. FOR SALE Apply to
      774 words

  • 97 6 A contemporary says: —We unde s'and that a Conference is to be held of all newspaper representatives present at Delhi with the object of presenting an address to the Viceroy, in which the following points are likely to be raised, ric., (1) The weight of newspapers now
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  • 824 6 Strange Story of a Lascar Seaman Thrown Overboard off the Ceylon Coast. Some sensation was caused at the Colombo wharf when two Sinhalese fishermen of Angulami, a fishing village on the sea coast tine of railway, a few miles south of Mount Lavinia, brough as ore
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 347 6 *l* L!JJ! -1.-■ —1 I -L Government Savings Bank. y "Cb IN accordaneo with the rules and regain- ig~ tions under the Savings Bank Ordinance, Depositors are requested to send in ’MW-: J» their Bank Pass Books between the 10th and 81st January, 1902. fi R. B. LEICESTER, secretary. EMIL
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    • 60 6 FOR SALE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, Xvith small house, No. 227 Burtnah Road, containing about 105,070 square feet. For full particulars apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. During the past 86 years 500,000 tons of coal have been burnt in manufacturing Leuco to fill the little earthenware
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    • 923 6 David brown Co, 4 Lo gi L s Ihe Fi; est Wines in the Market s 8.1 dings, Estate Agents am. GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s V IE O W S of P f'L ang Sin Per I Auditors, Ripm ts and Valuations. Sales by r V Selangor, and Suuiatra. ra L
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  • 602 7 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Orders for Januaby. nday 26tb, Company Drill and /b/« Guard Mounting. T.wa.r 2'lll. Signalling Chas. KSia'n.v 29th Camp. Friday Mil’. Camp. cLnrdflV 31 st, Camp Orderly Officer, 11 th to 17tb, Lieut. I'""' 1 JWlifss. Orderly N. C. 0., 11th to
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  • 129 7 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamsh p lines, and the dates are approximate only. Jan. 28 German s. s. Bamberg from Hamburg for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer Co. 23 Homeward Imperial German Mail Steamer Princess Irene frnm Singapore.
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  • 530 7 Passengers Outward. Per P. and 0. steamer India, from Loudon, Dec. 25.—T0 Hong Kong: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stewart, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. Marston, Mrs. Bruce, Misses Bruce (2), Mr. and Mrs. D Clarke and child. From Marseilles.—To Shanghai Mr. C. B.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 CRUSHED FOOD NEW STOCK. Jry it and You Will be Satisfied. !'•R1I.1LIOS begs to inform the public mat since inferior Crushed Food is offered de S 8 f T Fvuang Market at low prices, he f a ’o, t:nv attention to his certificated at IC< I’Dod for Horses, and are
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    • 68 7 The Australiasen Bakery. Notice of* Removal. TTIHE Australiasen Bakery, at No. 7 Leith 1 Street, has been removed to No. 166 Argyll Road. LUX BROS., Electrical Engineers and Contractors, SOLE AGENTS FOR VERITYS LIIVIITEU, London, Uirniingham, Manchester, Glasgow. Offices Beach Street, Penang. Do. 8, Change Alley, Singapore. Installation work of
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    • 1032 7 Fire Insurance. The Tronoh Alines, Ltd. w Queen Insurance Company. 3VTOTICE is hereby given that Mr. W. Lfc lij i j Royal Fire Insurance Comp ny. CeCilPayne,lncorp .iatedAccountT HE undersigned have been appointed Agents ant of Ipoh, has been appointed Registrar WFI F? W _Q TP FT for the above
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1328 8 <l' t FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. 6 a a cs S I If Time Table from Ist November, 1902. g S OQ g g WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS. SlAilO/S i 4.5~|61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -15 16 17 118 19 120j*****123|24 25 I 26 27 ■fi 5 J
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    • 386 8 Standaid L.fe Ti ’’'■J e Ass Urtn c 7S rpHE 76,1, A n u I the Ste„a ar panywHs held at E ,7' lr; < I the 22nd of April, 19.32' g >! n U. I The following Rosp l 15th November, 1901 lhe I «46 Policies v.ere >ng the
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